Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1966, p. 1

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jtfjot ninety first year no 45 acton ontario thursday may 5 1966 authorized becond clu hail the port office department ottawa fourteen pages ten cents wait lor omb board council approve tender for 111546 speyside addition construction ot a rivoroom ad- 1 cannot proceed until the dcpu dition at spevside public school monl ol education and omii in esquesmg township has pas- signily then appioval sod the list plateau the pioicct increase staff now waits approval ironi the de- although the addition calls loi partment ol education and online looms onl two additional tario municipal boaid last week esqucsing school boaixl held a sjiecial meeting to open teidei s and choose a- con- tiacloi ol its choice selected bv the boa id was a j mccaithv georgetown at a tendei pine ol si 1 1546 other tendei s icceived included one tiom dai en con- stniclion seal borough at s1is- 186 and a ihiul liomatch con struction toionlo at m2sooo montliv evening esquesing council gave the gieen light to the school addition but woik i stall meuibeis will be ieiiuied piescntlv one class is occupying i he ol i slope chool in ac ion and this will i elm n to spevside when the- addition is completed inn otlioi c lassiooms will be opened at ibis tune leqiiiimg ad ciitional leacheis and a lomih loom will he used as an all pm i pose loom a kmdeigai ten class lis slated loi the hllh loom but jit will not bemn this all new teachers i ik most public school boaids csqucsimg is out teachei hunting mostly for education to date live icsignations have boon icceived lioni present stall niciiilicis and i ou leplaceineuls hikci it is hoped a tilth teachei will sign a contiacl in the neai litltnc leaving the teaching stall this tcun aie mis i inilavson mil ton heights school mis m sinealon pintview school i snocldv ciliii williams school vi mackinnon slew ai mown school and mis v cascadden ol vlmval school lined ie date aie mis donna hilcnian mis ahnstel limes and mi mel mis p lei ciaidmci i he hoii cl will also icqtiiie two ad dilional leacheis net tei in due o the- pioposed addition at sicv side school township budget up 1012 mills nassagivvexa townships tax late lor l will le siuick on monday night ma l but lale- pavcrs can ovpect am thing but good news at a budget session on miymlav night it was indicated most rate- paxeis in the township can cpcd the i960 null late to climb be tween 10 and 12 mills ovei then 1965 i ate to the aveiage pmpcilv ovvnei with assessment ol be tween 51500 and s4 000 u would mean about s40sso more in taxes highci levies loi both public and high school account loi most ol the ineiease the town ships public schtxil boaid ie quires m evlia six mills lo meet i expenses tins veai and the acton and milton distuct high school boaids have also icquisi i tioned additional liuids 1 he ml ton boaid icquues about tin eel more nulls ihan in i96s and the i acton boaid will need appiox an additional i 22 nulls will be budgeted to meet load expenses nil geneial aeliniiusiialion will icquiie anothei null it was i lie llglllcs piesellleel at the monday night meelmg weie ic i in eel is onl estimales tleik j c mclmvie and ihc audilois will board argues proper procedure during land sale application pointed out that although one vvoik on the budge t this week and inoiv mill is needed lo meet ad ihave il completed loi the dual mimstiative costs the mciease m lappioval ol township ouikii on match mills two and onehall tunic aclmimstiation cosis is tlue en tnclv to planning expenses only 52000 was budgeted loi planning expenses in l9fs while s6 800 has been budgeted loi this eai c lei k j c melnlvie pointed out thai wilh the exception ol the plan mug liguiis admuustialion cosis wen slightly lowei ihan lasi ven llhough couiicillois seemed disappointed at llie pioicc led sie ol the mciease the geneial lecl ing was thai il couldn t be helped reeve william oultci commenl eel 1 d sa it s dam godd dep tit reeve william hoev slated in view ol the amount spent on planning and wellaie and load seimces along with the education cosis id sa it is quite explain able canadian tire expansion waits rezoning of land expansion ol the canadian tnc associate stoic- in acton and pin chase ol land loinieilv used as tennis com is and bowling pi ecus bv ail goiclon aie pend mg leainmi ol land piesenth i owned in beudmoie and co ltd tiom leci cation to conunei- cal t a planning boaid meeting thin sdav nighl ot last week clcikadmimstiatcn lack mcgca clue lepoiied the oilicial plan ot the town ot alton had ixen ap proved bv the ontaiio municipal boaid hut i ininoi technicalilv a nunibe i had to be alteied beloic the plan could be icgis teied the olliciil plan changes the one ol the loi met tennis com is and bowling gieen tiom icci ca tion to commeicial when this is oilicial it is ex peeled mr goidon will puichase the piopeitv tiom beaiclmoie m co lid and piocced with expansion ot his business he hopes n ehanje the location ol the service centie to the teai ol hc pieseiu building and expand ihc main sioie tiontage along mill st puichase ol llie land will also pun ele loi additional paikmg and anv inline expansion oi torn nicicial building citizen of year actons dean of real estate agents and insurance brokers k l wright will be guest of honor thursday night mav 12 when he will be named citi zen of the car at the annual chamber of commerce civic night banquet in the new band hall presentation tf an engraved plaque o mr w right and flow ers to his wife will highlight the dinner mr wright is the ninth citizen ol the year to be named since the project be gan lie follows amos mason g a dills dr w g c kcnncv william coon miss madeleine gibbons john gov miss m z bennett and william middle- ton this ik ihc second vear in a row announcement has been made in advance to allow pre parations for tlie dinner to be made without a cloak of secre cy and to enable the mam friends of the person picked to attend the dinner in the past a special guest speaker has been selected to address the civic night crowd following the dinner this vear the llallon junior fanners choir anil local talent will en tertain the chamber of commerce decided to hold the dinner in the new band hall this vear in appreciation of the excellent job bundsmen did in complet ing the building and to allow the public an opportunity of seeing its interior tickets arc available at both banks dills stationery store nielsens clothing store and acton sport cornet monday court lines totalled jw and couit cois m when 11 ollciielcis ap pciicl in milton com i mondav allci being chaigcd with otleiises iiu tiding imp mi j diivine miuoi tallic violations nnl dunking bv ilon o i p otlkcis momitv i lie geneial adiuimsliation aiea loi t lie midget the one aid ovei which council has contiol will icquiie a local lew loi sl 12 this veai conipaiecl lo about 27100 ui pis llu value ol a lownship null is estimated at s4 s 1 his cai a local lew ol s40 slh xv 1 1 1 be ieeuiieil to nicit road expenses in 19os llie local lev v loi load expenses was ap pioxmialclv xuooo some ol the uie leases in giiici al uliiunisli alion iikiikii admin isiiinvi salancs about m coo councils sal ii ics about 700 plan tuny s4so0 and wdlaic up 2 ooo i to ssooo i fire area levies i levies loi both the milton and eton hie aicas aie leniainiug al most the same as last veai in i loto the milion i lie ica lew i was i 47 nulls while ihc ac ton i lew vxas 2 si mills the ctmntv iile w ill be up shghllv n is sag a wcv a s lepiesentative ton milton dtstikt high school roud ross t aibeil attended the meeting along with boaid sccie tlix ti clslllc i i mlllson 1 ig nies supplied bv mi milkon ii elicited nissagavvi vi would be asked to contiibutc an ailililional llliee nulls tovvud i ik opiialion oi the- school iik lownship s l kvv to the boaid was 18 14 24 ml millsou snd the c uisc ol the niiieise was iliic almost en liielv to iikicascil ilehcnluii pav meiils lie pomtcil out that be loie the boaids debt ol s70t 000 loi the icccut siliikil aililition is paid oil the boaid will have ic luallv paid iik hiding inicist ills ovei oik million elollai s diuicin mollit the lownship s iipusc ntativi on the cton dis tiict high school boaid intoim il comic illoi s ill 1 1 loughlv an act ililionil two ai it one h ill town ship mills would be liqilllccl to p iv the townships sink ol the school s expenses this veal sliiff photo bottles galore were piled high in the basement at the scout hall saturday oflernoon following the bottle drive staged by the cubs sorting out some of the bottles are peter miller and leslie coles public school two safety patrol officers to attend ottawa jamboree smith commended the caielakeis loi the excellent appearance ol the school giounds this veai lie- also i c polled the leaky i ou piob lem at ihc m hen ictt school appt tied to be ovcicomc with ie cent installation ol a new lool deck accounts totalling 20 778 99 vveic appiovcd loi pav men i wo acton public school pupils who act m 111 capacity ol school suiv paliol othceis will cnov an all expense pncl tup to ottawa dining the holiday weekend to attend a sattlv paliol jamboree llie lib loi the two patiolmen will be pic keel up loinllv in acton council and ii million automobile club which sponsois the salctv iatiol in town i uesdav night school boaid mcmhiis sanctioned the of law a tup and learned a icpiiscnl itivc horn each public school vvoultl be picked bv a vote ol the salelv pal nil memheis change syslem of pay roud memheis appiovecl a ie quest liom leacheis lo have pav cheques issued ivviee nioiltllk m place ol tin pusciil once i inonlh svstiin pi uicipals i inii sm th iiul g v mckiiin i xplamet the i ban in tin pav svsli m would be ol gn al i i sisl nice lo ie u in i s t iking sumiiii i coiiises pe i mission was given icciea lion iliicitoi how ud peine to use ouiilooi lacilities at the 1 7 hcllllc ii school loi tile sllllllllcl plavunuiil piogi mi il was u niiiil dossing guu il willi mi c hislinlm tcndeied his iesin ilion and i nplac cnie ill vvoukl be iviuicil loi lie x t sep icinbc i wheic wc stand man uc me ill chaiiman vs jlliam shed it t inloiiucd the boilcl a issued bv me school ssoc lauon showed that he nsou bullei in hustle- oil i ol s2 icpolls leccivetl icglltl nig tcacheis saluv schedules is stai ting salai ie s wc ic the same is ctoii 21 weii highii and 16 low 1 1 ih in i ton piopc 1 1 v c hii man l n i i ear lost in crash sewn back on again robei i i anclsboiough son ol mi and mis chailes landsboi ough acton lost part ol one cu bill had il sewn back on again loi lowing a two cai ciash on don mills paikvvav in toionto tiies day moinmg mi haiulsboiough slopped on the shtmldci ol the i oul timing a snowsloim to lix his windshield wipe i lust if t e i he gol back into his vehicle a cu appioachmg liom behind chivcii bv rdwaid pav me ol toionlo crashed mlo i he teu ol the i intlsbmougb cu eliiving il into a cement light standaid the pav me cu ended up on top ol the lniured mans vehicle ten minutes altei ml lands boi ough had been icinovcd lo i asl uncial hospital police lound the pu t ol the cu and hospital vv he ic il was vvn ha k on again his lupines ditl the committee of adpi nienl ovei shoot its auihoiilv did acton council hypiss plan- inng doaul was the cu i put be line he lioise- the e questions weie aigueel l tlebaletl loi an hnui and a hill ihiiisday nighl ol lasi week h ac ion planning boaid when sluclving tentative- stieet plans uid agivemenls outlining the pio posed sale ol live at its ol land hy lony seyntick lo ciansloii giiese chiiiiuan altlo hiiuli anil boa nl membei william wilson iicl council had put the cut be loie the hoi se in seeking mi ag i cement with llie i mil ownei and piospei live buvei ihc- c ball man also a lulled planning boaid should have been in on the deal iiis along wilh its planning con stiltaiil beloic- pioposed plans ol subdivision and agieemenls had hien eh awn up mi biaida also vxondeied il i he conuniltce ol aliislm nl had oveishot its an ihoiitv in tentatively ofleung a seiciance ol the land pencliim suhniission ol a plan ol subdivi sion anil i agieemenl wilh the ituvn loi ceilain slicel allow anccs lo the town j how it started some time ago an application hail been piesenled lo the plan ning boaid by mi sevnuck loi seveifiice ol the live ac i es al lliit lime planning boaid dismiss eel the application on the giouiitls iiimillicicnt uiloi mation had been pitsenlcil ihc land ovvncis next move was lo applv lo the committee ol adiisliiienl which is allowed h dial wilh mmoi v malices oiuieil vvas notihed ol the apph eilion and the development com millec ol council entcied the pic line when the queslinn anise legaidiug pioleclion lt the town of stieet accesses a i tor several meetings with the land ovvnei and proposed pin c ha sei the special council commit lcc was able to ixach a point vvhiic both mi sevnuck and mi gi ic-sc- agieed lo follow sug gestions set out mi sevnuck agieed lo allow an extension of acton boulevud through lo wiiien glow toad allowance liom chiiuhill road lo wallace avenue i ticcess to division stieet thiougli his pio peitv mi gnesc agieed to sub nulling a plan ol subdivision foi the live acies hi pioposed to pine base llimseli evening when cleik adinuustialoi jack mcocichic who is alo secietaiv treasurer of planning vboaid piescnted the tentative agi cements planning boaid members took olfense to council ignonng planning board on the i ansae lion not ovcrlookejd mi mcgcachie was quick to i e mind memheis council hadnt continued on page three jl commissioners hydro vote to receive pay aclon flydio commissioner at theii icgular meeting last thins iiav moved into the status ol paid municipal legislators when he suggested lo commissioners that a rate reduction might be iccomiiieiided to the local com mission by ontario hydro in thev voted lo icimburse them view ol ac tons accumulated sur- selves al ihc late ol s pei pluses he pointed out that any meeling with the chairman lo move to a iegioriil govcrnjnent itceive s8 loi up lo a maximum i would see the local commission ol 24 meetings a vear the total swallowed up in a icyional hy- cosl lo the commission will bcjdio commission and subscqucnt- appioximalclv 1000 pel veai in i iv aclon would neither have a hy- amount approved hy the ontaiio llvdio commission befoic- the iciniineiit ion be comes ellective llie plan jniist be appioved nv llie loctl conn cil payment will he letioaelivc lo januaiy i 1966 i he motion setting up t he- scale- ol payments vvas passed un aniinouslv only discussion on the icsolution aiosc ovei the point whether the chaiimui would he paid at a highci meet mg i ale ihan comrnissinncis the hvdio commission is the last el eeled municipal body to vote theinse ives ie muni i at ion building program i he ollle i llllol lopie nl ills cussion was on lie slilns ol tin commission bin iin p n commissioneis deudeil in ti iinge a visit lo sliithiov lo see the new hvdio building iheie the subiect was inti odnced bv councilloi i j oakes who was sirbstitiiling at the meeting tor mayoi dubv when he asked the present status ol the building i the accumulated dm btiilth sin plus i the iliiiiinaii lepoiied earn ings on llie opeiation ol the lo cal commission were icturning a piolil ol seven percent based in the pies in late stiucture set hy ac ton hydro trenching contract i he siipei mtendenl icported the supplies weie arriving for llie extension ol hytho services in lakeview subdivision he said h had been indicated lo him by i he town woi k depuiment that the town si ill wotdd he unable to dig the lienches loi the services mil he his made airangements wilh a local conliactor for the lunching the tiench location w is to be siakctl out on monday in t onsuliation with the tele phone company ace minis i ota ming s 893 ss were appioved loi payment at the meeting attended by chairman e pvler si commissioners mcea- ehein blown and dawkins and councilloi i i oakes honor mr and mrs james rolston on 50th wedding anniversary the lonnei lhabcth llovve and lie i husband james rolslon vicloiia slil cclcbi alccl so veals ol happy mail led lite satin day wilh family iclalivcs and ii lends during a reception at st albans paush hall the couple who have lived in town the past 22 vears credit then happy mainage lo cooper then advice to young people galling mauled loeliv rs in keep ou i ol clebt nuv onlv w hat can be paid loi and lo woik togellin thiough ml mail led lile mi rolslon has seiu nianv changes in slationaiv eiifinec i mg 111 cailiei veils boilers and iiu nam weie all hand inul hut lo dav it is all done hv aiiloiiiilion at ion and hard work during the so eus pus summer the coupk hope to mis rolslon was horn and do much travelling and enjoy the i used in powassan ontaiio and jcounln hci husband was a native ol as well as nianv downs gills south rivci they weie mu ried i and ends thev lecctvcda plaque in powasson apul 26 1916 bv the fiomthe ontario government pi ate considered still in hospital mmor and he is a v land purchased for shoe factory hidusti iilist i puichased loin joe jaiicu h a s ac i es ol land on i the ouukii is ol town wilh hopes ol building a shoe ladoiv sonic i tunc in the inline the land was loinieilv owned jointly bv bill duval si and iehie papillon i l pie sent ctith moving nitch ineiv is ic veiling the giounel on mllll st s bill eollsllllelloll ol i anv building is not expected loi j some tunc mi lane n is also opening a shoe lac loi v in dqclph and lies ciitlv is buvuip machmiiv and equipment he intends to maim llltule lless shins 111 lie cilleljlll location sliiff pholo acton brownies appear cold is thev nestle unth neith an anlian actually the girls arc dd- i innci the rug which was made from small pieces ot k nting one completed by brownies ejid otheis bv ms r buckner the knimmq w ib par ot a dioicci tor the unitarian services torinnte ind the rug will be sent to korea front rov left to right are gail zbeetnoff susan ancker sharon creasey helen gunther and catny cho nan back row left to right are janice thompson packie betly ginger brown owl mrs t s neaton from the third pack brown owl mrs ron guest from the second pack susan mathews and patricia kelly any person who has any old knitted goods which they wish to give to the unitarian services committee may con tact ars bcckncr choraliers guests tillsonburg service last sunday vton legion clio iiheis took put in a vmiv ihuicli paiatle al 1 ijlsonnti the tillsonbiug legion coloi p u iv will ictuin the visit taking pail in llie deeoialion day pai adc the choiaheis loimed in ehoii loi the seivice in vondlc i nited lunch nilsoirhuig un del t fie diieetion ol geoige mils sellt with geoige hall at the piano thev sang two anthems thev weie how gieat thou ait and the battle hvmn ol the re public and also led in the sng mg of hvmns dinner was served at the branch alterwards and the cho- lalieri entertained rev p r gardinei i lan minister i beloie his mainage the gioom la lined loi scvcial vetis and cliu- j injg this tune as a loin lb class jingineei was in chugc ol seam ihiishing machines and did much cusloin ihieshmg i allei then mainage both eon luiiiecl lo lum al south rivci loi ii veais beloic the ltim was sold i allei ic tiling i mill llie laini he vv oiked as a slationaiv engin i tei loi i chemical plant al south rixci i he plant was known as the- chaicoal ceiltie ol canada following ibis he went hi liout cleik antl obcl as a stitionuv ivineii hi ion coming lo i ion with bis will tnd lamilx in 1944 lo vtoik at beiiilmoii s tanikiv he 1 el i eel i i olll bcaldllloles iii i ce veil s ago dm i n an interview the couple lemiikcd thev have ncvei been sol iv ihiv i hose to c i11k to e ion as they have made many ii lends and ihoioughlv cnov the lovxn dining his n tiiciticiit mi ki ston still keeps ins hand in as i siiiionu v engine i and helps out it the commumlv eniie with t lie in making machine hi is ilso lo ul ol cu jh nl iv n cab met woik as well as gaicleiinig fhst president lol hale iiu inhei s yl the c mil go den e hub and mi rol ston was the inst dub piesidenl mis rolslon is loud o quilt mg and sewing and especially likes gudcnmg antl lloweis she is a nicinbei ol ihc lulled c hi lie h women in itealling then sj veirs ol niariiagc both noted the vasl change in the mode ol living anu jiving conditions today compared uithcailici vears we i eel privil i j egexl to live in an era wheic we have seen the most changes ot any lime in history she icmaik- i cd a presbyter- sented saturday bv m p p geo ken a card from prime ministci letci pcaison a lellei ironi mp di harry hal lev and a golden lea sei v uc liom the low ii ol aclon picseiitcd bv mavor les dulvy iikv have live tlaughleis all mail fed is gi uidcliild nn and loin gical giandchildi en son ronald vvis killed timing post- wai seivice vv n h the rca i lteiuling ihc satin dav anntver- suy vveic memheis of the irnined- iite larnilv mi and mrs gordon dennis inti lunilv helen of satilt ste mane mi and mrs jick ook and lanrulv amy of lon mi ami mrs claude hume and i unilv riielma of parry sound mi and mis rcdp gam ble and family mm id ihames- loid and mi and mis maurice robcils and laniilv shirley of milton ind mis ronald rolston and daughter i antic ol guelph dining ih amiveisaiv dinner 76 iclatives iiiovtd die meal ser ved hv st albni s guild staff pllolo married 50 years aar and mrs james rolston victoria avenue celebrated saturday afternoon during a gathering at st albans parish hall with family and friends j

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