Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1966, p. 11

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20 years ago taken from the issue of the free frew thursday march 21 1946 havoc was created in acton and a wide district below the town on saturday afternoon when a large filter bcct estimated to con tain 25000000 gallons ol water broke the dam swept thrpugh in a wall of water and took away a second dam and overflowed into the natural drainage facilities the surge of water was so heavy that it backed up to the municipal water reservoir and pump hottsc and covered the reservoir for a depth of two and a half feet water filled the pumping slat- tion and covered the motor of the new pump installed last spring burping out the motor while a considerably amount of the dirty water got into the system the stopping of the pump did not all ow the quantity that might other wise have occurred miss annie black notified sup- crintendent charles wilson about 130 pm that the water in the tap was discolored a joint meeting ol the board of health and coun cil was held bulletins wore prin ted and distributed to every house warning that the waler sup ply was unfit for drinking and cooking purposes the problem of water tor drinking was solved quickly in fact too quickly for some late sleepers the lire truck cruised the streets with siren sounding to inform people a truck was on the way with water sunday morning wits a scene such as acton has never seen as citizens stood along the street and secured water irom milk and cream cans in trucks the supply was secured at local wells anil the wells of the dairies the cement bridge on the third line at dolly varden was destroy ed by the flood work started monday repairing the tannery dam so that tannery disposal would be stopped from going down the stream there have been no reports of serious illness or epidemic irom the iinlortunate experience lac leslie duby came back to his wile and lamilv alter tw years service overseas with tlw air force pie llovd mcmurdo wasunother passenger on the lie de france plunkett hearings continued from page five by the ontario water resources commission under a revitalized county re gional government mr best sug gested police lire ambulance main roads assessment educa tion welfare planning industrial development andl-ahpiisingiiuth- ority should be included under the local government secondary roads parking parks and recreation local planning water sewer and hydro services should be retained town of oakville oakville mayor maclean ander son introduced the towns brief noting it was a composite one with all local groups favoring the broad principles set forth he noted oakville had proven a var iety ol larul uses can he accom plished under a single govern ment the briel proposed an area bounded on the soith west by the spencer watershed on the west bv the grand river basin on the north by the watershed to georgian bay and on the east bv the present metropolitan re gion conservation authority town planner e dimming siij- obituary 50 years ago tukcn from the issue of the free press thursday march 23 1916 mrs havill president ol the womens institute reports that during the past 13 months acton institute has sent clothing and other comforts lor belgian wo men and children to the value ol j3i7 il is not so very long ago since bread was being shipped daily to acton ntfw however acton his bakers who are exporting bread both messrs d c russell and hurlord and chisholm are ship ping bread daily to outside points the soldiers ol o company did lived for 68 years in campbellville a lesideni of campbellville loi 68 years and lately ol the haltun centennial manor charlotte ann elsley died on march 23 alter a short illness mrs elsley was born august 16 1874 in kent county the only child ol thomas and elizabeth rout ledge in 1805 she married c a bert elsley and in that same vein they bought a store in campbell ville the store was later turned into an apartment and stood as such until it burned clown in 1w7 six children mis elsie v was the mother ol six children mrs e boles laura ol guelph w b elsley ol millon mrs n bouslielcl marjoric ol campbellville mrs john pogue anne ol barrie mr jim pogue ol maple and e m elsley ol toronto she did iiianv be lull ul oil paintings the majority ol them in the 20 years preceding her death funeral service was held on march 25 i torn the mckcrsic funeral home with mr pevoy ol liciating interment was in st davids preshvtcrian church cemetery campbellville pallbearers were grandsons o not parade to the baptist church l k vaiisickle v boles j boiis since a number ol them had ben i lield p pogue anil t pogue arid inoculated and were sitftering i w malum husband ol grancl- from the effects the estate ol the late walter t beardmore valued at 52000 000 has been disposed ol bv agree ment air beardmore died intes tate birds and lloweis and vernal greens will be cordially welcom ed the maple lives are thrilling their eager juices spilling into mam a sugar camp terrible news to iriends here was the news ol the sudden death ol miss susan dunn at chatham who was born m esquesing the remains were brought to the home ol her brother mr john dunn main st the tuneral will be held this morning at ten s clock and thence to dublin cem- cter lor interment lance corp jack chapman is home irom loronlo toi the week end khaki is the popular shade lor mens clothes this spring at testations have iken made during the week in m e collier ale pasulak thus snitt and thos ii conc during the past ear canadian wool has doubled in price bugl- eis r stewart ami k pultei were home on leave tiom millon mr and mrs william mcnabb and cameron visited in hamilton during the week mi and mis robert gibbons have returned alter spending a lew months in toionlo daughter verle your red cross for your help gested the oakville plan was bas ed oft the area under municipal planning jurisdiction coinciding with the area of municipal ad ministration it was also suggest ed the geographic area which ac commodates the most practical system of municipal services was more significant than a unit which enjoyed social and econ omic cohesion watershed basis the brief also submitted that the watershed or group of water sheds should provide the basis tor a new municipal unit to per mit municipalities downstream to participate in the development upstream that could result in pol lution the inclusion in the proposed unit ol extensive agricultural areas is based not only on the need to control and direct urban expansion but also- on the ac knowledgement ol a role for con tinuing and even permanent agri cultural uses and the need to af ford rural comniunilhessomc of the benefits or urban laxamc re sources mr camming pointed out oakville manager k needham suggested oakville eels the coun ty system has no met the chal lenges ol this area he pointed to representation which lie le was iinlnir since it was not bv popu lation he suggested ewer muni cipal units in ihr province would make coordinaron easier power eroded the municipality praposed bv oakville would ha 10 council lors selected on a ward basis with a mayor elected irom the total area a board ol education similarly constituted and a pub lic utilities commission of live men were also proposed he noted the power ol the local council was seriously eroded bv the introduction ol a number ol special purpose hoard- and com mittees he sugsud theie would be no need lor a conser vation authority mil lliis luiu lion could be handled bv i he- council in questioning on llie briel mi dimming noted it would be nec essary to limit expansion ol nor i hern communities based on the services now available to llieni the briel has locised on many ideas which we will have to re solve the commissioner noted information lnlormalion briefs were also submitted to the commissioner by the llalton county health unit the halon county museum association the halloa county personnel committee and the hal- ton county planning association milton planning board a buci bv tile milton planning board called lor two levels ol government and the division ol the present county into three areas it was proposed that tax ation should be tianslcricd to tbc counts to level out the location ol industry in one loinmiiniiv while the others piovicle the housing i i boaul chairman miuiav ker- 1 nigban noted the central llalton ilea pioposed including the lull width ol llalton tiom the iowei base line to the line between lots 7 and 8 in esquesing and nassigawcva was the aica ciu- icnlk included in the lire aica and high school area ft hem quarters i if youd like to have a beautiful garden next summer begin now 1 enter the chamber of commerce home improvement contest and win yourself a cash prize all the necessities and assistance youll need are right here open 7 days a week 8 am til dark carolines flower garden shop two miles west of acton south side of highway your chamber of commerce soys fstmf enter the home improvement contest and win yourself a cash prize beautify your home with pyramid cedars evergreens a wide variety of cvogrccn plants to choose from sel our display of true temper garden tools a complete line of rakes hoes shovels forks edgers trowels cultivators etc hintons 5c to 100 store mr kernighan explained the desirability ol retaining a local school hoard and controlling de velopment on good farm land bruce trail at hie opening ol the hearings on thursday david powell of the bruce trail association called lor the preservation ot the nat ural beauty ol the niagara lis- carpment he also asked that un opened road allowances that cur rently serve as part ol the bruce trail be retained by the munici palities federation of agriculture denil lawrence president ol the halton county federation ol agriculture presented the joint peelhallon federation briel the briel pointed up the trend in ur ban growth to overlook the best use ol hind it suggested walei control should remain with the owrc and water conservation and land use should have top priority in the review area the federation pointed out the fanrror holds a majority of the land in the area but urban growth diminishes his represen tation the farmer feels that un der our- present system of taxa tion he is being called upon to pav taxes lor some services not required by farmers but that are demanded bv suburbia we be lieve that people should pay for services to people and land should pav for services to land suitable areas tile briel proposed that a larg er share of educational costs should be borne by senior levels ol government and recreation areas should he located in places suilable for that land use ii society deems it neces- shv to preserve good lum land sixlelv must be prepared to lake a good look at the problem and be prepared to pav accordingly so tlie owner ol i arm land is not linincialv penalied the brief concluded in subsequent questioning and cliiiilication mr lawrence noted apiiculliiral land shoidd be pre- sei ved but not at the expense of the individual he explained if land had a high speculative value it should not be the owner who is penalized bv not being permil- lecl to sell but the land should be retained lor agrieultuial use through some system of compen sation checkup fixup your plumbing fixtures nows the time for a plumbing checkup and tuneup for anything from minor repairs to major replacements we have what it takes to do the job right at the right price a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton ont 8530640 breeders tour farms in perth llalton holstein breeders trav elled to perth county on friday march 5 on their annual bus trip fortyfive breeders visited five arms in the stratford ami dis cussing breeding i ceding and management techniques employ ed on these farms the next highlight lor holstein breeders in llalton is their aniuia4 ladies night to be held this fri day in the christian hducation cent re si pauls united church milton the guest speaker is the rev findlay stewart ol kitchen er the development ol the heart lung machine makes possible lile saving surgery inside the heart to correct inborn detects reports the canadian heart fund sports corner 124 mill st e at wilbur phone 8532160 prepare for centennial year support your local c of c home improvement and beautiflcatlon efforts buy canadian made souvenirs and ontario or canada crests at sports corner the acton free press thursday march 31 1966 j3 checkup too now is the time to rovlto your insurance coverage end bring up to present replacement eot dennys insurance agency 54 mill st e acton ont phone 8330150 residences bui 8532645 harold 8332565 get your home improvements done now with a b of m home improvement loan the bank of montreal would like to loan you llio money youll need to make homo improve ments and repairs during the chamber of commerce home and properly improvement campaign nowi if the cost of the ob is morn than you wish to pay out at the moment just talk to liw qam it your neighborhood branch of my itll dnrlfi bank bank of montreal home s improvement loans are readily llsqimi available at all seasons aaa bank of montreal acton branch edward pratt managor clip that entry blank now enter the chamber of commerce home improvement contest we have everything to rakeup lightup waxup dustup fixup paintup digup mowup complete selection of all kinds of now things for your home canadian tire corporation associate store 130 mill st e 8531060 goin to be a contestant in the acton chamber of commerce home improvement contest first check your first aid needs most accidents happen around the home o it makes good sense to have first aid supplies readily available for treating minor cuts nd perhaps preventing major ailments do you have a first aid kit in your car morris pharmacy harold g morris phmb proprietor glidden paint 15 off regular price 99c paint roller tray both jor we have all the things you need to oin in the chamber of commerce contest to improve your home and property lakeview discount centre 126 main st n acton 8531190 proprietors bruce cargill charles perry its clean up fix up paint up time all citizens are urged to get behind the acton chamber of commerce home and property improvement contest this year to improve our community to beautify our homes to promote public health we have everything you need to get this job done lumber and hardware building supplies paints nails and putty screens and wire brushes flooring shingles rollers j b mackenzie son ltd 12 church st cement coal lumber 8531660

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