Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1966, p. 1

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ninetyfirst yearno 38 acton ontario thursday march 17 1966 authorized second ctau uau r the post office department ottawa fourteen pages ten cents h s budget increase salaries hike costs increrisingcosts ol education were baulej by high school board memfieis ata special budget ses sion wednesday of last week to no avail in spite- of intensive re view and sharpened pencils mem bers came up with an overall bud get for 1966 or 312175 an 19720 increase over the 1965 budget hikes in teachers salaries ac counted for a large percentage of the increase total salaries this year amount to 189900 as com pared with last years total of 164964 sb acton fsquesing and nassaga weya townships will be requisi tioned for 127171 of the school cost on an assessment percentage basis acton shaiv will be 6614 per cent or 8411090 esqucsings share 2342 per cent or 2978345 and nassagaweyas 1044 per cent or 1327605 r attending the special session were chairman tonv watson fin ance chairman chester anderson irustees ray arbic kerwin mc- phail and duncan moffat t and secretarytreasurer william mid- dlclon sports timer objective in hs magazine drive grade 13 students at acton dis- for each student with additional trict high school are undoubtedly- prizes ol stulled animals records top magazine salesmen in the ribbons and knick knacks going school thev have drawn top to other salesmen honors tour clavs in a row in the from the time the campaign be- campaign being conducted by the gan students ot the grade selling student council j the most subscriptions each day earning sufficient monev to j were holders ol a large stul led buy an electric timer lor the gym- tiger which was earned with nasiurti is almosl assured cost j them during classes grade 13 of the timer is 800 this is a pro- proved to be the best salesmen ject ol the student council and after winning the stuffed am- providing gross sales during the i ma lour limes in a row campaign reach the 2000 mark i keeps a portable tv set will be donated to the student council and a draw will be held with the lucky stud ent salesman winning the prize the grade selling the most sub scriptions receives theatre tickets have it l bigger gate at tannery the entrance to beardmore j and co ltd property is rcceiv- j ing a facelifting two double gates close off the pixiperty in j place of the previous one double j gate i the second gate duplicating the present one is used mainly fori trucks passing owr the heavy- duty truck scale which was in- stalled some months ago trnf- j lie not required to pass over the j scale continues to use the origin ul gate i a section of the cement block- wall which formed a pari of the bicycle storage space was remov ed to make loom for the second entrancewav canadian flags given to school new canadian flags were pres ented to the classrooms of the robert little school this morn ing thursday bv members ol lakeside chapter of the lode a formal ceremony ol dedication loiik place in the auditorium flags for the m z bennett school and high school class rooms will he purchased and presented later it- vpected a large canadian hag will be given lor the high school auditorium as well with the lakeside chapter borrowing it lor use on ceremon ial occasions reach agreement on truck call tenders on vantype acton hydro electric commis sion members reached an agree ment thursday ol last week and will call tenders lor the purchase ol a juitypc truck for the hydro depyniiient members hail heen at a stale- male lor at lenatuo meetings with some pielcaring a vantype truck while others lea nccllo ward a hallton pickup lor use by the meter reader the supplier ojl the ruck will also have to ne prepared to al low lor a 1 1 ailein on the present truck congratulations chairman e g tyler sr was congratulated by mayor les duby on behalf of council for winning a longservice award at the recent atmteuv omea convention in toronto the chairman was un able to be present to receive the award which will be forwarded to him r superintendent doug mason in formed the commission the new capacitors installed the first of the year were beginning to pay off as the power factor for the month of february had reached 918 per cent he noted it had been as low as 88 per cent prior to this where does money go secretary- treasurer mrs aud rey urquharl noted the commis sion had made a profit of 2540166 last year chairman ty ler asked where the profit had gone and was answered by the mayor when accounts passed lor v payment totalled 2410829 there its gone already when springs jgst around the turner a liydfco chairmans thoughts turn to air conditioners and thursday mr tyler asked what was being done about the air conditioner in the office the groundhogs and robins are back its time we started thinking about the air conditioner again he remarked it was reported the air conditioner which never has worked too satisfactorily since vicing installed some years ago would be checked into again coniniission members learned the work force was assisting town workmen in a treetriinming pr gram carol patterson receives trophy top public speaker af schools staff pholo hoid that tiger seemed to be the motto grade 13 students adopted throughout the maga zine campaign conducted by the student council to raise money for an electric sports timer the grade 13 class won the tiger four times in a row therefore keeping the trophy cudd- ting the fuzzy prize are jill bagby and linda braida the student council hopes to make 800 to pay for the timer i o plunkett hearings open for halton next tuesday court monday fines totalling si48 and court costs netting s47 were paid in court monday by ii acton tral- fic violators one minor consum- ing liquor while under iige and one convicted under the trespass act assistant magistrate 1 iv old ol georgetown presided over the 13 cases with aeloji opp- de tachment constables presenting evidence alter laving charges k the longawaited local govern- 1 merit needs study into halton and peel counties began ihis week in peel county xris two and a hall days of next week muvve been set aside for the needs study commissioner thomas j plunkett to hear submissions a marked increase over the same j ironi municipal and other groups j period last v ear according to tig- and individuals irom halton ures released by local issuer j county i jack hargiavc m p 0 his halton sales to date this year amount more plates sold by deadline here license plate sales in acton for motor cars to date this year show tuesday march 22 200 500 pm halton coun- 945 1230 pm county ol j ty health unit- tjalton county halton town ol acton township museum association halton ol nassagaweya police village of county personnel committee campoellvillc town of burling- halton county planning assoeia- lon lion 200 430 pm oakville ca- thursday march24 rholic school board milton pub- 945 12 30 pm bruce trail lie school board public utilities association halton peel coun- commission ol burlington bur- federation of agriculture hngton suburban area planning ontario municipal electric a grade seven pupil carol patter son from the roller little pub lic school drew a hearty round of applause 1 10111 fellow pupils when she was chosen top orator during the interschool finals fri day morning at l lie r l school auditorium the young winner will compete friday evening against speakers from halton county lor top hon ors in the anmui public school speaking competitiiin seven compete last friday lour speakers from the rl school and three from jtlle 1vlk ivnuejj school spoke on topics ol their choice and were eoliimended bv judges lor their excellent presentation judges lor the local competition includ ed rev dwight engel school board trustee william benson and high school teacher j a holmes competing from r l school were miss patterson who spoke on pauline johnson kathy hin- ton who chose the topic sir f 1 hearings tuesday morning march board wednesday march 23 945 1230 pm town of mil- defence minister pro vincial members at liberal annual liberal party bright lights on banting elaine johnson who spoke on jamaica and diane buuselicld who used the political field speaking on prime minis ter lester pearson competitors irom the m z school included debra slinger- land whose topic was criticism chris brunelle speaking on juv enile delinquency and carolyn thompson speaking on teenage freedom trophy presented acton hydro electric commiss ion chairman f g tyler sr pres ented the happy winner with the hydro trophy and each contest ant received a book from the public school board the auditorium was packed with a lew parents teachers and a host of pupils as speakers held the attention of the interested audience robert little school grades live and six teacher ross farrelly wus master ol ceremonies introducing each speaker by number only while judges were pondering res ults grade six teacher richard coe led the audience in a sing song a harbinger of prag almost as reliable as the first robin are hockey playoffs and tournaments the free press this week follows acton tanners in their quest of an int b championship on the sports page youll read what the sports columnist thinks of their chances and also his impressions of the four town tourna ment there are pictures and a report of the tourney a report on the town league hockey playoffs and reports and pictures of the curling clubs final series some of the minor hockey teams are playing exhibi tions and the industrial hockey league is in the finals you can follow thetualliritheacton freepres 171 h ih carncs 1 uesoav morning iviarcu umm w to i7m plates compaied with p m twn mi 107 during the same pyroc last adnlinimra building ton committee ol adjustment ol year mr hargiavc noted tliec burlington brian best ol milton wa11 1 anv great lineup lor i9n0i rmn i nlvill 1 l 11 1 has scheduled sessions all day own 01 uakwllc i sociation urban development in- provincial and federal stitutemontario division town levels will be taking an active of port credit markers the last day the old plates epiied hut he had a stea ds stream ul customers the last lour dvs hearings are open to the pub lic and anyone is welcome to sit in on anv or all of the hearing unite a number ol local mo torists are trying out the coin car wash in georgetown and are hupclulh wailing the opening of the one in acton next month staff photo carol patterson grade seven pupil at the robert little public school was chosen top orator friday of last week during the interschool public speaking contest the young winner is shown with e g tyler sr chairman of the acton hydro electric commission who presented her with the rtydro trophy tuesday and wednesday plus i thursday morning i peel briefs peel county hearings were held all clay tuesday and wednesday ol this week at the peel county council chambers in brampton organizations who submitted brie is included the town of bram pton township ol albion albion property owners association township ol toronto gore bram- alea consolidated developments limited police village ol mai- ton toronto township board ol education township ol toronto toronto township puc peel hospitals qornmittec s b mc laughlin associates limited and the township of chinguacousv iu1m011 groups have lined up 22 brie is tor the special commis sioner the schedule ol heal ings is as lollows blame fog ice in 19 accidents one acton resident was injured and torn other actomans were in- voh ell in a rasii ol 10 motor vc- hide accidents inxestigateil bv milton o p p fridav saturday and sualiv police blamed an ice storm aiisl log conditions uv the lii- increase in trallic 1111s- bapv allan cij ot acton recned 1 sprained let hand and required treatment at milton district llos- pitil cark sunday morning alter car in which he was liiling en b jimev robvrjpuiun ot aciivm slid it i highwa 25 ol 10 sderoatl the road was ice- soeed at the time and the ve hicle sustained 800 damage friday w 1 1 particularly bad day inr drivels as opp were called to nine rtvtcidents michael churchill ol t4 longtield dr ac ton mas invohed in a singlecar accucm on highway v causing si25 damage bruce cunningham ol 44 mowbray cres saw s13a i danuie done t his car in a one- car crash on highway 25 south ol town and peggy margaret lang o 4 mll st was involved in an accident on highway 7 in yvhich 110 damage was reported nassagaweya councillors want compensation well runs dry reeve v c coulter and deputy reeve v hoey objected at hal ton county council to a section ol the roid committee report noting the committee denied responsibil ity lor damage to a ratepayers well reeve i leslie recalled a simil ar incident jn glen williams when loolinys were installed lor a neyi bridge ratepayers there sought damages also lor inlcrlcriug with their wells county respon sibility mas denied the cm rent complaint is in nassagmu esa yyhere chester sei vice charges his well yvas aflcctcd by ronl yvidening and lie yyis i o reed lo drill a new well reeve leslie told members the committee decided to adhere to ils solicitors advice that the countv uas not responsible deputy reeve hoev objected to a- simple statement in the report that did not oiler much inhuma tion to the complaint deputy reeve hoey noted llie county had supplied water lo lhi man because thev hail drained the well reeve gallagher suggested this was done out ol llie goodness ol their heart the warden halted an- exchange i between the two councillors anil called a vote on the amendment to dclctclhc rolerence 1 10111 the conimitle miiiitev kccvc coulter akeil lor tssui- aikc the matter could he rc-inlro- limed at the next road committee meeting it ihe amendment was lost warden ii ii niton assured him the matter eotild be lemlro i ihiccd i in a vole on ihe amendment the assagaweva representatives sup ported the deletion but it was de lealed j i part in the hallon county liberal association annual meet ing and convention on saturday it will be held at hornby tower goll course on ihe seventh line is- qtiesing just noi 111 ol ihe 401 highway guest speaker at the dinner in the evening will be the honorable paul hellver minisler ot national defence an afternoon panel discussion slated to begin at i pm will lea- ture three ontario libera i mps robeit nixoir george bei leonard braitlnvaile the annual meeting is slated to mart at 3 pm and last lor about 111 hour reports xvill be read and ollicers will beelecled lor l6 j dinner will begin at 7 pm halton municipalities to share 2870000 prov roads grants lor maintenance tor a 5800010 while halton y i county will get s4s0000 for con- roail construction and main 400000 lenance grants to all the muniei- total ol i palities in halton conn the ontario department of high wavs will total 52870000 for 16 sli a1tl swo00 lor main- the honorable c s macnaugh- j tenance lor a total of s7s000o ton minister of highways o the ll 1 municipalities province outlined ihe estimated jn eounlv include ksquesing grants 111 a report to the ontario 1 32000 construction 85000 main- legislature tenance for si 17000 nassaga- burlington oakville and the weva s25000 lor construction and cbunlv of halton will get the j 40000 lor maintenance for 65- lions share ol the total with bur- 1 000 acton s5o0o lor construct- and j ijngton leading ihe wav with ion and 21000 or maintenance 400000 lor construction and j lor s26000 georgvtown 37000 s525000 for maintenance lor a j lor construction and 80000 lor total grant ol 925000 lroni the j maintenance lor sh7000 and piovince j milton 5000 lor construction oakville will pjceive 400000 j and 65000 lor iiiaintenance lor 1oy construclion and another j 70000 i 1 1 change in tax payments made by esquesing twp anil lion a change in discounts tor earlv pavinciii ol axes vvajs approved bv lsqtiesing council last week in an ellort to collect tax monev earlier in the year and save on borrowing costs lsquesing will notilv lie ratepayers in their l6d bill that thev will be allowed i per unt discount il taxes arc- paid by august 1 and 1 percent ip paid bv september i the sep tember il con nl has been id oper ation loi some years iliev will also he informed thai m l7 it will be possible to pay taxes in tour instalments in march june september and iv- ccmber a let tejjrom the junior farm ers association requested the help ot clerk k c lindsay and esquesing council in discovering esquesing farms in the same lamily lor a century century ther latin signs the group 0 mr iind 1 hes k with cut the names vsill be erected bv a centennial project av saiii he an old map lo the would ol 1858 ssovil- hepatitis strikes brookville school to dale 18 children all student- ol brookville public school in nasagaweya township have been attcctcd by an outbreak ot hepatitis it was reported by hal ton countv health unit this week health lnit omh dr a v bull reports the schools supply of drinking water was tested and found clear of contamination the disease is expected to decline with the advent of warmer wea- bob armstrong gives the acton novices some tips in the four town tournament in georgetown saturday slmtt photo before they skated out to wallop fergus

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