jzj b8 the acton free press thursday march 31 1966i defense minister paul hellyer addresses liberal gathering f charge conflict of interest canadas minister of national defence the honorable paul hell yer fired facts figures and optim- ismat an audience of more than 250 when he spoke at the annual meeting of the halton county liberal association on saturday- march 19 the strapping six footplus mm ister spiced his 40minute address with humor and interesting facts and earned a standing ovation from the obviously impressed audience mr hellyer elected to parlia ment at the age of 25 and a cabin et minister at the age of 33 is prominently mentioned as a pos sible successor to prime minister lester b pearson as head of he liberal party blanket insurance that munsinger affair which has prompted headlines through out the world drew slight men tipn from mr hellyer when he suggested members on parlia men hill needed blanke insu rj ance coverage last week he pointed out all members on both sides of the house felt the sooner the affair was out of the house the better the great majontv of mem bers are dedicated public servants who work hard for the people they represent and it is sad to think that so man canadians be heve that what happened last week in the house is the norm rather than the exception he in dicated the munsinger aifvir mr hell yer suggested pointed out once i again the need lor a pel mancnt speakci in the house and his nominee for the post is the cm rent speaker maurice lamoureux he suggested a permanent speak cr would have more control over the house and could act with tomplctc impartialit he des inbed mr lamouieux handling of the munsinger affair in the house as superb blurred division a minister of national defence mr helljer has been in chaige of the integration of canada s land sea and air forces into one unit he stated there was a clef mite need to integrate the three forces since in recent vears the division of land sea and air has been blurred he mentioned the combined operations of all forces in some instances in the second woild wai and noted in cprus all three loices are woikmg to- gelhei from an economic standpoint it was also reasonable to unite the forces he said there was defin ite overlapping of materials in manv instances and what was considered as surplus material b one unit was being requisitioned bv another unit at the same time the minister expressed his pride in the tpe of men and women who are m the canadian armed torces and staled man for man and woman lot woman thevre the most qualihed and most piolieieiit soldieis in the woild toda canada out front in the ieorganization of its armed forces canada is out iront lathei than lagging be hind he said the idea isnt new but wen doing it in canada even though not ecibod hopes it woi ks he continued go to ottawa from other coun tries almost every week to see what progress is being made he added within 20 years every country in the western world will follow he predicted turning to the problem of auto- mation mr hellyer boldly stated it should be taken as a blessing rather than a curse part of the problem he suggisted is that we fail to realize that expenditures rise to meet the incomeavailable we can use the goods and services we produce and we must learn to share them with the rest of the world also learn to share we have another think coming if we believe the dispantv be ween east and west can continue vvejl have to leain to share he remarked the minister pleaded to cana dians to have moie faith in their country and asked them to invest more money in canada and take mofensks anddevelopmore rad ical investment attitudes speaking of the troubles be tween quebec and the rest of the nation mi hellyer said we must learn to live together he stated our confreres in quebec opted for the independence of canada in 1776 and 1812 differences there will always be he continued but we must learn to live togeth er through love because the future of oui country is at stake and even more than that for if canada cant do 1 1 what hope is there lor the world scores pessimism desciibing himsdl as a con genital optimist one who was bom an optimist and will die an optimist mr htllyei stated there is too much pessimism about toda canada has cvei thing it needs to pla a great part in the wofld of today this is oui challenge not lo rest on the lam els ol the past oi worry about the problems of the past but to think ol the future and use the tools we hae axailablc mi hcllvei talked about the future and described canada as his great country ol ours he spoke ol the big 67 centennial celebialions anci noted the arm ed tones would have two groups touring the eountrj and joining logcthei for mammoth shows at the c n e and expo 67 on the topic ol a canadian con stitution mr hclher hinted i dont think its within the compe tenec of man to wi he a document as suitable 100 veais latei as it was when it is wutten he sug gested there was a great need to look at the constitution and make it applicable to current times independence answering his question do you want canada to be an independ ent nation he said m answer is a icsounding he contin ued some people dont want canada to be independent but 1 do i beliec in canada and im pioud to be a canadian i think that b stawng independent can ada can do things that it couldn t do it it wasn t independent mr helhcr said he was pleased lo be in halton county and he piaised the woikol llic local m p dr hairv harle harrv is do ing a tiemendons ob in ottawa and it is ood to hae him woik allow four gravel quarry licences despite a conflict of interest charge by deputy reeve william hocy and councrllor mrs anne macarthur a motion approving the issuing of four gravel pit and quarry licences was passed at nassagaweyai township council meeting monday march 21 a decision on issuing gravel pit and quarry licences in the town ship has been hanging fire for several weeks but a motion pro posed by councillor ross gor don arll seconded- by councillbr william mahon received the sup port of reeve william coulter and was passed three votes to two deputy reeve hoey and councillor macarthur voted ag ainst the motion both deputy reeve hoev and councillor macarthur declared at the outset of the discussion thev believed councillor mahon should not be allowed to vote on the matter since he is the owner of a gravel pit no seconder cowewwr50ktsrt iffdifettcd he- had prepared a separate motion covering mr mahon s gravel pit but had decided not to propose it because he didnt think he mr hellyer was introduced by dr harleyand thanked bv prom inent halton county liberal owen mullen of burlington a lor men provincial candidate redistribution ahead wcntworth m p john morrison of dundas who might represent some of the halton consituents alter redistnbution ol seats said it could be weeks or months be fore ledistnbution is a fact if he receives the nomination he would hope to be as successful as di harlej has been in represent ing the riding he intioduced seveial of his campaign workeis in went worth new president bob blake said it was an honor lo be president for on the eve of breakup redistnbution the day is long gone when you can look at a group and consider them tair game ust to knoclron doors he said urging listeners to lump into the mainstream ol political life- there aic big i allies coming and big issues and articulate people ale needed ii might be the last year but it s going to be eventful he pledged a dance ended the convention the ieorganiation is gaining nig with us clunng these irving world attention and delegations i davs he said top judges four local people scored high in the 16th annual allcanadian judging compeutiun sponsored bv the canadian guernsey breed ers association john mcnabb georgetown was the high ontario icsident with 150 points he had one of the lew perlect scores in picking the all canadians and he also had tour of the reserve awaid uinneis m their correct places the other high seoreis liom this area were j d cameron noi val with 132 points mis hal tlev cameion norval with 125 points mrs j l chisholm milton with 112 points top score in the con test was 165 humiliation a sudden shrink ing to youi normal propoi tions more com peracre minimum tillage more profit fflfxffddtlinbn ffl8 bod i mw prafc fr i imperial oil for mm witt fltrarin sswtt a pttt- trwfafrt corntrol 862 is an emulsif table light mineral oil it is used at the rate of 1 j4 gallons par acra with 15 to 2 lbs of atrazine 65w which affectively controls quackgrass and annual grasses controls broadleaf weeds over a longer period corntrol 862 has undergone rapeatad plot tests and field trials over a threeyear period and is now fully farmproven ontario tests have shown yield increases of over 20 bushels per acre when an oilwater emulsion is used with atrazine at 1 5 lbs compared to atrazine in water only order your requirements of corntrol 862 now be ready to go when the weeds are ready to grow i corntrol 862 oilavailable only from your imperial isj agent g b skirrow acton should ask mi juahon to second it and he didnt feel either mrs macarhtur or mr hoey would second the motion mr hoev declared im not prepared to say whether or not mr mahon can second a motion dealing with gravel pits but i do believe he shouldnt be allowed to vote on the matter mr mahon defended his right to second the motion that did not concern his gravel pit bv stating the 2 fee was never meant as a source of income for the township in burlington they don t even have a permit fee the source of income is from the assessment denved from the pits and quarries he said and noted the taxes derived from the major pits and quarries is about onethird of the amount received from mohawk raceway truck problems the councillor continued if we re going to do anything about these pits and quarries theus no use antagoming them bv not issuing the permits thev re go ing to continue anvwav mr ma hon indicated he had visited the homes of two ratepavers in fhe area usuallv aflectcd bv blasting and thev had indicated they were more concerned with the rumbl ing of large tiucks past their dqorways than bv the blasting councillor macaithur intc iccled sec now thev create two nuisances one bv the blasting and the other bv the trucks if there were no quuries theie wouldn t be ileal lv as main trucks couneilloi guidon staled theres a lot more tialfic irom mohawk raceway than there cv er was from the trucks and no one seem to complain the difference honesth mi goidon some time i wonder if you know the difference bevvecn a truck and a car mrs macarthur fired back reeve william coulter consd ered the matter of gravel pits and quarries as being a matter of vital importance he said he didnt want to put the township in the position that assessment might be lost because the permits werent granted he suggested again the need for a meeting with gravel pit and quarrv operators so that some of these nuisances might be re lieved he indicated also these licences should be considered be cause of the assessment angle refusing them a license is no rea sonable excuse for loss of assess ment argument on fee mis macarthur answeied we never at anv time indicated a licence shouldnt be issued it was the fee i argued about dtputvretrve hoev pressed for an early meetingavith the opera tors because we know there is ratepayer opposition he ob jected to the passing of the mo tion because we ii be tnr a poorer position if we grant licences and then talk to them about it councillor gordon agreed theie was a need for the meeting but suggested we wont settle this tlnnj with one meeting im doubtful if wed get it done this jcar four issued peunission to issue permits to milton ouarrv walter simmons gordon mcphail and d h mc millan was giantcd a request liom domlar for a permit was withheld at this lime a meeting of council with pit and quarry operators has been tentalivelv set foi either tuesday march 29 or wednesday march 30 bowurs mm bowl for pleasure bowl for health well guarantee youll enjoy yourself acton bowling lanes 10 main st n member obpa 8530170 only 7 shopping days easter come in and browse around wed be pleased to help you select a suitable easter gift choose from our large display of sheaffer pens pencils and pen sets cartridge pens ballpoint pens and refills for all types of pens brief cases desk pads for dad boxed writing paper 89c to 195 hastynotes letterettes party serviettes 97c 69c large assortment 39c pkg have you an artist friend wc have everything an artist needs irrour artist supplies detft- drop in today v rv take time to reim lovelier cuter smarter than ever a complete assortment for every person on your list now at dills stationery 56 mill st e 8532030 corda meeting thurs to hear dr e g pleva a national authority on region al economic development dr edward g pleva professor and head of the geography depart ment urmersity of western on tario- has consented to give a keynote address to the founding conference of the proposed ccn tral ontario regional develop ment association at richmond hill thursday evening harch 31 representatives of local muni opalines will attend and will be asked to indicate their munici palitv s attitude toward forming a fourcounty league of municipal government in halton peel york and ontario counties councillor w g ruaume of oakille is provisional victchair man of the group maor les duby of acton and reeve william coulter of nassagaweva are among those on the organia tional executive a 15 000 annual administrative grant is available from the on tario government and member municipalities will contribute an addit 35 000 halton countys share would be 1000 actons 350 burling tons 1875 georgetown s 910 miltons 500 oakvilles 1875 esquesings 550 and nassaga vveyas p0 for a total contribu tion from halton county of s7260 fees are based on 1965 population figures girls studying the fifth meeting of the scotch block lassies was held at the home of mrs robert irving on march 26 the discussion was on the theme of pai ty ideas the girls gave their views on different ideas for parties after a short snack notes were given on being a happy hostess the duties of a hostess and her guests your red cross is serving jl today tp ready for tomorrow easter store hours all acton downtown stores will adopt the following schedule open thursday april 7 till 9 pm closed good friday april 8 open saturday april 9 till 6 pm closed monday april 1 t this ad sponsored by your local chamber of commerce a joyous easter to all over 60000 in p aunt marys bread wfcrto or bfwjotf specially selected branded round steak or roast 79 boneless specially selected rolled rump roast 89 c lb c lb boneless cube stylo lean stewing beef 69c lb swift premium extra lean cryovac 4s corned beef 89c lb shopsys small pepperoni pizza pies 69c ea shopsys famous cornish hens 89c ea sunshine fresh produce mellow sweet chiquifa bananas- 33 ont no 1 yellow onions 19 3lb cello bag c new spring texas no 1 carrots 33 3lb cello bag c bunch broccoli 29 supreme hot cross buns pkg 33c pkg of 6 save 8c rose brand 16oz jar regular 35c weston or sunbeam brown n serve twin rolls 12 to pkg 29c save 24c instant coffee nescafe 6 oz jtir 109 save 41c pilubury cake mixes a at mm rfc jf wmlc miwca pickles 2 9 i- mw save 10c kraft smooth or crunchy 18oz s 0 32ox bottlo peanut butter 49c maz save 5c lipton soups new instant flo chicken noodle or turkey noodle 2 pack 2s49c save 4c save all wax paper 100 ft 29c carton of 60 tea bags 59 save 6c window cleaner windex 20oz bottle 39c store hours t open allday monday open tuosday and wednesday until 6 pm open thursday til 9 pm open friday til 9 pm open saturday til 6 pm we deliver ph 8530990