Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1966, p. 1

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ninetyfirst year no 39 acton ontario thursday march 24 1966 authorized as second class mall t the port office department ottawa twelve pages ten cents three new teachers for h s mrs e c reed returns to staff three new teachers have been engaged to date to fhi vacancies on the high school staff a total of nine vacancies were created by teachers leaving atthe end of this term and an additional tea cher is required due to establish ing another grade i2a class hircd is mrs e c reed who was assistant principal in acton prior to leaving five years ago mrs reed who taught here for seven vears will return to teach french after teaching at easf york a husband and wife team mr and mrspaul martinclale of han over have also been engaged will teach geog- wife latin and mr martindale raphy and his spanish present geography teacher c l rognvaldson will teach indus- trial arts replacing the former teacher who is leaving this term four other teachers have given verbal approval to join the staff in acton next term but their contracts have not been finalized principal e a hansen vice- principaj joe brav and board members tom watson chester anderson and ray arbic inter viewed teachers at the park plaa hotel in toronto during the past two weekends family guts former school is left homeless a former oneroom school ss no 8 on the fifth line of nassaga- weya being used as a residence was completely gutted by fire sunday night during the second outbreak within two and a half hours the brick walls remain standing occupants ol the building mr and mrs andre brouillard and family of three children were left homeless and lost all their belong ings acton firelighters received the first call around 720 pm and ex tinguished a blae with damaged curtains bedclothes chesterfield chair and chesterfield as well as a section of the ceiling occu pants of the home were reported to have remained in the building about an hour and a half alter firelighters had been satisfied the fire was completely out the second alaim sounded around 10 pm and when lire- lighters arrived entrv to the build ing was prevented bv dense smoke smoke ejectors were set up i an attempt to clear smoke firefighters donned smoke masks but were unable to gain entrv dense clouds ol smoke poured from the building but at first there was no sign of flames when j flames became visible water from the booster tank on the truck was used and a portable pump set up in a swamp about a quar ter mile avvav suddenly the entire building was engulfed in flames and the fire was raging out ol control firefighters stayed at the scene until around 335 am monday morning wetting down burning embers with everything to be put in order at the fire hall fireliglitcis diefnt get home to bed until 430 am the old school is owned by sam smon principal ol the school at kiosk ontario and is insured contents ol the building were not insured 331 attend howard pearce recreation director guelph student formerly parttime acton recreation committee i existing omplovces at the centre hired a lull time recreation direc- will be under his supervision tor at their regular meeting last i april a low revenue month at wednesday in the council chain- i the community centie was the bers defined his duties and dis- subiei t ol a long discussion be- cussed means of combatting drop- i ieeri iivmbeis with the high staff photo a rosette on the chest is worth a flower in the hat pineview school clown chris neill discovers as he wins first place in the comic class at the public schools carnival last thursday recreation committee chairman ten lovell does the honors 45 high school students donate blood at clinic school addition tentative approval for a five- room addition at spcysldc pub lic school has been given by the department of education und esqucsing township coun cil final approval will not be given until architects burnett and rletlcr present completed plans the addition proposed by the ilsqucslng school board in cludes three classrooms one kindergarten classroom and a general purpose room it has been proposed to build the five rooms at one time it is expected the architects will have final drawings ready for board perusal next week after they have been accepted by the board plans will be sub mitted to both esqueslng coun cil and the department of edu cation for final approval at present esqucsing school hoard rents one room at the stone school in acton where tine class from spcysldc school receives lessons due to crowded conditions the second largest attendance at a legion blood clinic in acton on monday a total of 331 helped swell the fast depleting blood bank at the hamilton headquarters ol the red cross fortvlive high school students attended the clinic lor the first time to donate olood there were 10 piospcctive donors who were unable to give blood because ol minor ailments red cross workers ir h mrs frank toth jr was in charge ol registration and recep tionists included mrs arthur ford mrs george angell and mrs charles shultis typing out forms were mrs mac svmon miss esther taylor and miss ol- ga dyriw cloakroom helpeis included mrs robert johnson mrs wally mchugh mrs george frver and mrs gordon james col lee tea youngblut murray harrison ro bert watson stephen johnston sam brunelle vivian smith nan- cv rognvaldson wayne barber baukze van der kooy albert marshall eleanor heard philip marzo sandra chiassun colin foster lewis freeman alex waldie gordon thompson ora copeland dora coles john rol katie heptner robert drinkwaltcr roy goodwin ed- ilton headed by registered nurse miss donna arner were kept busy throughout the dav line ups tilled the legion auditorium and several donors had to wait in a downstairs room the telephone canvass cam paign was headed bv legionnaire vie patiick and legion ladies auxiliarv past president mrs wil- ham finla and was credited with the increased number ol do- i nors vaiious organizations help ed with the phoning ot everyone in the phone book red cioss workers included technician lois borbalh drivers dorothy doie joan sharpe and j axel niescen i peg pugh assistants included do- 1ieen monti phllis millington liene cserliati dawn brown and i colleen weston i local assistants i assisting red cross workers i were registered nurses mrs herb i ritchie and mrs george benton i as well as nurses mrs doug ro gers and mrs robert hart also helping veic st john ambulance brigade members mrs george hngiavc mrs fclwaul heller- nan and miss bella mac ros- donglmutsandjo w s ward molotu- art4uir beflinsfcr plied bv the legion lad- john vlietstra harold manes ell ies auxiliarv under the conven- ership ol mrs llod masales helping were mrs george laen- bv si mrs chai les higgins mrs del jordan mrs a tutkos mis james mcknight mis chailes townslev and mis vein wheeler list donors following is the list ol donors who gave blood at the clinic arthur coopei jack walker gordon van gils susan radtord helen jocquc flank reinuik ber nard freulei douglas gariett frank kersman rogei laeno douglas allan frank cassano doreen lee john robson ecln mai shall wendv almond anne mccahe pcgg holmes jennv holsiede lgbei t hofstede james matthews elsie halladav edna dobbie kathv molnar catherine meiedith mur- jorv lillie pat adam wendv thompson kenneth thomson gieta heller john johnston mav wilds ka ross jessie pi ice hcmv jensen ga white linda linhani fluirwis- icn verna muichison llavjd woodhouse jcllicv ga bei t tom manes rosemary high margit juhasza william gillespie mrs c el liott henr kroes william coker dora duncan june shall i george wingate louis dick don mat thews david johnson joseph bia donna krapek john kra- pek isobel cnpps charles al lan foul andrews nielsine lar- sen aileen currie robert hart mian ellcrbv christina britton dorotln simmons dirkjc van dke biuce coles victor bris- tow martha hocv irene rcimcrs murra fatt roy goodridgc geoige hargrave stephen coles david garrett beryl newton wilma coles marv button clarence coles dwight engel donald ryder jim ware albert vlietstra susan clarke helen waterhouse gladys david son bill cook david hunter continued on page five ping revenue at the communitv centre in the later part ol the sea son howard pearce who assumed the reel eat ion directors post on a part time basis in january was hiied as the lull time diiector at a salary of 4800 per year his duties wil commence- as soon as he is finished the directors course at the university ol guelph april 8 mr pearce has had extensive experience in the recreation held including a stint as an assistant director in haliburlon and two years as a director in his home town as well as serving on a part- time basis with the acton y he- will graduate from the recreation direetois course with a b cer tificate which entitles the com mittee to a giant ol 2000 on his services mr pearce will receive his sal ary plu- all the existing munici pal benefits to which town om plovces are entitled there is no scale for annual increments sal aries are reviewed each year how much is this going to cost the taxpayer asked com mittee member john goy his mind on the mounting town bud get a quick appraisal ol the ligures btought a 3300 answer from diairman len lovell with a small er amount needed for this year since onlv nine months remain the committee estimated 75 per cent of mr pearces time in the winter months will be spent managing the community centre search parties form quickly when a boy was reported mis sing monday evening o pp const peter campbell recruited about 20 men divided the town and immediate outskirts into cost ol keeping ice in a contribut ing i act jr john gov told the howard pearce committee the arena had to stay open to accommodate the inter mediate hockev team if titey kept going sowhy not rent to the toionto hockey league if weve got ice available he asked secretary art cooper inlormed mr gov revenue was still holding up most available ice time was being snapped up bv town and district teams and organizations the secretary was directed to send a letter to the thl inform ing them ice time was available in april it the league was inter ested committee member harold townsley perturbed at the large amount of water used at the community centre asked why a lower wasnt built so water could be reused a history of past nego tiations lor a cooling tower was disuissed but the committee lelt no action could be taken this year its not as serious as it looks commented chairman lovell when we pay the water bill hie town is actually taking it out ol one pocket and putting it infn- other the committee was told es qucsing catering service had pull ed out ol the booth at the com munitv centre and no one was available to dispense food for the school carnival efforts are being made to have someone finish up the season muriav harrison representing acton lions club was assured the community centre could be reserved foi a western show the lions intend to run tentatively on june ii mr hairison enquir ed about the extent of the facili ties available and was told the centres new folding stage would be adequate lr the lions needs the committee asked the lions lor five per ceilt of the gross gate receipts for relilal stressing this was a special rate since they had contributed s much to the com munitv centr the rcctearlion director inform ed ihe committee g mckenzie ol the ajrton ymca board had contactl him to ask if any ar rangements could be made to pro- grarfi the y the committee re- fewed the last attempt to form a liaison with the y negotiations bioke clown when the y board wanted the committee to have the continued on page five aui speyside school tops five at arena races costume contest at carnival sections and sent out search par- ties corp ray mason came back on duty to assist queries were made locally and information was also sent to other police departments bv ra dio and telex the boy was loca- cd at brampton and brought home shortly after midnight prompt action bv the police de- pai tment was praised the volunteer searchers weie fiielighters curlers fiiends and olheis who hcaul ol the prob lem for the second year in suc cession speyside school captured the championship at the public school ice carnival five schools sent 1019 to the arena thursday evening ol last week to roar their applause as their represen tatives entered skating races re lays and costume contests seated with a few teachers and parents in allotted sections the i alter raising supporters were very wellbehaved but very very vocal announce champion their jubilation only spilled out onto he ice surface when the annual events grand winner was announced speyside school tthoopornts m z ben school came second with 664 points and robert little school was third with 640 points two other schools entering events court monday fines totalled 208 with court costs assessed at s59 when 10 per sons were convicted in police court in milton mondav four of the convictions entailed speeding charges and six charges were laid under the highway trallic act rcnnick w 11 halladav jean planning board budget inalized at 3500 were pineview and limehousc a special handicap system was devised lor the carnival first place winners received live points second three points and thitel one but for schools under 200 emolment this ligure was multiplied bv 10 tor ihe m z bennett school the liguie was multiplied bv robeit little b seven new rendition director how- aid peaice ust 24 boms after he was hit ocl bv the icci cation com mittee was in charge or one ol l olterbein murray harrison the biggest and noisiest programs don perry of the regular reci cation scene assistants were well briefed and cveivthing ran smoothly and speedily some of those helping weie fellow students hum the univer sity ol guelph statistician was ken kuhn starter was dave courtemanche and his assistant harold towns- ley race judges were hugh patter son don perry and eric lynch costume judges were mrs h firemen save brooks barn piompt action by acton fire department is credited with sav ing a barn owned by albert brooks rr 2 acton thursday ol last week when fireliglitcis arrived the flames were beginning to lick into the main floor ol the barn and wilei from the booster tank eight and lor the was used to extinguish the blae school multiplied i fire chief mick holmes bcliev- i cd the fire started from combus tion in the stable area no one ius in the barn at ihe time ol the outbieak len lovell presented the rib bons to the winners and the ys mens big gold trophy was pres ented to speyside school repres entatives by bill nclles the win ners banner was accepted by principal gary dawkins the events were forced to begin when the lineup of people wait ing to pay admission to enter was still right back out to the road first of all the costumed char actors swung around the ice with 60 entered decisions were diffi cult costume winners in the comic class hilrbillies tjrcdnttfnrarett ehris nettl of pineview placed first as one of the iill clan then larry douglas ol speyside with a jug and san dra palmer of robert little third in the most original class gi ant irecn candle corrie maxwell of rl was first robot terry ro- ee ol speyside second and per ky leprechaun gene braida of mzb third national costumes placed liz- ettc clendcnning of speyside first as a japanese lady ricky rocher of rl second as an irish lad and debbie rippon of spcvside third as a spanish bullfighter in the pairs competition paul ine and james lynch of mzb continued on page five staff photo completely gutted the forrner oneroom school ss 8 nassagaweya owned by sam svmon and occupied by mr and mrs andre brouillard and three children illuminated the sky for miles around when flames shot through the roof sunday night acton firefighters made two colls to the scene within two dnd a half hours planning board members linal- 1 ied then lo6 budget thursdiv evening ol last week and will ic- cuisituiu council loi 3500 id meet expcled expenses during the coming vcai breakdown ol the budget shows m 000 hs been allotted loi the planning consultants lees sooo toi salai- lor the secretary 25 loi nienibei ship m ihe muni cipal wnld aiuls2s membership in the planning ssociation 800 legal tees 200 tor pruning and i ssso foi possible amendments to the zoning bvlaw charge applicants j secietaiv jack mcgeachie in- itoimed the board tost of process ing anv application lequesting a change in zoning isal least 300 boai d members discussed the possibiluv ol ehaiging applicants lee but i cached no conclusion on the suggestion i i allow three homes n application to the commit tec ot clustment from giuseppe gitto loi minor variances on tlnee lots in glenlea to allow him tc erect a house on each 16t was not opposed bv the planning i board however members re- i commended to the committee that the applicant install a re- taming wall at the rear ol each home lo prevent land from wash- 1 nig away the propel tv in question is lo cated on longlield road the owner had previouslv applied to have an apartment elected on the tlnee sites but it was ielus- ed planning board membeis agreed not to oppose the applica tion not enough information another application to the com- inilteeot adiustment tiom ton scvnuck to sell 5 8 acres ol his land abuting acton boulevard to cranston griese lor a small sulv division was opposed bv board members it was agreed the ap plication lacked sullicient mtoi- m il ion regarding a plan of sub division and members will iecom- mend lo the committee ol adiust ment the application not be grant ed new joint secretary the secretary inlormed mem bcrs it was councils wish lor him li he relieved of duties as secic- la n ot the planning boa id and committee ol adiustment as soon as possible it was agreed to have the board chnnriiii contact the chairman ol the committee of ad justment and if both agree to ad vertise lor a joint secretary accounts totalling 1 20578 wore approved for payment present were chairman aldo braida mayor les duby council lor bob drinkwalter and mem beis ed footitt and neil miller hub photo new canadian flags were presented lo the robert little school thursday morning of last week by members of lakeside chapler of the iode taking part in the brief but solemn ceremony were honorary regent mrs joe jocque and rev ritchie mcaaurray included with the two above are some of the children who received flags for their home rooms front row left to right kenny marshall kafhy frost and roger mceachern back row judy rody aarj jocque linda perry rev mcmurray and jane watson

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