Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1966, p. 4

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iah ftl rhxy iftphr j r m pounding the sports beat jvuc macs cop woaa int b crown won hespeler mic macs won the wo a a int b title and the group cham- pionship all in one sweep by defeating acton tanners 94 in the seventh and final game of the group finals monday night in hespelei mic macs got the jump on the tanners in the first period of the game and went on to post a convincing victory despite an allout effort from the acton club to get back in sattltdaynustriathocknlapiictonqiielvnnmthceront up another successful yeai ol operation loi the bush leagueis the championship tiophy was piesented to tom oaklev who ic ccpfccl on behall of the dusteis stu mcdonajd was named as the most valuable playci this season and hau red phillips got the high sconng award over 40 attended the dmnei tn the dominion hotel and selected a new executive headed again in president goul mason vice president is don lindsav secietai denis gibbons treaiuiei ken mclsaac and lekiee inxhiel leon dutlield both leon and ches pevcha weie given a vou ol thanks lot then vvoik with the whistle this season theres another vcaiciul binqnvt coming up this salur dav at 4 p m in the communitv untie its acton minoi hockev associations wind up and piesidcnt doc haiklev has a reallv big shew planned theic aie a couple ol hocke plaeis coming in and tiophv piesentations will be anothci leatuie the womens support gioup is putting on the dmnei doc wants to make sure all the tncountv paeis i rum aeton attend so ou might men lion it lo the fellow iui dooi bryam lewis lefcice in duel lot the geoigvtown bantam tournament sends wold thiougli tddie owen that oflicials are most appiecialive ol the help lhe got liom acton loi the lomnes whist e blow ine choies mniiiv hamson damn aibic don tout and 6d owen all took-luiiii- helping out chatham won the toiimcv s grand championship delcating winnipeg last eai s winneis in the linals the winnipeg lc mi plncd two exhibitions in acton blanking both the bantams ind midgets and were livoutes to take home the ciown again wonder why monda s uioup final between hespelei and acton tinned om to be the v o a int b finale well the noith cm winner hanove walkciton pi out ol hanovei theie iiasn t been a home game theie in weeks sp the town latheis decided the couldnt wait am loncei loi a winiiei i rum the south the pulled thv switch on the ice plant coneelline an tmthei games it was the same situation aeton laced lisi season but the tanneis leccived more understanding trom the powei s that be it tinned out the acton clyb duln t lake hespdxi anvuav but if tle had rou wouldnt hae blamed them il the b ul some haish ilungs to sa about the o a another hockfy season came lo t elose monda when the tanneis wound up on the shot i end ol the seoie in the seventh and final game ol the cioup linils hespelei mie maes a oung aggressive club with plentv of loot sot the tump on the acton team in the first pel iod and hung on to wm ii ihe enue had been in i acton instead ol hespelei who knows whit mmht hae happened there was no doubt vi u mies weie the betiei team mondav how j ever the puck was lolling loi them and although the got two or three gaibage goals missed mole golden opportunities in the first period than the tanneis n nl tliioimh the name acton came j back strong m the sicond ind llunl pi noils but lhe maigin was just too laige lo nnnim coach junior beaumont summed up the fee lines of team and lins auu the gjimavhcn lu s nil we blew the seiies in the louith game in aeton ahe nl 2 1 u that point with ml macs on the inn thev i iseil up and hespelei evened the sencs the tanners forced the series into seven games by whipping the hes peler crew 63 in acton friday night mic macs came into town with a 32 edge on the set following a hardfought 73 win in hespelei wednesday but the tanners responded by coming up with a big win hespelei evened with a win on aeton iei the ielor gave ihem new heai t anil another victoi at home gave mie mies a seiies edge the tanners fought back fyidax piolonging the set to seven games but it was evident the weie going to have to pioduce an exceptional game to beat mic macs on then own bailiwick hespeler has some veteians on the team but thes are mainlv testimony to outh you might sav t lie 1 1 legs won the scries foi them you cant lake it awav fiom the tanneis howevei the weie tiding to the final bell thevve given i ins hen inothci season ol enteitaining hockey and when vou get nghl dim 1 to it what mini em you ask next cn may be the championship se ison one of thr highlights of the seiies was the lack of any pier six donmbiooks ihe only ual lijjit e ime in lhe last game when munay maiehment ilianed webei s elotk as the teams skated to the dicssmg looms at the end ol the second penod exidently something webei saul piccipitatcd an exehange ol insults and led to the slugging match weher weaimg numbei h got the worst of rt he emeigeil loi the thud peiiod xveiiing numbei 16 eyidentlv figuiing bob russell the pievious weaiei of that numbei yvas mon of a gladialoi russli you ii kiiuralxi slugged iclciee lou hein buch in the tilth g uiu ol lhe seiies is i ou skated ovei to the penalty box lo mloim the tmukeipei ol a peiialts russell yvas in the sin bin at tin linn loi du lluv wilh high sinks yyith beaver baxtei he hit tin ulein in lhe t lee ind despite his lage yvas eiect cd his ease will lomi up lulim lhe oaa al then next meeting but russell will be lik kv lo is ipe with ye u s suspension you lust can i hit an oil mil mil expeci a lilht penally t expect eight squads in halton ball league piobablv tight teams will in squat mg of i in ii ilion oiiim intermediate 01 senior it you like baseball action his ve u at an intt1 mediate exmiliye meeting ibis yveik minis weie accepted i mm si yen towns and jl was agieecl to aeeipt a slung thened junioi ctiliv liom bui lington milton 0 miphilly ille georgetown oakville dund is mi preston will be upusentid bv much the sanu ti mis is i ist season i the hamilton r d ms who i dotninaid li igm aituni in l intend to move into snuoi intel county action but the stts i citv i w ill still be upusentid in halton county ball jiailuius ol a hi milton iiinioi ti mi plus a ku playeis irom iist e u s red wing squad yvth make up that entiv ihe exceutive agienl to aeeept a tumor team liom builinittou into league play and it is xpeitid that entiy will in stungtln ind by some oldei playns bulling ton was not repiesnkd at tin meeting but had applnil toi in try earhei and it was assumed they weie still mteiesud ie donia who applied toi niliv eii 1 in the winlei hael ineii told it must get us release tixini lhe sou thorn counties eueuit halton oflicials have been lnlomnel tin release could not be obtained i a 28 or possibly even s gum schedule is being planned for this season action is expected to start the wednesday befoie the 24th of may holiday may 20 there will be no playotfs this year most teams are planning their first practices loi this week end 48 shot barrage the seucs swung back to lies pclvi loi the deciding game and mic macs demonstrated loi theii laigest crowd this season that they were championship mntetial they rolled up a sl leatl in the inst pencil and withstood a with- enng 4s shot ban age by acton to win goalkeepvi jim sweeney stopped 24 hespelei blurts it yeas a double edged yictoiy woul came the dav ol the game that the noithem yyinnei han ovei had opted out ol the cup hunt when the arena commission pulled the switch on the aitilicial ice plant theie consequent lv the int b ciown as yvell as the gioup title lunged on the or ganic- wo a a piesidcnt dick paikei of hamston presented the int b championship tiophy to mic mac captain dave heipel and jim te ol fergus donor ol the group tiophy presented it in a ubilant post game scene mic macs cai- ned coach bill okiafka sr riom the ice in a victory celebiation yvhich stalled yvith the tanneis congratulating the winneis never a bride for the tanners it yvas a case of being always the bridesmaid but nevei the blushing bnde its the second war in a royv they ye gone to the finals and both in stances found them lunnersup they foiced the series into seven games but fans felt thev could have wrapped it up early if the i puck yvas bouncing for them thev weie outlucked in the first game of the seiies xvon the second and third in convincing fashion pver the i aligned hespel er club playing a double wo a a oh a series kev game yvas the fourth in acton coa jun beaum figur the tanners lost the series ihen they dropped a 95 decision in fiont of their biggest crowd of the season and mic macs had a new lease on the series thev took the next one easily hamilton townleague novice champs hamilton xvon the legion town league novice championship sat urdav by defeating st catharines 40 in the third game of the best of three final ron death and tim mclntvie were the big guns for the new champions ron scored three goals and tim bagged one and collected a pair of assists in the victory treth armstrong assisted on rons first marker it was the most conclusive win of th cscnes first game was a m win lor hamilton st kitts evened up the series with a 20 whitewash in the second game but were blanked themselves in the final john cameron tony lambert and peter hargrave all served minor penalties dished out by lelerces dave scutt and don ford satin dav murray 1marchment cleans webers clock lose early monday a penalty to mmny maiehment staited them oil vehen heipvl connected it lhe 2 48 maik with acton shoi thanded bill 0kralka made it 2 0 on ihe tanneis who played without glenn coopei home sick loi the linal game heipel made h 30 while doug eians sat out a high sticking sentence and a long shot by heatheiington stretched the lead to 4 0 at is 03 gcirv inglis put acton back in the hunt at 1720 when his siieen ed dine went undei walson in the hespeler net but kitman nullified il when his drive xvml in off svwcnei with loin seconds ictt in the pel lod sweeney got a piece ol it but couldn t hold on hespelei vxiatheicd three see ond period penalties and intense seoied llnee goals and velertin ilaiold iovvnslev bagged two as the tmrtcts won 63 iim tanelly notched a single in a well played contest which saw geuy inglis back in ihe line up jim sweenev came up with a spaikhng game to keep the fan neis in theie loi the lust 10 minutes while they got unliack ed haiold iovvnslev gave acton a 10 lead when he dulled blake inglis lebound home on a play stalled by tied kentner aeton seemed to assume contiol liom that point jim laiiellv made it 2 0 early in ihe thiiil pel ind and tim haines si i etched the lead to 3 0 al 13 28 with heatheiington seiv tug a high stick sentence hes pelei got back in lhe game in the last second ol the pei toil as hci pel dtove home a loose puck the vnv inst plav of the thud pei lod saw a long scieened shot horn ihe blue line by bill cle mens dude sweeney i educing the acton maigin to one goal haiold row nslc y and tied kcntnci teamed up with townsley tip ping one past watson to stictch lhe maigin ten seconds after noi m love steppeil into the sin bin to si i vc a slashing penalty tun haines bagged his second and the tanneis weie ahead s2 ross russell got a gill liom the aeton delense 1 1 s2 but tim haines finished up a hat tiiek on a play with geiiv inglis in ihe last minute ol play to give aclon lhe win going awav punches ref sivenleen penalties including a g ime misconduct anil a match misconduct to bob russell ol hespelei foi lulling lelcree i ou heinbuch wile pail of hisnelers i i srv its- pa i- 2- staff pholo brampton team emerged victors in the town atom hockey league monday night in a sud den death final after the series vtfs tied with weston at one game apiece and a tie the cham pions who won the final game 42 are pictured above front row left to right are steve papillon joe kentner john ashley john schutts jim hurley scott withers and john mc- hugh back row left to right are ricky baginski timmy taylor manager george ware coach barry inscoe ford alton and david morris missing when photo was taken were wayne allan and billy ware dark horse brampton wins town atom title maes the seiies the tanneis licked the zip which matked then play in the eailv games ol the seiies anil looked like theyd have pieleired to be anywhere but hespeler hespeler went in fiont on wild- contmued on page 7 71 win lasl wednesday the vie tannetpiesinljthelsminy u m mlls a 2 lcl rttr ute mark whin mel aueom tip ped in heipel s goal mouth pass sweeney had no ploleetion twenty six seconds latei tim haines connected foi acton on a plav with mcktnie and blake inglis to make it 62 marchment and webei s end of- the period twoiound singles drew them lixe minutes apiece in the coolci anil while ihcy wen off jim ranellv bioke in the clear down centre and backhand cd a beauty past watson hespel er got anothci at 5 4s howevei when ross russell bioke in alone set up bv wililfong danny arbic finished the scot ing foi aclon with a shot thu hit the top light eoinei behind wat son howie evans and inn cun ningham assisted the tanneis left themselves wide open in llieir oftoits to conn back but despite mini close ealls watson held tliem out while mn maes produced two mou gods flic plein nolelied one aiuoin the final theie wire- nine penalties five to hespelei haines has hat ti iday in acion tim hames we came out oj the cellar to win the whole thing jubilant geoige ware manager of the biampton team in the legion town league atom series told the tue press this week the brampton team won the bcstofthicc linal in the fourth game monday night posting a 42 victory over weston league lead eis all season a fourth game was necessary when a 10 minute oveitime period failed to settle a deadlock in lhe thud contest the sines leatuied two overtime games riekv baginski jim huilev wayne allan and david morris each seoied a goal apiece as biampton came from behind 2 0 thud period deficit with four consecutive goals johnny ashley collected tiuc assists lor the w i n ne rs rfc kv baginski got 1 wo and ford alton snared one blain clcland and kent kent ner scored one each lor the los eis both unassisted penalties went to blain clcland 2 and joe kentner sawoff sundays third game was tied 22 at the end of regulation time and both teams scored in over time for a 3 3 finish kent kentner scored two goals for weston and jeff townsley got one dav e morris wayne allan and steve papillon accounted foi the brampton goals with riekv quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils oil burner finance plan 10 years to pay small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd acton phone 8532370 after hours 8532174 sports corner 124 mill st e at wilbur phone 8532160 golf the season is here atlantic golf bags from cooperweeks clubs and supplies from campbells and spalding at sports corner train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times play golf membership rates man lady couple family 4 public school students 7000 5000 11000 13500 30 00 green fee rates green fee during week 1 50 green fee weekends and holidays 2 50 choice days for tournament during the week golf full course dinner 4 00 openffor business weather permitting hilltop lodge golf country club erin ontario telephone 8339702 baginski assisting on ihe first two and wayne allan on steves blain clcland and paul tvers served penalties bramplon came from behind in the second game of the series to win 2 1 last tucsdav as jim hurley broke all tic with an oveitime goal wayne allan tied it up lor brampjon in the third pei lod assisted bv steve papillon i after jelf townsley put weston ahead in the first period jim hilrlcv and jeff patterson served penalties in that one new car deals are hottern a branding iron at masson motors we need used cars the action at our trading post has developed our used car stock we have buyers waiting for clean late models attention owners of 1961 and 1962 pontiacs and chevrolets automatic transmission and owners of 1963 and 1964 pontiacs acadians beaumonts chevrolets chevelles and chevy lls either 6 or 8 cylinder with automatic transmission we will allow extra big tradein allowances now to round out our used car stock and to achieve our sales objective for this month for a drum thumping deal dont delay buy now at masson motors trading post pete masson motors ltd buick pontiac 351 queen st e acton 124 guelph st georgetown acadian 8530450 8776986 iv zz for information phone the local cn passenger sates office canadian national congratulations acton t a n n e r s on reaching the woaa finals a good series weil played beardmore co limited was pleased to have sponsored a contending intermediate hockey team again this year beardmore co limited

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