Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1966, p. 14

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b6 the acton free press thursday may 12 1966 1 ha1t0n manok x ppen mili5 joinf meeting visitors highlight district news intended for last week the wjms and ladies aux iliary of eden mills presbyter ian church was held at tho maise with mrs m gilbertson in charge of the wjms roll call was answered with sentence prayer and meditation was ta- tcen by mrs nora mclean mrs wallace lasby gave a reading on the first message of easter and mrs kaye stevenson another reading mrs wallace laslby and mrs w macdougall favored with a duet entitled al ways the same the glad tid ings prayer was given by mrs a roy and mrs j taylor clos ed with prayer ladles aid section mrs wallace lasby presided for the ladies aid opening with a poem and repeating the lords prayer in unison it was decided to cancel the anniversary supper new doos are to be erected at the church as a centennial project a reading was given by mrs r wright a contest was won by mrs w macdougall mrs j taylor closed with prayer and a social half hour followed close season the silver belles club of ed en mills closed the season witn a luncheon at eleanors restaur ant in guelph they adjourned to mrs herb gilbertsons homo where the seasons prizes were awarded winners were mrs h barden mrs sada gilbertson and mrs sylvia novelle a soc ial time followed the executive of eden mills and idistrict community club met monday evening in the hall to arrange activities for the sum mer the first ball game and fire- works will be onjmay 23 recent visitors with mr and mrs h mcintosh were rev wil liam slinn and mrs slinn and family of wallaceburg also mrs simpson and family of niagara falls rev reid of holstcin was gueit speaker t eden- mills- and rockwood presbyterian church es visiting mr and mrs i fred jennings scarborough were recent visitors pf mr and mrs ed jennings mr and mrs w mclean sr were guests of mr and mrs dave mcdonald burlington rec ently mrs gordon aitken guelph and mrs anna wilson were in buffalo recently mrs arley roy was in bur lington as a guest of mr and mrs harvey mcgarth guests of mr and mrs r wright were mr and mrs jack greenlaw whitby mr and mrs mel vincent and son courtney mirnico mh beverley vincent aurora and mr irudy constant- ine rochester ny mr and mrs gordon hoddin- ott and daughter susan of niag ara falls were guests of mrs ber yl wright acton auxiliary institutes entertain with skits songs by mis muriel thompson the members- of two very small but very friendly and gen erous womens institutes com bined forces to present the april birthday party at the manor on tuesday afternoon april 12 these two institutes were the limehouse w i which has mrs s gisby as its president and the silverwood w i of which mrs j burt is the president there were four conveners for the party mrs gistoy and mrs r turner for limehouse and mrs burt and mrs e miller for silverwood the auditorium looked very lovely vitfi its easter decora tions tfve hanging baskets fill ed with artificial flowers and pussywillows had been suspend ed from the ceiling with wide ribbons easter lily blooms snapdragon and other fresh flow ers adorned the head table and there avere several easter lily plants on the stage the program was announced by mrs g ironside who welcom ed everyone to the party with a special welcome for those who celebrate their birthdays in april there were several musical se lections presented by two young girls who have been prizewin ners at recent musical festivals these girls were susan earle who sang a solo bouquet ol rosemary ahd laurie miller who plaved a piano solo distant bells the two girls also sang a duet the lords my shepherd the program mrs g henderson was their accompanist an amusing skit which portray ed a meeting of an antigossip club was presented by several jadies who are women directors of the acton fall fair board they were introduced to the au dience by their president mrs m mcculiough- four guests took their places af the head table mrs k metz- ger mrs im neilson miss m wilson and win wylie the candles on- the birthday cake were lighted the happy birthday song was sung and a birthday card and gift a 1 bill were presented to each guestrof honor mrs metzger who had a birthday neaiest to the date of the party was given the honor of blowing out the candles very delicious refreshments were servedsandwiches relishes tarts cookies and birthday cake all donated by the institutes and tea and col fee the resi dents will look forward to see ing these iriendly ladies of the two institutes igain soon once again as in many years past the members ol the albert womens auxiliary ol knox pres byterian church in acton provid ed an enjoyable posteaster even ing for the residents the date was wednesday night april 13 and 25 ladies came their president mrs 12 mar shall the program convener mrs f anderson and the lunch con vener mrs k dodcis were all pre sent mrs anderson announced as is their custom the ladies presenteht he first portion of their progrum as a devotionul period which was conducted by mrs e marshall mrs marshall read psalm 23 and offered pray er the first musical number on the very line program that foll owed was the singing of the hymn living for jesus by lour young girls j davidson c pat terson j watson and e toebes later on these same girls assis ted by mrs j l davidson and miss b m rosell sangwho is he in yonder stall john rou- ell played a medley ol tunes in cluding now is the hour on his accordion and mrs j l davij- son sang a solo an oldtashioned house the accompanist lor all the musical numbers was mrs m mccullough fccglon chhoraliers looking very smart in their new vellow jackets 20 gentlemen who belong lo the group called the choialiers in the acton branch ol the royal canadian legion tiled on stage to sing some verv lovely selections a- mong their number was their president v patrick mr george musselle was theii vciv compe tent loader and mr g hall their line accompanist mi musselle announced the numbois sung by the choialiers their songs weie my bonnie lassie the bells ol st marys the college song the halls ol ivy and whispering hope at the conclusion of the pro gram a clelightlul time was spenl with these staunch old hiends when sandwiches tails and cookies all donated by the visitors wcie served with tea and col lee many qualify for full or partial assistance legit lotion approving the ontario medical services insurance plan omsip for that was passed in ine ontario legislature on feb 1 8lh of this year coverage commenced april 1st for social assistance recipients coverage will begin july 1 st for those who have already enrolled or who enroll now before may 1 oth omsip provides coverage regardless of age income or health uststihas bee n estab lished to provide adequate insurance coverage for the payment of doctors bills and to make this coverage available to all ontario resi dents regardless of their age income or state of health enrollment in omsip is voluntary the plan is intended for individuals and their fam ilies and does not provide group coverage group cov erage is where a number of individuals collectively pur chase insurance through their place of employment union etc everyone who has lived in ontario for the pat 3 months is eligible to join except those who arc enti tled to physicians services under another act members are free to choose their own doctor if a member travels outside the province and requires care omsip will still pay the doctors bills up to omsip established rates people who find they can not continue to pay for all or part of their omsip con tract because of unemploy ment illness or disability may apply for temporary assistance in paving their fees since the aim of omsip leg islation is to provide adequate medical insurance for ontario residents full or partial pre mium assistance is available for those who require it automatic fullypaid covrag many residents and their dependants have automatic ally received fully paid cover age under omsip these are people who are already re ceiving benefits under the fol lowing acts the blind persons allowances act the disabled persons allowances act the general welfare assistance act the mothers allowances act the old age assistance act the rehabilitatioa services act automatic fullypaid cover age is also provided for old age security pensioners and their dependants declared eli gible for coverage by the ontario department of public welfare fullypaid coverage oa application people resident in ontario for the past 12 months and who had no taxable income in 1965 get full assistance this means if these people make out their application form now before may 16th they will get omsip protec tion fully paid for by tho government starting thi3 july 1st in addition many who have been resident in ontario for the past 12 months will be eligible for partial assistance depending on their taxable income and number of de pendants see below f do you qualify for partial assistance yes if you are a single person and your taxable income in 1965 was 500 or less complete cost 6000 government pays 3000 youpuy 3000 750 every 3 months yes if you have one depen dant and if together your total taxable income in 1965 was 1000 or less complete cost 12000 government pays 6000 you pay 6000 1500 every 3 months yes if you have a family of 3 or more and if your familys total taxable income in 1965 was 1300 or less complete cost 15000 government pays 9000 you pay 6000 1500 every 3 months what is taxable income taxable income is the amount of your income upon which you pay lax after exemptions for dependants and other allowances have been deducted iff res your application form pleose use ball point pen cut out form carefully mail today instructions 1 if you have a social insurance number write it r the squares provided starting with the first number in the first square it you do not have a number place v mark m the square marked no 2 print your last or famityname in the box example smith jones brown etc 3 print your first and second given names in the boxes example john harry mary etc if you have a nickname or are commonly known by another name lor mailing purposes please indicate in the box marked other 4 print your address in the first bo your city town village or post office in the next box and your county or district in the last box 6 write the number of tncday on which you were born in the box marked day print the name of the month of its abbreviation in the box marked month write the number of ihc year in the box marked year example 9 feb 1527 6 man should placca s mav in the box marked male women should place a v mark in the box marked female x h you are single place i v mark in the box marked single if you am married place a vmarkm the box marked married it your status is other than single or married example separated divorced or widow ed write your status on the line marked other write your occupation and the kind of business or industry in which you work example carpenter- building trade farmer agriculture salesman batery print the first names of your wife or husband spouse in the first box then print the first names of all your eligible dependant children starting with the oldest in the following boxes it you have more than five eligible dependant children continue your list in the section on this side of the form if you have more than 10 eligible dependant children list them separately and return with your application form under birth date write the number of the day of birth print the month and write the number of thcyear of birth example ib sept 1954 under sex write m if the child is male f if the child is female sign your name on the line marked signature of applicant and write in the date and year if you are applying for premium assistance read this section very carefully and complete either the section markod a or the one marked b not both remem if you receive benefits unde any of tho acts listpd under o fd entitled qms what itmtansanfiahat t rn do row you you should not complete an application form you vill bo provided automatically with fully paid coverage additional dependants day birth dal month year mot f partially assisted premiums cost tor ihoso eligible for premium assistance a tha ilngla piraon covering only the member with a taxable income in 1966 of 500 or less complete com moo govarnmtnt pym sftooo b tha family ol two 12000 covering the head ol the amity and one ehqiblo dependant with a total taxable income in 1965 j of 1000 or less c tha family oflhrea or mora 15000 9m0o covering tho head of the family and all etigiblo dependants with a total taxable income in 1066 ol 1300 or less yott pay 30 00 17 90 very 3 rnontka aooo oisoo tooa l1ux full premiums cost cost or those rtotehqibls tor premium assistance the slngla pron mo 00 a year covenrd only tho member 15 00 every 3 monttoj b tha family oltwo 118000 a year covering tro head ol tho family wo 00 every 3 month and one elioible dependant c thatamlly olthreaor mora jim 00 a year covering the head ol the lamily h7m evory 3 mootha and all eligiblo dependants for additional children attach a separate sheet ontario medical services insurance plan application form please read instructions above before completing tfssvssr al nvt aapblapqia la or fa0y nam social insurance number ttr or pcx box or street 4 number for office um only gtvtn namaa first ins o mali famala x marital autue a a singla mamed sacond city or tcwn or village or poat otfica other upeom send your completed application form to omsip po box 1700 terminal a toronto ontario application for premium assistance t1 1 have lived in ortario for the part 12 months im rxst covered for total medical care 6y government i egrea lo allow the medical services insurance division to verity all statements mad by ma oa this application sign a or b only county or district i occupation nature of buelneee or induetry ffcl4fn mult h vret n a0 uni iw 0s ermi ki r ijw v rr rirct 3st birth rata s day month year m or f 3rd child gien names only birth du tsei day mnnth year m or f laeaalifaaatu mnntja mdur tha ontario madical sarvkaa insurance act 1mb i cortlna thai i hava tand in ontario for tha past 90 days j aaa aat co tor tool maetlcal cara by govarnmam and that tha laaaaaaajboa faaaaj by aaa a ceraacl list additional dapendant children in spaca provided above baaajaajamaaalaaa data a no taxable income i hereby apply tor full premium aaa i and my eligible dependants had no taxable bt- come tor the 12 months ended decambar 31 st last i state that the wornebon oivan by aaa la correct data taxable income of 110000 ok less i hereby apply for partial premium aaajatarvce my taxable income and the taxable income of mar eligible dependants was in total tor the 12 morrths ended december 31 at last i state that tha information oiven by i coneot lawsonwrigh vows at eden mills wedding amid a candlelight setting a wedding of interest was held fri day evening april 29 in eden mills presbyterian church with ihc rev fred williamson of guelph olliciating when brcndii mau i eon wright eldest daughter ol mis beryl wright was united in marriage to peter noel lav- son son ol mrs lino maro and and the late mr lawson ot ac ton thebtide was given in nuu- ruige bv her gutndla titer ro bert wright of eden mills the bride wore a white corded tal feta gown with tiain and a cm onct ol seed pearls and waist lciiglh veil she carried a boi- ciiet ol icd and white carna tions her lour attendants were bon nie macdougall maid ol honot elizabeth kitbv and the brides two sisters pal and joanne wright the lour were dressed i alike in peacock blue lloor lonjjl h btocade with losette and till le headpieces thcv carried pink and white bouquets bes man was torn fountain acton ushers were two broth ers and a cousin of the groom harry and paul lawson and bil dawkins the reception followed in ac ton legion auditorium where tlu legion ladies auxiliary catetcd lot a turkey dinner the brides mother was gown ed in pale pink shantung willi pink accessories the grooms mother wore a rose pink silk dress with black accessories the steve backwell trio of oshawa was engaged for dancing afterwards the couple are residing in ac ton fred a hoffaaan optometrist 58 st georges sq girelph ont i telephone 8242071 jack ridley cartage limited concrete brick clay brick stone concrete blocks cinder blocks sand livestock and fertilizer farm servicctnti supplies dump trucks for hire fully insured pcv clacs fs f acton phone 8530730 its bargain week at red white px sausage beef bologna tasty tender rib boiling beef by the piece by the piece 55 33 29 lb lb lean cryovac cottage rolls 59 lb peameal back bacon 75 lb facelle royale twin pack paper towels 47c fresh ground regal coffee kp assorted 79 1 12oz jars f relishes 3 2 89c brights 48oz tins apple so 5c juice j smarts fresh produce arrives daily at lowest possible prices limited supply on all listed bargains dont be disappointed shop early for the weekend 48oz tins tomato juice 3 1 bojac 24oz jar salad dressing 69c sudden beauty reg 139 hair spray 99c resdan reg 1 59 hair conditioner 1 tobler reg 39c each chocolate bars 3 1 prize twin pack liquid detergent 79c

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