Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1966, p. 11

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sdoouai p6e i s m at an as yet undetermirted cost could have stayed missed opportunity at hopie and had bofh ends of y wevnotlcecl this weeks coverage of the fu ottawa ruckus by canadian television and couldnt help but wonder how the same story then there are the sponsors we could have if it had- emanated from washington might have interested the brewers ancfdistillers in the pro- j sites who prey on the susceptibility of others been handled by the american networks un- qram from its sporting aspects the soap com- kegional jovernment j there are the flybynight con men who arrive doubtedly the networks would have been able parties could easily tie in on the whiter wash acton council has completed jts submission to sell everything from home improvements to clear all other programming so that 4he pro- theme and the headache and upset stomach to the plunkett needs study of halton and peel paved driveways to encyclopedia any salesman ceedings inside the house of commons would remedies would have been a natural somebody we would like to commend the council on its who knocks on your door with an introductory have been available in every living room in else could undoubtedly as a public service em- efforts to attempt to coordinate the thinking of offer ademdnstration installation or a getrich the country we think canadian tv missed a phasize the great cultural aspects involved truly all the various boards and commissions into one scheme isopen to suspicion any reputable firm great opportunity to show the canadian electors coherent presentation while we dont agree in selling door to door will stand and encourage the great dignity and singleness of purpose with a thorough investigation of its services and pro- which our nations important business is con ducts any- offer that has to be accepted and ducted cbc instead of junketing off to munich signed for immediately can be considered not to be advantageous to the home owner its up the feed 014 fa 20 years ago detail with all the recommendations contained in the submission it is gratifying to note the sub mission is the distillation of the thinking of all local groups it is practical because it is the thinking of people actually carrying out the job n to you to look after your own interests after of municipal government and not some pipe- you sign up its too late to ask for help from dream by professional planners dreamers who anyone else have had no municipal government experience we missed a great many fine opportunities to show the canadian public this latest sideshow put on by pur highpriced allcanadian perform ers jri having observed the tribulations experienc ed in toronto and its suburbs through the metro type government where elected city councillors form the super government we cannot see this as a realistic solution we feel the regional government should be elected directly to the position and only for one position to elect a man mayor of a municipality and expect him as well to represent the com munity in the regional government is just build ing up a work load few men could undertake let alone successfully fulfill we would like to see the regional govern ment directly electedby and responsible to the taxpayers if these regional representatives are elected from the municipalities and their indivi dual voting power in the regional government weighted to correspond to the populations they represent it would appear to us that the demo cratic principle of representation by- population would be accomplished as well each munici pality would be assured a voice at the regional government level education and hydro electric power through out the county should not be by other elected or appointed boards there is no reason why these two services cannot be administered by the re gional government the regional government would then become a scaled down version of queens park with departments of professionally qualified staffs administering the policy estab lished by the elected representatives we will then have a regional government composed of the departments of education hydro justice welfare services highways assessment fire finance and public works capable of meeting the needs of a growing region i have a profound respect for poet t s eliot but one of his distribution of seats in halton county we have for many years enjoyedthe benefit of having the same electoraf jj jt w 1 the cruellest month is pure pop pycock he had obviously never spent a imarch in these parts or soya and m by bill smiley boundaries for both the federal and provincial governments not the least of which has been the fact that in both cases the boundaries com prised of the whole of the county which gave an additional purpose to haltorfs functions as a county wjth the redrawing of the electoral boun daries for both the senior governments complet ed if is definitely assured that the division which has been made will place acton in twof li r nose deaden the soul third bout spring breakup a great many indications of spring have been reported the first robins are here the groundhogs and bears have made their appear- ances the frogs are croaking the creeks and maple sap are running- the snow is disappearing the streets are being swept and the winters grime is being uncovered with the melting of the snow perhaps the best and most reliable sign of spring is the scheduling of auction sales in this week s issue there are no less than six auctions advertised as spring arrives and sum mer appears on the horizon either the desire to get back to the land or get off the land we dont know which becomes manifest in the number of farm sales scheduled another sure sign of spring wejixpect to hear of any day is the emergence of the para- this sundays church calendar distinctively different ridings it is our under standing that the redistribution was engineered by the same group of men but for two different masters we had hoped through this singleness of the commission there would be a very close relationship between the federal and provincial boundaries this has not proven to be the case when we were in ottawa a short time ago we expressed our dissatisfaction to our member dr harley with this wide divergence of boun daries the doctor explained the difference arose because of the numerical difference in the rep resentation in toronto and ottawa he explain ed the number of seats ontario has in the house at ottawa was considerably less than the num ber in toronto hence the boundaries for the ridings could not be the same since we arrived home we havebeen re flecting on this explanation and we must agree that any attempt to change the number of seats from ontario in ottawa would be a futile exer cise however there appears to be very little problem in changing the number of seats in toronto a whole new block of nine seats was added to the ontario house in redistributipn if it is so apparently easy to add seats it follows that it would be just as easy to take away seats if the size of the ontario house were reduced to the same number as ontario has in the federal house all this confusion of overlapping ridings would have been eliminated if has never appeared to us there is a great deal of difference between the men we send to ottawa and those who go to toronto the one big advantage of fewer numbers in toronto would be in the reduction in the number of unheard back bencher we now have undoubt edly the numerical maonty the government now enoys would be smaller and the govern ment would perhaps find it in their heart to listen to intelligent comment theirown members april is no bargain but march is a month no honest taxpayer should have to put up with at its best it is 31 days of pure drear at it worst a cen tury of bleak horror raw east winds that chap the of la grippe in three months holes in uyour overshoes faces of friends become hateful tail pipe and muffler gone on the car eavcstroughs sagging spirits flagging spring is merely a word in the dictionary winter is a monster clawing your shoulder if youre anything like me youre hanging on by your teeth this is fairly easy be cause your nose has been run ning and youre keeping a stifjf upper lip its frozen and your toe th arc exposed its a wonder we dont all turn as mad as march hares and cut our collective throat if only to add a bit of color to relieve grim grey march but cheer up chaps all is not lost i have a little therapeutic theory that works wonders it is the only thing that saves me in march from running out in to the snow in bare feet and long underwear babbling t s eliot is mad mad i tell you mad i first discovered this theory when i had trouble sleeping af ter a long evening of too much work too many fags and too much coffee id crawl into bed and lie there as rigid aj a rake iocs curled tightly eyes burning hrighllv no more chance of gel ling to sleep than getting to heav en one such night i remember ed listen buster i told my- sell fifteen vcars ago tonight you were king on the floor of a bovcar freezing hands and feet tied with wire on your way to a prison camp and here you are lying in a soft bed in a warm house with a warm woman beside you and warm blankets over vou and no when the miseries of march have me reduced to one great bellow of frustration i put it to work old buddy i say to my self just go back 300 years let yourself go now not three miles from here they were liking out their march halfrrozen starved halfblind and i think about them the indians nearing the bitter end of a bitter winter in their longhouses men women child ren dogs pellmell in a seven teenthcentury nissen hut made of boughs and bark and skins two or three hundred human beings crawling over each othci in about the space you and your family occupy cold hungry stench unbelievable smoke from cooking fires indescribable the last of the meat gone the maize reduced to a few handfuls spruce tea and moss stew on the menu hunting im possible because of the slush flabby breasts and swollen bel lies and always the cold no refrigerators stocked with steaks and roast and milk and eggs no shelves of canned goods no supermarket a few blocks away no heat no light no bath room no books no television and always the cold a few cynics will add and no income lax no mortgages no insurance policies no fuel bills no ulcers no doctors bills true wanna trade not i i turn up the thermos tat a bit i mix a hot toddy then i sit by the fireplace listening to the wind whistling around tftc house i sniff the waft of pot roast from the kitchen i pick up a book pul a record on the hili i listen to my wife who is not fighting with mrs abenaki about who gets the fire next to make dog toup and my maieh madness is gone try it taken from the issue of the free press of thursday march 14 1946 in a recent list of army men decorated for gallant and disting uished overseas service with aw ards of mention in dispatches we noted one from aoton wo jack h alger rsm he returned from overseas a few months ago and resumed- his position as guard at the ontario reformat ory near guelph acton ymca ladies badmin ton club had a very successful tournament with the guelph ywga taking 10 out of the 12 matches pjavcd the first victory 150 was won by miriam ritchie and dorothy morris the second 150 game was won by florence salt and dorothy morris the duke of devonshire chap ter or the iode held their an nual officers ica at the home of mrs m schroeder bower ave the regent mrsc matthews pre sided mrs mainprise on behalf of the executive expressed the appreciation felt for the eight years of efficient service given by the retiring treasurer mrs mc donald and presented her with a crystal rose bowl miss chant the local school nurse was the speaker of the day a concert was put on in rock- wood town hall bv the members of the local institute main fea ture was a plav mushrooms coming up taking part were mcsdames g f mcarlhur a maltbv crossland and w guild with mrs a ewers plaving the role of nurse and r bacon of housemaid two pupils ol miss ethel frank lin miss joanna veldhuis and miss christina lamb have receiv ed first class honors in piano ex aminations dr hugh austin has sold his dental practice here to dr george sirrs who will assume his duties about march 20 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free tress of thursday march 16 1916 practically evory rural and ur- barr municipality was represent ed in the mammoth procession of 15000 representatives of 825562 petitioners for prohibition which marched through toronto to the parliament buildings to present the huge petition to premier hurst the parade was the most successful for reform evep held in the dominion of canada it is regrettable that many men in khaki opposed the march hal- tons delegation and banner suf fered perhaps the hottest attack of the melee the banner was torn to shreds and the union jack and canadian flags trampled under foot soldiers remember who are sworn to protect the flag and private citizens general logic watcalled from exhibition camp to quell the disturbance the prohibition bill will now come before the house mr robert watson has purchas ed a lot on church st from mr edward dynes and will erect a new brick residence a quartette of gtr men have been cleaning tinting and var nishing he interior of the sta tion the premises are now spic and span and quite attractive the walus have been recintod a light pink and the radiators giv en i new coat of aluminum the ceiling panels oak wainscotting and settees have been revarnish- ed 1 snowshoeing and moonlight sleigh rides have been popular with the young people this week the roads were so badly drifted the rural mail carriers were un able to make their rounds la grippe has been quite prev alent ballinafad mutual improve ment society debated should farmers sons enlist j decision wa- given in favor of the affirma tive public speaking competition to name two for halton final may offer bigness in any endeavor is not necessarily nightfighters shooting up the the only criterion of success p a no gud wandering in to give you a kick so what if you dont sleep a wink in 14 seconds i was asleep it works every time wise words 01 women i oul loi toinui row and lis needs i do not pi i seep me dear loid bom slain ol mil just lor todiv now the same technique ap- public school pupils from mil ton acton georgetown oakville and esqucsing and nassagawcya townships will compete friday evening at the robert little pub lic school acton with first and second place winners going on lo the zone finals to be held at brookville school tuesday mar 19 in the aitcrnoon a large crowd of parents friends and general public is ex pected to attend the friday night performance which includes not only speaking competitions but musical and dance numbers chairman lor the evening will be principal w d elmer smith irom the m z bennett school in acton judges will be miss diane dubeckv from the georgetown district high school- mrs susan jensen speech correction teacher irom oakville and victor heaps from he ontario school for the deal milton timekeeper for the speaking contest will be principal g w mckenzie from the acton robert little school contestants will include two speakers each irom esqucsing nassagawcya and georgetown one each irom acton and milton three from oakville and one each from milton and georgetown sep arate schools entertainment while judges arc choosing winners will be under the direction of acton music sup plies when it cbrntfw to saving i ervisor glenn banks and will in- my sanilv in manli i elude a solo bv ivnda bannon from the m z bennett school a double duct from the robert lit tle school including diane bous- licld cathv hinton bonnie bris- tow and barbara pratt highland dancers susannc and karen ric- kctls from milton senior public school au conteslants will receive books and the first place winner will be presented with a trophy hold workshop some 95 halton county dairy men attended the mastitis work shop in the masonic hall milton on friday maich ii doctors h j nely and f cjslelson veter- inarv services branch guelph presented this workshop on all phases ol mastitis prevention and control thev slatedthat man has icbuilt the dairv cow to make her a more efficient unit has already drastically changed the ration fed to her and has replaced the call with a milking machine with a resulting inc lease in mastitis bv discussing the arious caus es of the disease and possible steps to reduce its occurrence halton countv tanners should be better prepared to fight it service road approval unlikely two years to make up mind the possibility of umulin the i the lirni suggested the road has been planned to run almost par allel to the 401 highway and lh headlights from cars going easi on the service road at night would likely glare at motorists going west on the 401 proposed service load between the fourth and liflh concessions of nassagawcva lownship was discussed brielly at nassagawcya council the service road just north of the 401 highway would divert truck traffic from the village ol campbcllville it has been in the planning stages lor the past two vcars a letter from an engineering lirm read at last weeks meeting indicated the proposed location ol the mad would not likely get government approval councillors queried it seems slrange that it has taken them two years to make up their minds it was decided to try to have an engineer attend the next meet ing ol i he township roads de partment and discuss the prob lem ten georgetown high school students with one of their tea chers are going on a students tout lo spain and portugal this summer the acton free press business and editorial office phone 8532010 pounded in 1875 and published ever thursday nl 59 willow l acion ontario member of the audit bur eau of circulations the cw n a and o w n a advertising yates on request subscriptions payable in adance 9400 in canada 97 00 in all countries other than canada slnsle copies 10c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawm advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of typographical error that portion of the advertising apace occupied by the erroneous item together with reasonable allowance fey signature will not be charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate in the cent of u typographicnil error advertising goods or services at a wrong price goods or servicrj may not be sold adertlaing is merely an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time rakltlhc by iba dllli rrlntlng and pobllahldg c ltd david r dills managing editor copvrlsht i06o acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanlev gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 sunday march 20th mop 945 am church school adull class 1100 am morning worship redeeming the lime 700 p in l service n oiltll 111 action dm hhi gump in chaigeol this scivkc we unite pat ents to attend moiulav mauh 21 red loss mlood tfllllc luesilac mismonai nuvimg ai s nm re mai hall 1 homp son ol bolivia lluusdav choir piiclicc at 7 30 iridix b ii 1 at 700 lploicrs a l 730 the church of i st alban the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray j ma stb i medical mmy march 20th 1966 i en iv 900 am holv eucharist 10 30 am church school 10 0 a m hole i ucliausi wl dni my mvrcii 3 10 hi a m hole eucharist 7 30 p in evensong and lenten add i csv evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road revs m thoman pastor 8532715 i sunday march 20th 1966 j dr d a garrett 1000 am sunday school lor all physician and surgeon ages j coiner ot willow and river sts 1100 a in morning seimce 00 pm evening scricc prcffejjchaj faihectctlf and travellers guide maple avenue baptist church igeoigelown slndw mvrcii 20th ioo 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pm livening service wednesday 8 pm prayer meet ing acton sm105ts georgetown 877t5 bethel i christian reformed church j acton ontario rev wiebe van dijk phone 8531585 sunday march 20th 1966 1000 ajn english service 230 pm dutch service 346 pjn- sunday school presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mvkcnue ba b d minister mi e a hansen ba organist and choir master mndu mrch 20th isvo 0 a in membership class 4- am chuicrj school 1100 ajn divine worship scuiiion theme the crisis ot deaht finai sermon in scries on crisis experienc es wednesday march 30 7 pm congregational pot luck din ner and program lvcrjonc mod wticome rusdav 8 pm prayer service and bible study thuisdav 8 pm clnist ambas j sadoi s i ndav 7 pm crusaders march 19 at 8 pm hooked on dope i mds hope come see and heil- david callado for mer 50 per dav dope addict jell the ikis ot gang lite in i wvv- vrk doni lorget this uiteidciiominaliontl rallv ac- 1 ton high school auditorium march 19 at 8 p m i trinity church the united church or canada minister the rev dwight i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday march 20th i960 church school 930 amcrudes 4 8 1100 a m nursery to grade 3 services of worship 930 am 11 00 am 12 noon congregational meet ing 700 pop confirrrution cli entrance river st acton ont phone 8530341 bv appointment dr robert d buckner phvsician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont attei noons bv appointment closed wed sal evenings phone 8531240 dr t b aaoore dr c hutchison dr d w van der bent phvsioians and surgeons 9 mill street west corner main and mill street acton ontario phone 8532180 by appointment architect donald e skimner barch mraic 17a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 8532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 274j42 legal dental c f leatherland qc dr a j buchanan barrister and solicitor dental surgeon notary public office 90 church st e c v leatherland ba qc otficv hours 9 am to 6 pm bart j maydan ba llb closed wednesdav afternoon note new address telephone 8531750 28 main st n phone 8531330 olfice hours mon to fn 9 am to 5 pm sat 9 am to 12 noon dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no 3 hinton bldg a braida ba barrister solicitor notarv public 173 mam st s 8531160 17a mill st p acton ont for appointments phone 8531300 office hours in acton appraising and insurance mondav friday evenings 6 p m 9 pm f l wright saturday 1 pm 5 pm 20 wilbur st 28 paislev st guelph ontario acton ontario phone ta 42242 phone 85w720 office hours in guelph saturday 9 a m 12 am daily 9 am 5 pm appiaiser and insurance over 50 years in acton i 1 chiropractic auctioneer donald j armstrong dc chiropractor frank petch auctioneer and evaluator x ray 30 chapel street f georgetown telephone s77284 448 woolwich street phone guclpb- 8227721 optometrists e l buchner od optometrist 14 king st s waterloo open daily except wednesdays lor appointment phone waterloo 7428867 or 7422339 acton otticc is closed arthur a johnson od 184 main st milton phone 8789972 res 8789678 tuesday afternoons thursday evenings friday mornings funeral director travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton standard tunc- eastbound 633 am daily except sun and hoi 854 jm dairy ex cept bun and hoi express 8s8 am 1133 am 208 pm 504 fri- sat and sun 508 pm 6 2 pm 833 pm 1008 pn sun and hoi westbound 7 37 am daily except sun and hoi 10 27 am p m 257 pm 527 p m pm 912 pm 1132 pm a in sat only sai 1257 727 10- prjone 853350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr use free press classified ads for selling canadian national railways standard time eastbound 6 50 m to toronto daily mon to fn 7 30 pm to toronto sun day only westbound 1214 am to stratford dauy- except sunday 631 pm to strat ford daily mon to fri change at juclph tor london etc

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