Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1966, p. 3

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the acton free press thursday may 5 1966 3 t i board engages guelph driving school for high school training program board argues beginning september 1 stu dents at acton district high jschool will take their incar driv ing instruction through ontario driving school guelph this ar rangement was finalized monday night at a special session of the school board after adjournment of regular business classroom instruction will be continued in the usual manner with teacher c l rognvaldson in charge in the past mr rog nvaldson was handling both class room instruction and incar train- jngt under the now arrangements mr johnson manager of ontario driving school guelph agreed to provide gas and oil for the driver- training car with the board pay ing for car insurance and storage previously the board paid full ex penses including s4 per hour for instruction the guelph instruc tor will also be paid 4 an hour the drivertraining car is the temporary property of the school board through an agreement with insults hurled frank tolh motors addition complete architect d g hallford and contractor sam mackenzie atten ded the meeting to discuss com pletion of the work at the new addition the board noted the contractors obligation had now been fulfilled with installation of the lettering acton district high school on the outside of the auditorium wall installation of screens on windows and other minor details which were finished this week board members asked the arch itect to check with his engineers regarding the heating system he was told a specialist from john son controls had checked heating system and found it was not ade quate mr hallford stated his engineer had approved the sys tem when informed both wash rooms in the new addition lacked sufficient heat the architect agreed to have his engineer make another check lawrence slingerland will do painting at the school during the summer months at a cost of 413 engaging mrs william pendleton as office typist was finalized ac counts totalling 1990818 were approved for payment klew teachers school board members are still seeking two more teachers to complete the staff for the fall term to date eight new teachers have been hired and it is hoped to have a girls physical education teacher and a shorthand and typ ing teacher engaged soon new teachers under contract in clude bruce andrews of acton to teach boys physical education and social studies mrs shirley brown df guelph mathematics mrs dina huenicken guelph german and history mrs oiga martindale hanover latin span ish and english paul martindale hanover geography miss bar bara hill ottawa home econom ics miss carla vander grift guelph english mrs marian reed toronto french blasting problems back on agenda the recurring problem of quar ry blasting i n nassagawcya township flared up at township council again monday night charges of using abusive lan guage threats and insults were levelled against township coun cillor mrsi anne macarthur and her husband charles macarthur by alex wall superintendent of halton crushed stone mr wall attended the meeting and told council we received a complaint from mrs macarthur following a blast at our quarry on friday at 520 pm he said on monday night hie drove to the macarthur home to investigate the complaint i was greeted with some rude words jl didnt know what to do he comment ed later he noted i was helped out of the house before leaving the meeting he told council well do anything in any way shape or form to try to cooperate to become less of a nuisance but from now on any complaints from the macarthurs will have to go through council mr macarthur seated in the gallery stated you probably heard two curse words but you could have heard a lot more weve had a lot of trouble in our area and were absolutely ted up with it and were not the only ones councillor macarthur said that when mr wall came to her home he asked why they didnt go to court if they werent satisfied with the blasting situation i told him she said im not in a position to sue a million dollar organization the councillor explained that an earlier blast had caused one ratepayer to phone halton crush ed stone to complain the wo man said she had been rudely spoken to so that when the se cond blast occurred the woman guests of ys men scarboro club team the acton ys men had a busy night last thursday when they played host to the visiting ys men from scarboro while also en tertaining the ys mens midget hockey team the young national leaguers tucked away a big supper joined wholeheartedly in the fines per iod and later assisted abel and blake in the hockey game at de troit there was no doubt among the lads as to how a meeting should be run it should be noisy and fast the scarboro ys men retrieved their chattels held in custody by the acton club but failed in their turn to acquire any loot the ys men have decided 1o called the councillor and asked her to phone the company councillor macarthur recalled the dispatcher was not rude to me but told me i could check the seismograph reading if i lik ed 1 told him i was interested in what happened in my area not what happened at the blasting site she continued i thought it rude of mr wall to come to mv home and tell me to go to court i dont feel he is entirely blame less in this regard reeve william coulter said council wanted to come to terms with the quarry operators and hoped some arrangement for li miting blasting might be reached he said he had received phone calls from residents who com plained and said lie would like to work on this problem with the department of mines deputvreeve william hoey said he could understand what hap pened when mr wall met the macarthurs when people con front each other with daggers youll get blood he said councillor macarthur said she knew of only two blasts this year and both had been a nuisance guest color party at decoration day the first meeting has been held to plan decoration day on the first sundav in june and a sec ond meeting will be held next week at the home of secretary mrs gordon currie the annual parade and decoration ol graves is a communitv event sponsored b various groups this year the tillsonburg le- hold a spring auction on mav 14 gion color party will take part in the i16566 season will be elos- the parade they will return a cd by the ladies night on mav visit made to them bv the legion 12 ichoraliers municipal fire losses in fire marshal report slight increases in the number the report were two in oakville ol i ires and property fire losses a fire at the residence ol donald were recorded in ontario last year according to the annual re port lor i9h5 of ontario fire mar- shal martin s hurst a total of municipal fire losses reported 23387 fires were reported to the fire marshals oil ice during 1965 1 m blenkhorne march 7 with 1 100000 loss and a s60000 loss at i a bp oil relinerv on december 9 vious vear from a total ol s4893002s in 1964 properly loss rose in 1965 to s4922695l there were 2lx lire fatalities in 1965 including 72 childien and 820 persons sullered injuries as a result ol lire among the large losses given in rotary meeting were acton 13 tires and s4343 1 loss burlington 167 lire- and 205607 loss georgetown 25 fires and 37500 loss milton 23 fires and 531938 loss and oakville i with 109 liivs and s27i826 loss i demonstration dance in high school gym wanta square dance then saturday night may 14 is your opportunity to find out why several million canadians and americans arc finding fun and relaxation square dancing the modern way the acton pair and squares club is sponsoring a large dem onstration dance in the acton district high school gvm and several clubs irom other centres have been invited so a full house- is expected spectators free norm wilcox the pairs and squares caller from brampton will be calling the commands lor the evening dancing lime is 830 to 1100 pm and everyone who has had the slightest urge to square dance is invited to come and see why it is such a popular activity trie gallery in the high school gym will afford an excel lent view of the square dance floor there will be no admission charge lot spectators you will come for either the entire even ing or just drop in for awhile during the evening and see the coloilul sets in action you will find a club in nearly every centre of any sie and in the cities there are general iv clubs acton ollieials explain thev range in approximately thive categories 1 beginners those learning the simple funda mentals 2 inlei mediate those who know the lundamentals and are learning the dilterent figures with little complications 3 ad vanced high level dancers who know most ol the current iv pop- ular calls and dance more intri- pu ul the rotarysponsored i horse show al style acres ranch in the cities and at most con- north ol acton were finalized volitions vou will normally find tuesday night during the weekly all levels of dancing one em meeting tuesdav readik see that thi activity is like all others in that a club bermuda shown h rotarian rev member must be active il he j a 11 mekenie rhey were joined wishes to progress with the other 1 dinner in guests irom guelph ij until re tinned next moining dancers and georgetown to toronto square daiking is a comiiiuni- friendly ever known it is enjovl il by oung and old alike a per- feet ntixeij with no banieis when a club member you can tra vel the country ov er hid alvvivs find a club where vou will be a most welcome visitor it is one activity vou can lake with ou and enjov anvwherc at anytime it is a simple and ei way to make trieiuls the annual internat ionil square dance convention will be held at the royal york hotel may 1920- 21 with all levels of square danc ing workshops discussions lash- ions and exhibits the local club hopes to have a fine attendance ol interested actonians at their open night and a resulting increase iu mem bership net tail man thought iii hospital escapee continued from page one overlooked the board and noth ing had been finalized every thing is in front of you tonight and if you dont agree then say so remarked the secretary mr braida was oftheopjnion the planning consultant shouid have been called in to rule on the problem before tentative plans had been drawn up he also claimed mr seynuck should submit tentative plans for the remaining 45 acres of land before any ruling is handed down on the sale of five acres interest is streets mr mcgeachie said this would involve a large expense for the land owner and it was not known when this land would be devel oped he also reminded board members the town was mainly in terested in protecting its rights on slreet accesses indefense of the committee of adjustments actions mr mc geachie reminded planning board members according to the act the c of a must hand down a ruling within 30 days after re ceiving an application he ex plained the planning board had not held a meeting in five weeks therefore it was deemed neces sary by the c of a to lake this action the clerkadministrator noted council was not finalizing any agreements with the two men but had authorized him to contact a solicitor to give legal advice and rule if the agreements sub- miitecl by mr seynuck and mr griese were sufficient to protect the town just one house mr griese who was present at the meeting told the board if mr seynuck gave the town the rights for the road allowances the town would then be protect ed in the future 1 1 was also learned mr griese had intended to erect a private home for him self on a portion of this five acres he sought for the past two years al the present time this is all thai is intended in this lo cation ii was finally agreed to have- mr mcgeachie contact the plan ning consultant and have him view the tentative plan of sub division to see ir it conforms willi his plans for the town if this is done permission yvill be sought from the department of planning and development duiing the lengthy discussion over legal technicalities board member neil miller wondered if processing completion of the ap plication would take as long as final approval to the towns of ficial plan three vears he also slated amazement at such a little piece of land caus ing such an uproar public hearing john van der kooy who had applied earlier and was turned down fared better the second time when he asked for a change in one on his property to allow a commercial business lo oper ate from his home at the corner ol main and river streets the applicant was ttrcsent at the meeting and told board mem bcrs he wished to operate a small commercial business from one room ol his home and the garage portion of his building would be used lo store materials lor his electrical repair business il was resolved to call a public hearing on the zone change and notilv all residents living within j a 200 foot radius chaiiman aldo braida and board member wili liam wilson voted in the negative i on the grounds the business might not comply with expected renovations throughout the i school creek area at the proposed i site for the centennial library roller skating begins in mir- ton arena this summer too the last elected body in town has voted to pay itself for meet ings hydro commissioners made the decision last week its a sign of the times with their annual campaign starting on mothers day mem bers ol the acton auxiliary for the mentally retarded look back on much progress since they be gan their organization in 1962 mothers day sunday and in some of the churches the child ren will attend worship with their parents halton and peel trust will open an oflice in georgetown a conversation this week in connection with the brownies knitting for the unitarian ser vices committee again brought out the fact the committees work is not associated with the unitarian church and mrs carl kaufman who has spoken in town on behalt of the group is not a unitarian either the non- denominational group does ils volunteer aid work under the auspices of the united nations tax bills are out working overtime to prepare the notices were clerk administrator jack mcgcauhic assistant clerk jot- hurst and ihe town office steno graphers mrs lorna clarke and mrs murray harrison april showers brought may snowl lurries its fine to have a vounjj ac ton man graduate from univer sity and come back here nol many of them do after gradua tion from selon hall bruce an drews will be back here teaching physical education geography and historv at his alma matet other new teacheis are listed in the report of ihe high school board meeting local groups who are partici pating in ihe lions show in j line have begun their practices jim powell ol the health unit called lasl week lo assure us the unit has no misgivings about ihe public swimming pools in halton a report in last weeks issue indicated from the annual report that ol the eight pools none was in satislactoi y contli lion as sanitary inspector mr powell indicated an unsatisfac tory rating could come from a j minor adjustment in the chlorin- ation or other minor points there had certainv been no pools- with major problems he said the hamilton automobile club which sponsors the school safetv patrol here has sent oul news releases in envelopes with ihe new highway salelv stamp the letters- were mailed mav 2 anil the liisl day coveis will be j treasured bv stamp collectors nowhere in all the informa tion about the flowers of hope did we discover what seeds arc- being sent out in the mail we asked and found out theyre cosmos the same as last year the cosmos by the way has been approved as canadas centennial flower since it is easily grown all across the country local gardeners are beginning lo plant shrubs and prepare flow er beds for planting girl guides and brownies will be knocking on doors this week sblling cookies during their an nual project obituary errett w sunter was taxi driver a wellknown resident ol acton errett william sunter 99 church si e passed awav at guelph general hospital on sunday ap ril 24 he had been ill for aboul nine months he was 65 years ol age mr sunter was a machinist al beardmores tannery and drove taxis part time for nearly 20 years he was born in eramosa town ship in 1901 son ol cecile and evvart sunter he was married in ei in village to m irion hep burn and his wife survives him also remaining are daughter mar garet mrs fred tolton george town son charles at home his stepmot her gertrude baldick sunter two grandchildren and one brother arnold niagara falls a brother harold predeceased him funeral service was held at ihe rumleyshoeniakcr funeral home- on april 26 conducted by the rev a ii mckenie interment was in fverton cemelerv pallbeareis were wavne spires and ross moi- ton acton ted perkins guelph ronald hepburn brotherinlaw woodbridge vincent hepburn hiolheriiilaw georgetown and son charles sunter drawing flat maps of farms project for4h grain club cigarettes cash stolen at factory acton opp constable bru imcarlhur investigated ihell of quanlitv ol cigarettes and ca fioni a vending machine at mic plastics pipe plant sundav may police reported the machi had been broken into and apprt inialelv s80 in cigarettes and ca stolen the first monthly meeting of the acton 4h grain club was held in the acton community centreon thursday april 28 the meeting was opened by the presi dent bill lasby who led thcclub in the 4h pledge after minutes read and approved and roll call the meeting was turned over lo mr braida who told the members of the club the project that was to be completed for the next meeting he told the members that it was tried once before and found quite successful russell murray outlined the project to draw a flat map of your farm it is to show the boundaries of the farm lay of the land drainage acreage atid ihe position and name of the farm buildi also it is to list on ihe reverse sides the names of the federal provincial county and municipal officials of agri culture the meeting was turned over two accidents chase reported constable mervin harness ol acton opp detachment on the weekend invesigated two acci dents and chased an impaired dri ver on friday evening a car driven bv harold gordon mill street went into the ditch al the bower avenuemill slreet corner and the driver received injuries and re quired medical attention damage to the car which included a broken steering wheel was estimated around s200 the driver was charged rearend collision the same night a collision on mill st f caused an estimated ss00 damage to two vehicles dur ing a rearend collision a car driven bv moylon iovrich rr 4 acton was making a left turn into canadian tire store when struck hv a car driven v william coxe rr 1 milton the milton driver was charged on saturday constable harness chased a downsview driver aub rey chandlei alter he went through ihe slop slreet al i he millmain corner the constable accompanied by auxiliary police oil iter leo riemer drove at speeds reaching up to 60 miles per hour through town before slop ping ihe chandler vehicle with the- driver and three passengers charges weie laid against the driver lor careless and impaired driving and illegal possession of liquor he appeared in millon court monday and paid lines and court costs totalling si00 to jeffrey taylor the topic of his remarks was production and costs of grain in ontario he said that over 50 per cent of on tarios farm income comes from the scedinggrowing andselling ol grain crops his charts showed that it takes three acres of oats to equal the value of one acre of corn in the past years the acrettge of oats has decreased corn acreage has doubled and the barley amounts have decreased and then increased he then went in to ihe cost of production the four most im- portant factors to consider in planting a crop are materials land labour and power and ma chines the things to consider in materials are seed and fertiliz er labor such as preparation of the seedbed planting and har vesting iand would take in taxes and the cost for rent if you had to rent land power and machines would consist of special machines j lo do certain jobs such as a swa- iher i mr braida introduced to the members ihe new recreation dir ector howard pearce mr brai da expivssvd thanks on behalf of the club for the use of the com munity centre a film was shown entitled new ideas in ihe storage of forage the film dealt with the storage of low moisture grass silage or as it is commonly called hay- lage at the conclusion of the film a short quiz was conducted bv mr tavlor after the quiz the meeting was adjourned bruce mcarthur ol i exchange teacher speaks to iodf high school exchange teacher miss rosemary high explained the english school system and other aspects of life in england i when she spoke informally- to membeis ol lakeside chapter of i the iode tuesday shi wasi intiudiicetl bv mrs a orr tbank1 ed bv mrs e smith and given a gilt of appreciation by mis f van wvck she will be visiting in england this summer and hopes lo return keep saturday june 11th giant opportunity sale open for acton- roundup 66 acton lions present another big western show featuring the rhythm pals and many local acts reserved scats jjn sale soon at acton y mca saturday may 14 1966 100 to 500 pm the acton ys mens club will welcome donations of good used clothing jewellery used furniture electrical appliances musical instruments drapes lawn furniture bicycles dress patterns skates books childrens toys games dishes or any other useful article collections will be made may 9 to 12 if your donation has been missed after may 12th please call 8530656 8530614 proceeds for youth work acton i 1 constable the acton opp detachment monday evening picked up a nun i to canada although her plans leaning against the wall at mor- are nol final ris drug store on mill street i the june meeting will be a pot when he believed the person to luck supper with guests invited be sick the man turned out lo it is hoped to have a speaker oh be an escapee i i mm the ontario j expo 67 as well as a local spea- mental hospital in toronto constable mcarthur was assist- members also savv a lilm on ed bv constable al jordan ol the milton opp detachment and the man was lodged in milton ker iregcnl mrs c nelles vvil at tend the dominion convention in montreal quills and a quantity ol art icles wore turned in for a lavelte lor the 5iae the children fund train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times for information phone tha local cn patsangar sales office iv 8 cjj canadian national 2f 75 acton chamber of commerce civic night dinner citijen c the tfeaf presentation thursday may 12 645 pm new band hall entertainment admission 250 per person tickets may be purchased from both bank managers nielsens clothing dills stationery sports corner farmers call g b skirrow po box 299 acton ont for products service advice when you call your imperial esso agent you call on the total resources of imperial oil sso 8532340

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