Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1966, p. 3

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staff photo something new has been added for grade one pupils at the robert little school miss mar garet clement milton and miss anne bowes camp borden from lakeshore teachers college ore spending two weeks in acton gaining practical experience left to right are miss clement susan mellor phillip timmings and miss bowes the latter is the granddaughter of mrs jack lambert frederick st by gwen lauder this week oiought oui maga zine campaign to a close dining the previous week there was fieice competition among classes to see who would be the tinal pos sessor ol the tigei grade i iinalh won the privilege ol keep ing the esteemed mascot and thev plan to auction it otf in the near future een though wc did not reach our goal this vear we were able to complete our timer protect and ma rooms went over their- individual quota satin dav the senior girls lis kc i bill i team competed foi the swossa championship the were finallx deleated b duiham b a score ol s610 although the managed to pln an exciting game this team should be con grain la led on its cr success ful season lets hope that next year will be een moie success ful our headers write home and school the m z bennett public school has an outdated antiquated fix tuic thev call a home and school association why what service do thev pertoim in the modern communih what dragons do thev have to sla with a modern school and a qualilied teaching stalf onlv a few die- hards aie inteicstod in this obso lete museum piece so why not lust bui if c ii todas paients teel the ate qualified enough to iuse then childien without tesoiting to help and adice fiom a puent teachci group 01 dont want to i be botheied with gioup discuss ions and gioup activities lust as long as the childien aicut ol then han and getting reasonable pass maiks whv i tail a dead horse attei all hoise and bugg ideas like patent education know ing mjui growing children lea dership training and community activities have no place in a space age society it thc had something to ollei like uniting the commuuit ix hind mi hi me i smith s appeal lot an addition to the m z ben lie tt school 01 it theie weie en ough people in the association who eaied about the children at m z bennett who aie ixjbbed ol home economics and shop classiooms and hae to gobeg ging loigm lacilities ofleied at the othei acton schools then theie would be some functional use in having a home and school ii the oiganued a coopeiatie piogiam with the ymca chinch gioups and u creation committee thai kept the kids off j ot stieet coiners out ol paiked ciis tin county- roackv and onrj ol pool halls thc might ust serve a useful piupose everv- ood ias cton is oei oiganied i but has anvbodv eei thought ot starting our young people on a healthy piogiam of activities that thev could take over and run for themselves bv themselv es on then own icsponsibilitv and using then own initiative theie is supposed to be land held available in the glenlea area lot a paik but lias the home and school oei led the way in help ing to develop it into a decent plngiound aiea lor our child i en and the centennial hbiary has the home and school evei la ken a stand loi decent itbian lacilities and leading looms ilae the evei put then shoul dei to the wheel to push loi these things no all the home and school has to ollei is pool in attended ind lutile dead tiom the neck up pro- gi ams 01 kind laising events to bin bits and pieces ol equipment i lor the school ii the people ol the community don t want to make the home and school a uselul lunctioning oigamation with a healthv membership then why have the skeleton hanging u omul give it a decent luneial md lot get about it ii we aie onlv inleiesled 111 laising monev loi the school w in not nist have an m z ben nett motheis association that could get togethei and serve hi ac tea and cookies to taise lunels this wav we could salve oui conscience without vvoi lying all vear about piesenting an assoeia tion with teeth in it and the will tt serve the community besides it would give mi smith and his slall the chance to spend a lew extia quiet evenings in tiont of tv too vvhrloga sc l7eftr die quickh instead ol lotting slouh awav with apathv space age piuent frobisher bay slides shown the march meeting of st al bans guild was held at the home of jmrs v bristow with the presi dent mrs g fountain in the chair the meeting opened with the guild praver live secietarys report was giv en bv mrs d lindsay followed by the ireasineis repoit by mrs d hunlei cot lespondmg secretaiv mis c e nellis gave her report mrs g tountain thanked vice piesident mrs v bnstovvkfor taking ovei so capably theh presi dency in her absence she also thanked those ladies who conven ed and helped in anv way at the ioth wedding anniveisary dinner of mi and mrs jordan mis d huntet gave a verv in teresting icpoit about a meeting concerning possible centennial pioiccts which she had attended lepresentmg the guild each member bi ought her mt- icle lot the layette being prepaied as a lenten pioject for distilbu lion it eiobisher bay 1 1 was decided that t he apt 1 1 meeting ol the guild be hold on march 30 so n would not conllict with continuation meeting closed with the miz- pah benediction i he ladies weie treated to some lovely slides of tiobisher bav and also some of the inhabitants shown bv mis l dittuch mis dittnchs son is an anglican pi icsl theie a slide- ol pccial inteiest was a picture of the rev and mis dittiichs small gicenhousc which pioduces some fresh vegetables which arc verv scaice theie as most foods ate enliei dned canned oi ho on mis dim ich told of the haul ships and pleasuics ol living in the lai noilh and answeied ques tions ol hei audience on display weie several eskimo carvings an ookpik anothei lit tle hud mad ol sealskin liny dolls diessed in lskimo fashion anil beauttlully made nit t is and waim boot like liners that aie woi n in then boots also theie weie some samples ol eskimo pi tilling mis g fountain thanked mrs dlttnch foi tin inteiesling anil en lovable evening lunch was setveil by mis p llui ley s gioup lynda lovell levente kornya the acon freo press thursday march 7 966 married in trinity ceremony red carnations white mums and gladioli decorated tnnitv united church acton for the double i ing ceremony saturday march 5 which united in marri age lvnda rue lovell and levente kornva the bnde is the daugh ter ol mr and mrs leonard lov ell of acton and the groom is the son of mi and mrs laoskoinva vancouvei bc he is a student pdlice stress safety rules o p p constable al c o n n o i tiom builington district head quaitcis and biuce jvlcaithur fiom the acton detachment visit oil the robei t little public school luesdav thev weient looking lor haidencd criminals or at tempting to solve anv mysteries ihcv weie meielv talking to child ten in kindeigaiten through to tirade thiee on the nnpoi lance ol salctv constable connoi who is head ol the- lialdc saletv with the o p p in tins tits 1 1 tcl accompanied constable mcailluu who is now heading the school patrol m town as thev talked to the childien they had with them a model ol llmer the saletv elephant which was used to sticss the mi poitancc ol the saletv rules next week the constables hope to give a saletv talk at the m bennett school latei children will be cautioned on bicycle safe a red cioss lesciie team was making its way by boat tin ough a hooded aiea when a woman came floating by perched on the i ool ol a hen house 1 he man in the bow shouted encouragement with the woidswe are i mm the red cioss the woman cup ped hei hands lo her mouth and replied my husband gives al vvoi k ice hshing on lake sinuoe ist still a pasttime lor ardent angleis some reportetl good catches the past couple of weeks school carnival at anna today public school pupils from ls quesing school area no 1 nas sagawcya township and both ac ton public schools will compete tonighf thuisdav at the arena during the annual school skating carnival this yeai the acton ys mens club has donated a tiophy lo be awarded to the school gaining 4 he most points the award is up for competition each year and will be maintained throughout the year bv the winning school children have been practising al the aiena loi the races and are keenly looking forward to the competitions tonight a laige crowd of parents and friends is expected to watch the youngsterv as they race around the arena miss ruth tilgibbons ol the quelph college figure skating club will be skating cubs weie guests ol the fire nun tuesday evening attei sec ing all the equipment and a dim the boys enjoyed hot dogs at the carnegie institute of tech nology pittsbuig pennsylvania wheie the couple will live rev dwight engcl performed the ceremony and mrs frank oakes played the organ carried roses the bnde woie a full length white gown of oigana and lace a pearl hvadpiece held her seal loped veil with a large organa lose she carried a hailing cas cade of better times loses and white cluysanthemums her attendant was her loom mate miss donna johnston tor onto who wore a dress of dusty lose taffeta and luce her tiatl ing cascade vyas foimed of pink carnations and white mums the bi tde was given in mat liage by her fathei and the gioomsman was his biothei in law leslie rehbeli usher was robert lovell bi other ol the bride wedding dinnei was seived in the church to the guests mis lovell cho foi hei daughtei s mai i lage vfatipttcticss with matching shoes and hat dai k blown aceessoiies and yel low cat nations rccxivmg foi the gioom was ins sistei mis leslie rehbeli o wore a dress of black lace over green iniong the guests weie john w cove ii the brides grandlath ei and two roommates ol the glooms fiom cainegie tech aman ula kahn irom pakistan and james pauley horn califoi ma othei guests were present fiom toronto smiths tails guelph markdale zurich grav enhuist wasaga beach alhston pittsbuig and piovidcnce rhode island as well as acton the couple left lor the united states by plane the bnde wear ing a camel ban suit with check li im and tarn to match with a coi sage of talisman roses presentations a col ice parly was held for the bride lobc on tuesday march 1 at tfie home of mrs mick holmes block st when a presentation was made from the neighbois on brock st j a presentation was made from the ibm office in toronto j wheie she was employed on teb mary 25 i photo by gather taylor lynda lovell and levente kornya were married in trinity united church acton march 5 they will live in pittsburg pa robt r hamilton optometrist 8773971 1 1 mill st acton monday afternoon and evening from 4 pm the resident and board of directors of the childrens aid society of the county of halton cordially invite you and your friends to attend the annual meeting on thursday march 24 1966 at 830 pm in the auditorium halton centennial manor milton ontario guest speaker dr paul steinhauer md consulting psychiatrist canon c m mitchell president mrs paul lanz secretary lakeview discount centre newest business in acton a new ousiness enteipiise is opening in acton moncfav march 28 and will be known as lake- mew discount centre the two piopnetois aie v ideh known local residents bruce caigill and charles peirv are stalling the new vcntuic located on mam st n pations will be able to purchasi pauitsjulcs vvallpapei plwvoods bruadlovjm and building supplies al the ix tail outlet although the ecntie will olticialk open moikiiv maich 28 the giand opening will tie ik id latei ae coi ding to the owncis bitkc caigill who was bom neai biookvilk iu massagawcva township is man led to the loi in ei j u k morton and the couple hove a new son paul scot i bom two vvevks ago biuee is well known in soltball elides having coached and managed the- i g a championship team last vear he plaed bill ten seveiil eais ik foic leiiung to the coaching managing position he attended publc school in assagaweva and high school m acton toi the past si eais ik has been emploved with micio plastics until last fndav iu is a member ol acton legion and acton cuilum club charles pern station agent in acton has 26 ears with the c r with service in the lastein northern ind westein paits ol ontano he is mamed with thicc children one bov and tvvognls his wiu woiks as a postal eleik in eon son don foinicrh an emplovev at the acton branch of the bank of mondial is now emploved m toronto with jomi h wmdlei and co daughtei 1at lou is a high school stuck nl and last vear woiked dining the suninici in inths as a swimming mstnictoi at the wading pool daughtei linda s a pupil at iik rokit little public school mi perrv will continue with the tailroad while his paitncr up dates the new business both ik ind his wiu aie members of the acton squaie dancing club mi pi i i v is also a member of the atton reciealion commit tee thev moved to ac ion in 1961 this week mi cargill is busy at the stoie location checking supplies as thev eome in antl pre pit im foi the opening a week tiom mondav you at your easter best the entire family will look iti dazzling best on easter sunday morn because we give that extra special attention your finest garments require when dry cleaned at no added cost to you trust to us for the best with your best free delivery too custom cleaners same day service except saturday in by 10 am out by 5 pan cash and carry main st n phone 8531180 bgorrah now- ya havent forgotten anyone today st patricks day march 17 greeting cards serviettes shamrocks jelly beans gum drops chocolates from hintons 5c to 100 store official opening lakeview discount centre monday march 28th suppliers for tile paints plywoods wallpapers br0adl00ms building supplies drop in and browse around shop now save on tax lakeview discount centre 126 main st n acton 8531190 proprietors bruce cargill charles perry these five advantages make electric heating the superior heating system completely clean ffamefess electric heating cant create dust dirt film or soot gentle even heat roombyroom or zona temperature control no draughty no chills no sudden blasts of hot air low cost throughout ontario users prove that tn homes insulated to hydro standards electric heating cost no more to operate than other heating systems extra space requires no bulky fuel burning equipment quiet and electric heating is so quiet for further information call acton hydro electric 3 elgin st n commission acton ont 8532410

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