the acton free press fi 28 1966 lets play bridge by bin coat last weekend saw some of our local players journeying to brarwford for the grand valley bridge tournament the results were most unsatisfactory duke wilson and marjory mackenzie both of georgetown playedin the mixed pairs on friday night as did your columnist and hisr wife both pairs were below av erage on saturday duke wilson teamed up with bill barbour for the open pairs i went down also on the chance of finding a partner i played with mrs sid isaacs of london duke and bill did not qualify in the afternoon and played in the consolation game in the evening mrs isaacs and i tied for first in our sec tion in the afternoon but unfor tunately our good results did not carry on to the evening here is one of the hands that led to our win in the afternoon the dealer is south and east- west are vulnerable north sa06 4 3 h ak dq 7 3 c 10 7 5 wttt east s 10 8 sj 9 7 ho 10 8 6 5 h 4 3 d 6 4 d k 10 9 8 5 cj 8 3 g k q 4 south s 5 2 hj9 7 2 d a j 2 c a 9 6 2 the bidding south west north east pass pass 1 s pass 1 nt pass pass 2 d 2 nt pass 3 nt ah pass we were very lucky on the bidding i was sitting in the and finessed with everything vorkin8rwell there was no real problem when the spade ace was play ed and both opponents followed three no trump was assured but this is not enough in dupli cate bridge one must try to get every trick possible two more spade leads proved rather em barrassing to the defense if east does not get rid of his high clubs he will be end played if he does get rid of his high clubs his partner will be squeezed in hearts and clubs as it was east discarded a diamond and a club on the spades while west let go of a heart and a club dh a club lead from dummy i let east hold the trick when east continued a club i won i still had the diamond ace and the club ten for a total of ten tricks this was good enough for a tie for top on the board last weeks winners at the acton bridge club were first bill barbour and brian hamil ton tied for second mr and mrs clay barbour with bill ha milton and jack coats staff photo careers night at the high school monday night was well attended by 180 students who heard specialists in various occupations explain details of their work acton rotary club spon sored the project with individual members introducing the guests included in the picture above left to right are jack carpenter who explained sales management tom unwin super visor of the industrial training branch department of labor- lieutenant bob grant from the canadian army rotarian fred gordon h e lucas administrator of industrial training branch department of labor rotarian william pendleton principal e a hansen detective charles gilbert and rotarian dick lee south position and my first res ponse of 1 nt was an underbid fortunately east gave me ano ther chance and i bid again west opened his fourth best heart which was won in dum my since one spade must be lost in any case i led a low spade from dummy this was won by west who continued hearts a diamond is led from dnmmy and the jack is success fully finessed now a spade is led 4h glut girls to sponsor tea the fifth meeting of the nas- sagaweya nymphs 4h club was held at the home of mrs norrish on march 26 the club girls made relishes followed by mrs norrish demonstrating flower arranging the 4h pledge was repeated the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted followed with roll call the girls reported on the sand wiches they had made at home mrs norrish led a discussion on entertaining and dictated not es lunch was served meeting 6 of the nassagawcya nymphs was held at the home of mrs j henrv on tuesday april 12 under the direction of mrs henry the girls demonstrated the making of tea cakes and icing them mrs henry led the discussion on party refreshments the ser vice party suggestions food pre paration and gave notes on these discussions following this the group prac ticed setting up a bullet table for a party during the tea hour miss susan ward poured tea miss audrey al lison served tea and the delicious tea cakes made by the girls meeting 7 of the nassagaweya nymphs was held at mrs nor- rishs on saturday april 16 seven members were present mrs norrish led a discussion on etiquette followed with a few notes the gii k made final ar rangements tor their tea to be held on april 30 at 2 30 at mrs norrishs lunch was served bv the club girls health units annual report reviews work of county staff the annual report of the hal- ton countv health unit released recently shows of the 36592661 spent by the unit over the past year nearly 125000 came from municipalities in the county the remainder of the funds came from the province salaries for the 55 employees of the unit accounted for 5285- 92767 of the expenditures and another 7999894 was paid out for equipment travel rent and utilities 12 cases of infectious hepati tis were reported the majority of these coming from the north west area of the county latein the year other diseases were seven cases of scarlet fever one of infant impetigo one food poisoning 18 admissions ot tu berculosis sanitoriums three of which were reactivated cases 26 cases of syphillis and gonorrhea with an additional 27 contact carriers these infections plus the large number of calls made to mothers county trees are sold out haltons centennial tree plant ing project has been greeted with highly desirable results it was reported early this week ah 5000 of the red maples su gar maples and white ashes have been called for and are await ing their delivery to homes in may the trees selling at 50 cents each and guaranteed for a year will be planted on the frontage of rural properties and each buyer yas allowed up to 25 trees the town of miltons annual treeplanting project has seen 17 decorative plants ordered at a half price fee of from 387 to 642 for the resident town residents arc reminded that all applications must be re ceived at the town office before 5 pm this friday april 29 all trees will be installed by town workmen and will also be guar anteed near deadline with the deadline sunday seven entries have been receiv ed so far in the- chamber of commerce home improvement contact john rol and other chamber official would like very much to have more entr ies and hope theyll be coming in juit under the wire this weekend m i4y4 2s293q thursfftlsat april harum scarum in color elvis presley listen judge summer pageantry cartoon quiet miasf matinee saturday ml pm montuf s wid may 131 king rat george segal cartoon mar hug advtt entarteifiamnt thursfrisat may 547 beach ball in color ed byrnes black spur in color rory calhoun show times monday through thursday pjtf friday and saturday at 7 and rjm of infants amounted to 36420 calls for the 20 public health nurses of the eight swimming pools inspected by the unit not one was found to be in satisfactory condition the report shows 239 of the 1472 inspected septic tanks prov ed unsanitary while of the 492 municipally inspected 24 were found unsatisfactory with 205 of the 527 inspected private sys tems failing the test over one third of the inspect ed cisterns did not appear sani tary the unit also staged inspect ions in 223 barber shops and beauty salons and 121 houses made seven air pollution checks and 575 rabies inspections there were 541 inspections con ducted in restaurants and hotels with 224 of these showing poor conditions caterers and foodhandlers were found to have unsatisfactory con ditions in 18 of the 55 inspect ions of the eight food vendors and distributors 213 inspections 46 warranted unsatisfactory reports dental hygienists examined 12- 615 children and discovered 20- 106 teeth needing treatment the unit counselled 31249 stu dents in 83 elementary schools and 10385 in the ii secondary schools notice it is illegal to light bonfires without first obtaining a permit if you havent done so do it now permits available from fire chief mick holmes sponsored by acton firefighters assoc select speaker guest speaker for halloii junior farmers annual church service in milton this sunday evening may 1 will be james jvloore of bel mont mr moore whose topic will be building foundations was the winner of the 1965 provin cial junior farmer public speak ing competition the service will be held at grace anglican church at 730 pm sunday a fireside hour will fol low when the junior farmer choir and trio and individual members will entertain harley to h alton by dr harry marie y mp name j corbett county engineer the ilnuscof commons has re sumed its normal sittings since our return we have been debating ihe hiuljhl this is a general tie- bate and will last for a few days we hail an amendment praposed by the ndi to raise ihe basic in come tax exemption but this was defeated as they received very little support on this matter we still have ah ameiulnifnl by ihe conservatives to deal with but it is riot expected to cause any serious problem this amendment isn general condemnation of gov ernment policy as outlined in ihe budget there have been verv lew complaints from hallnn fol lowing the presentation of ihe budget just prior to easter next week will probably see the j thursday mo debate on redistribution i ex- peel to participate in this matter on be ha 1 1 of the township f nas sagaweya redistribution puts nassagaweya in the riding of wel lington rather than hal tonwon t- worth whih would break its lies with the town of burlington in hal tonwent worth a great deal of talk has taken place over the cbc and the pro gram this hour has seven days the cbc was set up by parlia ment in its present form to keep political inlluence out of the broadcasting media it would be terrible to have broadcasting pol icy dependent on whichever pol itical party was in power the parliament cannot and should not interfere with the programming of the cbc who in fact run their own affairs the house of com mons has a standing committee on broadcasting and this has be tween management and program mers it seems probable that the cbc which covers the news will itself be ihe main item of news for the length time of these gun sittings on this problem all interested and involved parties d j corbett of orangeville was will be invited to appear and tes- named the new county engineer lily be i ore the committee in 1v hallon county council tues- i his wav a lair hearing will go into by halloa county dav lo succeed roy f smith who ha- serwd in that position since lliis problem nil oiil ihe prob i letn of this hour has seven div n i i mr orbett has been countv cn- luil in o he piohlciu geneia v hi is i t ii gineer in dill term countv for ihe hearings i does seem irniuc to 1 past seven vears prior to thai he me i hat the program in question i i j was assistant countv engineer in which was often unkind to sav i- r middlesex countv lor three vears the lcasilo parliament nowlinds mr crbetl 36 is married ano itsell before a parliamentary i committee lor hearing and just- ice il is ironic the broadcast- ing media which has often ap- j plauded ihe actions ol ihe honor- able member ironi york lumber i mr ralph cowan i here liiids i themselves on ihe receiving end j ol these actions this house ol commons c o in m i t t e e met on iin and wauled to has tine child in hallon he will he responsible tor 151 miles of county road he will begin hero about mav 15 meet again in the afternoon but this required unanimous consent ol the house and it was refused lv the member lor yorki lumber mr cowan halton cooperative medical care plan pays all surgical operations individual or employee groups k doctors calls paid from may enroll at any lime of the first visit confinements anaesthetists services xrays also major medical year revised rates monthly 575 single monthly 11 jo couple monthly 1325 family payable quarterly or yearly halton coop medical services 143 main street box 474 milton dial 8789712 please send me information no obligation name address harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughing sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n 8569934 24 hour service rockwood may we remind you that it is time to let us clean and store those valuable winter garments for the summer months call ujkfor safe insured low cost storage service txrcw custom cleaners same day service except saturday in by 10 am out by 5 pjn cash and carry main st n phone 8531180 baked g00 surprise mother on her day with one of our thickly frosted mothers day cakes shell be delighted with such a tempting treat deliciously v rtv hotchen s bakery 11 willow st s phone 8530710 a general motors value pontiac laurcnnan fourdoor sedan a lot of our advertising appears in peoples driveways pontiacs beauty sells a lot of pontiacs consider ihe arrogance of its split grille the long lean sculpted body that nimblelooking distinctive pontiac stance but we have a cleer device for selling men more pontiacs we call it our pontiac dealer hes the man with all the answers he can show you for instance exactly vvhv it is that vere putting more of our success cars in peoples driveways than eer before hes a man you should make it a special point to nicer he can tell you about pontiacs lavish interiors with their host of standard equipment luxury and safely features hell even demonstrate pontiacs new brand ol performance if youre feeling adventurous but more impor tant than anything else he can give ou an excellent ileal on the pontiac of vour choice and let vou do some advenisinc for ns be sure to watch telescope the r uyif ing on lelev ision c heck local luiino fo- june and channel authorized pontiac dealer in acton pete masson motors limited 351 queen st east acton ont