Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1966, p. 3

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personal notes of acton laru visiting outoftown points and of visitors in acton homes david pink is a patient in the guclph general hospital mrs a j mclsaac is a patient in guclph general hospital mr and mrs w j beatty were holidaying in florida miss marjoric hall has been visiting with her sister in tor onto recuperating in toronto gen eral hospital following an opera tion mr elmer grischow is ex pected home soon mr and mrs alex mann were recent visitors with mr and mrs ken mann in aliston they also saw their new grandson mr harvey mccutcheon of lon don called on his mother mrs j f mccutcheon last week and had a short visit visiting sunday with mrs g a dills were mr and mrs clare prosser and children of brace- bridge mr orrie lamb is away visit ing friends and relatives in the west and two daughters in brit ish columbia mrs laura dittrich and miss florence wilkin have returned from a vacation in orlando flor ida recuperating from an opera tion robert little student joey marshall has therapy treatments three times a week in hamilton now a cnr employee mr ken woodman has moved with his wife and children from new foundland to 61 eastern ave af ter being in guclph a short while newcomers from holland mr and mrs vryenhock and their two children arc living at 2 main st n mr vryenhock works at the tannery mrs george warriner and mrs r f johnstone of toronto vis ited with mrs m taylor mrs m symon and mr and mrs a m macphcrson on monday mr and mrs thomas corner and family of brampton visited with mr and mrs willard brit- ton on sunday mrs corner was the former eleanor ross a res ident of this district friends and customers are sor ry to learn imrs c k browne is a patient in guclph general hos pital mr browne and assistants arc keeping their main st store in her absence a motor trip to the united stat es was enjoyed by mr arid mrs charles leatherland and mrs hf is mackenzie they were at vir ginia beach toured colonial wil liamsburg and went i on skline drive through the blue ridge mountains during the holiday trip rotary club president mac sprowl and mrs sprowl attended he rotary district 707 convent ion at the royal york hptel to ronto on march 19 the program included a plenary session and a luncheon addressby the hon wil liam davis minister of educa tion originally from denmark mr and mrs g jespersen have mov ed from georgetown to 164 tidcy ave mr jespersen is a butcher at blue valley meats george town and mrs jespersen works in a bank in toronto they have two grown daughters the family came to canada 12 years ago mr and mrs wm hoey and mr c l rognvaldson attended the department of education community arts and crafts con ference at brantford over the past weekend at the jolly baron inn brantford another district representative was maj h j newman director of the county museum linda braida guest skater linda braida of acton was guest skater at the elora skating club carnival on friday march 25 she is a canadian gold medal list in figures and free skating is a member of the guelph college figure skating club cfsc and the toronto cricket skating and curling club she was presented with a bou quet of roses following her per formance at elora she gave a dance doble staff photo champion speed skater dave courtemanche briefs 12 and 13yearold boys for the final heat of their race at the schools carnival at the arena march 17 mr courtemanche a u of g student was assisting his classmate howard pearce actons new recreation director three speakers special music for holy week services at knox special combined holy week services will be held in knox church sunday april 3 tuesday april 5 and maundy thursday april 7 there will be three guest preachers this year the baptist speaker rev dr harold slibbards ba bd bth of park st baptist church brant ford was born in england edu cated in western canada toron to and at mcmaster university following this with another d gree from st stephens edmon- ship of canada ton he was granted a doctors degree by the eastern baptist theological seminary and eas- exhibition on the paso j tern baptist college about a year i j and blues and skated an ago ironto and assists on sundays at the church of st martininthe 1 fields toronto for many years he has been chaplain at artaban a church summer camp near bol- ton j he is a rhodes scholar the pentecostal speaker dr j harry faught ba thd has j been pastor of danforth gospel i temple toronto for the past 12 years he is the executive chair man of the evangelical fellow- rev a h mckenzie played vice- skip on a team with three oul-ol- lown men in a rotary bonspiel at milton curling club last week they were winners of the first draw and won shirts or mr and mrs r rog four children have moved brampton to 168 tidcy ave rogers is a mechanic at milton motors and mrs rogers who was originally from acton works at northern electric brampton encore of her solo at the end of the show for the benefit of the many parents and helpers who were working in the dressing rooms during the show a number of acton and district residents were in the packed ar- ent she attends acton district high school where she is a grade 13 student linda skated in acton during the public schools carnival mrs sharon bradley dwyer is the professional at the elora figure skating club he has had ministries at saska toon edmonton north bay wel- land and lor the past six years in brantford a scoutmaster 35 years hes an amateur radio fan denominational work includes chairmanship at different times of the publications committee he has his ba degree from mcmaster university hamilton ind his master of theology and r of theology degrees from i dallas theological seminary dal- las texas outstanding music on sunday evening the angli can choir will sing on tuesday ihe legion choraliers under george musselle will lead in praise and sing several numbers the committee of church relations on thursday evening a combined desmond orourkc rcaf spent a weeks leave with his parents mr and mrs thomas orourkc bclorc leaving for tanzania alrica where he will he stationed for a period of about two years friends and lamily were de lighted to welcome miss susan wilson back home from los an geles california she is prepar ing for her marriage on april 23 and then the couple will be living in california she is the daughter of mr and mrs bill wilson mr ben case til esquesing township returned monday from an extended motor trip through the united states including ari zona and the grand cinvoii as a member ol hallon county mus eum hoard he was pat ticularlv interested in greenfield village at detroit a collection ol antique pickle cruets owned tor publicity pur poses b walter bick ol biks pickle company is being exhi bited all through the west by mrs jean sproston lormerly ot acton and now ol toronto she- is being interviewed on radio television and v newspapers ab out this unique collection a tape made hclore she lelt for the cbc in toronto was shown on tele vision last friday alternoon she works lor the duckworth adver tising agency buchanans trip sweaters jcw prognl cci i i a rcmnk lhc history of rus- w jsia followed by showing of slides of a trip there interested those who attended the general meet ing of trinity ucw wednesday ol last week the guests were dr and mrs a j buchanan at lirst wilh ihe i mrs buchanan spdke briefly of russias history and backward conditions and how rapidly they friend have advanced since the first world war in education govern ment and science slides depicted buildings chur ches and sculpture in russia fin land sweden and germany of special interest was the wall be tween east and west berlin mrs c l rognvaldson intro duced the guests and presented mrs buchanan with a potted mum mrs b veldhuis president ol line alternoon unit presented sun day school superintendent hugh patterson with several books for the new sunday school library w inch is just beginning worship service was led by mrs w watcrhouse and mrs a long plavcd the piano the groups were sorry to learn mrs e sampson has resigned as ircasuivr mrs j gibson was ap pointed several banquets will be cater- id to in april and ihe radio and television committee of the convention he is presently federation represen- tative on rhe religion and labor council of canada and also the convention representative on the church and industrial society council of canada the anglican speaker the rev william lvndon smith ma is bead of ihe church history de partment at trinity college to hoir from five churches bap tist christian reformed pente costal presbyterian and united- will fill the choir loft george elliott will play the organ and di rect the massed choir a practice was held last sunday a hymnsing will precede each service replies have been re ceived from various organizations contacted indicating which nights they will attend together just one case of hepatitis here dr a f bull medical officer of health for halton county lold the free press tuesday that only one case of infectious hepatitis has been reported in acton several cases have been reported to him throughout the rural area surrounding town dr bull stressed the impor tance of cleanliness in order to prevent the disease and noted everyone should wash their hands thoroughly as often as possible and adopt general cleanliness at all times the medical officer of health did note however that in most instances infectious hepatitis is more prominent in rural areas than in urban areas he sug gested that any unusual illness contracted should be brought to the attention of the family phys ician as soon as possible he also noted there were only three cases of scarlet fever re ported in acton to date the adon free press thursday march 31 1966 obituary man paralyzed by rabies shots friends organize benefit dante mr hitchcock was advised to have the series of rabies shots and alter 10 developed paralysis and was hospitalized weya township have handed to- he remained in guelph general gether to help the lamily with hospital lor approximately 42 lavs before returning home a lather ol live children gordon hitchcock rr 1 acton is paral yzed from rabies shots and tnd neighbors in nassaga- proceeds from a benefit dance mr hitchcock an employee at beardniore and co ltd went lo the aid ol his pet mongrel around the lirst ol the year believing the dog had a bone stuck in its throat when the animal bewail to choke veterinarian dr b d young was j organized gradually recovering paralysis happening shots are estimated where he is chances ol from rabies one in 1000 friends and neighbors through out nassagaweya township have benefit dance at called when the owner couldnt brookville hail on april 23 and locate a bone the doctor was of all proceeds- will go to the hitch- the opinion the dog was rabid and cock lamilv this was confirmed later alter mrs h w hinton had lengthy illness following a lengthy illness lil lian mary hinton widow of the late henry william hinton pass ed away in st josephs chronic hospital guelph on march 29 af- j ter living lor many years in acton at 24 park ave she spent the last lew years with her daugh- j ter mrs c burns in toronto j i funeral service will be held ihis alternoon thursday in st albans church conducted by the rev r mcmurray and interment 1 will be in fairview cemetery j i mrs hinton was born in eng land and was married in london she came to canada 55 years ago mr hinton was a well known merchant in town she was a member ol st al- bans church and had been active in the wa she is survived by three sons and one daughter henry new york norman brother nor- man ottawa herbert acton and edna mrs c burns toronto and eight grandchildren amples were exaniin- brain tissue cd the mongrel died three davs lat er and i hive cats and a collie dog were ordered destroyed after hav ing contact wilh ihe rabid pel shade for baby when a baby js put out ol doors in his carriage tixquent checks should ihe made to ensure that the sun docs not shine tjn his lace while he may be in the shade when lirst put outside the sun may be glaring into his eyes in a short time robt r hamilton optometrist 8773971 111 mill st- acton monday j afternoon and evening from 4 pm i train to toronto ask about convenient departure or iv f way and return times bi for information phone th local cn passenger salts off ica cij canadian national ve f watsons dairy bar and restaurant lets play bridge by bui coats defense at contract bridge is more difficult than offence de clarer has complete control over 26 cards while you as defender may play only 13 cards and you must encourage your partner to play his 13 the best way for the defense occasionally however there is a hand on which the defense rests solely with one defender when that happens the defender- must do all the work himself take thisjiand which occurred last week at the acton bridge club neither side is vulnerable and the dealer is north north sq2 h a k 8 7 6 d j 9 4 c 9 8 3 west east s j 9 7 6 s a k 10 5 h 10 9 3 h q 5 4 d 10 7 3 2 d 8 6 5 c j 2 c a 5 2 south s 8 4 3 h j 2 d a k 0 c k o 10 7 6 the bidding north east pass pass 1 h pass 3 c all pass the bidding is quite straight forward although north might have rebid his hearts one north did get to three hearts but the contract was defeated it is diffi cult to make three hearts when you cannot see how the clubs are south west 1 c pass 2 c pass distributed the usual contract was three clubs making four good defense should hold the contract terthree which at duplicate bridge is a good result west leads a diamond and de clarer wins declarer immediate ly leads a spade this was won by east who now has in his power the chance to hold declarer- to nine tricks why did declarer lead fl spade the answer surely is so that he could ruff a third round of spades in dummy east leads a small club declar er wins and leads another spade east wins and now takes the trump ace and leads his last trump declarer is held to nine tricks two in hearts three in dia monds and four in clubs many defenders arc reluctant lo lead trump they feel that this is declarers duty if dummy is short in a side suit and declarer does not lead trump immediately beware the ruff in dummy lead trump to keep declarer from ruffing last weeks winners were tied for first brian hamilton and bill barbour with mr and mrs bob dickson third jack coats and harry frost obituary car accident a car driven bv hugh charles orourket 11 john st n acton received 150 damage in a onecar accident on highway 7 near goys terminal warehouse thursday ev ening of last week notice any property owners residing in acton who wish to have a tree planted on their property line fronting on town property should make application to the town clerk before april 7 1966 phone 8530220 or 8531200 the trees are red maple 6 to 8 tall cost of trees to be 50 to ratepayer and 50 to town if enough applications are received planting can take place this spring j mcgeachie clerkadministrator for the woman of fashion this easter mew eosf ume new coat new suit whatever fashion you want to brighten your wardrobe at easter youll find it here styles and prices to please spring is just a hat away see our wonderful new collection where colors run rampant silhouettes grow sty high or just skim your head delightfully romantic hats full of face framing flattery the cameo shoppe 25 mill st east mrs r j waldie dies in georgetown mrs robert john waldie of i2 mcnabb st georgetown died in her 81st year at georgetown and district memorial hospital on sunday maich 20 mary lougbeed waldie widow of ihe late r j waldie was born liri ireland- in 1885 and came to gcoigetovfif at the age of 17 where she was mar ried inaugust 1914 her husband predeceased her in 1938 she lived all her married life in acton and georgetown she was a member of knox presbyterian church in acton she is survived by daughter hazel mrs r b matson bramp ton and grandson michael mat- son the funeral service was conduc- tedby revt norman young as- sisted bv mrs waldies nephew rev john r waldie toronto pallbearers were franklin cleave claude ken trier garfield mcgil- vray georgetown and three neph ews alex waldie jim- sayers and willard britton acton flower bearers were george job glen payne cal mclntyre and stewart elliott interment was in fairview cemetery acton repartee what you think up on the way home take time to remember easter cards little girls and hoys love to send and receive easier greetings we have all kinds for all ages bring the children lo see our complete display i ideal for your home or office smithcorona figurematic electric adding and subtracting machine swift silent sure responsive engineered and priced for everyone only 11950 jhave you arranged for a rental ownership typewriter corsair 640 12 months to py per mo sterling 1195 12 months to pay par ma come in and see us today we have many good gift suggestions in our stationery and artists supply departments for easter dills stationery 56 mill st 8532030 mm

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