Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1966, p. 7

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i staff photo ed segsworth of burlington halton junior farmers county director on the provincial unior farmer board for the past three years retired last weekend joy hayward of acton was named to replace him on the provincial body ed and joy are shown going over some of the work at the annual meet ing of halton junior farmers held at boyne commurlity centre wednesday evening dance every saturday evening 900- 1130 pm royal canadian legion acton orchestra in attendance 200 per couple now is the time to arrange for a rental ownership typewriter for easter 1 its as simple as abc to become an owner heres all you do 1 select iionj om slock the type style and coloi you wish 2 sign a rental agieement and pay the lust months rent ii ou continue to lent until icntal paid equals pui- ehasc pi ice plus small service lee we give you the typewriter 1ilrlarl j hiadvanlagli 1 no obligation to nu 2 scnuc without chaigc dining the icntal pel mil a new poi table ivpcwiilci loi oui home without upsetting oui budget corsair 12 mos at 640 per mo sterling 12 mos at 1195 per mo come in and see us today have you seen and tried the figurematic electric addefony come in today for demonstration rubber stamps made to order prompt delivery stamp pads 75c slide rules from 195 to 525 fine tip marker by shcaffor only 49c desk pads from 198 to 475 felt tip markers paper mate ball pens 98c esterbrook pen sets 295 real value l vinyl 3 ring binders wide selection of sizes and colors address books guest books trip books one year diaries ht jvtfan jfrtt r ninetyfirst year no 37 acton ontario thursday march 10 16 second section guernsey club holds banquet ledgers ledger sheets columnar pads memo books filing folders office furniture desks chairs filing cabinets fireproof safes enquiries invited order today 3iffls stationery on friday evening march 4 the haltonpeel guernsey club held their annual banquet in st stephens anglican church base ment hornby under the chair manship of john mcnabb over 75 guernsey breeders and friends attended along with the 10 4ih club members who are guests of the club following the turkey dinner john mcnabb discussed the high lights of the past year j l chis- holm was complimented on hav ing the allcanadian four year old cow but the club regretted that this out standing herd built up by lloyd had just been dispersed the guernsey show at milton fair had been well attended vwth 72 entries despite the great reduction in the number of classes present trophies trophies were presented to the winners at mifton and brampton fairs j h cameron received two walter duffray trophies for grand champion cow at milton and brampton the lazy pat farms special for top breeders herd and the leonard w chis- holm trophy for premier exhibit or lloyd chisholm was the recip ient of the master feeds trophy for winning progeny of dam and the milton motor sales special for premier breeder william g booth received a new tiophy for the top open gitolsne at mil ton fair guest speaker was ross segs worth burlington chairman of the halton county milk commit tee and a past president of the holsteinfnesian association of canada ross showed slides of his 1964 tup to australia and new zealand commenting on the live stock and agncultuie in these countries its up to farmer w how much does farm labor n sell four bulls in brandon sale thice bulls owned by scotsdale rarms georgetown and one own ed by r w gaidhouse ol aber- leldy farms rr 5 milton weie among the 46 bulls sold at the canadian international shorthoin bull sale held at brandon man itoba recently the three georgetown bulls sold were scotsdale vendome scotsdale utopia and scotsdale valhalla aberfoldy footprint was the bull sold by mr gard house avei ageprice of the pur chased bulls was s888 11 uhil the top five averaged 2375 00 by henry stanley agricultural representative how much does farm labor earn was the subject under dis cussion at the university- pf guelph in one of the talks given to a gathering of farmers recent ly g i trant of the department of agricultural economics oa c reported that in 1964 the average earnings per hours of labor work ed on the average dairy farm was 65 cents this survey included all dairj farmers submitting their ac count books to the college for an alysis the average labor earnings on the general farm were 95 cents per hour and on a cash crop farm were 1 62 per ho the figures quoted tor labor earnings per hour are not only for the farm owner and bperator but foi the hired helpers as well in most cases the dairy farm in particular labor is not earritng nearly as much as it is paid in other words the farmer is paying the hired man more than the hir ed man is actually earning where does the etra money come from it comes from the farmers own labor the farmer is in many cases working to support his hir ed man one farmer after hearing this leport suggested that it he shown to the people who set the mini mum wages here in ontario this comment met with approval from hundreds of other farmers attend ing invite you to join the immediate reaction is of course if the worker is not earn ing his present salary lets pay him less this wont solve am thing in the long run however the labourer can probably get a job earning at least as much as he now earns in anothei industry and probably the work wont be so demanding the result the farmer has no help at all the other alternative then is for the farmer to see that his laborers do earn at least what they are paid and preferably more this can be done in many ways such as better organization and manage ment of labor better working con ditions more labor saving devices and a host of other ways why then do farmers have such a problem with trying jo earn a decent wage for themsel ves and their emplojees the main reason probably is that most farmers have never been trained in this field of work they are experts in growing crops but in many cases are far from being expert in some other fields such as labor management farmers must not spend their time crying their mistreatment to everyone looking for sympathy very few have just cause for this kind of attitude instead of this a progressive farmer will devote his eneigy to bettering his labor arrangements to become more ef ficient and get the most out of every man hour worked on the farm the faimer will never in crease his labor earning however as long as he is satisfiedso work for vnat he now gets tor farmers who do not want to improve their situation and make better use ol their labor ihcic is lots ol oppoi limits to do this a jood sot of recoids to show what the present situation is would be the fust step from mure they can look lor was to improve help is icadilv aailable to pei- sons who ask the ontario de partment ol tood and agriculture extension offices located in each county in the province provide persons who are capable and will ing to show farmeis vas of im proving their labor earnings the responsibility ot initialing such improvements however still does and always will rest with the indi vidual farm operatoi halton junior farmers give annual report years activities the annual meeting of iialton junior farmers held at boyne community centre last week heard reports on the past years junior farmer activities from sec retaries and presidents of the three member organizations haltons junior farmer secre tary jean hunter read the follow ing report on the county activities during 1965 the halton junior farmers were presented with a gavel at the guelph conference in april the annual church service was held on mav 9 at knox presb tor kin church in milton with alex connell as die guest spealker the zone drama festival was held at pans on apnl 10 with pal ermo representing halton coun- ty halton junior farmers have greatly supported the farm safe- tv program this car by selling lire extinguishers and slow mo ing vehicle signs haiold thompson and joe- lovq repiesented the county this r at the public speaking courses held at albion hills the- junior farmers held then foimal dance at paradise gardens in guelph and hope to have an added attraction of choosing the queen of halton junioi tanners this coming spring the dairy princess contest was held at the hornby garden party on july 17 with margaret hunter chosen as the winner of halton the countv field dav held on june 26 at the nelson high school in burlington was a greal sue cess fire extinguishers and al uminum canes were sold bv the members at the steam reunion this sear we are fortunate to have a member ol our county ed scgsworth chosen as the united nations delegate something new and different this vear was the cai rallv which was enjoved grealls b everyone the counts plowing match was held in october this past year with mrs ria wilson winning twe title of queen of the furrow contest we were also fortunate enough to hae verna thompson the winner ol the ontario queen ot the furrow contest halton junioi tanners celebrat ed then 50th anniersar at the hornbv toweis goll club in nov- cmbei at the- toionto lonferencc in januaiv the ladies tno pjuced inst it is comprised ot ruth and wilma mason and joy hayward i peisoniillv iee1 that the halton junior fai mers loi this past year have been a ei v active group and also a successful one junior farmers list assets the halton county junior far meis association is made up ot three local junior tamier and junior institute clubs each of which meets once a month to plan and discuss then activities a well lounded program falls undei foui bioad headings agn- culture judging competitions laim visits speakers panel dis cussions fffms safety exhibits tiavcl exchange visits with man itoba prince edward island al berta great britain usa and toursol eastern ontario and que bee united nations soils and land use local and county bus trips personal development lead ership schools diamaand music debating and public speaking church services conferences var iety shows leadership camp rcc reation baseball hockey field davs curling dancing picnics barbecues all these activities and many more are built around their motto quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils oil burner finance plan 10 years to pay small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd acton phone 8532370 after hours 8532174 self help and community tcrment easy to join if you would like to join a jun lor farmer or junior institute club heres what to do contact any member of the nearest junior farmer club and tell him you would like to oin oi have a talk with your agricultural represen utive and ask him for the name address and phone number of the president and sccretaiy of the local club nearest your home membership in the junior far mers organization is open to all rural young people 16 years of age and over by joining the junior fanners association you will find w ider opportunity for education self expression fun and fellow ship you yill also strengthen the influence of the organization in the affairs of the community arid province and make your com munity a better place in which to live pei haps you are interested in joining one of the junior farmer clubs in halton countv there are clubs at acton norval and paler mo if so contact one of the fol lowing lor lui thcr infoimatioii acton don swackhamer or judy britton norval ernie alexander 01 gail mccallum pal lermo don heat hcmig ton or i marg hunter department of ag nculturc mrlton staff photo halton junior farmers namecttneir new executive fort96odnhe annual meeting at boyncf community centre last week shown seated are new president harold thompson and secretary carol freeman standing are county director joy hayward vice president ruth mason press reporter and past president joe love and treasurer lois hunter soil crop improvement group betty allison heads plans busy year of programs 1 4h club nymphs 56 mill st acton 8532030 attention the acton ezewash will be open thurs frlt- sat sun m0n march 10 11 12 13 14 closed tues wed thurs march 15 16 17 due to expansion renovations and installation of new equipment we hope the added conveniences will more than make up for any inconvenience caused our patrons doug rogers prop i mastitis subject for fri workshop on fuda march ii a mastitis workshop is planned loi all hal- l ion counts milk produccis in the j masonic hall milton drs h j neelv and t c nelson vctcrmarv services branch guelph will con 1 duct this workshop horn 1000 a in to 4 00 p m dui ing the past jllnee cais some 60ck oiitano dam men hac attended this one dav session i mastitis as anv dainniin knows i is a veiv complex and olten some i what imstciious disease a recent surves in ontono has levelled that over 50 per cent ofthecows last cai pisi ovci live tons ol liae mastitis in some foim in a di mauei ui obt iiiicd pel aeie 30 cow herd the loss in procluc m this competition tion pci lactation vear is estimat ed at 16 000 lb at 4 00 per cu this is a loss of 5640 other hidden those who attend hie workshop losses can add consideiably to be shown bv dcmonstitions this hints andolhci means iist whit 1 the purpose of the workshop mvoived in conliolhng mm vci v is to illustiate the mepbv mep disease procedures that aic practical and this is a meeting- th it ill d ins effective in controlling mastitis men in the counts should attend on ihuisdav match thcdii ectoi s ol the halton soil and clop improvement association met m the agncultuial ofhec milton to plan the projects loi the coining eai a icgional com elav lui halton and peel and yoi k counties is being planned loi pccl counts with demolish alions on weed eon tiol plant population row width and icitiliei application on corn a high vield eoin competition is planned lot halton laimeis with a minimum plot ol live acics pi ie nionev is id he supplied bv the plant nd i ood council ol ontaiio and the ouiitv assoc la lion lite countv winnii will com pete in a one ciimpt lit ion undo the plant i ood c ouneil ot onlai io a new i1i5l1 vield his eompcti hon is to be otlcicd flu vield ol the hav held will be computed loi the veal on a div inattei b isis halton iii giain club nit m beisale to icceive hee eel tilled helta barlcv of garrv oats piovid i he nassagawesa nmphs 4ih cluji held then inst meeting on i 1 bru u 12 at the holm- ol mis noiiish i in election ol othcers ed the complete their 4h pro- 1 ujs nl nic lcs are as foi led s a bus trip and a twighlighl f ms p b rty allison vice picsidcnt fhibith istrtr- iington sccniaiv wmihcd diln- toui is to be organized two acie plots ol met it sovbean aie to be grown again to deter mine whether this cash eiop can be successlullv grown in halton a high vield bailey competition is to be pioinoted bai lev is con sistcnllv outv icldmg oats in ihc countv with mole- lai illei s eikotii i to lepliee then oat aeicac with bailev each jeai anv vaiietv ol bailev mav be planted with a minimum ol live veais in addi lion to the umlai phts in ilns competition 111 additional s2s will he ivcii id aitvonc piodui me 100 hushclsoi 11101c bailiv pi 1 aeii addition il tile li nil v di in ouslililions u e io be caiiied out 111 lilltojl k show tile bellellts and economics ol tile diainage buck vvai ncr i nut apd vcgct ible ipccl lllst discussed vcgcla mi spi iv liials io attempt io eon liol root nu the halton soil ind crop inipiovemcnt associa lion is to suppuit these dials this variety ol soil and eiop pioiecls will piovidc a hind ol 111 foiniiiion on eiop piocluc hon loi the halton countv laimeis it 1 1 hiisiiiii sue wild piess upoilei wmihcd d11nbil winihcd dhithu nail the re- qiiiiciiiciits ol a club member viis noi 1 ish lead pages 5 6 and 7 111 the minibi 1 s pimphlet and discussed iiowim ij inging each rii i look put 111 1i1 monsliating im asm in alls diiisi dictat ed uot on i 11i11 1 lining at i lomi i 11i1 1 look put 111 irving lh il in ions i 1 which 1is noi- 1 ish h id pi 1 p 11c il i in sc coiid im im ol 1 in n iv siiwiv 1 nvinphw vva luild uthe home ol mis ik 111 v on satui- dav i dim iiv i lu 1 the pledge 10ii 1 ill mil minutes ti s llcniv lid 1 dtsiussion and diet iled noiis on belli i m ao ioiis hostess mil pli isaiil micst to the 1 lub jnls mis norrish dcmnnslialed the puking ol a suitcase the thud iniiluv is to be held il the lioim ol mis vjonisli on satuid iv 1 1 bin uv vi l w 11 is civid 1 hi dilnioii lea pupaied bv mis he 111 v do it yourself doesnt work in insurance either vi liv run thr nk of do it your self insurance our expert help make it easier aier and ices ex- rensiv e call us todaj bafecq sr save money insurance see j our safeco expert dennys insurance agency 54 mill st e acton 8530150 residences bill 853 2645 harold 853 2565 supper precedes manor meeting halton c enti inn il m nun wo- niens iihaiv im 1 tin w is held on vlaieh it w 1 pimded by a pot luck luncheon which w is en- loveil bv all mis s allen the piesidini opi mil ilk business mictirv bv li iv m the luxihary pravcr said in uni n report j m re cm n ip i mrs al- ln informed tji mihrv that a regional rmv r uld b- held march 0 in the auditorium a letter was rt id announcing the convention tor homes tor the aged in september at i ondon after discussions it was decid ed to have a partv tor the resi dents on march 23 in the after noon mrs s childs and mrs loekie olfered to be lunch hos tesses loi the uet uccuii

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