Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1966, p. 7

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bbtmv- nt ii cnrt vr v r ttktavsiiwuwrv exiles- gccitu4 ttcal a4 friitrict 1ktt home and school has st spring fashion shovyi rolkwood eighteen attract ive models a beautiful spring setting and smart styles made a most intei esting evening for the capacity ciowd in the rockwood town hall recently 1 he spi ing lashion show was sponsored bv rockwood home and school association and the fashions weie irom walfcci stores ol gticlph mis lonaine root designed and made the stage setting poi having the entiance of an ex clusive paiisienne lashion salon its canopied windows were bnghl with spnng lloweis and nrlihcial grass on the iront lawn and up the ramp walk added to the ic- alislic el lee t louellas beaut snlon was as sisting in hnn style during the evening and mis allan gordonv a makeup expeit irom kitchcney supplied tind applied makeup for the models mis elwood tosh president ol the home and school welcomed eveiyonc and intioduced mrs en- nis ol guclph who represented walker stoics and presented the commenlarv on each lashion a wide vaiietv ol outlits weie shown langing irom the populai bikini swim suit to lilm pirl di esses walkeis geneiousk bi ought with them ven smait accessones which complemented the shaip styles the two oiing gentlemen lin mccnk ra and ronnie mcrae added a small masculine touch junior fashions the pinioi girl models were susan tosh ann wukham lvnn duncan andtjale hamilton i ois h million and susan ellis wore liinior teen stles the teen togs weie modelled b ann hepburn and helen mallbv the ladies al so looked er smui 1 in lhei spi ing togs these weie hacl hamilton diunnc duncan babs ellis geoigina petty edith du lose mai ilyn bince mis t gcl lath and mis w guild a special thank vou goes to geoigina petty who anangcul much ol the show draws i uck tickel holdeis won sev eial line dooi pi ies dining the shoi t intei mission 1 until was seived at the close in ladies of the home and school and everyone lei i iciling ihc uige to indulge in a new spi ing ward otoe announce prize winners in 1965 fishing contest rockwood mis vv giliillun ihc piesidcnt in rockwood ol out lady of talinia council catholic womens league piesided for co- then match meeting mis g1m1i ian thanked mis david bacon loi opening her home at short no tice foi the meeting and also nil who had calried on loi hei at tending various lunclions while sheens ll dining the wintel the league pravei opened the meeting and the roll call was ans weied bv each membei giving the name of hei inst teacher the minutes and conespondonee weie lead and the tieasiueis tepoit given conveners of various commit- ces weie asked tp begin thoir lepoits since they are due april 15 mis v synott who had at tended a lectin e on adoption at sacred heart paiish guelph gave an inteiesting lepoit mrs snott emphasized how much paiciital love was lequued in the adoption ol childien mis ii saundeis icpoited on altai supplies that had been pur chased and noted that additional ai tides at an appiosimate cost ol j50 were requiied a motion was passed that all outstanding accounts be poml and s3 be sent loi the national repoits all membcis who had not donated si loi the vamei institute weie mgetl to do so pamphlets explaining the func tions ol the vamei institute weie given to each membei a motion was passed to give the requested donation desned b the sacietl heai t piogiam it was suggested that plans commence loi the annual spi ing auction sale a tentative date was set lor mav 12 anangements loi the hall and auctioneei will be made- it was suggested that moie shiubs be purchased this veai since thev were in populai de mand al last veai s sale repoits on the regional meeting held in st lohn s pansh kitcboiui weie given bv mis w gillillan anil mis v synott the spnitual reading loi the evening pertaining to obscene lit culture was given by mis i bucek an amendment was made to the original league bv law when it was decided to eliminate meetings in the summei months and continue in the wintei mem bers were urged to sing more at mass and to encouiagc the chou in its line elfoi t it was noted that the member ship was down this vear and members were urged to bi ing out new ladies following adjourn ment anuiction was held ol small ui tides brought bv the membei s mis p bucek was the able auc rioneei a prettv apron uilh the mem beis names on it was presented to mrs p bucek who is soon to move from the pansh mrs buc ek thanked eveivone and prom ised to open her new home lor a league meeting a lovely lunch of nut and fruit bieads vva- served bv the hostess and lunch committee raze buildings osprmge corner mi and mis d g robeilson have sold then general store at ospi inge to the depaitmcnt ol highwavs thev have puichased land on the opposite side ol the highwav hum h r howard and plan building a larger store and apartment and hope to be moved bv september it was mav 20 192s when the robertsons came 1 1 0111 guelph to the present stole the department ol highways have also acquired the bulloch propettv both piopertics aie to be taken down to piovide a clear mow coi ier the well knowjijandmark is at ihc junction ol highways 24 arid the rockwood and district fish and game protecting assoc iation this week announced win- neis in its 1965 fishing contest president len modougirll and sec rclarvlrelisiuer cluitlon giuv commended wirings lot their keen inleiest following is n list ol prize win ners in classes specified as well as weight ol fish caught rainbow trout first pure ben pel kins guelph 7 lbs 2 oz sec ond geoige ingle rockwood 4 lbs 8 oz third richard bovle guelph 4 lbs yi t uinid special rainvliow fust prize paul waddill rockwood 6 os speckled trout lust claie bowling stores in league chen rockwood seven lo nothing scoies m rockwood and district bowling gave good point boosleis lo pinknevs ovei humes texaco alley cats clowned nint stones hopeluus took nichols pals and ricks conlectioneiv had it ovei routs rootois dunes big six made it a 52 game against stiat tons fsso and 4 3 sioreswcie to hortop millets toppling cuinei pins and carneys plumbing and heating taking the jetstones ted jestin had high single hat loi men while bill gai net with handicap rolled up 302 bill also took high ilnple hat at 710 and with handicap loi a 761 in ladies plav shit lev salmon had high single hat foi a 24s and high with handicap went lo ruth kmgsburv at 252 the high tuple llit went to shirley salmon while sue night mgale with handicap was high at 675 high averages were 220 foi dick dupuis and 20s toi slinlev sal mon these scoies lesulted 111 dunes big six catching touici pins and shanng inst pi ice with 59 points second place is held down liv cuinevs plumbing and heal ing with 47 a tie loi thud each with 46 points loi hoi lop millers and rick s t onlectionen ties seem to be iheoiilei since loin lb 1 ung is shaied bv hopetulls and pmknev s at 41 close behind come stiatton s lsso m i illh with 40 iomts tint iv nine each loi allev cats and jetstones who a both 111 seventh place following close aie hume s texaco with 38 nichols pals wirli 34 points hint stones have 31 and roots root cms on bottom rung with p8 points mat hies campbellville 2 lbs 9 07 second b e v e 1 i y downs guelph 2 lbs 4 07 third george ingle iroekwootl i lb 10 w junior special speckled- fust dean ingle iroek wood 1 lb 80 second randv downs giiolph i lb 5 oz thud fied niglilmgale roe kvvood t oz laymens service taking part in lavtnens ser vice at knox onurcfi sunday were mi s howard coles cfcc leader and member of the daughters of knox who gave the childrens storysermon sims mophedran piesident of the youth felownhip who led in pravoi and elder mur lav smith who also led in player mel mot fat ol gait gave the sei mon m c s name committee for centennial representatives work together rockwood reeve caincion lush and council had been ic- quested bv the centennuil meld man mi jones ol toronto lo lall a meeting and loi m a committee to be in charge ol ce11le11111il les livities in 1967 i he meeting was held on mondav evening in ihc new eiamosa municipal building winch is the centennial put lie t loi this township reeve lush was chairman manv invitations to attend were sent to the manv 01 ganizations in t lamosa bv the iownsbip cleik repiesenlalives weie present irom the leeieation commit ties ol rockwootl and eden mills ihc churches cubs and scouts 411 and junioi lanneis inslitutis school boaid i dictation of ayi 1 cultuie and the township council ihc- chaiiinan outlined manv ideas and wishes leccived irom mi junes the main thought is to be a dav 01 divs of lestivities and coiiinicnioiatioii not a dav ol moiiev mnkiiig with eailv plan mug to be sticssed lions show in june committees arranged aeton lions club chew up com miltees and discussed plans lor a headline atliaclion loi a west ei 11 show in the eoiiimuiutv 11 n lie in lune at then rcgulai dmiiii meeting mondav i ion v bnstow w is iieked as iliairman ol the oik night event which will be on a dilleieiil i01111it tioni last veai s luglilv siucesslul round up i ion mm 1 iv ii wiison has il icadv made eonlaets with lie ail lnu t ilenl but a final decision was lei i unlil moie 111i01 mat 1011 was available bund hall tables altei contacting ollieei s ol the citizens band the i ions deciilul lo donate tables to the new band hall on wallaei ave in appiecia lion lor their sei vices to the town convention ehaiiman nell mil lei showed he lions the new pins puichased foi fueling at hi lon don convention plans wen also name committee the committee chosen was chairman mrs frank taylor sec- ictarv mi ted bucek mrs cecil ncllcftrepresenling the institutes george leslie 10 contuet the 4h and junior furmcrs dick dupuis lioin the rockwood recreation committee ed wooilhouse presi dent of eden mius recreation committee imrs p dales and rev g dunlop who will contact the churches and murray smellier c ban mon of the school board i hese will contact their individual gioups and subcommittees chos en as needed reeve cameron lush who is an honoiaiv membei ol the commit tee and the othei council mem- bus pieseni all pledged their lull suppoi t 1 thf acton ftvpi press thursday march 31 196 auction sales continue clearing auction sale of cltaroluls cultle farm equip ment peed elc traditional cake siinnci cake is a- liaditionil as pect ol motliciing sunday in i ngland and last sunday at st atoans chinch pieces of simnel cake weie distributed to the mcnbei s of the congregation mis vic bnstow and mis hir old dennv made the cake which aecoiding to the lcitoi was a delicious means of celebiating mothenng sunday the properlv of w w harris lot 13 3rd line esquesing on wednesday april 6 at i oclock sharp 5 charolais heifers bred 2 to breeding charolais cow 5 years bred 1516 lieifec 6 mos k bull 9 mos 2 bulls 7 and it mos 4 3 steeis rising 2 years equipment oliver 77- 6 cvllnder diesel hycliaulic tractor pto jd 60 live pt0 antuivdrau- hc tractor jd b tiactor with front end loader hydraulic pump jd 30 combine with clover attachment 7 ft as new jd no 5 7 ft mower case forage harves ter and blower case 16run 7 in spacing fertilizer drill on ruba hei power lift case 3 furrow plow on rubber case tiactor manure spreader graham plow minneapolis 16 in plate tiactor discs allis chalmers pto side delivery rake jd ham- mei mill 21 it giain auger new 50 it dnvc- bell jd 4 section drag cultivatoi hvdnuilie lam trac tor umhiella cockshutt rubbei tire wagon 16 ft forage harves ter rack 6section hanow ren licw scales lanning mill 40 rod 1 oil of new fence power ban el spravci i h p motur 2 y n p molois 28 ft extension laddei oil pumps 20 ft logying chains usual small ai tides tin nicnt seed yurie chopped hay farm sold l owner ami auctioneer not res ponsiblc for any accident terms cash framk petoh tel 87764 george currle clerk l40 clinics for children mental health clinics for child ien known as child guidance ulin- ics ate established in many ports of canada consultations can be ai ranged through the childs school or local health unit a ser ies of folders entitled child training mav be obtained from local 01 provincial departments is a good line of equip rnnd grain chore boy single unit milking machine ab out 900 bus keystone bailey fiom ceitified seed about 700 bus rovton oats from certified i discussed lor attendance al lor high scoies in seasons plav ted jestin with 334 loi high single 1 convention as well hat and with handicap beit arch spnng tally in apnl ei is high with 351 high tuple out on cumpulgn flat and also with handicap goes membcis ol the club an to doug buttenham at 824 and 1 companving zone chairman 833 ilaudci as he campaigns loi the the- toi hc ladies shircv salmon holds single flat at 316 with handicap lvv ritchie has 338 shirley salmon takes both high tuple hat and with handicap loi a total ol 726 and 749 men ovei 600 were bill garnei 710 ted jestin 703 dunt kings burv 664 tonv reid 653 dupuis 656 al nichol 644 trecl nightingale 636 bert archer 618 fiank kelso 612 and bill stewart 60 ladies over 525 shirlev sal mon 632 sue nightingale 576 mav swackhamer 558 and janet peai t 542 ai al the i ileputv ilistnct goveinois post lion pete papillon accompanied i lion al to ciedit vallev and biampton on mondav i plans weie made loi the club to converge on hie oakville lions to regain hie gong which was lilt ed when oakville visited aclon 111 dick novembei 1 ew member lion ra evelan led the club in song and a new member gerrv lamaiehe was welcomed b the lion clnel the lions decided to attend oni ol the holv week chinch services 111 a bodv mrs marilyn brace rahid farm dog bit cows man a 4a rm dog has been elest roved a heiel ot cattle quaiantimd and a man is taking tables shots as the lesult ol 1 tabid animal a taim dog owneel bv call ro lv rr i alton hid to be eus t roved when it wis picsimicd rabid tests taken at the hull laboratoiv onliimed veteiinan an di f g ckikes diagnosis the dog had bitten two of the cattle and was acting in a feio- cious manner when the vetetin ai tan arrived it hid also bitten the farm ownci s son in law clarence dennv and he is taking rabies shots people are being warned to be on the alert for stiange acting animals and- nit attempt 10 go near them rockwood department and mill end store tiger brand canadian made mens t shirts athletic shirts briefs only 99 each vve have a good selection of mens and boys jackets and windbreakers shop now for spring main st rockwood 8564301 from lovell bros modern meat market fresh pork shoulder roast 5 3 69 pork butts beef tender shoulder roast choice wing roast 69 89 lean ground chuck 59 stock your freezer now sides hinds fronts cut and wrapped at no extra charge lb lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill c acton phone 8532240 daily delivery lous no april fool but he is a mad hatter hes cutting prices to the bone lous used cars rockwood 8564235 dont be fooled see lou first main st no down payment if credit approved special for easter desert flower bath powder and cologne by shulton reg 2 25 special 150 desert flower rollon deodorant 3 00 value special 150 sf yea cxjtij eihf a fit i and what girl doesnt jpli en f selection of your favorite perfumes colognes a n d cosmetics by elizabeth arden revlon yardleys shulton chanel shahmar arpege max factor evening in paris ny sin ps attention men whether its for a special occasion or ust to let her know you think shes pretty special flatter her femininity with a gift of cosmetics alberto vo 5 hair spray buy a 298 size and get 198 size for 1c i i both for 299 smiles n chuckles boxed chocolates easter novelties as a treat or gift theyre perfect special easter boxed chocolates 1 to 250 morris pharmacy 31 mill st e acton ont 8530131 harold g morris phmb proprietor ai3dvs oddiw i rnj

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