Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1966, p. 5

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meet tom plunlcett haltonpeel needs study commissioner thomas j plunked was chosen i hallon hearings jxigin next j lion and specializes particularly last yeur bv the ontario depart- 1 tuesday at l am in the halton in the administrative problems of mehl ol municipal af lairs lo con- jcoiinrv administration building municipalities relative to manage- duci a local yuvemmeiii need- until tie scheduled to last through i men i organization legislation unjjr noon on thursday who is tom plunketi ho heads ihe firm or t j kell associates ltd ii land development and municipal labor relations since the establishment ol h study in flallon and peel conn ties public hearinys coiuliuicil by ihe special couunissionei yyoie- ho heads ihe firm of t j plun- held tuesday and wednesday ol kell associates lid which under- j own firm lour years ago he has this week in peel county when lakes research and consulting as- undertaken consulting assign- 11 organizations submitted briefs signnienis in ihe held of munici- lincnts lor municipal governments for his guidance pal aflairs and public administra- in nine of the 10 provinces of can- vs i i hope starts april 4 ada and also in the northwest territories he has also undertak en international assignments in 1960 he headed a learn ol advis ors wh un ihe auspices ol ihe cotoinbo plan catriedoun e view ol i he means yvhciehy ihe administration ol fie city l singapore could he integrated with the administration of the will train retarded adults in hornby school workshop long desired dreams of train- he pointed out at a similar work ing adull retardates in norlhlshop in oakville last year two hallon will become a realitv on i tiainees were deemed suitable to april 4 when hopf begins inoblain jobs and were hired by the lormer hoinhy puhlif school j industries a rieasfihiee retarded aduttst nume manager and possibly as many as eight i mrs winnilied isham has been will begin training to become named manager ol h-o-p-e- and better and more useful citizens will be in charge ol the work- harry isham chairman ol adult shop which will be open five services lor the north hallon as davs a week so uveks a vear sociatiou loi the mentally kelaid i l am until pm ed reported this week i although it is eventually hoped mr isham explained h-o-p-r- contracts can be arranged with hallon opportunity pioducl l indusliies to do obs no arrange- terprises will attempt lo train adult retardates lo do uselul tasks so they inigbl someday be able lo obtain a ob in jiuliislrv and well probably begin will reconditioning lawn chairs and deck chairs and maybe hooking rugs he indicated that anyone wishing to have lawn or deck chairs repaired might contact him hope will be located in ihe former hornby school on ihv north side ol ihe base line just east ol ihe seventh line esqucs- ing and already several dona tions have been made bv indivi duals and companies which will help the trainees ami the mana- inenls loi contracts will be made b- a duplicator a work bench immediately eh si of all we a tennis tabic and several types hae lo lind out ihv potential or the tiameos mi isham said annual meeting breeders assoc halton unit the annual meeting of the hal- ton unit of ihe cocba commenc ed with a hancii m at slcuartlown hall on frida evening febtnirv 25 chaiiman ol ihe evening was duncan mollatl koekwood rr 2 assisted bv ciaig reid rr 6 milton president ol ihe onlaiio unit craig evpresseil his appieci lion lor the suppoit he bad icceiv cd as president on ihe 20lh an niversarv ol the unit in 1s 118663 cows were bied down about 1000 irani ihe pievious year a large percentage ol the dairy heilers have left this area during the past lew months due lo export demands the holstem breed accounts tor 54 pel cent ol the cows inseminated an ineiease 1 27 per cent trom p64 discuss fees the possibility ol raising the fees to 6 per cow from s was discussed fees have remained at the 5 level since ihe beginnjng costs hav government in south africa com bining the negro and while ii musi be one oi the other south africa is a verv wealthy country lib the people living in harmony henry stanley suggested that in oidei to improve production ol coin l il milk and heel the easiest method is to improve the breeding sys- tern this could show moie econ oinuil teliirns than improvement in fare and management feeding i disease control ciaig reid and duncan moffat continue as ihe hallon directors to ihe cential ontario cattle bleeders association ol tools have already been do nated and mr isham hopes ihe next donations will be a hoi plate no salaries although ihe trainees will re ceive no actual salaries ihey will have an opportunity to do use ful lasks and it is hoped re ceive a sense of fulfillment the county of halton has ag reed to a grant of 300 peryear per trainee and si5 a month will be paid lo hope bv ihe famil ies ol the trainees each month the trainee will receive a wage packet ol up to 10 which mr isham explained will make them levl as il they are earning something although ihe school rented lo nhamr lor a nominal lee by tile esquesing school board is suitable tor present purposes it is hoped mr isham said that well be able to build a workshop in a year or i wo thomas j plunkftt new stale ol singapoio lie has also undertaken an assignment recently in british iuiaua involv ing the establishment ol local government ami development or ganialion in mackenie british guiana worked in glnseo mr plunkett has also complel ed consulting assignments lor the government ol canada and some ol the provi governments n this connection he served as a intermunicipal rivalry over speaker tells corda meeting wherea climb the guest speaker harrop spoke on hi president of the association mr harrop spoke on his recent lour ol africa and stated that it yyis fortynine representatives or 1 1 i municipalities the northeastern nuuiiipalitics met in richmond ontario regional development cniinnttt hl i t considcr p- association he cited the closing continued to psill a avro arrow pan jn mu ounty municipal league u and its efleci on towns lor the days l lniermunicipal 1 40 miles around iv airy was fdvvin recent tour ire over they were told ol local as an example- economic bv geoige knapton tormer newdence market town councillor now the york municipalities were gl manager in north bav told that a fanrcountv commit- inipossblc to have a satislacory ol a counterpart organization of i ice ol 33 delegaies have eltctel r l an action committee headed bv pickering and oakville spokes- midgets win two exhibitions acton midgets won anothei pan of exhibitions in preparation loi the tournament cnciiit one bv default geotgetovvn detaulted a game to acton thursday on then own ice after a verbal rhubarb with i the relerees and acton white washed scai hoi ough s0 sunday here score was 30 loi georgetown midway through the second per iod tthenxthe georgetown olticial had a lift with the rets he was given three njuuites to vacate the arena he relused so the relerees called- ihe game w0 canvassers in piepaiation lor the april cancel campaign mrs ray arhic has already arranged 100 canvas sers lor acton and district the aiuniil campamn always meets with a good response here men lo pursue the matter the group tentatively called ihe central ontario regional dev elopment association corda consultant to the royal commis sion on government organization the glsisco commission lias completed a study ol municipal finance for the province ol nova scotia and served as pimcipil technical advisoi to the royal commission on metropolitan tor onto he is currently undei taking an assignment as a special com inissionci to inciiie into and le port upon lo il government or ganialion involving 17 municipal ilies in the counties ol peel and halton ml plunketi was manager ol beacons icld po lrom ls4 ls9 and was previously directoi ol research loi the canadian federa tion ol mayors and municipal ities in addition he has sei ved as a sessional lecture in political science at sir george williams university mcgill university and- the universile de montreal he- is a graduate ol sir george wil liams university and has an m a in political science i torn mcgill j university i author of report nlerdepen ht nl ilulnor ol municipal organization in canada which j has become iccogfiied as in definite woi k ol ibis sublet i and is used extensively by municipal oflicers and universities it has recently been translated into jap anese for use in a public adminis tralion training piogram in tokyo mr plunkett is a member ol two acta teams continued from page pour the winner on shots on yonl 21 in the other pee wee round georgetown whomped fergus 80 as gord williams in the home town nets hud little trouble in keeping feigns oil ihc score sheet dave irons and nino mar tina popped a pail apiece for die victors with doug- guest ken hancock jack king ami alec ovviiden adding singles georgetown 8 fergus 0 the pee wee final was n study- in i ruslrit ion for tin- local lads as gord williams the george- lown goalie continually turned aside- aclons scoring jllenipls it wasnt until the- fourteen minute mark ol the final lianie that dale fisher lound the- range on a pass lrom rod gibbons doirg guest net led llie home teams lirsi period goal on a pass lrom alec ovcnovn and in the last slina dave irons sandwiched a single between set ups lo jack king and ken sproule geoigelown 4 acton 1 bantam fergus came on in the last two periods to wrest a 31 decision 4i-oin-a-tnn-in-ihe-biintam-opon- or gord iysby opened the scor ing loi acton on a pass from clivv stewart at ihe live minute- mark but wayne dow knotted the count on a ivlav from rick fleming and ken miriilltmiss ot ter live minutes ol pjtiqtiii tile second slanvu tlifrr nrame maikeis by dow and kcn flem ing gained the win lor fergus assists going to brian walker mike mcciilligh and rick flem ing fergus 3 acton i i wo shots on goal lo one bv milton gamed the vol dirt for georgetown in ihe other bantam contest in an action packed tus- tho arlon frrp prose tluirday march 17 1966 toh phots coach iiio marzo left consoles acton bantam ifler tlioy wore eliminated by fergus in saturdays tourney by handing out crests aaannqor kerwin mclhnl right looks on sle both clubs hustled to a 22 standoll dave ward and lllgin armstrong were the georgetown marksmen while scon willi nn- son and john vviieelilini ixplied lor milton georgetown 2 milton 2 georgetown the winnei on shots on goali 21 georgetown battled fergus lo a ll deadlock in the bantam championship lilt only to lose the issue by virtue ol a 41 shots pounding sports beat continued from page four had their catching hands injinvd but this hampered them veiv i little they also perlormvd well i the scoie was 21 lor georgetown as ihe game drew to a close but the host town rapped in a pan in the last minute to wrap up i the title a tie would have meant an acton victoiv since tbev i outshot georgetown bv a wide margin the excitement was intense- fot the kids many of whom had leais in then eves when tliev were on the losing end when geoige town was presented with the pee wee trophy there was so much i csciteineni someone dropped it smashing it into many pieces i legion minor hockey olficials heie wcie pleased with the acton showing and wcie quick to showoi piaise on coaches and inanageis who handled lh teams j3b anilslrong and ab irwin coached and managed ihe novues who thumped fergus and made il a close linal bill knight ken marshall and harold deloiest yyvre ihe pec- wee menlois while llio maivo and kerwin mcphnl coached and managed the bantams who bowed out lo champion feigns in the lust game or course there wen- also countless hours put in by the men on the legion hockey executive headed by bob loullct bui buchanan charlie thompson and ted pope as well as bob almost moved their beds into the community centre during the weekend bfat bits the mo 21 sweater which the late jack i dang kenlner wore as i member of the l39 oh a champion manners was again worn bv the acton pec wee gnaltendei in the foui town tournev game its more darn than yai n right now 1 chuckled josie kenlnei and daughtei mrs kenfylarshall who wcie down to checi the acton kids on saturday joey marshall recov enng lrom in opciilionto his legs was the recipient ol the acton i pi ie loi selling the most ticket fot ihe tourney its lire second win in a row loi the populai voung bov he was wheeled out on the j ice by ted pope to receive his pric georgetown raiders edged milton merchants 43 in iron ol 1400 fans sunday lo take the first i game of the ji c group semifinals its a bestoflive charlie thomson is recuperating at home i on goal veidiil in tavoi ol lei gus icelleni goallending was ihe feature ol ihe contest and iiiinv line saves weiv made al each end ol ihe rink dave nest scoied the ieoigetovvn lillv on a pass liom jack pegnaleli while mike mcculllgh set up rick fleming lot the fergus counlei feigus i geoigelown i fei gns the winner on shots on goal 41 tyke ixhlhltlon the midday feature of the tournament was a tyke enhlbl- lion game heivveen acton and ieoigetiiwn fieorgeidavp carried a maim share ol the piny but robin inscof piovcd lo be un- bealable in the acton hch kus van fleet netted the lone goal or the game al 14 s9 ol the middle peiiod lo earn ihe decision for acton jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete brick cinder blocks clay brick sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire fully insured pcv class fs ft f acton phone 8330730 dance every saturday evening 900- 1130 pm royal canadian legion acton orchestra in attendance 200 per couple following hospital trealmenl only tax day is eligible for a 15000 annual international citv managers grant for operations from the j association the institute of pub- ontario government the meet- 1 he- administration ol canada the mg was advised by a h le- j american society lor public ad masuricr he is deputv director i ministiation the royal institute- regional development branch i of public administration gieai ontario department of econo- britain the public personnel as- 10 shopping davs till read the ads carefully and development it i hop- sociation and d to organize ihe corda inter- cielv of planning officials municipal league among the 69 rival organizers in a progress report this week lrom the hallon county tubercu losis and health association special thanks were extended to the american so- those who organized the rural sec- n f i paul coopei got a shutout in municipalities in hdlton peel the acton nets sunday and brian york and ontario counties nine farrell helped himself to a hat her such associations cover the trick and an assist in the lop-sid- oalance of the province ed win casey harklev potted two l young people ol the presby terian and united churches held a joint discussion oajmorality on sunday evening alan mckenie jim lee and ken owen one llovd smallwood and barue flliott each collected two assists poor driving conditions sat urday limited the number of mo torists normally pleasure driving but sundays tine weather entic ed quite a number onto the high ways lions of the county for the mass survey these were mrs rol and haines ol glen williams who organized esquesing township rev w a leeman of campbell- ville who organized naxsagaweva and fred near who organized pai t ol oakville sm paint sale caroline nurseries garden centre and flower shop artistic designs by caroline west of acton on highway 7 south side member of u r c wire service tuberous begonia bulbs 8 colors on sale now telephone 8532980 anytime open 7 days a week s am til 7 pj xatex semi and high gloss enamel quarts 109 gallons 359 symons hardware buy now save twice beat the tax increase buy at sale prices krormrir sleeporlounge with spnngfilled millicss r uj9 9s now 15995 3 pc bedroom suite double dresser chesl and bed sale 14450 6 x 9 tweed rug continental beds vih foam back sale 2295 bj spimg mallrcss legs and hendboaid 5495 2 pc kroehler suite nvlon fneze loam cushions sale 22500 2 pc chesterfield 4 eater diamond back sale price 19950 acton home furnishings 47 mill st e 8530820 stftft photo pftoud winners of the bill toth shell trophy received their award from the donor shortly after winning the curing championship in the final playoff game tuesday evening left to riaht are betty connolly donor bill toth charles kirkness ab irwin and stella brunelle skipped by ab irwin the winners edged out the dr a j buchanan team in the last end remember youth rally saturday night march 19 8 pm acton high school auditorium former dope addict david collado will tell his story of gang lifem new york also featuring epbc trumpet trio and ambassadors male quartett sponsored by evangel tabernacle rev s thoman blood clinic monday march 21 acton legion clinic hours afternoon 2 pm to 445 pm evening 7 pm to 845 pm canvassers will call by telephone in the event you are not home when phoned feel free to donate blood during the above hours fqr further information phone mrs w finlay 8531774

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