Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1966, p. 1

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ht ninetyfirst year no 46 school addition road problem dump site on esquesing agenda esquesing township council monday of last week waded through a busy agenda approving a fiveroom addition at speyside school hearing a twoman delega tion regarding roads and discus sing the problem of the esquesing dumpsitc the fiveroom addition which had received tentative approval at a special school board meeting rink vlietstra ryerson grad rink vlietstra son of mr and mrs sietse vlietstra 210 chur chill road n graduated friday afternoon from ryerson polytech- nical institute toronto in metal lurgy- he has begun work at do- fasco steel plant in hamilton the graduate who moved lo acton from holland with his fam ily in 1953 attended high school here and also in guelph before beginning the threeyear course intoronlorhc iias three broth ers and two sisters all living in canada mr and mrs vlieistra attende 300 plus 200 car allowance plus the graduation exercises in hie 80 per cent of building permit institute theatre friday i fees collected a22- the previous friday was authoriz ed by council perdiig f ap proval by the ontario municipa board and department of educa tion supporting a petition signed by over 220 taxpayers joseph duf- field and sam adams attended council meeting requesting re- construction of the 27 sideroad silvercreek sideroad between lot 27 and 28 mr duffield ex plained there was a short steep hill with a high crest cutting vis ibility he also noted a sheer drop on one side left no room for pas sing other vehicles mr adams told council he had been involved in an accident three weeks ago at the site he noted police measured the travelled sec tion of the road and found it to be only 14 feet wide the dele gates suggested removal of from six to eight feet from the brow of the hill to help visibility councillor george currie re minded council the base of the road was solid rock and would have lo be blasted at the sugges tion of reeve george leslie coun cil agreed to have a highways engineer check the site and obtain an estimated cost for the work dump problem councillor tom hill objected to the hign cost of covering garbage at the township dump and wond ered if council was paying 177 per month for covering garbage for other than township ratepay ers he suggested someone should be in charge at the gate to deter mine where garbage is coming from but this was ruled out due to the cost reeve leslie pointed out a man would have to be at the gate from the early hours of the morning til after dark he also stated if the jzates were locked garbage would be strewn along the town- j ship roads i council appointed thomas mc- lean rr 5 milton as building in- i spector at an annual salary of authorircd ns second class mail by the post office department ottawa fourteen pages ten cents honor fred l wright tonight as ninth citizen of the year staff photo red i wright actons citizen of the year for 1966 happily greeted brownies a1 his door saturday as he purchased cookies he will be honored thursday night tonight at the an- nual civic night dinner in the new band hall and will receive a plaque left to right are brown ies emily hodgson tina van der kooy debbie schonnop and nellie van der kooy as they offer aar wright boxes of cookies sales were brisk and the girls had to return to the scout hall many times to replenish their supply of cookies board suggests plan of subdivision change in street pattern advised av separation of live acres ol griese and a second application it was also learned the consul- land erection of a private home from mr griese to creel a home taut was ol the opinion il would and possible development ol a on this land lor himself were re- j be ideal lo have a complete plan subdivision have been stalled forjceived some months ago j ol subdivision for the entire larm two vceks by acion planning since that time the applications i members learned the consultants board pending full understanding i navc been dealt with by planning j would prepare such a plan induct by all parties involved board which turned them down s contours of the land an application by tony sey- due lo lack of information j 1 000 nuck to separate live acres ol his i f ex j handle the applications sympathize farm land lor sale to viansluii was i ollll ol attjs for yi mayor hopes for remedy at dangerous corner hoping lor a favorable report terseclbn former councillor councillor c l leathcrl ment combined with the develop ment commission of council at the hoard s wilh mr griese in being held up with construct ion ol his honie but this time tentative approval was i w of the opinion he would un from the department of trans port regarding the controversial millmain intersection mayor les duby tuesday night informed council that mr kaltnna from the traffic engineering section of the department of transport had been in town last week to inspect the irvlerseclioji the mavor reported he depulv- reeve rr parker and clerkad ministrator jack mccicachic had accompanied t lie engineer on his tour of inspection and all three were hopelul some action might be taken lo improve the danger ous corner police had been contacted re garding accidents at the site and the lour drove through the inter section several limes to acquaint the engineer with problems previously the department of highways hail taken several iral- lic surveys there and tinned down requests lo install trail ie jighls council has been aware ol the danger and congestion at the m- education costs up hamilton peal who resigned read the agreement and voiced from council two weeks ago urghis dissatisfaction with certain ed council n his parting speech j wording idle sponsored a resolu- lo press lor some solution to the lion approving the request in problem principle but noting beardniore councillor mrs george fryer j and co had no right to sell land attended the meeting her first j deeded as a road also calling lor since being appointed to till the an apartment to be erected wilh- vacancy caused by the resigna- in a specified time and requesting lion of hamilton peal she is solicitor william sharpe of mil- another who has pressed for im- ion be asked lor legal advice on provement at the corner i ihe subject this was approved beverley house property council members spent an hour given providing certain recom mendations were followed in- eluded in the recommendations verc allowances for rights of way lor continuation ol certain streets i and development of some new n j eiies throughout the area street plan agreements for these street al lowances were drawn up and pre sented lo council al il was agreed to enga or to stinlv the agreements be- lore action was taken mr griese also presented a proposed plan il subdivision lor the live acres le intended to purchase a letter accompanied by an agreement irom george sucola guelph regarding purchase of the former beverley house prop erty a i the corner of church and maria streets for the purpose of erect i nil an apartment house sparked discussion among coun cillors included in the property is a street named beverley boulevard which is deeded and registered to i mil lee of adjustment council de ihe town it was requested by ihe velopment committee of council at a planning board meeting following councils perusal of ihe agreements board members in structed the secretary to contact planning consultants to see if the proposed street plan would blend into lu lure planning of the town consultants opinion thursday evening ol last week secretary lack mcgcachie old hoard members al their meeting in i he council chambers he hail derstand why proper planning was so important 1 1 was agreed lo have mr sey- nuek and mr griese at the nexl planing board meeting as well as members of the development commission of council mean while solicitor william sharpe is expected to give legal advice re garding agreements to be signed that time both men and council i solici- public meeting an application irom lolm van der koov to reone his properly al ihe corner ol main and river streets will be dealt wilh al an early meeting in june this will a native of kendall westmore land england who came to can ada at the age of oigrht fred l wright will be guest of honor to night i thursday when he is hon ored by the aoton chamber of commerce as actons ninth cit zen ol the year the popular real estate agent and insurance broker will be on the receiving line of praise for a change after spending most of his years in lown performing un- menlioned acts of kindness for many his wife edith is expected to be- on hand as well and will receive a bouquet of flowers as her hus band accepts an engraved plaque from c of c oivic chairman orval chapman rev a h mckenzie will read a citation outlining his outstanding role in the commun ity in his quiet unassuming man ner this years citizen of the year has helped many individuals or ganizations and canvasses with out praise or glory a charter member of royal high winds fail to halt bucking high winds and per iodic snowflurries athletes from acton and erin high schools banded together at the ac on high school grounds tuesday to compete in the annual track and field day events although com petitors from both schools en tered each event each school kepi individual tallies of its own j students for championship pur i poses i the reason for holding a joini meet was that both schools arej in b class and winners had ti be picked for the annul cwossa i b meet to be held in guelph saturday name champions prospective buyer the street be turned back lo the property own ers beardniore and co and ihrceouartcrs discussing sev erance ol a piece of farm land by tony seynuck lor sale to crans ton griese mr griese has re quested permission to purchase ihe land and erect a home tor liinvsell since the original request for he land severance wa- submit ted lu planning board it has been isited planning consultant denis handled by planning board con flood and reviewed tentative plans with him several changes in stieel pattern bad been recom- he planning consultant and iwo ncnavd blhe consultant peil- engineers est ri m walks for school children continued on page 5 were suggested be a public meelinu al which lime objections will be heard board members were asked to review copies ol the proposed zoning bylaw for discussion al ihe next meeting prior to it being submitted lo council lor approval this action i o lows linil approval ol the ollieial plan of ihe town by the ontario municipal board accounts totalling si480 were approved lor payment present at last weeks meeting were chairman alilo braida board members ed foolilt bob drinkwaller bill wilson and neil miller and secretary jack mc geachie nassagaweya twp tax rate is established nassagawcni township taxes for isto r as expected following a prebudgei setting session list week went up council ol lieu illy continued he increase monday id established the complicated stiucunv ol mill rates lor township latepiscrs the incivascil mill rate varies widely depending on where the ratepayers live and what fiiv aiva or high school area or village rales ihcv will pay township reeve william coul ter read the lollowing statement at monday nights meeting con cerning ihe l township mill rate in regard to the large increase in this cars tax rate it should be noted lhil in portions this council has direct control over that is ihe general and road rates onlv t 10 of a mill in- ciease has been established this in actual i act lias allowed lor an additional s4s0o for planning board or over 300o increase and 50 of the cost of purchasing a new maintainer for the roads department estimated at an ex penditure of mo00o in i the remainder of the large in crease is due to the following increased requisitions al a 0 mill count rate increase on the lb publis lo a s9 mill increase school rale comparison of rates milton high school district degree clirilv ibis til mills weie required to operale ihe kindergarten school 2 mills to pick up the deficit on last years operational cosls created iiiainh by the construction of a portable classroom orought alv out b ihe larger than anticipat ed enrolment last year it is intcresjiing to note thai the school j3oard working on a 5 year projected plan of increas ed enrolment and anticipated costs thereof have now reached the number ol pupils they were expecting in the years 1967 and lstv the balance of the public school rate will be used tor in creased salaries and transportat ion costs u tire milton high school acton high school rate is increased 232 mills milton high school d the acton high school eden mil is pv rate is increased by 202 mills campbellville pv both increases are due to in- creased debenture payments or plus f area the additions completed in 1965 acton fire area and alio increased salaries milton fire area general road county public school high school millon acton high school district general road cou nly public school high school acton area area 1965 1966 res conim res conim 540 8 00 5 09 767 860 860 982 982 5 70 570 5 73 573 i t m 15 71 2007 2230 1105 1450 1537 1708 4669 5251 5608 6260 5 jo a oo 5 09 7 67 hoo 8 60 9 82 982 5 70 5 70 5 73 5 73 1 114 1571 2007 2230 1 071 1190 1273 1415 4455 4991 5344 5967 consolidatec comparable rates 1965 rates 5144 4455 5608 4689 5847 5127 5554 4434 assessor takes training course acton assessor william erskine enjoyed two lirsls last week his first plane trip anil attend ance at the emergency measures i orgiiiiation training course at arnpior as actons i mo rcprcscnla- tive mr ers ki ne war- chosen to represent hallon at ihe week- long training course and hew irom mallon to iplands airport dalong sessions from may i lo max 0 were a i tended by repre sentatives from communities ac ross canada including only three irom ontario mr erskine chose lo attend the sessions on emer gency clothing lie lound the training course quite informative anil now realizes the importance ol being prepared in ihe event of a nuclear war or any major em ergency each municipality must plav a leading role lo acquaint the public with the need lo be pixpared he was told delegates at the course also learned the drastii effects of a bomb and the suffering entailed i mr erskine is expecied to re- i port to council on his recent 1 trip to arnprior 244 144 plus commercial rate acton high school area 623 milton high school area 652 buds are out on the trees flowers are peeping through the ground and still we get winter weather champions ai the ac ion school during the meet were senior boys paul murr girls kay chis- holm intermedial hoys allan mckenzie girls dorothy fields junior bovs jim lee girls irene severinski bantam boys bri an carriere girls pat ti chisholm following are the results of both hack and field events for the acton school naming first second and third place winners boys events bantam 100 yard dash brian carriere bill nicolak brian binnie sho putt e karn bob andrews bi- an binnie long jump garv hcis- ter jim pevcha brian carrieie junior 100 yard dash brent marshall lim lee mark hurst 200 yard dash jim slaven jim lee mark hurst 440 yard dash jihi slaven mm lee colin gould 880 yad dash jim slaven neil anderson william douglas one mile jm slaven neil anderson gordon allen long jump brent marshall jim lee michael marcuux triple jump brent marshall jim lee casey harkfev and barry buch anan lied high jump len varev jim lee bill landsborough discus throw jim lee brent marshall colin gould shot pull jim lee colin gould ken owen pole vail d dick mike cooper iintkrmediatu 100 aid dash doug allan ste ven johnston paul cooper 220 arcl dash allan mckenzie doug allan steven johnston 440 ard dash allan mckenzie garry white gordon davve and fred ilisnik tied 880 yard dasji al ian mckenzie garry kelly one utile allan mckenzie long jump doug allan steven johnston allan mckenzie triple jump allan mckenzie gordon rented service proves better to flush sewers a high pressure water s stem opeialed irom a truck hint is be ing used lo i lush out storm and smilar sewers in lovsn the unit owned and opeialed b canadian concord juhlke di vision virgil ontario was hired by council and local town work men lie assisting in the flushing service the buildup ol sand and other sediment which gathers in the sewers is quickly dispersed bv ihe high pressure system in past years town workmen have used fire hose with- pressure from fire hydrants but the system used the past two weeks has proven most satisfactory canadian leaion branch 197 ac ton mr wright has been quite active in the fall fair board ymca work aclon and guelph pipe bands rdtiiry club and many olher organizations during world war ii he was ac- jive selling victory bonds and made many sales which went to help ihe cause he isa veteran of world war 1 having enlisted with ihe lome scots in 1914 and was cited for distinguished service in ihe battle oi ypres at the age of 22 he and his wife have lived at their present home on wilbur street for ihe past 20 years and have one son norman living in guelph this years citizen of the year follows amos mason g a dills dr w g c kenney william coon miss madeleine gibbons john gov miss m z bennett and william middlelon this year the civic dinner will be held in the new band hall on wallace avenue and enlentaii- miiii will be supplied bv mallon snowstorm field day reed steven johnston high jump steven johnston gordon reed harry oehlrich discus throw robert price casey hark- ley steven johnston shot putt robert price harry oehlrich steven johnston pole vault da vid black harry oehlrich senior 100 yard dash paul mm r phil lip maro bill fisher 220 aril dash paul murr tom ginger da vid mcmillan ac id di h paul murr tom ginger phillip marzo 880 yard dash paul murr tom ginger one mile paul murr tom ginger david mcmillan long jump phillip marzo tom gi andv bowman triple junior farmers choir and local latent since the announcemeivt was made two weeks ago naming mr wright as citizen of the year the telephone at ihe wright home has been consiantlv ringing as friends call lo offer congratulations nel weeks issue of the acton free press will carry photos and the story of the civic dinner wayne ridley business crad former aclon district high school student wayne ridley son of jack ridley and the lale mrs ridley graduated thursday of last week irom ryerson polytech- nical institute after a throe year course in business administra tion the graduate began working monday in the personnel depart ment at dominion electrohome jump brian sheridan loin 0111- ger gordon van gils high jump bill fisher david mc millan and brian sheridan tied for second discus throw phil lip marzo bill cook john dav idson shot putt doug garrett phillip marzo brian sheridan pole vault doug carrel i dave woodhouse girls events bantam 60 vaid dash patti chisholm connie philips marie timbers lorn jump jane wong connie phillips nancy nurris 100 sid dash patti chisholm marie timbers connie- phillips discu throw cathv krul jane wong l ncly lou moon junior 60 yard dash irene severinski thelma kirkwoocl roberta nes- sel 100 yard dash irene severin ski thelma kirkwood linda lawsun shot putt susan tailleler and thelma kirkwood tied susan al lan discus throw janet braida continued on page 5 in klchener he was among a class of 150 lo graduate present lor ihe graduating exercises were his father jack and brother ran- dy way ne undid pnbl i and high schools in aclon and was a popular alhlele af school field days fell into vat man in hospital a ruber ol two slelan flisnik is cifbhle hill road is in guelph general hospital wilh tirsl and second degree burns lo his legs alter killing into a hot liquor vat at beardniore anil co tuesday allernoon the injuied man grasped ihe side ol the vat alter he lei in and managed lo keep from being enluelv submerged a fellow worker dennis crooks hauled him out and a doctor arid am bulance was summoned he was rushed to guelph hospital where he underwent treatment he came lo aclon about six ears ao irom huulsville and is married with iwo children don na who works al comark and fred who attends aclon district high school sua piioto senior champion pju murr who copped dl the ienior track events al the high school field day tuesday has a first place ribbon pinned on him by his trainer ted franklin as other proteges of the trainer jim slaven and allan mckenzie watch mr franklin trains the acton boys who are members of the guelph legion track club paul romped home first in all senior track events jim in junior events and allan in the intermediate events

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