Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1966, p. 11

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dnel topic is farming in future halton federation of agricnt ure participated in a zone four meeting of the of a march 31 at- stewart town hall when 42 representatives of halton peel yttrk ontariodiifferin and sim- coe counties attended zone governor donald mccntch- eon of dill lei in conducted the meeting highlight of which was a panel dipussion on farming in the future participating were denzil lawrence halton member of ofa governor donmccutch- con jim darlington of york and george jackson of simcoe with ofa zone four fieldman ktfji graham as moderator- y a summary of the panellists opinions showed 4 farmers in multiple lines of business will narrow it down and expand in one line such as hog pr beef or egg production company farming company farms will be born to pool machinery operate more farms or house cattle from sever al farms in one large barn the labor shortage and lack of experienced help was seen driv ing some farmers out of business and increasing prices because of food shortages they saw crop production increasing through higher produc ing breed linens and hotter ways of improving land the government will take over planning of urban areas unci designate certain areas for agri culture lo save some of the best farrh land farmers may have to deliver products more directly to the con sumer and get into the handling of their own products closer re lationships with the consumer public will have to be made and farmers will have lo understand the problems on both sides of the fence central farm management centres may be needed so experts can help farmers with tneir prob lems two of the panelists felt there would still be a place for the smaller family unit farm they said larger enterprises would find hiring help a big problem as hired laborers do not supervise the job closelv enough and are frequently careless panellists said building dif ferent family units together does not always work as there can be conflicts between i hi partners or the wives larger units take more mon ey to begin and this brings credit problems large units will need an expert farm manager specially trained for the work as good farm management will be the key to successful larger units experiments are being done to cull poor animals by ibm machines now and farmers were urged to consider this ldr the fu ture the family corporation is apt to be more successful than others who may unify to farm the orig inal business is there and can be expanded one man said that perhaps when the small farmer gets out of farming prices will go up he said this was true of potatoes in the shelburne area as when pot- i atoes were a side crop the price was poor and there was no mar ket today many have potatoes as their chief line ol business and were making good money selling to the potato chip people discussing the type of organic- i ation needed for the future panel- j lists said the organizational farms i can look alter themselves but the smaller farmer needs help farm- j ers should have the most say in their destiny the federation will have to speak with authority to the government the new marketing boards are negotiating not with producers but with the government and pol- j iticians are involved in the high cost ot living they said the fed- eration should work more as a negotiaiing board between farm ers and government and between producers and marketing boards i a stronger organization was urg- 1 ed they complained the depart panellists also noted better pub lic relations and communications are needed through the organiza tion between producer and con sumer and suggested the federa tion should be the voordinatop between commodity groups and tanners and where will the next farmers come from- fanners in most in stances cannot afford to give then- farms to their sons so the sons find other lines of business rath er than raise the money to start farming on their own manv halton farmers hold their farms until they are ready to re tire then sell to the everpresent land profiteer as a result there aie fewer farmers owning their own lands and no new generation is coming along to lake over av erage age of halton farmers is presently between so and 60 it was pointed out junior larm- ersitan make loans lo pay oil their fathers but they are only a certain percentage and fall far below their worth it was agreed the womens committee ol the federation needs to be given more work to do and someone suggested the ofa could supply a lieldman to help give guidance in setting up larger unit farms regional planning can also be adopted to the farm organization and perhaps one general county meeting could replace the almost nonexisiant and inactive town ship groups in some areas such as halton publicity is important and it was suggested a county agricul tural showcase could h o u s e commodilv group displas and factory displavs of agricultural products and be a good booster lor producerconsumer relations such a showcase could also bring the commodity groups together under the federation the meeting sponsored one res olution to be forwarded to the ontario federation urging that larm land be exempt from tax tor urban services and education new brunswick is in the process of passing a similar law and the group at the zone four meeting heartily endorsed the resolution f compensation covers farrh trap plenty of sumrri6f student jobs the acton free prwss thursday april l4164 this year fo- the first time fanners can oiler their employ ees some ol the security offered bv other industries all farm workers are covered bv work mens compensation this covers all persons regardless ol age who are working for a wage mens compensation medical expenses an accident on work covers all resulting from the job and pro vides a pension if von are forced to lose days of work due lo this herd association has three speakers twenty live dairy herd im provement association members met in the agricultural ollice milton on thursday march 24 henry stanley suggested that more importance should be plac ed on increasing the production per cow rather than increasing the number of head of cattle on a farm it could be much more pro fitable to have 20 cows producing 12000 lbs o milk per cow per vear rather than 30 cows at the 10000 lb level he said more dairy cattle in ontario must be tested lor milk ptoduction in the future with only 85 per cent of the cattle in this country tested we are considerably behind the united states where some 18 per cent of the caltle are tested frank barnes farm econom ies cooperatives and statistics branch toronto stated that larmers do not have lo accept the present income from the dairy herd if thev want to do some thing about it with the use of their djhjia summaries they can correct the weak factors in their dairy enterprises the tarm- sinee the average cost of produc ing 100 lbs of milk last year was 360 mr barnes suggested that dhia records should be used as barometers of the farm busin- injury there is no cost to the employee as well hie farm employee can now pay into a pension fund to provide for old age this is u good step as well since no em ployee will ever lose anything paid into this pension fund bene- lils lar ouiweigh the cost fuini wages are also becoming right in line this year a good worker will have o trouble earn ing 125 per hour and before the summer is over could he making considerably more students gen erally start nt a lower rale about 75c per hour but will be paid equal to any oilier man or woman il their work is satisfactory john for students there will be a large demand for reliable labor on aien latins this summer this is an oppor tunity for students especially to make a hit ol monev generally students dont have a very good name among the larm employers this is due lo bad ex perience in the past a- laiiuer is however looking for good help and will pay a wage according lo the work hereceives there is no place on a larm for a holiday dur ing the summer months j3 7l say mongoloid births increase with maternal illness and age medical research continues to turn up evidence of the import ance ol maternal health to the un born inlanl according lo the ed ucation cliiii rman ol the north halton association j or the men tally retarded for some time now it has been known thin mongolism a con genital delect complex character ized bv certain physical lealiuvs and menial retardation is attri buted to delect ive chroniosonc conl igurat inns within the cells ol the alllicteil child best grain crop now from australia conies evi dence that hepatitis alleeting a woman in i he early stages ot pregnancy may result in a inon goloid child this has been cor related with the seven year i re- quencv cycle peculiar to this dis case mongoloid childriln are afco more commonly horn lo older mo i hers lust how all these laclois arc tied in is not certain but lesearch may supply the answers heloie loo long county of halton weed control news by v e mcarthur wnro inspector it extremely useful in small irregularly shaped fields for more detailed information copies of publication 256 are av- iilable at the ontario depart ment of agriculture office in mil- ion i rirld wffd 5prayfrs the changes in larming sys tems are so niinieious today lliil it would be almost impossible to cover them in one article weeds however remain with us but no longer can farmers al ford lo light them bv hand methods as their grandfathers did they are res- ponsiblc for large crop losses ev en as high as 35 per cent for tunately most ol these losses can be completely avoided with the propei use of herbicides according lo the ontario be- pirlmenl of agriculture the use i ol chemical weed killers in ont ario has increased 400 per cent in the last six years no doubt a sim ilar ligure applies lo halton larmers and along with this in creased use of heioicides comes the task of choosing a suitable field weed sprayer lor the in in operation in publication 256 the ontario department of agricul ture oilers ihe lollowing advice i weeil sprayer selection huv a sprayer or any larm ma i chine from ihe closest good deal- ii who is equipped lo give good service and can supply pails iiicklv ii ihe dealer is lorceil to letliki- the price loo much he iiiinoi illord to ghe the all-iiu- i port nil service tliit every larm in n hi ne needs i i tvpfs of sprayfrs j 1 trailer mounted this ivpe is quickly nul eisih attached lo the tractor the nailer wheels should he adjusted lo hack wilh the liiclur wheels trailer mount- ed pricis usiialls hae a 100 in kit jil lank ihis lpe ol spravei should lie pun based ulien laije aei cages aie lo be spiived the miiiuc ol water is i mil close al hand or ihe land i is ion hill to mount the lank on tin- ii actor 2 seinlinoiinled this ivpe i ol spi aver is no longer common i in the pioviuee because it was lukuucl lo attach to the tractor i 3 fully mounted this type it siriver is ul v maiioeuverable flush tiir fyr a foreign body in the eye can ne veiv paint ul btitu safe ihea- siue lo lake is lo flush the eye with tepid water ii the object can he plainly seen fold a tissue into a point and ask someone to help von lilt the speck out if this isnt successlul go lo a doc tor since amateur piohing can in jiu e the eve call mayflower dont underestimate barley set new minimum fines for courts iri halton april 1 the halton justices of the peace received a revised list ol minimum traffic lines for hal ton motorists which will cut down the number ol timeconsum ing court appearances made to pay fines under the new ruling those motorists who plead guilty tor most violations will be able to pay thcr fine out of court there was also a standardizing ol the fines imposed and this resulted in some increases and de creases in amounts all fines for rules of the road infractions will carry a minimum charge ol 23 as opposed to the si0 or 15 previously imposed speeding in a school one will result in an automatic line of 10 i plus one dollarpermile for ex cess speed for those who fail lo stop at i the light the cosi will be s2v the list will do much lo lighten the burden on the courts and will be a great help to justices ol the peace who previously did not have a complete list ol minimum lines and bail costs available to them i common drunks will be fined onlv s25 then released if it is a first oflence but this applies only to those who do not give the ar resting officer any trouble those who speed 20 mph or less oer the limit will be lined a minimum of s10 plus one dollar- permile lor the excess court appearances will be re tained lor those more than 20 miles per hour oxer unnecessary low chiving and unlawful u turns w ill liaxe a set line ol s23 iliate automobiles will now re- suit in a court appearance rather do not earn- the oxvnership for their vehicles also under the new law is the pedestrian particularly hitchhik ers who will receive a si3 line lor their illegal mode ol travel and an additional 5 xvill be charg ed if thev are walking on the wrong side ol a road without side walks for those failing to stay in a crosswalk the cost xvill be 13 pesticides in ontario we have been rela tively fortunate uith regard to human poisoning by pesticides let us keep it that way always use a mask or respirator when recommended by the manufac turer some pesticide vapors give no warning of their eflect until too late so read the label and follow the instructions to the last word barley is the best small grain leed crop in ontario eyen though farming is now mechanized and the barbs have been removed from the awns many think barley it too itchy a problem so they plant loweryielding oat or oat- barley mixtures thats ridicu- onsl farmers should be growing lor yield barley also has an add ed advantage over oats oats grow in spite of the farmer barley grows because ol him barley responds to management while corn boasts the best yields under favorable conditions barley is more reliable in ihe cold er and wetter regions of ontario barley should be the first crop sown ii barleys planted early and properly managed 60 to 80 or more bushels isnt unreasonable lo cspecl some larmers are even experimenting with barlev soxvn on frost in conjunction with early plant ing nitrogen is being badly abus ed fifty pounds of nitrogen should be used for early planting however if 50 pounds is applied in late planting serious lodging xvill occur i the choice between traditional and early barlev planting is a tall h s holden optometrist 36 cork st east guelph phone ta 27150 thin the impoundment and tin ment of agriculture makes sur- previously issued vcys but olten the farmer cannot i there will he get the information compiled spring beauty begins at custom cleaners yes ladies to have that wardrobe of yours looking as fresh and new as the blooms of spring you should fet custom clean your clothes custom cleaners same day service except saturday in by 10 ajn out by 5 pan cash and carry main st n phone 8531180 sydrr 5 decrease in fines to sis lor truck drivers who ttiis service will provide yon with plenty of hot water for as your household needs hydros new hot water service a low monthly charge coven installation of a modern auto matic electric water heater all service and maintenance including replacement if necessary coat of electricity our staff will bo riad to tdlytm an about this almndustv hot water service acton hydro electric commission 3 elgin st n 8532410 acton public school kindergarten enrolment acton public schools will be able to accommodate all pupils of kindergarten age this year to enrol they must be five years old by december 31 1966 birth certificate required to avoid confusion please cdmplete the form below before april 22 and send or mail it to your district school in care of garnet w mckenzie principal robert little school box 870 or w d elmer smith principal m z bennett school box 840 childs name christian name surname date of birth nix parents or guardians name in full mnn th year address phone no no street for further information call birth robert little school 8532540 or m z bennett school 8530530 certificates can be secured from ri registrar general branch 70 lombard st toronto chit anyly crop or a stfirclv stocky hijjhvickl one many larnuis achieved 75 to 100 hushols last year in this province how manv more will be wise enough to real ize this crops potential educational funds through life insurance if h cunt ac i iain williams 107 elizabeth dr acton 853-1897- sun life assurance company of canada af prompt service train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times for information phone the local cn passenger sales oflice cjj canadian national moving soon then ew pend upon us to explain and arrange complete may flower service right away we will make it easy for you safe for your fur niture our pride pack method protects china and glassware best call us to day move without a worry amtrliai moil cromoiaww uvar f s movers storage 343 guelph st georgetown tor free estimate call 8774106 classified ads fcf qm results atvottt setvtcei know who has the know- how when need arises for the services of a skilled craftsman to lo cate an expert painter tv repainnan electrician plumber or any other expert just turn to the classified columns of this newspaper youll find listings as uptodate as todays headlines on the other hand if you are a skilled expert and are not listed youre missing business phone today and find out how little it costs to let everyone in town know of your knowhow the classified section is the first place people look when they need your speciality the acton free press telephone 8532010 an experienced courteous ad taker is waiting to take your call

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