Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1966, p. 5

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s xt pfunfcett hearing now over continued from page one ment at the local level since he cquncil has no control over it un der the terms of current legisla tion it was suggested it was desir able to have records of assess ment close to the people concern ed campbellville g w goldstraw chairman of the village trustees of campbell ville expressed that groups op position to miltons proposals for annexation that would include the police village our taxes would go up he summai ized town of burlington burlington solicitor e l moore pointed out the tendency of bur lington to serve as a dormitory town for hamilton and oakville and suggested the relationship of hamilton and burlington should also toe considered by the com mission the town brief proposed consid cration of a single tier govein ment to provide broader tax base possibly extending j ram burling ton imilton and oakville to brampton slteetsville cooks ville clarkson port credit and the east boundary of peel coun tv a further alternative suggest ed was to fix the things wrong with the present form oi govein ment and make it more respon stole in terms of representation levy for roads the solicitor suggested t h e towns- of burlington and oakville were required to pay dispropor tionatc amounts toward count roads because of their heavy con tribution to all county costs the ibrief did not advocate county planning or countv assess ment commissioner plunkett again questioned the desire to retain assessment at the local level not ing a current tiend for it to be handled at a county level mi moore suggested the desire was to retain the information where the people arc still separated this ib only an administrative problem the commissions sug gestcd quoting from a transpoi tation study the commissioner also noted the degree ol orienta tion ol burlington tor hamilton was not as high as qpc would have thought looking at the size of a south haltonpoel municipality propos ed in the burlington bnel the commissioner noted it would be 300 to 400 square miles he cited recent reviews in the united stat es where the countv was the prime form of government and the sie ranged from 300 to is 000 square miles mavor l berrvman of burling ton emphasized to the commission the influences on burlington trom hamilton and the growing tax burden inflicted bv mushrooming residential development that pro vides a dormitory for hamilton and oakville oakville catholic school board the oakville catholic school board in its brief emphasized the need lor trustees to ictain a close contact with the electorate the board also warned laigc boards with too main membeis make decisions dillicult questioned b the commission parks major highways educa tional buildings libraries wel fare and hospital the second level of government would be responsible for extra taxation for local responsibilities or special desired facilities new boundaries the bnel outlined foui bound ai pioposals all placed he aiea of bujjington milton oifk ville brampton port credit claikson in asoulhern unit wfth various divisions based on water sheds and othei natural boundar ies the proposal was to place the northern paits ol peel and hal ton with dutlvnn and wellington counties lathei than uith the sou the in pal is ol hallon and peel town of milton milton solicitoi d a mccon- achie presented the towns brief suggesting the commission con sider what can be done in the framewoik of the county to de velop alonj ku gei lines he ex pressed ihu towns concern that the intioduction ol legion il gov einment iriuld stagnate develop ment in the noith the town ex piessed the need for a county planning boa id to deal in broad general lirms icuing the local zoning m it tcis lo tne local level the town also rccomm nded the county establish a staffed en ginccnng department that would provide consulting seivicc o thv local municipalities elementary and sccondarv edu cation should be taken over bv the countv with ihe exception of separate schools it was suggest ed but no opinions on the stiuc- tuie of the board wcie given the appointment or a countv assessoi was favored with local assessors left in the local munici palities to handle discussions with ratepayers the transfer of fire protection iiuisdiclion to th county was also endorsed the milton bncf also urged that ambulance suvice be taker ovei by the countv and managed by the vanous hospitals the countv should also uko over th indusliiil promotion activities lo piov tie establishment ol a lull time department the hi el sug gesled the commission slioalcl tak gieal caie in establishing too large a municipahtv that will take iou goieinmcrt wiv fiom the ralepaveis mi mcconachie con killed queens park control commissioner plunkett observ ed that tbepublic is generally moic concctncvl with big govern ment than lhct aie interested in local gov einment as he pointed to the voting inteiest at elections mi mcconachie suggested the real participation ol people m government was at the local level in seeking oil ice and laving com plaints he suggested there was too much fragmentation and a i eduction in autonomy with loo much eontiol mom queens park in local government thought questioning mr mcconachie on suggestions that there was ad equate giound watei to serve milton giowth the commissioner pointed to a pioblem in bramp ton where he suggested it had also been thought suflicient giound wale i existed foi devel opment thue when the supplv was lound inadequate a supplv had to be developed fiom lake ontano bv the piovincc the what is 4h the name 4h is derived from hands and health the signili cance of which is expressed in the 4h pledge i pledge my head to clearer thinking my heart to greater loyalty my hands to larg or service my health to better living for my club my commun lty and mv country the 4h movement is designed specifically ior rural young peo ple the program places a per sonal responsrbriity upon each boy and girl taking part since each is required to complete at least one project during the club eai all projects are of a practic at nature with the emphasis plae ed on learning to do by doing in addition to studying the tech niques ol improved aguculture the members receive a well bal anced training in citizenship all meetings are conducted accoid ing to parliamentary procedure members elect their own officers learn to express themselves more clearlj and develop new skills and leadership ability as thev work together in pursuit of a common goal the bettcimcnl of the rural community they arc preparing to take their places as the citizens of tomorrow 4h club work in ontario the 4h clubs in ontario are organized by the extension branch of the ontario depart ment of agriculture under the di rection ol the agricultural repre sentatives oflice in each countv or district club members must be farm i pledge my head my heart my hands my health 4h members our citizens of tomorrow project is cained on dining the in each protect membeis are ic summei months ending with an quiied to keep accurate lecoids the aclon free press thursday march 31 1966 nassagaweya council firiep achievement div in the f ill sponsoring organizations 4h aguculluial tluhs aie spun soicd by local oiganizations such as agi icultuial societies scmvicc clubs junioi rumcis and othei gioups inteiestcd in tile develop ment ol agiiculliiii and in niial youth in addition to imincial support most sponsois take an active pai t in the piomotion ol the club pioiect and in geneial bring to the club the suppoi t and interest ol the community the club leader each club must have at least one club leadei who woiks close 1 with the voting people helping to piovide insliuction and guid ance and ciicouiagnij them to complete then project the pic sent growth and development ol 4 h club win k in ontano h is been dependent lo a gnat extent on the active conmbiilion ol ihc si leadei s whos sen ices lie en lircly voluntai the club member the pi imarv aim ol 4 11 club work is the development ol the club member each mcmbci is expected to complete caiefullv and thoroughly the uoik icquiicd in the ptoicct to itlend and take pan in all meetings and othei ic tivities to paiticipate in the achievement div piogiam and to cooperate with his fellow membeis and club ictdcrs educational meetings regular meetings piovidin in bovs and guls 12 years of age by j sti uetion in all pliusis ol the pio january 1 and must not tiave rca ched their 21st buthdav bv de ccmbei 31 of the club year generally the clubs are organ ied in the spring of the vear 7 he iiect aie held diiiiny the club si t i son prictn il dtmonsti uions m included m the progiam to im i membeis an uppoi tunitv to piac ticc udging showmanship etc er on the eltect local boaids have commissioned suggested piema solicitoi noted milton does not lauii lormalion ol icgional gov einment at this time domin ence from the south would force stagnation ol the north he not ud the town favois coordina tion ol growth at the county level it was pointed out burlington committee of adjustment w reeves secretary treasurer of the buihngton committee of adiustment submitted that groups brief suggesting the pio vince be broken down into sevci al smaller provinces the com nuttec urged the continuation ol the piesent form ol committee of adjustment to contribute to the smooth working and inlet pre tat ion ol icstnctive by laws fiuan best milton presenting a submission as a private citizen suggested peel and halton should be governed and administered as two separate entities he notfd the two wcie present iv established and had ueentlv completed administrative facili ties centrally located in each countv he suggesled centializa fin press hasn i lion in government has its limits on cosl ol piotluclion attention is also paid to saletv in the opera tionand handling ol livestock nniefynuv and all types ol laim t quipmciit lach club elects fiom among its membeis a piesidcnt vice picsident and seeietatv to caiiy on the club meetings bv paitici pat me in the business sessions ami gioup discussions membeis develop sell eonlidence judging competitions shaipen then pow us ol obseivation and teach them to in ike then own decisions taming in leadei ship arid citizen ship is an inipoi lant pait ol cveiy ii pioiect projects in ontano 4h clubs aie oigan ied on a pioiect basis with all murine is ol a club caiivmg on the s inn pioiect a wide vai lety eil pioeils an ofklecl acioiding lo ihi nteiisl ol the membeis nul the type ol agi iciilliiie cai i ud on in the ar this vi u hallon county 4 11 club membeis will be able lo choose horn t wide vaiiclv ol 4h clubs the dany call clubs will be divided into the east and west 4 11 holstcin clubs and the hal i ton iiisevguoinsev avishne call club while the acton membeis m iv oin eithei the mixed daily uiel bed call club oi the acton ciiam club ihc ii item 4 11 beef calf club gi iin club mil coin club will be ollcicd while the hallon sheep eluh is ilieadv in opcialion the 1 hilton 4 11 stiaubciiv potalo inel sunn clubs aie thicc new 4 11 clubs th it will be ollcicd this yen lo hallon club membeis i oi sinioi 4 11 club membeis me mhe i s id vi ii s of igi and old n thi 411 cimseiv ition mil i nmn i in c luhs w ill i un hi i i lele cl tills veil other activities a wide v uiily ol letivitics at the countv regional and piov uieiil levels have been designed to add inteiest to the local club piogiam competitions in judging and showmanship aiouse considci- i n t i i i s u championship ie also popular dining a mcnl met ling ol nas sagaweva council mc minis approved the lining ol s scott as caretaker ol the town ship ollices cirective apul 1 decided to purchase a new grader for the township roads department at an estimated price of 20000 qr which an estimated so pel cent will beieceived liom the provincial government it was decided lo linaneelhc pin chase ol the giulei oei a lw veu pi i kiel ind it was loinied omh appiovtil must be leceivcd ihc eleik was insliuclcd to wiite ihc 6 vi b asking ii the appio val learned the township has no recoiiise but to puv legal fees lolilling ss14 60 the fee icsiiltid liom a compile ited com i c isc which ie suited when a township latcpavci appealed l decision ol ihe lovvnslup pouiulke cpe i ihuiil three lens ago approved a bvlaw for 1wj6 load expenditures in the towlv ship totalling 165000 including 2s000 toi construction afyfi 40 000 lor maintenance a top- plementarv bv law for foa4 x- pendiuues totalling 17500 wftaal- so passed received an invitation to at tend a meeting oi the golden hoist shoe indushial council on apul i at hornby tower golf com st festival ball club donations approved by nassagaweya wi outerspacemen didnt settle the unidentified hying obiccl was over acton this week lntli viduals and lamilies watched the slow moving obcct in the sky sunday monday and wednesday nights and when they compare ctfablc notes their reports ilbed all saw show a silent unfanniiai shaped object oiginied eeluc monal louts apparently turning with colored ol linns agi icultuial institutions twinkling lights mt mdustnil ccnties aie also in one explanation circulating is eluded thai the obcct might be swamp speciil ieacleiship couises gas but acton obscrveis rule this pnmeli addition il naming out another suggcsiion was the snionil chili week is an yroplane being built at george oulst mel ng eptiicnce loi the 4 11 club members selected to represent e ie h pi ov alec in c in the nassagaweya women s in stitute was cnteilaincd at the home ol mis andv frank ol mil ton on the occasion ol then match meeting tlieie was a good attendance ol membeis and the meeting was clianecl bv the ptesi dent mrs tred lchvaids i he roll call was ansvvcitd by an li ish song or okc in tionoi ol st pal j i ick s day sonic malleis ol business woe discussed and the gioup g ivc un ammous vippioval to donations to the hallon musicil i estiva and the mollat baseball chin a ie taidcd school proect was intio duced concerning un enameling stove which the sunshine school needs foi then crilt vvoi k and it was decided to hold a eiicliie in brookv die hall on apt il 4 lo i use lunds foi this muse the piesidcnt thanked those who had earned out the tb sur vev so capablv mis m moffat addles sid tin gioup icguiding ihe cancel hind mil lequcstcd voliuiteeis lor the drive complaints bring double columns ihe i lee press had a lew com plaints list week icgaiding the omission ol the 50 ye us ago md 20 yens ago columns as will as sugar n spice column i isi week unloi lunate i v then w is moie news thin eoukl lie ae commodatcd in the 12 pages i his week the advertising has incieas ed eonsidciably anil thetcloie the issue contains 16 piges readeisol the above mentioned columns will be pleased to note a double amount of these columns is contained in this week s issue it pleases us at ihe free piess to note rcadeis miss ccilain stoi ics when thev don t appeal we often wonder which articles aie best re id lollowmg the business the meeting was tinned ovei to the piogiam convene i mis miuiav mahon i he opening iiumln i how to e lie h i icpicchiun yeas i c id by mis palt an mi piomptu dialogue caused a gooel deal ol mei i liucnl and was e ceplionally well eniud out by mis m mollat mis a li ink mil mis a1 mullen sotili contests lollovveel which vveie enivctl by ill i lie line up ol pigs made irom pot hoc s uus ins toothpicks inel y nil was clinic unpicssiie and lle lllelglllg vas leally clillieull 38 siohfs sfiulse ontario sales installation for harding carpets vinyl corlon floor tile ceramic wall tile free estimates without obligation aalkerc 38 stoites seiwing ontajuo 127 woolwich st guelph 8222420 m jtij safe secure save money too under the protective roof of safeco insurance- dennys insurance agency 54 mill st e 8530150 acton residences bill 853 2645 harold 8532565 save with saleco s broadrisk homeowners policy no dangerous gaps no costly overlaps yet it costs less than many ordinary policies for tho complete roof of pro tection call us today town but it is not licensed to fly at night and would not be as bright as this uto was as usual no one cot a pic tin e ol it the men from outer spice i such thev wcie decided not to settle down in acton anvw iv no other newspapers give lea sonable explanations ind the ol one ell he i un tne eneci local uoaios nave- u mu c u decision now to mcigv trie the school hevond setting s 1 i tuic development hcc might also i uq woum j somc dac anes and building buildings it was agreed the boaids icallv plaved a minoi uile milton school board milton public school boaid vicechairmun ron hams sug nested linger aieas were coming and the intioduction ol a countv buiud ol education would be ideal it would be made up ol tiustees etvctod tiom vanous eenties id uppoi t ol this yii- pooul he noted it takes an elc mentai v school population ol 1000 to leed a secontlaiv sehool ol 1000 which provincial auth unties have indicated is the best sue lo pel mil olleiing of most couiscs the vice e hail man pioposecl that milton take in an aixa noith and south ol the town to pio vide ihe 3000 elementary pupils sugjieted a- an ideal suc andrew tiame repre sinling the buihngton public utilities commission stressed the nved to retain the eomiinssion emuepi lor hvdro and water seivict comnnsmonet plunkett suggested he didnt ec the signiticancc ot retaining commismons and point ed to the general lack ot in teirest ui elec ling commissioners ml fiumo stixssed the wis dum ot keeping the re v e nue-pro- eluemg sei vices like hvdro and watei separate irom the miiniei pl scrviech wheix ihe tendency might be to use sunuses to ie duee mill tales lathei than maintain and expand service roger robeits representing the burlington suburban area planning board noted a strong orientation in north burlington to milton with a similat pull in the south of hamilton and oak ville th brief proposed a twolevel svstem ot government with the senior level responsible for taxa tion assessment overall plan mng police conservation majoi end the same way without s lie guai ds mi mcconachie stiessed the town agiecd it should not peimil development lo the point vvhciv it would have to be bailed out milton has a pioven giound wa te l supply toi a reasonable and oidc tlv development he stress ed in tuithei questioning the town cut clipper in sweden wheic the penalties having to decentralize for impalixd drl alc lowth reached a ccitain man was toinilkd dl a lshlp lead to i when g point mt best suggested the county i system should be streamlined i aiid sdengthened to loim the basis loi icgional goveinnient i ho noted vvatci fs a natuialte souice and should be talcn over i continued on page b2 l powci iivvn mower while intovi cited the lld icinatkcd th it he would be lenient because ol the slow speed ol the mowei and the lact there was no other tial tic on ihe lawn at the time how ever his leilicliev was a si so line ad l dining the week they are given oppoi tunitv to discuss can ieli in inel wollel allans to assoe lite with leideis in agiicullm inel industry to exchange ideas with lellovv elub membeis liom othei piovinccs inel liom usa inel lo bioiel n then knowledge ihiough tiijis to points of agi i eultiuil indusliiil ind civic in telesl i lii ti ip selves is an incentive lo lllltllcl p ll lleip lllllll ili le iel hell i etlll 11 to then home lommunilics if von would like to join a 4h aricullural club contact the agricultural representative tor hallon county in the agri cultural office main street mil ton and he will be happy to as lsl von in every way possible manning electric i 54 mill st e acton 0nt 8532950 i at nielsens clothing we invite you to select your easter outfit new things arriving every day ladies suits mens spring topcoats ladies dresses mens suits ladies allweather coats mens pants ladies hip hugger slacks mens tjs girls dresses boys sport coats girls coats boys top coats girls stretchie sums boys tjs special madetomeasure sale 2 piece suits 75 ii paul nielsens clothing 37 mill st e acton ont 8532280 now offers- popular cll paints and stylist color service we are proud to make available to our customers a complete range of quality cil paints for interior and exterior use there is no finer brand of paint manufactured in canada if you are planning on decorating soon come m nnd let us help you select the exact color you desire thia is part of our service and we are happy to do it satisfy all your painting needs at our store drop rn today dont forget when decorating insist on the paint most canadians prefer it is made by clu

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