Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1966, p. 9

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i- gtucottelpaqe into the spotlight in any community and in every community undertaking it appears to us there are two dis tinctly different types of people participating the first type of person is the one who has an excellent public image the one who says and does the right thing at exactly the right time and if there be such the one to whom the glory falls the other type of person in the community undertaking is one who is always there who is always quietly working away but by his very unassuming retiring personality and his desire to remain one of the anonymous quite often does not always receive recognition for his con tribution this man does not need the public recognition so often eagerly sought by his cohorts he gains his personal satisfaction and sense of fulfillment knowing he has helped in his own way in the betterment of his fellow citizens actons citizen of the year 1966 fred wright is in our opinion a man of the second type over many years a number of us remem ber the little extra things fred has done to make our lives a little more pleasant we remember the nights wed be at camp when fred would arrive with a fresh cold watermelon i dont think there ever was a camp or a scout jamboree without fred arriving on the scene at some time with some little extra treat we remember the hot summer days when the junior pipe band would be exhausted almost beyond recall when fred would arrive with a trunk load of cold soft drinks that seemed to pump new energy and enthusiasm into the members freds selection as citizen of the year brings back the memory of his years of service as secretary of acton fair we remember as child ren how he used to coax us to enter our model boats airplanes kitfens and rabbits in the annual fair it didnt seem to matter how amateurish our models were or how scruffy were our pets there was always a prize at the time we didnt realize where the prize came from but as we grew older we began to realize it didnt come from the fair prize lists over the years fred has always had a con tinuing interest in the youth of acton as the generations passed he could always transfer his interest to the next crop of youngsters in 1 935 at the establishment of the ymca in acton he played an important part and served as the y boards first secretary over the years he has taken part in many local organizations always as the secretary or in some other nonspotlighted role but always there as adults now but as former children we are pleased and proud that fred wright one of actons citizens who has always worked in the background will step out in the spotlight of recognition as actons citizen of the year the decline of high culture the fact that the mass culture if it can be called that of the abundant society adversely affects high culture has been known for a while to the observer of the passing scene the atlantic monthly harpers the satur day reviow and other scholarly publications are fighting a losing battle against the playboy type of magazine symphonic music and opera do not draw a tenth of the audiences that swarm over the beatles in the literary field the success of such productions as from here to eternity and lady chatterley not to mention the tropics and fanny hill would seem to prove that the read ers taste does not lift him much above the belt as for tv and its choice of programs jt could easily become the death of the legijimate theatre now comes a report from an american sociologist which definitely proves the point mr harold i wilensky in his research on the sub ject asked 1 354 detroit men what books maga zines and newspapers they read and what kind of television programs they watch he found only 19 men uncontaminated by contact with shallow culture they belonged to an eccentric group college professors elite graduates jews or nonchurch goers and some inconspicuous consumers the rest from the professionals through the executives the factory workers and the men on relief had completely succumbed to mass cul ture if education made a difference it was im perceptible among the university educated pro fessionals three out of four had not read a book with a profound meaning in more than two months fiftyeight percent of the lawyers in terviewed never read quality magazines the researcher came to the conclusion how ever that television is the greatest and the worst leveller watching habits he found out are strikingly similar at all educational levels the abundant society with its materialism its concept for intellectual achievements and its modern gimmicks which have taken out of life most of the necessity for struggle and mental development has practically reached the point where it can brag of a universal level of cultural conformity this possibly to a slightly lesser degree applies to canada as well as to our neighbors to the south the sad thing is that the levelling js at the bottom the humboldt sask journal staff photo scout group committee members assisted cubs sorting out bottles saturday afternoon fol lowing the blitz of the town to gather bottles to raise money left to right are ron lewis of the scout group committee cub joseph mcconnell akela mrs earl jordan cub blair mc- callurn and committee member mrs alice wilkinson sufcvi and sjttice by bill smiley seeking wrecking yard permit an application twin lavernc wont be unsightly or i would not warden of williams avenue mil- p to build mv home next to ton for a wrecking yard licence i j i j jj in nassagawcva township has been referred to the townships nomoney in junk planning board lor consideration he explained business would mr warden and his solicitor h consist ol importing truck pails c funk attended the mondav from the usa and also late night meeting ol township coim i model car pails i do not intend cil and presented the application j to be a junk dealer theres ho mr warden said his plans call for money in it he said the operation of a wrecking yard j council pointed out it would be on the guelph line north or the vv on their part to referr the atacdonaldcartier freeway i application to the planning board he pointed out two buildings and to also have neighboring pro- plus a 20000 to s30000 home will j pcrty owners informed of the be built on the 12 acre site this proposed operation before any is not going to be a junk yard it final decision could be made church groups hold father son banquet over 30 lathers and sons enjoy ed rhe tyro and sigmac lather and son banquet at the united church wedncsdav ol last week the ucw catered to the turkey dinner the tables were specially decor ated in group colors with red and white tulips there was a singsong and lilm and tyro leader allan lauder played his harmonica his assistant is john wood sigmac leaders are joe bray with david lidkca weve been a proit v lucky crew around our place this year all winter friends neighbors and rel atives have been coining down with everything irom the ordin ary si nil pregnancy and insan- ily in exotic items like oriental hepatitis and whooping mumps we havent had so much as a sniffle il was loo good lo last and we ydl the whole bundle ibis week nothing serious physic ally but menially and emotion ally a shattering period first it was the dentist kirns was her regular checkup its a breeze she waltzes in blithely has her gums frozen and the den tist pumps a little concrete into a pinhole you couldnt see with a telescope its a little ililleient lor fa- icr i also go regularly to the dentist llvcrv vears when i tooth or two stabbing pains three ol lour have a broken and have wild i rom several ol the other old stumps and have postponed my appointment ab out six fillies i go down for my regular checkup sweating trembling and con- deiuniiiii all demists and their in- i ane questions to the murkiest depths 1 sit there irving lo tear the ami oil the chair too gutless i about needles to have the tree- ing i go tin nigh the agonies ol prometheus as the poor man pmds about among the snaggles of porcelain looking lor a genu ine human tooth he can drill and then theres always lhal excruciating moment when he steps back with some kind ol chisel cocked in his band shak es his head more in pitv than in sympathy and says ilnim visions ol ihe blood i he pain the ignoiiiuiv swirl through mv head well dials the way ihe week hcnan worse was lo come ive been suflering i mm a bad shoul der lor years i know livery- body has one or a bid back or a bad hip one week the doctor says its an inflammation on the next visit he says its an old injury aggravated by ten sion next trip its bursitis next alter xrays its a cal cium deposit ii i had half ihe calcium in mv teeth lhal i have in mv shoulder i could those grinning ape the toothpaste ads cold sweat thing lo il stopped flowing no- be one ol models ill anvwav i lintllv decided in do sthiielhinu aboul il or mv wile did she didnt mind my groaning in in x seep il was ihe cursing cverv lime 1 rolled onto thai side lhal upset her she was woiricil about m soul i this sundays church calendar when i stand before the throne dtvssed in beauty not mv oyvn when i see thee as thou ail love thee with unsmiling heart then lord shall i fully know not till then how much i owe acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rcrrstanlcv gammon res 144 tidcy ave ph 8531615 sunday may 8th 1966 mothers day 945 am church school adult class 1100 am morning worship the twig is bent 700 pm evening service lifes golden hours wednesday prayer meeting 730 thursday 730 pm choir prac tice no explorers bhf 7 friday text hear the instruction of thy lather and forsake not the law of thy mother prov 1 8 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master christian family slnday may 8th 19t church school session with drawn 1100 am christian family wor ship with families worship ping together sacrament of christian baptism sermon bethel christian reformed church acton onlario rev wiebe van dijk phone 8531585 slnday may 8th 1966 1000 am english service 230 pm dutch service 345 pm sunday scliool the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb faster iv slnday may sth 19po 900 am holy eucharist 1030 am church school 1030 am matins and holy bap tism maple avenue baptist church georgetown slnday may sth lo 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 prri evening service theme taking baptism seri wednesday 8 pm prayer meet- iously junior choir leading i i praise acton 8531954 everyone moat welcome i georgetown 8776665 evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 s slnday may sth l6h 1000 am sunday school lor all ages i 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service witi evangelist jim pierce ol win nipeg tuesday through friday may 10- 13 at 8 pm special ser vices with evangelist pierce pont miss this opportun ity i hursday may 12 ambassad ors cancelled friday 7 pm crusaders trinity church the united church of canada minister the rev dwighi i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma phd christian family slnday may 8th 19e6 letter from rudds is read at meeting on mondav evening members of ihe baptist mission circle gathered around wellladen tables in the hsemeit ol i he church lo enjoy their annual birlluluv supper after the opening hvmn and praver rev s gammon conduct ed the installation o the new officers past president mrs 1 aiulsborough president jessie coles first vicepresident mrs c maillic seiond vice piesident mrs it harris licasurcr alice lilkingiihi secretary mrs g loll letter from rudds during the business session the sccielaiv mrs iolt read a lelier received hv mrs rolston i rom the rudds in india adi thanks lor a parcel she had sent the rudds told ot ihe welcome change in diet ihe loud parcels made since then the circle has sent lw parcels mrs ilclu ig reported that a quill pas and bandages ere ioadv to send lor while cross work a trio icsme coles miee pilk ingtun ind mrs feltham smg no one liver cared for me like jesus mrs harrap gave a do lighllul redding ol a comical im aginua letter o the apostle paul troni the mission board al jerus alem mrs laiulsborough gae a hriel hisloia ol the early days ol the ttp ist church pictures anil eaih dippings were posted lor inenibeis lo ieul ailil eam inc mr million i iohii this eno- able eeiuig with pinet i wasnt hut when il gnl to the point where i couldnt pour i a cool drink any more with out weeping i realized lhit j man cannot exist on pain pills alore ive mentioned what a clloy streak i have about needles the doc said as lie look out this ele- phants tinge loaded with corti- soiie youll leel a slight pin prick as the needle enters the fhe fyed old foaty4 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday may 2 1946 theyre moving cobble hill folks over 40 who recall the sig nificance of cobble hill will be interested to learn that the nob which overlooks acton on the west is moving the contracting linn of gowdie and campbell have a shovel and trucks hauling the coarse clay and heavy gravel lo fill in the filter bed dam on the beardmore property which broke its from this high point in ihe early days of photography ihe birds eye view of acton was always taken we have inour pos session such a picture taken be fore 1856 it is reproduced in ihe book actons early days when david henderson of ac ton used u represent halton in parliament loads of packing cas es were piled high on the hill well soaked with coal oil and when his electin was assured the bonfire was lighted it used to be said he fire could be seen all over the country we doubt it but it was nice lo think about in those boyhood days of vivid im agination adam cook fell aclon would grow and surveyed ihe land into lots 40 years ago two brothers who spent six years together in ihe canadian army tom and bus nicol are now gelling established in the monument business we wish ihe boys every success actons oldest resident miss elizabeth moore 92 passed a- way born in england she had lived in aclon about 70 years mr and mrs edward freeman r r 2 celebrated their golden wedding anniversary limehouse w i raised s80 at their lea and bazaar mrs spit- zer anil mr noble were in charge of the lea tables a euchre parly was held in iheh evening sunday morning rev dr mc- ivor preached his last sermon at rockwood before leaving with mrs mclvor for ireland for six months on j mercy errand then he started to lean on the needle have you ever had a pin prick willi a crowbar the only comparable experience ive had was one lime in a veter ans hospital i was wheeled into this room for tests flat on my hack two nurses held a hand each one on each side of the bed decent ol them 1 thought comforters as i was smiling at them in turn the doc rammed ibis huge hypodermic in my chest and shoved down then he start ecl lo suck marrow out l my breastbone as it turned out in ihe next three seconds lliose nurses wound up on opposite sides of ihe bed without touching the moor i yyas told later that i had been a volunteer lor a re search project well i wonl bene vou yyilh a i lot more sick detail suit ice it to sav lhal mv wile and dauulij ler went lo ihe eve doctor kim yy ho wauls glasses like she yy nils a hair lip got them mv yyile uas sore as hell because she paid 10 dollars lor the ex amination and didnt gel any glasses jus to cheer us up we phoned hugh on sundae we knew he was starling lo write his linal un iversity exams on ihe mondav jvanted to wish him luck a croa king wreck who sounded more like mdgar allen poes raven than our jolly bov informed us that hed been sick as a dog yyilh the llu lor three weeks i cancer drive raises t65 ruck wood the local luiul raising for the cancel society has been completed in rockwood a vote ol thanks is extended to canvassers mrs betty death mrs p sim mrs p dales mrs sue nightingale mrs marjorie saun ders mrs hazel hamilton and miss brenda ingle i rom the chair man mrs f taylor a total of 16550 was raised in the village for this very worthy cause the head branch in guelph yyas well pleased with the rock wood effort 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday may 4 1916 among the 50000 erector de signs sent in competition forpn- zes charlie landsborough has been awarded 1 1 8th place this entires him to a prize of a 5 e- reclor and a testimonial of engin eering ability charlie has been for two years incapacitated through an infection of the knee and has spent many happy hours with his erector set the call of the tanneries whist les on monday morning haa welcome sound to many who have been out of work since the works closed down while the feeling in acton is still very strong against the com ing in of large numbers of for eigners and especially men of a- lien enemy nationality to work in the tanneriesthe situation has developed a new aspect until the war is over the necessities of the case demand that all leather possible be produced this position was explained forcefully to acton council and when a number of leading bus inessmen property owners and others were present a represen tative of ihe government had been sent to investigate the con dition of affairs which had arisen here he said every effort should be made to maintain production and leather is very necessary for military purposes the govern ment finds that acton tanneries had been running at only two- thirds capacity because labor had not been available and it is absolutely necessary that they run at full capacity- employing aliens is helping to win the war he said and the tannery officials are willing lo pay them the min imum wage of 20 cents an hour dr gray said the town itself was to blame for the conditions in which foreigners had been living other speakers included john r kennedy john cameron a j maekinnon rev j c wilson w a storey w imcnabb a m smith reeve hynds dr coxe and mr beardmore men of the acton platoon who went lo hamilton to take a i se in bomb throwing are corp swackhamer corp cook pies creamer j j cooney m cooncv decker r deforest h dobbie fasson kalcy lastaluk j mills w j mills mctavish pace perry man smith r swackhamer a watson j wall er at the faster normal school examinations miss hazel hurd and miss bertha brown were successful in securing their cer tificates both young ladies will be teaching in toronto most visitors lo expo 67 will come from an area within 600 miles of montreal the acton free press business and editorial office phone 8532010 founded tn 1r73 and published cvrrf thtirnday it 9 willow m art on ontario member of the audit bur- cati of circulations the cwn a and owna advertising rates on jrcqiirt subscriptions payable in brlvaiitf 5400 in citnarl s700 in all countries other lhars canada firar copies inc authorized second clasb mail post office department ottawa advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of typographical error tliat portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item inuethrr with reasonable allowance for nlgnature will not be charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate in tlir event of a tvpogrdphiral error advertising goods or bat vices at a wrong priie cood or bervires may not be- hold adtertlalng is merely an offer to ku and may be withdrawn at any time fobluhed bj the dillt print ing and pablublog t- ltd david it dills managing kdltor copyright 10wi t ptteaahkal fcirectorii and travellers guide mkdicai dr d a garrett physician and surgeon cornel- ol willow and river sts lnlraiice river st acton out phone 8510141 bv appointment dr robert d buckner phvsician and surgeon 39 wellington st aeton on afternoon bv appointment closed wed sal evenings phone 853140 dr t b moore dr c hutchison dr d w van der bent physicians and surgeons 9 mill street west aeton ontario phone 85 v 1 80 by appointment architect 930 divine services am 1 1 00 am sunday school cancelled stud ents to attend ii oclock family service with their families 700 pan cuiilirmutiou clas move dances beginning this week the square dance club is holding it- regular weekly dances in the auditorium at the community centre danc ing sessions during the rest ol the seasdn were at the robert little suijol auditor ium donald e skinner barch mr a ic 17a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 8532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rdport credit 2743428 auctionekr frank petch auctioneer and evaluator 31 chapel street v cleotgetowr telephone 8772864 optometrists e l buchner od optometrist 14 king st s waterloo open dailv except wednesdays for appointment phone waterloo 7428807 or 742 2339 acton oil ice is closed arthur a johnson od 184 main st milton phone 878 072 res 878 9r78 1 ucsdav alternoons thursday lcnings iiiday mornings funeral director travellers guide fey emaker phone 8530350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mjir chiropractic dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 90 church st e ottice hours 9 am to t pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8531750 dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no 3 hinton bldg 17a mill st e acton ont ior appouilmcuu phouc 8531300 donald j armstrong dc chiropractor x rav- 448 woolwich street phone guelph 8227721 gray coach lines coaches ieave acton davhght saving time easlbound am daily except 633 and hoi 854 am ccpt sun and itol 858 am 1133 am sun daily ex express 208 pm appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 8530720 appraiser and insurance over 50 years in acton m the mutual life a mhann mi fwn y oh i anaim robert s hart agent 311 orville rd acton bus 4164513460 re 5m53527 504 fri sat and sun 508 pm 623 pm 833 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 737 am daily except sat sun and hoi 1027 am 1257 pm 257 pnn 527 pm 727 pm 912 pin 1132 pm iso am sat onlv canadian national railways daylight saving tune east bound o 52 am to toronto daily mon to fn 820 to toronto sun day only westbound 1221 am to stratford daily except sunday 6j2 pm to strat ford daily mon to fri change al guelph fur london etc

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