Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1966, p. 2

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the acton free press thursday march 17 96tf nbssagawfyo ccuncil sfeffj at their regular monthly meet ing in the township admlnlstrn- 1 i o n building nwfsngnwcya councillors heard ratepayer jack mc- phall express concern about two danger spots on the guelph line he sked that coiinly coun cil be informed of a danm r spot at the intersection of 20 slderoad ojui h guelph jjnr where n school bus comes out evury day mr mcjill aid u was extreme- ly umttttii and needed otten- tjonthe 1 pointed out another ebje spot on 10 slderoad and guelph line reeve william ter said to would bring both problems to the attention of the county roads committee approved the hiring of charles stokes as a roads de partment laborer in the report on a roads committee meeting it wv pointed oirt that member were going lo tour the township roads in order to be able to make recommendations on need ed improvements appnafd the rood com mitters proposal to complete the long range road signing program in the township this year approved payment of gen eral accounts- totalling 144921 an item in the general accounts for lawyers fees totalling 57185 was deleted councillor mrs anne macarthur complained i under stand we won this case then why do we have to pay the lawyers fees shouldnt mr norrish she was referring to court case between township resident stan ley norrish nd the township mr norrish appealed the decision of the township poundkeepers two years ago and the case went to higher court where the appeal was dismissed mrs macarthur as member of the finance com mittee was delegated to look into the problem and she will report on her findings at the next coun cil meeting it isnt the sire of the fee im worrying about she said its the fact that we have to pay it all received a letter from the halton county junior farmers association asking the assistance of the township in finding the names of township farms that might have been under the one family name for moore than 100 years the group intends to erect centennial signs at the front gates of these farms indicating that one family has lived on the farm for 100 years or more township clerk j c tmcintyre pointed out it would be a very difficult task to look through the township re cords since the assessment roll of 100 years ago is not available heoiildhclpoit liojjny way he could approved a resolution to council from port colbourne asking that tooth federal and pro vincial governments take imme diate action on water pollution in the great lakes particularly in lake erie the resolution will be forwarded to the association or mayors and reeves a second resolution from port colbourne regarding centennial grants was filed learned that hunting licen ces totalling 65125 have been sold at the four licensing outlets in the township during the past year heard a recommendation from deputy reeve william hoev that a special meeting oj council be called sometime to discuss conservation councillor mrs anne macarthur assurred mr hoev that such a meeting was needed and would be called the topic of conservation cropped up when a letter was received indi cating the progress being made toward the amalgamation of this grand river conservation com mil tee and grand river conser vation authority it was noted jj per cent of the township popula tion or jw people are locatod in the grand river watershed last year the township paid 53651 to ward 4he operation of the water shed passed a motion approving preparation of a lease for the richmond school ss no bm the township to the million coun ty museum association the as sociation luis indicated it intend o restore the oneroom schpol as nn attraction derided not to adopt o by law at the present time concern ing diseased elm trees a suggest ed bvlav had been sent to coun cil but it was suggested the by law was meant for iv town or city rather than a township mem bers expressed concern about the loss of trees and hear councillor mrs macarthur declare its our children and our childrens child ren that are going to be the lasers theyll be treeless unless some thing is done 6sjhhm6b blue bonnets study scarves illness visits in area news mr david stewart underwent surgery itisi week at st josephs hospital guelph and ti lends iuv pleased lo leant ins condition is verv good mi willied mcmillan entered guelph general hospital lust week lor treatment a gtxhllv number i mm the local presbvleiinij chuich attended the lolnt communion service at lrln burns chuich on sunday morn ing f mr william stevonson cooks- vllle visited on suhduv with her mother mis w mcmillan and alsoiwlth her father 1n hospital mr john sim oil toronto spent the weekend ui the stewart home mr and mi s baldwin and ohiidieii ot ancaster visited on sunday at the same home mrs william wragg returned to her home last week ioluying treatment at toronto hospital for complications after recent sur gery mr golding of toronto spent sundav with his daughter and sotyuvlaw mi jand mt a uk stewart and childreu mrs fred baptoeo guelph viv hospital fund home donations from legion ladies auxiliary the legion ladies auxiliary held their march meeting in the legion hall past president mr c shultis in the chair the report ot committees wns followed bv thank vou cards from mrs everdale mrs v mann and mrs b lant7 formerly of acton tor the gifts that were taken to the manor a letter of thanks is to be sent to mrs m mecullough who placd the piano omtuaiy mrs dampier lived many years in area mrs elizabeth berdina dam- pier of ballinafad and formerly ot everfon passed awav at st josephs chronic hospital guelph on march 6 in her 88th vear at the time of her death she had been a semiinvalid for 30 years and was in hospital for the past three vears in spite of being inactive 6he had a keen sense ot humor and made and kept many friends through letter writing she rcidpd with her daughter mr and mrs jesse mcenery bal linafad for many years although with difficulty she spent parts of several years in tennessee where she made manv friends one son rev joseph h dam- pier isdeanof men-in- emman uel school of religion johnson city tenn and another son rev ross h dampier is minister of pentecostal christian church bristol tenn rov hindley of everton is a brother she is also survived by three grandchildren in tennessee mrs phyllis fontaine nancy and da vid dampier a fourth mrs beth pearson tara ont and three great grandchildren she vi as a member of everton christian church disciples and the rev russell legge of guelph and everton conducted the funer al service at the rumley shoe maker funeral home on tues day march 8 interment followed in everton cemetery pallbearers were dan hindley hilkburgh wilmer fryer acton william stewart everton james fountain guelph llovd mclean ballinafad and stanley sinclair guelph flower bearers were jeanette hindley sheila sinclair kathrvn sinclair anne shortill and lyn da gordon milton emsejvv 1783272 thuilat mai 17ltlt dr qoldfoot and th bikini machine in color vincent price frankie avaion bask in the sun cartoon mousf to do about marine saturday at 2 pm montumwk i mat j 15 j 23 a vory spocial favor in color rock hudson uesue caron cartoon orow1no pains thurs hutat mat 242326 rod lino 7000 in color james caanf gail hire cartoon oni wiajc vacation aduit tnthttainnmnt show times monday thtoimn thursday on oamp p lath tvawlw a t mm ptjoay and satutday a tmrn t pm saturday matinee 2 pja a icport lor the blood donor clinic on march 21 was given bv mis win finlav a social evening is to be held in streetsyillc march 17 and a bin h- dav parlv in oakville on april 19 the bus leaving at 7 pm the ladles will make a trip to sunnybrook wednosduv mm eh 16 with cigarettes candy and a cheque to cover two bus trips lor the veleians there will be bowling april 2 in georgetown and darts in geoige- town april 16 members wishing to compete please get in touch with sports olficer mrs robert angell comrade mrs leo svnott was presented with her past first vice- presidents badge bv past presi dent mrs c schultis a motion was made to donate 50 to the cancer lund and 100 to the john maccrae home in guelph plans were started for the fall bazaai in october and a lettei was lead regarding the conven tion to be held in windsor this year in september after u de lightful lunch served by the con veners a social hour was en loved j red cross is always there with your help lied on saturday with mrs m luckson i mr ami imrs william klooster and laiullv who tiave been living on the town line will be moving soon lo u laun above arthur re cently acquired randy eldest son of mr and mis ed stewarmvus able to leave the guelph hospital on mon day following ix weeks treatment lor pneumonlu n mrs ken dick and young daughter of jvtgus visited on sunday with her inplher mrs m llurivn fourth line mr and mrs bert robertson ot acton were sunday vultorn with mr and mrs vernon stew- tut and lamlly making of scarves the third meeting od the oh- pilnue blue bonnets was held at the home ol candy plnson with ten incumbers and the lead- n s miss boris fines and mrs c ilurrcu present the meeting opened with the 411 pledge and the minutes of the last meeting were lead by the seeivtary june llpshall the roll call the accessories i have chosen to inakc ans- weied by all the glrjs ijiie lo ex ams it was decided the next meet ing would be held in two weeks at the home ol lindu mckcnie discussion was on kinds ot scarves that can be made the leaders showed how to tie dve scarves how to make them whut to look lor whenbuying muter- mlio make them it was suggest ed scarves should suit our com plexion eyes and hair coloring churchiu items of interest in districts news mrs j ledger reports she saw a robin on the weekend she is wondenng how the little bud loiuid us wuy back to churchill mr and mrs william butler had a good crowd and successlnl sale on saiuiday in spile ol the bad weather and loads mi and mis clarence denny mr and mrs ralph denny and mrs s denny attended a double anniversary at the home ol mr and mrs mac sprol acton in honor ot mr and mrs james leitch ei in also mi and mrs john sprowl acton their 40th wedding anniversaries both were in the month of march mr frank frevpian received woid of the death of an uncle in england leaving only one other uncle who lives at barrie on tario fronj a family of nine aunts and uncles mr and mrs w thompson mi4irulmrsjljldavidsoriwere in erin on sunday and attended a gathering at the home of mr and mrs arthur griffin in honor ol his birthday on march 17 mrs annie saunders and mrs ken reilly attended the hair dressers convention held in the royal york hotel in toronto on monday its easy to place a classified ad imkeaierof iwfultwwggxxi nolqm6cr keep 2tuenpm0n6 8 5 3 20 1 o am expert ak taker 16 beady to help 1 f i yrttrtmrty vouukutwum mf mube6cen by maatymwy psoas tfomcrctmab0an v that api yottumoht of trcml m c6th mll institute shower auction sale in news the march meeting ol eden mills wi was held in the chi 1st- ifin education room ol the un ited church at lei a short busi ness session the meeting was turned ovei lo mr k wjlght eonvenei ol public t clot ions who welcomed the uuestu and intro duced mr w wilson who showed colored slides ol his trip to the west coast lust summer he took us on u tour well worth seeing those who attend ed weic loud in tlivli- praise ol the beautiful scenery and a hearlv vote ol lluinks was given lo mr wilson loi n pleasant ev ening well spent keiicshnicnlk followed mr and mis ii mcintosh icd wednesday lor a 10 day visit in orillia as guests ol mr and mis slinn and lamllv sunday guests ol the gilbert son family weie mi and mrs elmci anderson toronto mrs florence martin and bill lowrie lelt sutuidav lor grand rapids returning willi l hern was mrs thomas who hiis spent the last month in eden mills big auction the auction sale in the com munitv hall on sniitidiv hioiiuhl crowds liopi neai mi tat ju1i harvev tiiijiii vis mu tioueei the silvei belles club w a s hosted monday hv mis w mc lean si wimicis uiie g wiight s wilson and g marshall several 1 1 lends and iiciyliboi s gathered in the sunday school room ol eden mills ilesbyieiian church to welcome mis r gii- bertson a icceiil blide to the villuge alter seveial contests and games frances was seated and presented with a host ol gilts assisted by bonnie macdougall and beryl wright lor which she suitably replied relieshments were served later the first ci causes and snow drops aie blooming several have mentioned seeing them out in their muddy gardens shoe repair frank szab0 acton plaza reasonable rates quality workmanship obituary lifelong farmer in acton district a fanner in njiruugaweya and eiiuuosa townships all his lile john campbell lugle nl kit 4 rock wood passed away itbiiiuv 24 in guelph eneiil llupllil lie was 85 yeais ol aye and had a lengthy illness f horn in nasgagaweva nov 6 itibo he was the miii of mtligatet wiight and george ingle in 1910 at kockwood he was rnai ried lo huel mav laighl who died in i ww he is survived bv wins and daiiglileis maiuaivi mis q nel son william itigle tieoige 1 ingle my ra mis t a heiihilli all ol rock woml arid john w liule toronto 16 guiiidchihlien and h givatgiandclilldieii 14ie last ol his lamllv lie was pirtlecensed by two hrotheis gearge and robert ingle ol nax sutiuweya kjwnshlp and lluee sls- tcis jesslemis i noixiido kathleen mis william adams and anne mis rev james goi don i uncial sci vice was held at the ruiiilevshoemakei i uncial home on icbiiiaiv 26 conducted bv the rev i v lavloi ol rockvviicl imminent was in hoik wood cem clerv pallberieis were he it wiljilil mel noiush alex mc plicdiui id maude max sloiev and noilon nelson ruby cliffs surprise anniversary party a mirprlhe 40lli weddiiii amil i living pun and mi and mis wtmiiv pailn was luld hv i alvui spiowl a 4k day clock and two and mill jour spiowl keith andjinhv vises albeila iclkli ami mu and lovn i mi ii was sciveil bv mis mar- spiowl at the lion i the lallii ljn spiowl mis killh leiuh loi ml and mr lame i c ill h and mi mai spiow anil mi anil ml julio spiowl who wcu- man led on lebriuv st iiineks la today ami 24 l26 and maicli24 i 2o n spec spiinu an ives sunday soirv no tivelv i aiidals i about 45 iililivif nl tended the suipilse pail i ui mc was play til an i the bnds and tur 40 years ago weie pi eseiileil vitb special gills by lhci childivn i he ladles leceivcd i nl bioocheix and the geiilliintn i nby cull links ailll lie pins iiiiiii lli h-iii- lives piesenl ml mid mis leilih ncelveil a willnik md tleclili your red cross is j serving today ready for tomorftov the anil gambling squad iiided a guelph pi luting llim which pioduces pavasvoiipu n ckvls taking away punting ecjiiipmenl plates llles and h0o pounds ol tickets chaiucs uill be- laid quality ba products save you money gatolinet motor oils diesel fuel fuel oili stove oils oil burner finance plan 10 years to pay small carrying charge dependable service thompson fuels ltd phone 8532370 acton after hours 8332174 v train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times wh mzl6s 8 for information phone the local cn passengor sales office oi canadian national ue fa r attention traders swappers bargain hunters new car shoppers it time to g real drumthumping values at your imiwtteanlltrrik jrvjl 11aiu jbumdrlii authorized pqntiacbuick dealer in actorsi pete masson motors limited iifhvn st c r i044o 351 queen st fe aden ont ai3dvs oodiw i rnd

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