a i 40maaltaitnaftavfca to by dh harry hamey mp once more the house of com mons has returned to i he busi ness before it thai ol consider ing legislation thai the govern- rtierit places before it in tilt past week the most vio- lfltit discussion it was rarely lebaie 1 have ever experience took place ltisl friday iittof the spencer inquiry was set tip il seemed a lair assumption that the mouse of commons would proceed normally and tl beyan to deal with the bank act on thurs day the viojence erupted over u pressconference the minister of justice had held that morning during the course of this he was questioned about a remark he lhad made in the heal of debate ihe previous fritlny concerning- the handling of a security case hythe header of the opposition who wlis then the prime minister there is no doubt in itiy mind ihrtmho remark was madcin i he heatol debate and noi deliberate iii seemed possible that il would have been loiyollen if the press conference had not been held to understand the complete situa tion one has to be aware of the background of ihe siiualiou thai has been building up for some years il may be sufficient to say thai personal animosities have been accumulating and generaliz ed accusations prevalent since at least the time preceding i he dor- ion riiqulry monday orderly thursday nnd ifiiday was ihe scone of partisan discussion of bitterness and insult of confus ion of points of order and privil ege the speaker allowed the dis cussion to rage which i feel was a wise decision as the searinguess of it seemed to burn out some of the vindictiveness on monday the procedure was orderly and may be truly called debate the basic disqusaion was the same but carried oh in nn orderly and sane fashion al least early in the clay it start ed off that way and gradually be came heated towards evening but still within reasonable bounds on tuesday afternoon the speak er moved in to rapidly clear away points of order and privilege the opposition made no new moves nnd suddenly almost without im mediate recognition the house of commons had returned lo its ihe normal business has been uiovinc swiftly and free of prob lem flection unlikely nel monday and tuesday the ciovcniinent will introduce a supply motion lo introduce ioveriimenl estimates of spend ing for 10 departments this will give ihe opposition an opportun ity lo move a motion on non- confideiicejn be government which will come to avole no lal- crmhan tuesday night it remains lo be seen whether the minister of just ice will be the subject of such a vote of non- confidence by the opposition the loss of such a vote would of course vnuseihe full of the gov ernment and bring another elec tion however il seems unlikely thai under the present circum stances his will happen it is ex- pec led thai some lime within the next fey days the question of ihe abolition of capital punshiment will be dehalild in ihe house ol commons 44page document auditors report says hal overspent on entertaining on open meeting will hear psychiatrist dr k kalalo md psychiat rist diieclor of mental health clinic ontario hospital hamil ton since 1962 and head of hal- ion county mental health unit will be the guesl speaker al an open meeting in st pauls united church milton friday imnrch 25 sponsored by the north hallon association for ihe mentally re- larded normal business since thai iimelioria dr kalalo born in turkey graduated in medicine al the ln- iversily of istanbul in isl and practised for six years in his nal ive country after emigrating lo canada in 1956 lie look a post graduate course in internal medi cine at st josephs hospital to ronto and was on the staff of ontario hospital london for two years lie look postgraduate work in psychiatry for two years at the university of western ontario earned a certification in psychia try from the royal college of physicians and surgeons and became a teaching fellow and acting director of the commun ity menial health clinic al vic- hospital in london whats thefhiancial stale of the county of halton county councillors can prob ably give you ihe figures to toll you the answers but youll have lo wade through a 44page docu ment heavily jodoif with facts and tigures to rinil it the 1965 auditors report by chartered accountant w ii matthews was vustributeil to citmcillori al last weeks- march meeting of lhe council noteworthy among the account ants summation is ihe statement that the county went over the al lowable budget for entertaining- guests and for travelling on civic business seel ion 410 of the municipal act allows county spending for these items nol ex- ceediiig 2500 and litis limit has been substantially exceeded for the year l ihe auditor said he did nol say by how much ihe county exceeded the 2501 limit atul ihe figure wasnt readily available in scanning the weighty 44pnge report surpluswise i lie countys in good shape the auditor found a 7147410 surplus after 1965 end ed 48500 ol which came from ihe county roads department the county operated a 2714- 92419 business in 1965 the reven ue and expenditure statement in dicates of this 1611989 came in county rales from ihe towns and townships thai are pari of the county the federal government contributed 16561 and hie provincial povorhment 751537 the regislrvofllce showed a ijbm- fit ol 85172 a surplus of 100079 from previous years was used to reduce the 1965 levy where most went major expenditures included 200863 ifor general government 202464 for protect ion to persons and property 5508937 for public works highways and bridges 254551 for public welfare in cluding manor maintenance 576569 for debt charges 649140 for capital expenditure and 125- 000 lor health unit oakville contributed 716032 to he county coffers in 1965 bur lington 629787 georgetown 91- 628 fsqueshig township 58124 nowadays even the dove of peace is bilingual instead of coo coo he cries roup coup millon 517l aelon 541918 nnd nnssagaweva township 24714 al the end of the year the coun- 1y oweil 5297249 in debenture charges these charges cover he ma nor colin i y ad m i n is t ra i ion building all four county hospit als and the three north hallon high schools during 1965 just 250378 was paid off the deben ture debt total financial statements for the munor health unit and museum were also included in the audi tors report the acton -free- press thursday m al ihe maivji niciting of hallon county council members leiirned j fllioll depuly reeve a day of oakville depulv reeve vv ilocy of nas- sagaweya reeve a leilwilh of milloli anil deputy reeve j young of georgetown have been namxil lo fill vacancies on ihe childrens aid society board of directors the manor committee of management reported- archileci d skinner luul been authorized lo acl as coilsullnnl for the sel ection of 60000 worth of fur uisliinps lor lie new martin man or al a cost of one per cent of ihe lolal cost of furnishings the fmo committee re- porled a one 2 exercise to je4 held in april will be planned around an accidental explosion of a bomb in ihe neighboring united slates anil ihe effects of radiation as a result vv galev ol millon was nam ed i9ft6 chairman of ihe hallon industrial committee and j iltiisi of acton vicechairman the committee reported mr galey was named official delegate lo the american industrial dtvrfi mem council owtterehce anrll 17 to 20 and wtmut m h hlritbn reported he 4tvtuti be attending nt his own 4mpatito the wiirilwis epot t on jan- nary utul tfebrttary activities showed he attended 117 memlfifs and functions jtrjanttttfy and 28 in february the llaltoti planning asso- rial ion report noleilrobert ser ena of burlington was named unci b drmkwdltrt- 6f j aelon viceihalrinnn for 1966 deputyreeve r r parker of aelon explained on behalf of the fmo committee that the responsibility for flooding ctt gleh williams lies with ihe rnunlcljmtl- tv involved the townrfhlp of fsquesing me noted the emx5 and conservation authority we willing lb help but the respahsi- li 1 i uiniinl bil it v is the townships wotfry red cross is always there with your help caroline nurseries garden centre and flower shop artistic designs by caroline west of acton on highway 7 south side member of upc wire service tuberous begonia bulbs 8 colors on saie now telephone 8532980 anytime open 7 days a week 8 am til 7 pm x mrs j b kaufman rr 3 milton make money winner of 10000 georgetown branch closeout special first 3 r quality pair nylons sw fur coats stoles jackets also on sale at reductions up to reg 295 1lq muskrat jackets 107 reg s395 length oft muskrat costs reg 498 can mink stoles s299 everything including brand new spring merchandise fantastic reductions now is your chance to save on your new easter wardrobe pont bu until you see us and compare styles quality and savings coats suits dresses skirts jumpers blouses sweaters girdles brassieres so dont wait we have a limited time for this sale come in and see for yourself how much you can save by shopping at this closeout sale everything must go to the bare walls american dress furs 23 main st s at church st georgetown branch