Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1966, p. 5

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hikers enjoy walk on bruce trail some people if ihev had their way would be born with wheels instead of legs the quote is one of a dozen sim ilar outbursts from george rim- mer or burlington a member of the bruce trail club a man who loves his hiking and a man dedi cated to enjoy the outdoors him self even if the rest of the world wants to ride by on wheels george and 16 others look up their favorite sport just recently on an organized spring hike along a fourmile stretch ol the bruce trail in the limehouse area the toronto bruce trail club organ ized the event and decided to ex plore a littlcuscd section of their trail between the fourth and sev enth lines of esquesing town ship twice four miles because it was only a fourmile stretch and the normal organized hike is around eight miles in length they retraced their steps and walked it both ways prob ably the first time in club history a group has hiked twice over the same terrain in the same day landowner problems west of he fourth line and east of the seventh line highway 7 at this point caused the only breaks in the 207 mile section ol the bruce trail for which the toronto club is responsible anyone using the trail between the third and four th lines and between the seventh and fightli lines must walk on i he roads because landowners have not granted permission for the trail to cross their larms east ol thj seventh line a quarry has purchased rock rights and hikers are asked to stay off the property because the firm cannot be re sponsible for injuries caused hik ers by blasting the toronto club maintaintthe trail betwen five sideroad at kel so and the terra cotta conserva tion area except for these two portions its all bush and field walking latest gear the recent hike began at the georgetown plaa at 10 am where carloads of hikers assem bled ready to start the trek through the open land most wore special hiking boots heavy jack ets and warm clothing and car ried such paraphernalia as knap sacks full of lunch and a hot bev erage knives binoculars and bruce trail guidebooks and maps but organizers point out you dont need all that special equip ment to walk the trail the cars drove to the fourth line and the 17 bikers spilled out into the crisp fresh air they ranged in age from lour to about 74 and included four women 12 men and a child some brought speciallycarved walking sticks and one man carried a light alum inum cane it was 1045 when they left the embarkation point and at precise ly noon they stumbled into a love ly clearing to find an ideal spot to sit for lunch midway be tween the fifth and sixth lines following a halfhour lunch break they were ofif again and the sev enth line destination was reached about i30pm back to cars four who wanted to be home early had parked their cars at the seventh line and they departed for horne from there theothers turned around and walked down the same trail arriving back to iheir cars at 315 pm sights along the trail included a maple sugar shack where ex perts iri the crowd explained the syrup boiling process a pretty waterfall on a creek that flpws be side the trail near the seventh line and the spotting of several colorful birds which the bird watchers immediately identified the hikers were mostly mem bers of ihe toronto club and well known to one another but they quickly made friends with visitors and guests some of whom were making their first distance hike and ihoroughly enjoyed it one member was miltons onlv staff photo convenient stiles- have been erected at all farmers fences along ihe bruce trail to protect ihe private property from damage hikers are shown climbing over one stile along the route staff photo the buffalo at the mountberg workshop have been attracting a large number of visitors on the weekends the five animals are readily visible as they roam about a fouracre enclosure eddie zurcher conservation authority employee is shown here feeding bobby the bull mountsberg attraction the buffalo love their keeper the keeper of ihe buffalo likes j the bull is the boss his job and the friendly lour-leg- iliis superiorilv bobby to prove ats nearly ged beasts like him its an ideal situation since last october live shaggy brown buffalo four females and a bull have been residing in a four acre fencedin area at the mountsberg workshop of ihe hal- ton region conservation author ity to move to rattlesnake when they arrived at the work shop they weighed about 100 pounds each and were ovtremeh timid now theyve changed their personalities theyre actualk friendly and have gained weight besides conservation authoiitv emplo- 1 ee eddie zurcher livo on the workshop property ncl tor the past seven months hes been in charge ol the animals he feeds them twice a day oats and ha and lakes quite an interest in them well miss them when thev take them away he said the animals are scheduled to sta in mountsberg anothei two months or so and then move to llieii pei manent 75acre home u the rat tlesnake conservation area near the escarpment the four females have changed color slighth now thesie a lighter brown and hje gamed about 150200 pounds since mov ing from their home on the fik island game preserve in alberta the bull the neisunal lmnite of eddie and his thiee ehildien has been tabbed with the nnk name ot bohlv and il seems to suit him bobb at 600 pounds is the biggest and most lovable ot the small herd but as eddie savs i twice as much as the females and generally rules the roost or if i von like the range depends on mood i the lour lemales wander aim- i lessly about the enclosure about j two and onehalf acres ol which is a clearing but bobby seems to know where hes going and he never follows the females they follow him while the ladies re main docile most ol the time he can be eilhei extremely triendly or quite mean it all depends on the mood hes in when the bull n in a good mood eddie can get close enough to teed him i straw b hand but when hes in a bad mood hes liable to chase vou j eddie iccalls that one day an oei zealous photographer scaled j the fence and tried to get closer to the animals to take a picture suddenh bobb turned on him and chased him xnii ihe poor tel- lou hail id take reluge behind a shack in the enclosure i during the winter months the lutlalo imevrc 1 aboiil the enclos ure and onh in extremely wet weathei did ihe bother to move inside the small thuvsided hut inside the enclosure fun for children in recent weeks there have been quite a tew mmiois the woik- shop and the thilihcri especiallx seenud to eiii looking at the buttalo ldilie leialls on one sun- da allcnioon iais were pa iked ill the wa up the lanewa and speclati hn ijnel the lemedm area to waiih ihe le animals trolie about i ou want ii see the buffalo jruc lo campbelk die and turn west at coulters store onto five sideroad go past guelph junc tion signs to the puslinch-nas- sagaweya town line youll see a large sign on the right side of ihe road telling you to turn right drive north about a mile and a half to a sign on the left side of the road marking the entrance to the mountsberg workshop bruce trail addict john bovei lev ol the base line road john was encouraged to tiy hiking one tine spring day two veai s ayo when he joined a toronto club hike from speyside to kelso he loved i it joined the club and has been i hiking nearly evcrv weekend since either in organized panics or bv himself the kelso to terra col la sec- lion of the trail is one ol the most scenic and most popular but the trail has many other beaulilul sec lions it stietihes approximately 350 miles between nuigaia and tobermory and most sections have been completed o the liil clubs who are responsible lor ihe various see ions such as the cale don toronto sydenham hamil ion niagara hocklev alle blue mountains beaver vallev syden ham or lower bruce 1 lail clubs the trail is cleared and ihe marked lootpath that passes through relatively wild land along niagara escarpment to prvoidea crosscountry trail lor hikeis snovvshoers skiers naturalists geologists artists and photogra- phers anil to locus attention on the unique natural phenomenon ol the escarpment with its lloia and fauna bruce trail membeis hope to preserve the escarpments essential recreational and aesthet ic qualities for lutuie generations list fees the whole project is voluntary and depends on it- membeislnp for financial support nvone can join and lees are s2 loi students 5 for a family or single adult s5 for a youth organization s10 loi adult organizations or commei- cial organizations applicants may- become membersatlarge ol the bruce trail association or he h soeiated with any ol he clubs listed above mere are some points to note il you are considering any hiking the trail passes almost en- tiielv thiough pi ivate land and it has been made possible onlv through the enthusiasm and trust ol the lmilnvnei s without cost please heal ihe properly as i hough it vveie your own do not lillei lifjht lues pick lloweis or hack imi k oil trees watei is often scane so you should iniy a bey ei age with you dont hike the trail alone ii ou spiain an ankle it eould mean 1 lonu painlul wait its better to hike in a paity with cars loiat- i il a eaih end ot the seitum vou vyanl to walk that wav you can i ill lie lo voui departuie poml walk lo ihe destination and drive i back l piikupvom car i dont smoke while walking i sit down while ou smoke and make sine vour ashes are dead out before pi oeeeding stiles have been creeled for crossing fences use them dont open gates or climb under fences no hunting on ihe trail please keepdogs on a leash when in larmland do not obstruct driveways or roadways when parking your car trail- markers constitute yvhite blazes about two inches wide by six inches deep spaced at frequent intervals on trees at the i right side ol the trail both ways where two blazes appear one on top of the other a change in diree- i lion is indicated diamond-snap- the acton free pres thursday may 5 1966 iimehouse nevtomers open house injury highlight community news we welcome mr and mrs bruce keller and children to the village thiv moved from to- onlo to one ot the btooks bouses on moiuliv the john bakclaars of guelph ed metal bruce trail markers arc visited the llomaris leeentiv posted on stiles and along the the wa met at the home trail yours lo enjoy remember the bruce trail is yours to enjoy but it depends on your care and though fulness tor its survival it you want more infoimalion or a membership contact toronto bruce trail club mis h currel 15 conifer dr etobicoke ve- be kind to animals one of the kindest things you can do tor your dog and inciden tally your family especially it vou take the dog on long trips or to the cottage is to have him in oculated against labies and to keep him under control at all times in manv parts of canada rabies is still affecting yvild ani mals and since the dog tribes are most susceptible to this dis ease your pet could contract the- miss arlene whalen a nurse disease trom some encounter lor kiimston visited with ihe with a rabid animal he could glynns last weekend in turn spread the disease to his i injured at work human family mr bi nno spitzer is wearing a mrs kiikpit rick on tuesday ning last weck we wish liellei health to several recently taken ill mr joe ross in georgetown hospital on api il 24 mr charles meredith in hos pital in geoigetovvn since wed nesday mr sidney kirkpatrick at norm with pleural pneumonia open house mr and mrs fred brooks and sons held open house al their newest stiuulure on the illlh line on sunday a large niunbei of fi iends a nl neighbors vveie shown through the very nice new stone home t is now oempied by their nine and her husband mi and mrs donald brown we extend sympathy to mi and mrs olencloii scott in the passing of her brother lames n ilerson at hospital in guelph on monday lolbvving a lonu illness leg cast and using crutches at home alter treatment at hospital lollowmy m accident at work at the rambler plant at brampton on satuukiy some equipment did no hold and he and another workman vyere caught between two t he sulfeied badly bruis ed legs but fortunately no broken hones we wish him a speedy re covery annual meeting of the halton county tuberculosis and health association pine room oakville arena wed may 11 1966 at 830 pm speaker mr e j obrien executive director ontario tuberculosis association public cordially invited to attend certificates 6 interest for 15 years amounts from 1005100000 interest paid halfyearly by cheque investors include insurance companies societies municipalities estates legal for trust funds aik for folder your locnl trust company halton peel trust savings company 252 main st milton lorne skuce manager tr 82834 halton cooperative medical care plan pays all surgical operations doctors calls paid from first visit confinements anaesthetists services xrays also mator medical yearly plan drugs individual or employee groups max enrol at any lime of the year revised rates monthly 575 single monthly 1150 couple monthly 1325 family payable quarterly or yearly halton coop medical services 143 main street box 474 milton dial 8789712 please send me information no obligation name address hey pop did it ever occur to you mothers may have changed too we certairily dont mean in their love affection and devotion for you and all the kids that will never change but sometimes we forget that at heart shes a glamorous girl so this mothers day fell her you think shes glamorous by giving her the feminine gift she loves so well here are some ideas summer dresses frill slips i bathing suits exciting new styles hosiery she never has enough useful summer purses colorful short blouse sets pretty blouses matching skirts dalkeith or kitten sweaters bukefcp hearing how ford has changed 4 for the dad who likes to boy his wife some smart new lingerie for moms day cameo shoppe has the most exciting selec tion in town cameo hcppe w its a quiet sensation come try one yourself every year cars change and improve its a fact of life but one car tha ford has improved so remarkably you keep hearing about it when you drive one youll realize why first thing youll notice is the quiet ride owners of the worlds finest cars are amazed by it in the new ford you travel in a world of quiet quality you travel luxuriously these new fords are lavishly appointed all the new fords are lively the newest 345 hp 7litre v8 will please every performanceminded driver and the economical 1 50 hp big six is the answer for any driver who wants responsive power with economy youre ahead in a ford all the way to buy or leasesee your ford dealer thompson motors acton ltd main st n 8532370

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