Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1966, p. 11

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officers remain in cwl posts rockwood the april meet ing of our lady of fatlma coun cil catholic womens league was held at the home of mrs a stockman with 17 members in attendance the meeting opened with the recitation of the league prayer roll was called with the reply being a suggestion for new activities m the forthcoming cwjl year minutes of the last meeting and new correspond ence wcie read by mrs t bu- c7k conveners or the standing committees for the past year re ported on their activities the president mrs w ghfillan de clared all books closed and all offices open it was moved by mrs e synnott that all officers remain for a second year this was seconded by mrs p dales imrs ghfillan called lor new business stating that arrange ments were undeiwav li the auction sale to be held may 12 the htth has been rented and the auctioneer contacted booth conveners ladies in charge of the vaiious booths aic as follows auction mrs e synnott and mrs v syn nott penny table mrs p dales and mrs mallensen refresh- men in mis stockman and mrs j holmm mmmuge mrs haw kins and mrs r bacon mem- beis weie urged to support all tables with baked goods plants and shrubs which are always popular homes were required for the may and june meetings with mrs coppes and mis h saun dcrs olfciing to open theii homes the lunch committee loi mav will be mrs mallenson mis stock man and mis e snnotl the 4sth annual diocesan con volition will be hold june 17 18 and 19 at st aloysius chinch kilchenci and delegates tioin this league woic requested mis w gillillan will icpresent the league and possiblv also mi s v synnott replenish linens mrs gillillan will also repie sent the vote at the logional meet jng to be held in biantioul small articles were brought bv the la dies to replenish the rectory lin ens and a group ol lathes was sel ected to purchase largei articles mrs p dales i epoi ted on i meeting which she attended con corning the chinchs lole in the j967 centennial proiect plans will be discussed at a lain date mis hahburton dehveied the spiritual reading lor tihe evening a short biogiaphv ol sistei st lawience ol st josephs homo a crippled sistei and hei courag eous battle against hoi handicap the meetin was moved ad wwumjwijxiuii w tfu j j4su 3 jiuwjshi h arlfy- to h alton the budget debate has been completed without incident latei in the session specific recom mendations of fhe budget w he piesontcd in bill lorm and debat ed in detail by the house ol com mons the last two days have been devoted to various pieces ol legislation and at least ton various items have passed the piime minister has intro duced a itsolution which will give the civil service baigahung lights and in some cases the light to strike the resolution was dis cussed hiieflv passed and now will appear in bill ioim which is very technical and detailed in addition a special committee ol the senate anil house ol com mons has been sot up to hold public hcaungs into this matter ami to heai lepiesentations liom interested parlies one inloi est ing icalme took place in the house this week a nicmbei hied to introduce a puale bijl which would have taken ava liom the cabinet ihe light ol commuting death sen tences to hie imprisonment the leacloi ol the opposition mr dieienbaker obiecled on the giountls that the bill was union siitutionil in that it took away a roal prerogative the speak- u ruled lhit the meniboi had the ncht to intioduce such a bill that no rovil pieiogative was at iisk until the bill was in the last stages ol being passed the lead ei ol the opposition foiveil a vote on this issue which appealed i at hoi stiange lot a man who simngh suppoits the iiphts ol paihamcnt and its members i crrluiih do not agiee with this bill and will vole against u il it comes up but i tool the memhei was wilhin his light lo ml iodine it 1 wo uiuiii minoi bills eon eei ning the constitution of a budge anil a iulwav lino in on tano passed the house in aildi lion the lollowinij bills were pas sed by dr harry harlty mp a bill to provide for the de velopment of commercial lishei les in canada an act to amend the lxpoil and impoit permits act lo ex lend us operations loi another 1 neais an act to amend the i aim ciedit act which will give moie money loi farmer loans an act ol agivcmenl be tween the united kingdom and canada lot the avoidance ol double taxation i know pulsion oi s who icieive a pension liom the united kingdom will be pleas ed to see- this agi cement an act to establish u science council ol canada the- debate now muxes on lo icdistiihiition which will probab l take one vwek 1 hopi lo pu impale on hehall ol nassaga xxexa lotxnvhip xxhtch xxishes to be ineluiloil vxith the i own ol bin imgton in the riding ol hal tonwent xvoi ih jomned bv mis 1 bucck mis ii saunileis enter lamed with slides ol her leeent tup to italy and switci land included in her trip were the vatican venice and the alps a delioious lunch xxas soiled bx the hostess mrs stockman during a social h ill houi haton peel unite to sponsor crusade hie loeal aiiangoiuonts com nut tee ol ciusailc lxangclism has ailliuunced the lust united oxangclistie ciusade exei held in hallon and peel suppoi ted by 22 churches biamplon metnoiial arena has beon chosen as the- place and lxangelist bairy mooic ol london ontai lo has been named as the missionei loi the eight da ciusade sclicduled tin next september intel est m the project has been widcpt cad with inquuies iroin oiaiigoxillc lo stieetsville and trom acton to woodbiidgc hie oxoeulixo committee is lioad ed bx cap call boxxos ol the biamplon salvation ainix cili ile i witl rox guidon slexens pentecostal as eocuaiiniau se el otaix is rox d st linger llni tid church and di max lagle sou soixts as treasurer all eadx the committee has brought in an evangelistic tilm irom the billx giaham head quarters called the restless ones ibis is two houi dia malic lilin m coloi and sound xhieh is to be shown in the peil high school aiiditonum the se cond week m max admission is i bx tickets on sale thimigh the i e hui e lies aiul loeal business niei i chants the eontaet man toi eton is jim bailex tin piodiiction ol the restless ones htm has gixon cu oigamition thi oppoi j tumtx to tuiktion in kixmhc ot i the soptomboi tiusade chan man bow is said now xe 11111 build on this ixpniiiiec to pack i the- biampton ixna loi the sep tember ciusade exangelist burx mooiv has ix- eeixeil national attention exei i since- his 1 xangelistie ciusade m winnipeg climaxed with 12 000 1 in attendance ills meteoric ap pearaneo on tlu canadian nciik has iaphiiil ihuiiiihs in almost cxerx mioi niwspapoi across canada the niptmatioii alivadx in chides oxoi so leading eloigxnicn and lax men throughout this rea and hopes to secuic the backing of the miontx ot chustians in the noith peel hal ton aiei give euchre proceeds to sunshine school mis a n nonish xxas hostess loi the apnl meeting ol the nas sagaxecx womens institute with the piesulent mis trid litxxaids piesiehng mis joan pxatt lepoil ed on linanccs the dislnet an nual which is to be held on may 2s xxas discussed conxenns mis waltei lucas mrs malcolm moltit and mis j r hem x gave the yearly reports fho loadcrsotrhr4h1loniemak ing pioieel the club girl rntei- tims mis i r henix anil mis a n nonish inxitod the mem- he is to a tea to be gixen by ihe club gn is on api il 30 mis lean pxatt ic polled that the euchie paitx sponsoiod bx ihe membeis xxas xerx suecessful with eight tables in pi ix and the subslintiil pioeeeds ol 6 60 woie piesented to mis r p e lellues ol the sunshine school mis lellues displaxed some line xx oik made bx the students iolloxxing ihe oiictn and giice mis malcolm moltit assisteel the hostess dui mg the social houi in seixipg iclieshments mrs norman harris rockalong president rockxxood a papei dnxe was planned dining the annual meet mg ol roekalong womens insti tine helil liceulilx anxone elonating papeis loi this diive is asked to take them to the home ot mis w rile hie on may 14 only the aiulitoi s icpoil xxas gix on bx mis l johnston as xvell as i epulis liom each standing com mittee- conxeliei ihe disliiet an nual xx ill be held in aikell on max 2d 1 iil koekalong membeis lie planning a bus tup xxilli mis k spenee anil mis i johnston as conxeinis ihe membeis aie also iiiloiesleit in taking a shoi i ionise on quilt makiiv mis w guild icpoilcd on the lanaelian mxsoio protect the meeting xxas held in llu home ol mis lluxey shullis and mis manx doiiuei aoteil as than man loi ihe election ol olticeis new officers the iolloxxing names wen sub milled tin ollice in ihe- coining xeai by the nominating commit tee ol mis k spenee and mis i johnston loi piesideiil mis noi mail lllllls lust xleepiesl dent mis l johnston second vice mis h shullis societal x tieasuiei mis j d menabb dis trie diieeloi mis g mitchell alternate mis k spenee pianist mis h bonner diiectois mis c till mis o butlen m w pahtm-wittr- lloweis and cauls mis l john ston audilois miss helen baxne and mis w guild public itlt lions mis w guild the stand ing committee convene is aie agiicliltuie mis ii bonne i can adian inilustiies mis g mitchell health mis ii slmltis homo ec onomits mis w gallic i lusloi leal lesealeh mis o butte nliain ellitnship miss ii bax lie anel eillieatioii mis haixcx baxne the laim saltlv icpieseiita tile i- mis k spenee with mis ii bomiei as ltdeialion ol aii culluie itpieseiltalixe 1 hi meeting was eloseel with sniginj ihe oueen lunch xxas scucd anil a social time lolloxxcd new democrats meet speaker is university social worker a general membership meeting ol the hallon new democrat paitv was lieid on apiil 27 at the galaxv club in onkxille speakei loi i lie evening xxas li latina ol tile- unixclsily ol luiunio school o social woi k in addicssing tin iiiimbiis di i ai ma staled thit ui the- liisl lime- in human lusloix man xxoultl haxo an unlimited amount o leisllle time llllt is tlllit- lo pin sue ills oxxn inteiesls n pa 1 1 liom the need to miike money lie tiled john kemudv and win ston xhuicliill as men ol uiik- pciulenl means who had livid tieallxe lixts llt-tiiise- ihey xxolo able- lo pin sin then ovxn unci osls the ails politic and inlxi national alluis loblaw advertising wins design award loblaw stoics ol loionto has hum axxaidcd a huini- nudal lion loi the best iciishablo i ood ail ol l bx mil ills migiiut lilt- tonip ijiv is out ol i lit siipei iiiai kel chains in the united slates anil canada lo lie hoiioiod tills xe 11 lot oxiellillti iii adxel using anil piomoliiin liophics wile pusciiliil lo tin vx nine is by mcclll s ptibhsllel stephin 1 kills lining opining coiiiiionies ol lie 2lh annual t onxinliou ol supn mai kit insti lite- at mccoi nuc k ilnc c imago a llaigieaxos ailxn using dine toi ol loblaw aieepled lot ills eonip my i oblaxx xxon us avsu d loi an idxt i liseniinl hiiilliiiitl dual est meal i e lllle i lless mi c all s a ii n ii 1 1 ailn i lisinc a vi is toiiipt litinii mm an its i7lh xiai is dtsignul lo i use tilt slaiiilods ol supi i iilii kil adxti using by nixing nilional itcogm lion lo lilt smi iiiiinbiis xvho iihiiie i xttllentc in tins ilea liophles xxelc- picxcilutl loi oulsluniling iitvxspipti ailxeilis lite ill loin adilitioilil taltloilis hist spinal i lint ad mist ston imago ad mil ittsl na tional bland ail mil pioiiiotiou ol the yeai ihe piesenl system ol educa lion di piuina said is nothing moie tlian to tiun once- again to tile- idea thai a poison should toe eduatoil ncm oulx lo cam a lix ing but lo enioy living tliiougli the development ol his lull p initial as mail i lie plan- ol the goxei iiinenl di i ulna stated vxas lo piovidt i ilinis xxlth tin xxidist lango ol ihoiits loi his leisuit time- act vines ht- dauit- inusii ail and all tititive ailixilits sluiuld be loukiil upon vxilh iht same ap pioxal ns sports aellxilles todnx i lieu cxistttl a lat k ol cool dinalioii among pioxintial tie putmiiils ngaidinl i ct i eational and txlsuie time pionls di i at ma said eat h ilipu inn iii i nixing out us ovxn politv with out know mi ol lln piogiauis iiinli i vvav in olliei depii tmeiit ile iliulhd that oiu ol llu best i iiiisi i vilion solit mi s dtxlsed ill oillai iu that loi the c mill rlxil valli x had bun itill bx thi iloviiuial 10x11111111111 be iitisi its basii aim had bit 11 11t1e1lionil attivitits kerrs insurance bill supported a private iniinbi 1 s bill to sludx automobile insiiiaiik tosls xx is bi ought about bx hallon mpp gioigi kin and disiiisstd bx thi lit 1 ski 1 in t- on tin infill ol api il 21 i hi bill vxas lalkid out at iht i nil ol lilt- out houi 1 1 1 lit limit bill itieixtil suppoi i liom most iiu lulu 1 s it was liipnl thai lu i h pu i mint ol ii nispoil vvuiikl sludv lilt mallt 1 and toiiii up vxilll somi unpioxi minis mi ktii oxpitsstd coikclll ovi 1 tin liieib iosl ol 111i11 up in and i lie 1 ism iosl ol iiisinaiiie i i is thought thai auto iipaiimiu ait 111 llu habit ol asking xxht llui llu 111 is insiiitd ami linn eslinvilliig at toidniijlv i be llamilluii ikv ilk wix has a tlalius pi 1 itntatii liiiiias ol moie ill in 24 puttiil above the pioxlllelal aveiagt polyethylene pipe aids potash mining flexible polyethylene pipe pio dutcrl at micro plastics division of building pioduck of canada 1 1111 iled at clon is milking an lin poitunl eoiili ibutlon lo the ol lielciuv ot potash mining opera lions in saskatchewan ill ion pipe is supplied in lingth ol 2 iso loot and dliiiuetei 11i 2i he pipe is beinp used lo pump super cooled in 1111 lo licie qtiic ksaud and othei soli slial 1 as 1 11 is 2000 loot bilovv the sin lint- so that mine shalls can be sunk i in- polyethylene pipes tuiy bilno at is to 10 degiees i allien lull i iin a tun main pipe at t lu st 11 1 u t- to the bottom ol 2000 loot siiclcasiil brniv xvills flu- biiue i hi 11 uses helxveeii the in me pipes and llio steel easiing lieting llu gkiijiid as it goct up up to 41 biiiii xvxlls ait dulled ill 1 en tie- at inliivils ol six 01 sciin litl and ouie the cpotind is vx di lioi 11 the iintie ol llu tlu le is excaviled loi the mine hall liiillding piodiiels has supplied llu 2is0loot plpi lenglhs oil nils ii till iii eliaiiu ul slupptd by liiidoli 111 i 11 h ml vvtighs up stml lbs hp t xtiudid tin pipe- using ii sa 11 1 iii nil ii 1 lit ill 11 jill density pipi loiiipuiiikl iii okkoiiil 11 llll lool pi iii 1 111 ion 11 plpt louils llu liivxn ship ol i tolikiiki i11 111 1 ill il a ivc polvvnivl hloilih plpi 111 ituv si xx age sysliin ill iht south klnyxway aica rtiul pi iieli alum is a iiiou pinhlein in this sulioii ol mtlio lilililo 1 1 causes iipul pi 1 loi in till le it 1 101 at ion ol ec i ii iii 1 on vellllunil pipi ami in e i s hale s kisllv eli ailing optialions 1 vi 1 y 1 iiioilllls i tubliuk s i i 1 t i 1 i lit 1 1 id ing pintlllils toi iosioii it si i111i lv pipe willi solxi nl vie mill homo gciuous lullll lo 11 plat 1 a x l in vxhieli had tit it 1 mi alt tl badly in ii s 0 xell si 1 vki ilk tho acton frop pross thursday may 5 1966 norvalbiuui design wimer designers ol winning sliuc tines in canadas fiist wood do sign awards piogiun tin out standing biiililings and loulgi- woic honoietl at an avvaiils ban liit iii ottawa itientlv llu lion of llllllsliv and ititilieales ol ilisign ixitl m 1j lento to c olackxvay millar de- qiitff jlgnc1 ol 1 lie stephen house up 7irtitnatja college norviil uffif llnec others stephen house u winning entiy in the schools ealegoiy toinhines ingenious design with simple malt- rials as txpiessod 111 xvikmi musses shlng lis and sheathing designed by hlakewav mlllu aitliitect is- liiiglou the giiuiil eontiacloi xxas aidinoi wiighhin liclmim no and labi itator snppllei laid- laxv i umbei company veslon m diiiix minlstir pusi lilt i tiophlts jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks cinder blocks sand livestock nd fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire concrete brick clay brick stone fully insured pcv clatt fs x f acton phone 8530730 were right there when you need help when there an emergency a call to us gets action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton ont 8530640 sunday may 8 mothers day cards pifo water and tirexxorks displaxs xx ill be a nightly teatuic at evpo 07 to a husband on mothers day while i apprceiate my stdle as mother of your crew of eight could you pretend ust for today that am twenty miles away just arbitrate and separate and now and then resuscitate feed and clothe and wade kneedcep and wake me when they re all asleep 7 v eofy shfa r sf 7 4 jtr i how many mothers fo yoo f 1 know we hove special cards j for sitters oaughtart and j aubtt ajma4a ee our complete eolectioru gift suggestions for mother selected assortment hasti notes boxed writing paper 25c to lp0 98c to 239 ann kirk make mom happy and save on your pocket book witb a gift for mother from our wide selection and low low prices lvcrythtng from potholdcrs to drcscj the family store 29 mill st e acton sheaffer pens and pen pencil sets 295 to 2495 a wide selection of ball pens frank szabo shoe repair acton plaza the place where quality counts clotod friday at 7 p m proclamation m jutoete ctf hcpe week whikla mintai m lakmjarion i imonrj tho arealesl llironii rtiflulur of hildren and adults wiiikiai tin oiiiiiuiiiily n all oilier- haj its iimre of mental retardates wllfria it i- now known that the mentally retarded can lie lielperl tluoufjli prorjraiiiining and research lo be- oiik uieful itiens whi r as this oimmioiiity an iifiwut from ihe tramifirj and ediiiatioii of ihe mrntilly retarded will ivl as tin njmi iiai rotj asor lariom for ml mtally kl lakljfd is n voluntary asoimtioii of ntiens tumbling u all to work tojitliei to arlueve tho rjoals of tfdininrj and due filmrj tlm retarded i ly viitui ol tin- power- vested in mo do hi reby proclaim rivu iiioil lor i i owi rs or hopc wcrk in the iiitiiisl ol kl takoi u hiiukrim lo lie olorved from miy jill lo ma i4tli and mil on all ritien lo lnd their interest support and o operatiur i in makinrj f 1 1 1 1 oljicrvance success ful in every way leslie a duby myor is your home off balance recipe file boxes special extra special value sheaffer ball pen with extra refill wt reg 197 value for vc 100 to 250 79c for the artist a selection of oil paints brushes canvas sketch pads walter foster instruc tion books dills stationery 56 mill st e 8532030 it is if you and your famil are uncomfortable and you have dry skin problems sandpaper sinuses or stuffy- nosed children as your gas com pany knows comfort depends on the proper balance of heat and humidity in your home youve heard how you alvas feel cooler in a dry climate than a damp one thats because when air is heated humidity falls the air becomes thirst and draws moisture from the surrcw d- ings including your body when mo s- hjre evaporates from your boa it takes heat away and yco feel ccol the family complains you jn jo ho thermostat and pay a bigger hct l i ccrrorf is when humidity and heot are properly balanced you feel neither too hot nor too cold modern gas heating can give you the correct comfort level automatically because gas heating can control humidity as well as heat we ii nelp you achieve the proper indoor cl mate in your homo and save you money doing it so call your heating contractor department store or gas company pnoue or write to your iocoi gas cnpony for a free comfort ii brochue i united gas limited gas ojces the big icomlortable dtrenwc

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