Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1966, p. 1

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ht n tftn ninetyfirst year no 43 acton ontario thursday april 31 1966 authorised aa second claaj man it the poat office departirient ottawa fourteen pages ten cents award trophies prizes at curling dinner dance the fifth successful season of curling concluded with the fifth annual dinner and dance monday evening at the legion hall at tended by about 110 a delicious buffet presentation of prizes and dancing comprised the program for the pleasant evening the legion ladies auxiliary ca tered another fifth annual appear ance was made by genial charles kirkncss as master of ceremon ies he called tic winners to the front with a fevt well chosen per sonal remarks jjtnd jumped off the podium a time or two to re ceive prizes himself with be coming modesty of course will print rules incoming president ted tyler sr announced that changes to be made in the coming year in cluded the printing of rules in book form he promised meetings h to organize the season which will begin with open nights and mst ruction others on the executive are vicepresident george williams secretary ron guest treasurer chester anderson dick lee af- chairman of the draws commit tee and rev a h mckenzie as chairman of the bylaws commit tee special awards picscntation of awards was made to manv winners by bruce cargilli and dick lee mrs ted tyler sr presented her annual trophy for the ma and pa bonspiel to chester and- moorc madeleine bonnette john buckman mary allan runners up meb blow joe hurst imarion patterson shirley somerville gord mccutcheon shirley hunter harold manes frances miller andy mckenzie gwen tyler grant allan clare mathjcs second draw bill tolh shell tiophv ab ir win cllas kirkncss stella brun- elle betty conelly runners up allan buchanan eve cooper tom watson ruth holmes ted tyler sr mary marks hugh patterson jean mc- phail mick holmes lois mclean donna manes dora duncan club bonspiel first event jack ridley trophy bruce car- gill gwen tyler john buckman geoigina jordan runners up bunk holmes mary marks john lovell ted hansen jack ridley marg toth bob armstrong norma robin son george williams shirley hunter henry leachman norma marchmcnt second event walkers trophv don mcmillan mac svmons stella brunellc ag nes holmes runners up a j buchanan geoigina van fleet joe hursts val dnnkwaltei harvcv laverty doieen lee jessie coles gord miller ted tyler jr willa hew itt tom manes lily higgms lady curlers ben rachlin trophv gwen ty- crson with the warning the ladl ler shirley hunter lois mack tes would have it back next vear the truckers returned their hardwon thundcrmug trophy and chained it safely to a table they won it again this year someone explained because they made all the rules and counted all the scores jack ridley ted tyler sr and jr and john goy had haidly been declared win ners when the valuable trophv gulp disappeared stolen again chain and all trophy winners first draw adams trophy winners brian cn7ie agnes holmes runners up eve cooper dolores jordan nel lie beattv norma robinson don bexton trophv marg toth phvl patrick mary marks helen lavertv lunnersup mae dum arsh slurlev hunter dorcen lee lil staplcton third draw ladies monday winners eve cooper phyllis pat rick doris creamer noima ro binson tuesday winners mae wilds shirlev hunter lois mack enzie jean mcphnil all the ladies will receive pins ol different kinds mayor urges library project proceed is assured of support at civic night staff photo admiring one of the trophies presented monday at the curling club dinner and dance are mrs tom manes mrs bill somerville and mrs hugh patterson behind the attractive trio are master of ceremonies charles kirkness and bruce cargill who made the presentations howard pearce begins monday as new recreation director municipal government at the lo cal level came uridei close scrut inv at the annual ys mens civic nihl last thursday evening with the scttinu of the 16 tax rate on tuesday evening the ys men and then iu sls from the lions and rotfii v clubs anil ijic c ham of ot fomnieice had an excellent op portunilv to question minibus of council and vari il bonds while the discussion on the ten tennial project the libraiv dicw the bulk of the discussion other subeots touched on ranged from dust from the street sweeper through industrial promotion parks in glenlea and lakevievv town beautification assessment and lax structure to quanv blast ing outside the municipality library costs a question from g w miken c on the present status of the libiarv proiect drew the infoima tion from the mayor that the architect was present l reviewing the plans fo attempt to stay with in the iiigmally estimated cost he said the project would be subject to piovinual ind lederal capital expenses acton hydro commission approves 30972 budget acton hydro commission thur sday of last week approved a capital expendituie budget for the year amounting to 30972 inclu ded in the proposed work are in stallation of underground wiring lor lighting in the newly opened section ol lakcview subdivision line rebuilding on chinch and young sts purchase ol a new truck foi the meter rcadeis pur chase ol a post hole digger lor the hdro truck and replacement ol several hvdio poles also included in the budget was an item for a twoway ladio sys tem irom oil ice to hydro supei intendent s truck at a cost ol 900 this was opposed by chair man e g t ler sr v ho argued the equipment was not neces sar members turned the piopo- sal down altei agieeing with the chairman the commission also received last game the tanners wound up their season monday sec the full story on the sports page and a full page ad of congratulations inside this issue ac e the two letters ol commendation ton chamber of commerce piessed its appreciation to hdro for installing flags on poles for special occasions and the christmas lighting this eai it was agreed to take out the an nuil membership in the c ol c the second letter ol praise came trom the auditor who com mended the office stalf for the td opeiation in keeping the recoids it was agreed to paiticipatc in the lakeside chapter iode sponsoied cooking school to be pie sen ted in ontano hdro and supply pilots up to the amount of s0 account- totalling s20 157 59 weie appioved lor pament at nine o clock on monday morning actons new teciealion chiector sat down behind his desk at the community centre and stalled to wnte letteis to all his summei playground stall he had just nicely begun when the phone lang his inst inlei iiiption will be a lorerunnei ol man as the quiet personable voung man uiulei takev his inst lull time job in his chosen piolcssion finished friday howaiel peaice ust concluded his diploma couise in reel cation at the univcisilv ol guelph last friday the nunca course is conducted b the community pio gimis blanch ol the dcpaitniinl ol education alicady populai y 1 1 h ac ion youngsteis he came clown two nights a week to help with ihc y piogiam now as lull time du eetoi ol lccieation he is look nig loiwaul to a meeting y ith a y board which will advance the hoped loi cooidmation ol pio giam and othei lecicalion pio- giams twentvonc vcaiuld 1i vcaicc hails liom hageisille whcie he went to public school and high school he is single his father is a constiuction conti actor and he has a sister 1 1 and brothei nine he is a member ol the uni ted chuich he has played hockey loi nine va is and baseball lor ii basket ball vsas anothei sport at high school in hack and held events he lepiescntcd ontano in the cana dian championships in regina in ll duung the summer of 1961 in albei la he loined a baseball team that was touting the prairre pioviniies it was then while coming in contact with the lecre at ion piogiams in manv small low ns on the pianies he first be e une inteiested in the woik he has now undei taken tirst experience while still at high school in the summei ol 196 and 1964 he was mgucd as reci eat ion director loi his home town ol hagersville population there is less than ac tons undei 1000 he says the usual piogram theie included swimming mstiuction duung high school davs he was also picsulent ol the young peo- 34 offenders appear in court tines totalled 6t4 and couit costs ol si0s in milton court moil day when 34 ollendeis appeared i hclorc judge kenneth langdon and justice ot the peace muiiav allen alter being chained by c ton police i ol those appeal in 17 wcic con yielcd ol speeding ehaigcs and paid a total ol 209 m linos and 48 court costs on hquoi ol i lenecs two paid a total ot x70 in tines and 10 costs two chaigcd yvith chiving a vehicle vvithou ii suiancc paid a total of 100 in lines and m0 costs and thice chaigecl with lading to stop a stop signs pa cl st4 in lines and 12 costs n impaned dnvci paid si4s in linos and s costs nul lost his licence loi throe months two diiviug without a license paid i total of and so driving with out lights cost a duvei 8 and and driving with defective brakes cost a driver 7 and 3 failing to change ownership cost a driver 10 and 5 and anoth or driver chaiged with dining without current license plates paid an s18 fine with 3 court costs pie ol the united church piesi dent of the student council and ol the hagersville teen town fortunate to get in next he applied to the umver sity of guelph to be accepted in the recreation course about 250 applied and 31 were accepted into the course after careful screening this last year about 300 applied mr pearce explains although there is a crying need for giaduales the course cannot neai iv accommodate all who would like to take it another summer ob was as social director lor holiday inn hahbui ton while there he vvas honored bv being asked to play in the 1965 haliburton invitation al goll tournament he placed filth he plaved intercollegiate goll and hopes to plav next in the petei borough open its mv favonte recreation he comment ed graduation clav at guelph is may 18 summer plavgiound piogram has been his fn st concei n and seven fire calls answered in week the season lor glass i lies has ai lived acton lirclighteis answered seven calls since thuisdav ol last week four grass fires one drive shed fire a dump lire and a chimney lire the first call wednesday ol last week took rnelighters to nassa gaweya township to douse a grass lire on the town line- on the return trip they re ceved a radio call to continue to iviblc thec could easily be a ospnnge to fight a fire destroying p f a shed i ownecrbv vcnr srcwarr de v lidml by the lime they arrived the en j on p nation in hb iy mam tenance and operation cosls mi giants of 4000 each with the bal ance of the protect to be paid by a municipal debenture issue ap- pioval has been received for a t300 debenture issue to meet the municipalitys share if the cost ol the libiarv which can only he ai rived at after tlie pi ins aic piepared and tenders called should exceed the amount appiov id it would he nri rssan to get approval loi the additional am mint never re less than now the inavoi expressed ins con eel n that tenders would be in excess of the original estimate in view of the lenders received by the hvdio commission on their pioposed building howevei may or dubv expressed his support for the protect pointing out that building costs for a library would ncvei be any less than lliev are at the piesent illustialing hisop inion that the libiarv would none thelcss iceeive wide support trom the public by pointing out that ill prices are steadily rising and the public would accept the ns mg costs in the nbiaiy eonstiuc hon as well reeve dissents reeve hmlon emphasized thai he was not opposed to 1he best hhiaiv facilities lor acton how ever he was opposed to linancing the building bv a high cost 6 per cent debenture issue he said he was in lavoi of the protect as h was originally discussed where by the municipal portion ol the cost would be laised by public subscription it was his opinion thai this is the timcito mark time referring to the recent si john icport on ontano libraries rccvi llmlon suggested il its commend alions were cai i led out it is eon en i nc roof had caved in and con tents were lost one bystander remarked the place went up like underwood it is believed child ren playing with matches caused the fire weekend fires saturday firefighters answered two grass fire alarms one at the back of charettes used car parts hinton suggested that il the ques tion ol a debenture issue to fin ance he libi nv were put to a public vote there would be some startling results as an alternative to the con stiuction of a new library build ing the reeve suggested the ex tension of the open hours of the present library an enlargement lot and the other in nassagawcya f hc sm jnt lllljlatlon of thc twp which was out when they arnved the filth call on sunday was to a grass fire in erin twp which was out by the time lirefightcrs arrived mondav night acton firefight els spent over two houis at nas sagawevi twp dump battling flames which shot hign in thc sky irom burning refuse water from the booster tank on the truck was exhausted and a por table pumper was set up at a nearby stream and water played on the fire from a two and a halt inch hose shorlh alter midnight mondav the seventh call aroused firelight- ers who raced to the home ol a sinclair rr 3 acton to extin- present lacihtics to produce relief from the crowded conditions need library now assuiance that the towns sci vice clubs were solidly behind the libiarv protect came from ys vi in clircnc rognv ildson he told the mavoi a survey ol club members would he felt bring 100 per cent backing for the library centennial committee member david dills concluded the debate on thclrbrary bv reminding the reeve the st john report also savs ontano library facilities are woelullv inadequate this ap plies to acton we need a new hbraiy and we need it now panel discussion chan mg the panel to field the questions was ray arbtc a former hydro commissioner and council- lot and presently a district high school board member taking pan in the discussions as well as the mayor and reeve were deputy reeve r r parker public school board chairman vic bnstow clerk administialor jack mcgca- chie roads chairman hamilton peal and industrial committee chairman c f leatherland coming irom a report by the clerk that actons present indus trial icsidential assessment ratio standing is 48 75 per cent indus trial to si 25 residential tt was noted thai this was one of the most favorable in ontario of the 42 municipalities in the four counties of halton peel york and ontario toronto township is the closest to acton but even there the 6 per cent industrial assess ment does not approach actons 48 per cent control over new industry horn the icport of this appar ently favoiable ratio the next question was naturally what steps aie being taken to maintain the present position it was suggest ed by the mayor that some con trol has to be exercised in the ac quisition ol new industry depend ent on l he municipal services re- quiiccl by each industry he point ed out that the present sewage disposal plant is at or near maxi- iiium capacltv councillor i eatherland issued a plea icquesting the support of every citizen and former citizen of acton in ihc promotion of ac ton as an industrial location it acton is about the top in on tario and we must not allow it to change listing the activities of the industnal committee he re ported three inquiries by industry were presently being considered available now he also pointed out thati im mediately available in acton are 18 000 feet of manufacturing space 75 acres of municipally owned industrial land two or ihree builders prepared to con struct buildings on a rental or lesae purchase basis he urged every citizen to go after every coeiniuri otl page six riwvwwmwwwvmvmwwvmvww y appointed to corda first board of thcvfnst contacts he made in his new position he intends to have i guish a chimney fire a special theme each week he is very pleased yvith the stalf and is looking forward to a good veai he will be helping ai range the aelon open goll tournament soon hed like to sec a coaches chn ic one of his loommates m guelph david com temanche is a laciosse specialist and has been engaged as dneetoi ot rceieation at orangey die he- careers might at high school as well as all students par ents and anyone interested are welcome to attepd careers night at the high school next monday posleis and a coming events no- ust helped lice give details make a film on lacrosse lor the speakers include li i ucjs national film board and will liom thc department ol labor help his colleague here on vocation tiaining john nieh he sees one gap in acton s rec olson toronto irom de vrx ication pictuie lack of pro- 1 technical institute ol canada continued on page six i bruno sclisizzi on han dressing detective challes gllbclt on po lice work charles wells owner of guelph business college on icc jut oil lee positions a wing com mander from the rcat on a ser as tar as acton arena is eon x l l nui a stewaid cerned hoekcv is oyer for the- ess from an canada and possibly season ice making machinery 0 the rotary club is pononn was shut oil the first ot the week after it was learned acton tanners were finished loi the season career year slight foi the second sutt ptiolo lakeside chapter of the iode provided new maple leaf flags for each classroom in the high school as well as a large flag for the school auditorium above from the left are stu dent council president merl harris miss jean barber the rev dwighf engel who dedicated the flags and aars alec orr mrs orr and miss barber are members of the chapter and both will retire from the high school staff at thc end of the present term clocks go forward sun summer shouldnt be far off because daylight saving tunc officially starts at 1201 am this sunday morning april 24 start ing sunday early gardeners golfers and everyone else will have an extra hour of daylight in the evening if you customarily go to bed early on saturday night be sure to turn your clock or wrist watch ahead an hour before re tiring if youre a nighthawk and are still awake at 12j11 am be sure to make the ad justment at that time accidents continue millmain corner constable lerv hairless mvcsti jated a twocar crash at the 1 im i mill st intersection sunclav evening vhcn damage to both cars totalled an estimated s4s0 i car driven bv gail withci acton proceeding fat on mill istrcil ami one driven by albert piitmni debert nova scotia travclltrn vnrth on main street were in collision at the intersec tion damage to the withers vehicle was estimated around 300 and the putnam car around 150 the dnvef of the southbound car was charged with failing to stop last crash at the same calam- iiv corner was april 9 mayor les duby corda vicepresident mavor les dubv at the organ izational meeting of corda central ontario regional de velopment council was chos en as viceprvsiclenl of the council the meeting at the beverlev hills motel dow iis view pi il 14 saw the acton mavoi chosen to the high post in the executive of thc import ant new group mis nne mcarthui crmn eillor irani nassjgawcva vva- selected as the second zone ieprcsentative on thc txuid of directors as well as bong nupas dent ol the whole i sooation mavor dubv is chairm in ol the- halton zone in which each municipality participating m corda is entitled to nanie two representatives ross gor don is the second reprcsenta five from nassagawef a and the second representative from ac ton has not yet been named president of the new- organ ization is d lewington secre tary will be f mckenzie of peel and treasurer vv niorns mrs anne mcarthvr halton zone vlccchairman representatives from the de- partnent ol economics and development assisting were a lemusurier and peter branch annual budget thc 12 municipalities pres- j j cutis commtied to join the or- j ganization produce an annual ntidgct at eight cents per capita amounting to j8 00s the pro- j vincial government matches these fee- with a grant ol j8005 j plus a further provincial grant f 15000 which will give the organization an annual budget of 31010 membership by ad ditional municipalities in the iour counties will increase the annual budget make application the directors at the first j meeting applied for incorpora tion and a charter max or dubv was represented at the meeting bv joe hurst and ted pratt he was attend ing the y s mens civic night the next meeting of the board of directors will be held in toronto gore township ap- ril 28 later a fulltime general manager will be hired of york

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