Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1966, p. 12

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ml the acton free bress thursday april 2 166 ospriffftfi wilfred mcmillan funeral easter visitors repqrtecl intended ioi hsi week a goodly ntimhti attended the rnsler seivice al the local pies- byteuan chinch on snnduv morn ing the ministei rev d hot bi son dehveied a challenging mes sage on the topic chust a liv ing tactot in ou i lives the speaker stated the lesiiruclion is a symbol ol lailh in the liviny god and points to ctcinal lile with the falhei the iiinioi ehon sang unaccom panied seek the gmdeh vvheie he lies imis bv ion bruce chose the holv cilv loi hei solo dowers in the chinch were placed by the hilts inmilv and by a ttiend ol the chinch in hospital ti lends ol mis willied mcmil ian vvoie sonv to leai ri she was lemoved to the oiielph hospital with bronchial pneumonia the ilw htfoit hei husbands luiui al hei condition is impidvnv cunerol service timet nl seivice loi willied mc millan was held wednesday al teinoon horn the biittliu timti al home hillsbuigh and was conducted h ren p hei bison ul tun and ospilnge piesbvteu in chinches mi mcmillan passed iuj on monda apt il 4 al guclph hospi tal horn a heai l condition boin in west gaialiaxa town ship he had icsidcd in run township foi man eais ami moved to the village t iht vtais ago snrvivois include his wile the foi mci jean mddougall iiui daughtei mis william steenson ebenezer ucw guests attend meeting flettv t cookstown and n bti ther htnold 0 jjockvvoml r lhc oiiinae j ndpc- conducted a seivice pievlous to the juneml iweimeni wns iu mckec ccjrte- eiv vviiu dan wmtei donny winjet ken wntet geotge grlm- dv imiu mv imckltuch and albert woolner acting as pallbeuieis items ol interest hauv van dor heide son or mi anct mis mai hn van dei heide etond line underwent nn ipet1docloto at gnelp hospital and is convalescing mi and mrs joseph heeg and ihiee sons monti eal and miss pauline klein of guclph vvete i aslei giwsts with ml and mis len ruck and family mi ami mis shetlock aitken ol winnipeg man john aitken ol iwnonille one miss pennv ivqutgiuil kitchenei mi and mis mike huethison and sons ol loionlo vveie tastei msitois with mi andmis goi don aitken dies suddenly svmpathv is extended to mis i hilts mil lamilv on the death ol hei eldest sob lames lllloid lip who passed awa sud deiih u toionto tin wetlnesilav the luiunl was at the rnmlev slioeinako puneial home acton with iiueiinciit in pan view come ttiv and was conducted bv rev d hcimson mi and mis don pakin and two elulclien spent the fastei weekend with i datives in biad i old penn miss bel nice kloosiei of ai ihui is holidaving with hei giand paients v1i and ml s k kloostei miss bonna weeks who is at tending alma college st t nomas is spending the eastei vacation with hei uncle and aunt mi and mis not man mckenie good tndav visitors with o g and mrs robeitson were mr and mis ken robertson and daugh teis of oakille and mr ind mis douglas robeitson and fam wheat shipment typptjng topic rockvvood am helen lluvne pixigrant timvenot loi i lie ul the 1 wo n i as lit ioisiii seivko mllod a i helv ifope wised on sulplnt was program tnnvenot n anill ineelfnu ol hull 2 riduwoiil united chmih men miss hustle ltd in ai intended foi last week ebene7cr ucw had the ladies o guclph ftom eden mills and aikell as ant s4 jem tishei and iheir guests foi then eastei meet thildien ol guclph visited on sun ing fortv ladies c moved the cv u i foimeis paients mi ening which had been planned bv the comeneis mis waid and mis leeman the lattei unloi tunatelv was unable to be pies ent as she ivas sulleiing liom the prevalent i hi mis h james ind mis j cann of eden mills had charge ol the devotional part ol the pro giam mrs meivvn tolton ol ai kcll sang it was his love loi mc accompanied bv mis lack tolton mis d hume contnbutcd a piano solo mrs ken gnfliths vns the speakei ol the evening she- brought an inspiring and thought i achievement provoking message the challenge ol christ wc must be dilfcient from what we were resurrection was a tremendous storv in the earlv davs i the point is his chiist is alive his power is with us lodav he is counting on us to preach him bv our live- he nd to mart go and lell the tears praters laboi love and lovaltv of countless women have been grafted into the woik ol the church there is onlv one wav to gel readv for lmmortahtv thit is to go bravelv and cheeitullv ilonj trom dav to dav lei us no eioil ltv christ be becoming involved in nothing but matenal matters bv request mrs gnftiths sansi a verse of i d rather have jesus than silver and gold i d rathei i have him than riches untold id rather have jesus than w oriel wide tame id lathci be tuie to his hoh name a social time brought a verv en lovable evening to a close lucky luncheon a number fiom ebenc7ei en loved the luekv luncheon in the masonic hall in- campbellv die last week the good fridav evening sc i vice was well attended the chou rendered special music mi lee man traced the histoiv of the idea ol sac ul ice thiough the old and new testaments the sacrifice must be whole and pel lect no pooi ollenng was woithv to be given to god whose name was so holv that it w 1- onlv sp mil mis e tisher bonnets meeting the seventh and final meeting ol the ospnnge blue bonnets was held it the home of miss dons tints with si membeis and both leaders piosent the meeting opemd with the 4h pledge the roll e ill was answer eel bv eiehmembei june upshall i tad the minutes ol the last mcctinc mis c hun en gave notes on how to vicai accessories die eiission was held on the coming da miss fines in peeled the hats and urged the giils icttiaie all woik completed bv apul 16 holiday trip retr bui loch and a chum from geoieluwil motoied to teniles see loi the hohdav weekend mi h fuller third line is a p itiont it ouelph hospital where his condition is shghltv improved the texts hi onglii llie ihoudii ilinl because ol hie hsiii ivclon ol our lord their is hope lor us all the sti inline lesson was loi lowed hv nn i nslei livnni with piasei hv miss hnvne uk iii tins ol pi also was lend in unison die meeting was held in the home ol miss peail hamilton i in il leodei miss glatlvs ilnnnti op ened with tsvo i astei ponns in lis steps and luianse ol gethsemane anjiiterpiviuiloii ol the apostles cieed was given and tjie i ords ptaset lepeiilfd in tin ison dlscvus wlieal shipment an inroimatlve skit win il goes abitiad was pustiiltd hv miss jl bavno mis c mick and mis s hams the lulus ths cussed the puis ami cons ol wheal going to china i vol veu then- is an inciease ol population ovei pioducliou ami ihev nuisi mipoi i wheal this k miessiiatod it nitinal disasioi s sjunlageol in i ehmeiv and the indiisliialiallon ol agilciilluial aieiis in noilliem chin i i he v use wheal foi dumplings and noodles i he people aio veiv dependuii on guuns loi ccitam ol then vit amins since thev gel veiv hllle piolein canada also ships wheal lo in dia untie i the 1 ootl and ayneiil tuial oiganiation ol llie united nations work with uisjicrr out countis woikscloselv with unicrr and the woild health oiganiation manv pails ol in dia ate accustomed to using nee onlv which is deficient in pio tcin indian mittitionists must train parents to impiove then diets ov using the wheat we send to them an inteiesting discussion followed the presentation ol the skit mivs bavne thanked all who had taken pai t in he piogiam and miss hamilton foi the use ol hei home a contest was held antl lunch was served dining a social hall houi delegations attend meeting of eramosa township council roekwootl a giant ol s2s was made to hie giulph blanch if llie cipiadian rid cioss md a p ml ul fid to ilu i i uuos i inn loi i u nit i i his w is p issiil i llli it iiiiiii api il nn i till ol i a tiinsn i owiiship diiiii il ilounl i oi lilt muling wiu- llie uiiilltoi lail robinson ken mm r us limn the kockwood vil lage lllislees loltl supei llllciulcnl kohi i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hnlliluip mspt c loi i inn i ke 1 1 ilitl jkon slnicv lllld itinpo i esln itpiiscnting llie i i inios i liiniot i ii nn i s and cleik llliulli v seveial ilulis ol loiiespond eiiee weie dtali willi lollowuig the loading and adoption ol t he inlniites a ii u i was lead liopi the onlailo municipil hoaitl u gaidlug kiilaihi appioval or ill ms lot ilu ni u kockwood pub lie school a lonlu inilion was kiiiwtl liinn divdin antl smith planning t unsiili mis hut ihev will ilu ml iht in l ii gill ii unci uij i in e i nn il nisi i in inl i lu dt i k in i vli ml lis ippi 1 1 1 ii ion lo s s kovtt wlm ii ltd i i ii i k dm ing ilu ill tt ss ol i lei k i t hllldllv ron siou v mil n oi ji 1 i sin lllsi iissl ll vv iii loiiill il llie llllvl lies mil i pi n i s ol ilu llli lubs ali isked tiillllill loi issisl nu i c oiiih ll pioilllsi d lo i ii us sup pill i oiiih il ill in i il willi k mm i iv and the building mspccloi lhc piobabilits or making a chrtrgi on land sevti antes antl nit it ising ilu biiiltliug lee ii was ijinil lo toiivev seveial lols and lot oiiiiiu nil llns in ihrt miinslt i ol miiiiu i il all in loi flu il ip pi oval i he building inspeclm villi ton lul soliiltmir b hungtilord lo amend bv law no s ls7 lo eh inge he let loi building pt i mils in s loi ilu lusl 001 anil 2 loi i icli addition il l 000 ii wink is slulitl he line a building pt 1 111 1 1 is ohlaiiud in additional in ul ifi loi iiiiishgulion on ilu in si ftl 000 mil v loi cadi iddil ion il til 000 will hi eh ii to attend school 1 he mid supei ink ntk m was insliuclcd in alltnd tin mail sup i i inli nilenl school in iiitlptr willi i pi ii es i ih i livid ell lletl lo ilu m ul ueiiiiul osw ilil mi itlows w is hi ii i i id in di iim i in nl in ilu umnsliip oil in il is pi i ninnlh intl ilu t it i k iii islllt w is llllllol lltl lo siii tin h ill ii eiinli ii is pi o v kiiii llie i e iu no lis nuns aiiiiunls 1 1 in n ii i iii in uk 11007 nn ul l 24s i im i il ju0s6 win i isski ioi p i rile ul mil iii nu i 1 1 1 1 j itloin iu il lo nut i on miiiiit is m i iii il ilu i ill 2 iwi il i pm ill lilt ul vi now open ross barber shop 38 mill street acton formerly owned by jim sweeney drop in and keep in trim ross mclean proprietor h s holden optometrist 36 cork st eait guelph phone ta 27150 lou pays you money to buy his used cars 27o refund on full price of all cars sold during the balance of april lous used cars main st rockwood no down payment if credit approved 8564235 ken b the high pnesi in ilu holv ol holies ontt a veai sac rifice means shuighlu no in it tei how much ol oin time mono and talents we liv to use loi gocxi il cannot lit classed as i sacrifice svmpathv is extended to mis wvnne dunbai and lamilv in the death of hei lathei mi pasmoic fi tends of mi s art diamond i and mrs walter freeman will be glad to know that thev are home again attei a sojourn in guclph gcnei al hospital yj meeting i ebenezer young people enter tamed the young people ol ai kell on sundav evening ihutv voting people gathered aikell provided the worship seiviee wm iuki i k 7 t sl k i pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 41 watw st north galt ttmtitoim mist pick yours up now while official discount prices apply at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch open and build a family expo 67 tour account be our family sees tpo 67apni 28 to oct 27 at monti il tije chartered banks serving you and your community mrwomwm moffat young people sponsor supper on wiilncsiliy cvtninp apill 11 lhc- viuii piopk ol nusayawtva mil jinpliillvillt iii inlei lan c liui c lie s liul a miip i ul nassa iwiva siuiliiv st lliiol loom i ik l ihlts vvti c lllleil wi tit fiiesfs and ihev tlitl lusllci lo lhc lov iv sup pel provultil liv llie vounn people i lit nmsl spi ikel was i i col i m aiiilci scrii ol otkvillt hi shtwvfd i ttmpli ol lilms ol ilu woik he seiviee men tlitl in ic hiiihluil nl aluuniii koiii lliil had liecli iiilljid hv wai anil how t lit v loiiiul vuvsil inikul moil t l lo ill csim 11 llllp lilt si pool unfirluml prph i oul r i i fp h until itiv i f ftd mi mm i iv lnyll lliniikid mi audi i on lot hi pul in in il uij ilu evening micttsslill ami also llie iik iiilu i i oi ilu t iiiiii cjil ion loi allendinp i iu voini pi opli an lo in toiiliatilltttd on 1 7 ii i mi 111 ol joh ilu i did in planiiinr nut i vi rif llih uppi i i in lo id nn lo t- iril in rv vorv at thf ounj hit- laslcr thankoffcring meet- my of n iss yavveva churchvjns held in tin- home- of wlrs john roihs mts s trousdale of efc- itnci was the guosf spake icoplf- hiiy he ii id ami lead lo llllv vre f ress to tlie fyh pttjsa otfm j around we bend and 0vr the hill heae we come to kill chill f our products cheating riujiuiiuijjua ul69983ffvsrockwood do it yourself doesnt work in insurance either why run the risk of do ft yourself insurance ouf ppf rt hflp makes il easier sdfer and less expensive call us today bapeco safer save money insurance see your safeco expert dennys insurance agency pesidences 54 mill si e acton 8530150 bdl s53 643 harold 8532565 they look alike but maybe you think a two by four is just a chunk of wood well its a lot more than that for instance it could be a joist thats dependable or it could be the other kind your allont building supply centre has the quality of lumber paint glass and tools you require for each specific job one reason why thousands and thousands of buyers like you are coming to realize that in the field of building supplies allont is the name to build on whatever youre planning to build get your allont dealers advice hell go to a lot of trouble to help you he wants you as a steady customer allont building supply centres allont the name to build on j b mackenzie and son co ltd church street acton

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