Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1966, p. 2

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the aclon free press thursday may 1 2 1 966 ccku0c4 ccal and fefotrict itetca land severance requests to go to planning board sewial land conveyances were rookwood there were three requests lor land severances pre- 1 recommended by council to the sented at the may meeting of minister of municipal affairs lor eramosa township council the approval council decided that beginning the third day of may 1966 all re quests for land severances must be sent to the kramosa plannin appr ji was moved that the council upon examining the clerktreas urers bond accept it as ptvsont- be sent to the rramosa planning i cd anlunl hc bonc is s500 board the panning board will h cicrk notify council ol their reconi lliendatioiis and the councils ap- llovd hindley clerktreasurer declared a permanent em- proval will be the result of planning boaivl lion y plovee ol the township ol era- ttie i i in r i j- recommeiidai mosa as ol may 2 ilf for un- ivinpluyineni insurance purpose i change policy all members ol council were i u o tie ieneral insurance non- present and lllc reeve piesicled i i i i owned vehicle policy was imieas- also in attendance weie the mail l nl ed irom siooooo to soooooo and supermlencleni the planning con- j r o i t labihtv coverage increased irom sul ants mr smith and associate i i i i s 100000 o s 000000 with the the assessor and the clerk iaduslmg premiums to be paid joint meeting i the road superintendent was mr smith discussed with coun- authorized tomerect stop and cillhe various aspects ol plan- warning signs on the 6th conces- ning ami the progress in the field sion at number 20 sideroad work which has been done it th c was inslnlcol l was decided to have a joint meet ing with the council eramosa planning board and mr smith on may i at 8 pm to further discuss the planning survey sev eral items ol correspondence were read itiinyeitord and guth rie wrote regarding the building permit bylnw consent to land severance and surveyors le consent ol the department ol education to the recreation com mittee bylaw was received irom the community program division a building conference letter came from the township of scarbor ough a tin have the necessary bylaw enact ed to legalize i lie signs building fee a bylaw to amend bylaw no l a bylaw to revaluatc the construction alteration repair ing and moving ol buildings and to provide lor their saletv was ees j given the necessary readings pas sed and numbered 1 31 966 the revised lee lor building permits will lake ellect on may 2 the new fee will he s for the first thouand anil s2 lor each addi tional thousand of the approjii- j mate cost ol the new structure jotter or appreciation of the i the council of the corporation rockwood riie department was rwnship of eramosa arc- received from messrs muvuianilii hear the cost ol w id- allan the eramosa school board i p crossing and the wrote regard ing the development approaches as well as 12 per ol pasmore st and the list ol new ccu ts installing lie resident buildings j automatic protection devices and amalgamate boards per cent ol the cost of its an- murrav smellzer chairman of nkinlenance and operation the eramosa school board and rll sml i h romeo iandoni repivsenliliw for the township on the fergus remedial teacher h and s speaker rockwood the happiest men are not those born to thrones but those who have lurn- eil stumbling blocks into step- ping stones these were the j words used by clifford hincks j guest speaker at rockwood home i and school recently mr hincks j is the district remedial teacher i and gave a inost interesting talk on the many problems conlronl- j ing some children j there may be hereditary ina- bilities color blindness brain 1 damage emotional blockage and many other situations standing in the wav of a childs learning tit esv frustrations if not realized and helped often lead in later years to cheating and many forms of dishonesty these situations can nearly always be ovturcomi for even sir winston churchill and thomas edison were poor scholars he concluded home attitudes the president mrs tosh wel comed all present and read an article which put a great deal ol responsibility on parents many standards are slack at home and these a iv picked up by children also home attitudes can cause harmful emotional blocks in chil dren the treasurers report showed that over 100 had been cleared at the spring fashion show it was moved to svnd 1967 t the centennial fund founders con tribution banner attendance the banner attendance was won by miss clugstons room mrs tosh present oil prizes from the home anil school to era mosa public speaking winners al- ian mcphedran and brenda in gle the guelph council home and school will be hold in park view motel may 17 this will be a supper meeting with tickets al s2 iunch was served and a social time enjoyed program of teaching primitive form of baptism at st albans church sunday blessed be the god anil father i and concern for them displayed of our lord jesus christ by his earlier by lesus in the gospel real melcy we have been born throughout these slops anil in anew lo a living hope t lining h what lollowcil a runiiiivgicommen- thv resurrection ill jesus christ i larv was made by mr dubylo irom the dead anil to an inlieri- 1 help the congivgation to a better lance which is imperishable in this vou rejoice though now i lor a little while yon may have ito suffer various trials so that the genuineness of yourfailh may redound to the praise and i glurv of jesus christ with ihis reading from the first 1 e tier j of peter eight adults and two small infants were greeted at the door st ajbans church acton last sunday j it was the introduction to an i unusual baptismal service the j baptismal parly and congrepn- i lion were being exposed id an example of baptismal customs dating back as early as the sec ond century of christ ianilv parents godparents- alter a brief preamble the rec tor laurence dubv who is a theological student al trinity col lege toronto and two servers john last and frank bushmevcr moved to the main door of the church to moot anil greet susan louise and mark robert who were to bo baptized thai clay susan was carried in the arms ol her godmother mrs j m slew- art and accompanied by mr stewart her godfather and her parents mr and mrs p c mas- son mark was borne in the anus of glen banks his godfather anil accompanied bv his godmother mrs banks and his parents mi anil mrs 1 bras alter the greeting at the trance the parly moved to hallwav poinl of the nave where the sponsors another lor i he godparent inst moled in fin the soid the 4lh line road lot oiul ssiolls uid 4 is the cnr o i between mile 421 district high school board di cussed with council the ellect 61 proposed changes in education which will he brought about by the amalgamation ol the various school hoards guelph substation out accounts amounting to s7q91- ws were passed for payment and the meeting adjourned to meet al june a 730 pm or al the cal of lie reeve none object to street closing at special meeting of council l visits illness church in news visitors mrs hall ol saska toon and mrs e brelheour ol toronto with mrs mitchell and lamilv a week ago aid mr m pa rents at the en he aisle title were hriclk seriousness of their commitment to their oud- cllililren form circle finally i he whole- parlv of 11 formed a circle around the pal ish font which had been located al the center of the crossing just in i rout of the choir 1 lei e ihe sponsui s promised on hcliill of their inn jes to iviiouijy llu- understanding of baptism al several points of the service the rector reminded ihe congregation that not only the sponsors but also the whole parish as well as himself were now responsible for the christian nurture and up bringing of susan and mark exodus of singular interest were the ceremonies which accompanied ihe baptism at this point and symbolized ihe exotlus of the children from life- of a simply natural order to a new life a supernatural order in other words to the kingdom of god which is here anil now in the natural world as jesus instruct ed his disciples first salt was placed upon the lips of each child signifying the hope of ihe church that the child will be presvrvecl in the chris tian failh in fight against the darkness of this world traditional manner the font at st albans is not large enough for the children to be completely imrrlersed but wa ter was poured over the heads of the children in ihe traditional manner first by all the adults in the baptismal party and finally bv ihe rector as he saiil the usu al baptismal formula i baptize thee in the name of the father and of lhe son and of the holy spirit the actual participation in ihe baptizing itself enables those who look part to identify themselves with the children and their destiny next the children were clothed in while in keeping with the an cient custom of christianity and efhoirlg in ihe words of st paul as maitv of vou as were baptiz ed inki christ have put on christ gal 327 hi which he recalls the clothing ol the christian as the hitler rose a new creature irom the font willi ihe words we receive i this child into the congregation j mitilioiit to ihpnrcv1yfcnpti7ecl 1 on sunday last at the words i do sign him with the sign of the cross each child had the j sign of the cross made upon its forehead in oil to show that each had become like christ for j christ or messiah in heb rew means to be anointed with the spirit of god the common- tator said hvre gladiatois and longdistance swimmers in our own day anoint themselves be fore the struggle lor victory so we today anoint the newly bap tized as kings and priests in the kingdom of god and as victors already in the militant life of the christian finally the parents of each child were handed candles which were lit from the altar candles to be reminders in the home that jesus is the light of tfie world as the commentator put it the custom of having candles on birthday vakes comes from the churchs custom of giving a can dle to the newdy baptized as a symbol of the risen christ the sponsors were then rehearsed in their duties to the children in the years that lie aheail until they bring them before the bishop for confirmation program of teaching this unusual form of baptism was introduced to st albans con gregation at this time as part of a program of teaching on the meaning of baptism which is to stretch over the period between easter and pentecost after the service many of the j congregation individually congra- j dilated the masson and bray j families anil the sponsors j dance on tv dancing on a childrens show on kitchener television one after noon last week were heather hig- big als program gins iintla rieforest muriel hol mes lena jensen and jean el liott they were introduced by their teacher carol wharton on itv ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils oil burner finance plan 10 years to pay small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd acton phone 8532370 after hours 8532174 i in themselves and of christs flock and do sign him pnuvr ol as il appears in llu- world ami to believe in and give their allcjii ance to the living christ ihsc promises hind ihe sponsor to the godchild in thai christimi love willi the sign ol t lie cross in token that hereafter lie shall not be ashamed to confess the faith id christ he congregation expressed ils intention and com- mr jell o brandon man with mrsl osborne the lawsons and other cousins mr and mrs hale and grand daughter pant of shanty bay r i i i r with the frank hales a few days rockwood all members of set at 5 hid lor ihe ivniajiulir of uct ccuncil and llicials were pres the vcar attend wedding out at ihe t ouiuil chambers on k pagaiu architect discussed mr uid mrs glvndon scott the evening l m 2 and llievvil council some suggestions uc i craiumilwan reeve presided i lie purpose ol lor improving i he cut ranee al t he adim in slreelsville prcsbv- the specia hearing and meeuig municipal building and some hen- chlllvh lilt lllc lvcl was to hear anv complaints el cial landscaping council following n the comnmnilv 1 lall agauisi ihe clomu i part o luanked mr pagani lor his lime- i frmdale on friday evening balaclava st n the mage ol lv suggestions mr and mrs flliot of cobounj rockwood and tor general bus- centennial report have been visiting their daughter i o i mrs muearel lavlor chairman and husband mr and mrs con- 1 was moved thai a inlaw lo tv commit- rad patterson we arc sorry to authoiie he mprnji up lomk mrs t sulll selig lo the pblc scnou board tvnu u in i a while there and is ol the lounsnip o lrmiosa su spending several weeks in hospi- balaclava st truin iisinore s r- i i r n i vi ip i lik popcd events to he held tal in georgetown we hope loi to i all st in tin illagi oikoik- jm in 0 ru lvlllrn u s vood be iktroduid and ieeve ill hiked mi tal first i lit i second leadines since there no objection vm t raised acrns lhe hviavv co- w v1 ottun i m l ln i rngrjiii clllols miiie i id f kenli- niov- ed ihat a it low lo authorize same be wa a third lime pass- daaift fmmmm rccclvg urflllt i ora n he absemv o rev oil and numbered i4iw i w iiii i- i v i mill ilue to illness scrip appucjtnns lor budding per- approval has been gven lor a ullvs wclv read bv teddy brow nut and hv sde ol road allow prov metal gran ol stosu to the 1iu lilul m the choir fail and garry mallbv celebrat- i i birthdays with a partv al ii mil- on sat unlay sunday service christian family services were conducted bv rev r dthicanson notic to p o destroy weeds notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in accordance with the ontario weed control act 1965 section 3 13 and 19 that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the municipality of the township of nassagaweya are destroyed by date of june 15 1966 and throughout the season the municipality may enter upon said lands and have the weeds destroyed charging the costs aqainst the land in taxes as set out in the act the cooperation of all citizens is earnestly solicited v e mcarthur weed inspector county of halton ance were kit in abev anc vation ait- directed by mrs bel i benton and he appelaiu- hed lurher ihorrv o dev elopme 1 mrs roughlev sun two anthems inhumation the rockwood oikervalion lliwd mv lime caretaking duties the council discussed with sta ie ho soiir- additional caret lk ing dutiss at the municipal build inc the treasurers budget tor l was accepted is picsonled set mill rates a iwlavv uomiig the assess nients and sot tin g the mil rales tor llu- seveil leparl me- s loi 1ltm was inr iluced iivcii tirst second and thiid leadings pass oil and liiinib i e 2 ik i lovtl mihilivv was appointed secivtaia ol ihe fianios plan ning hoard and bis remuneration until grant thoi in are sports corner 124 mill st e at wilbur phone 8532160 roller skating at acton community centre tues thurs sat skates for sale or rent at sports corner canteen tax notice 1966 municipality of acton first instalment now due attention is drawn lo the pav nient ol nod taxes which are now pavable m torn iosiuunis taws are pavable lo t lie uuiiicip t treasurer at the town of acton municipal office ymca building ins1ai urws art 111 i s loliows first instalment may 16 second instalment july 15 third instalment september 15 fourth instalment november 15 accoidine o the i a collection bv law a ponallv of lper cent pei mth o liictim ol a month will be added on the amouii lemdniiii unpaid alter lhe lft h dav ol may lhs peiilt applies to ividi in inliiicii t in a similar m inner lhe attention ol ratepavers is directed to the penalties and other clauses is printed m explained in detail on eerv tax bill maki- pvymfxt vow and take your taxmotice with yoc when making payment j mcgeachie collector helton cooperative medical services will continue to offer county residents complete medical health care paying surgical 100 of the 0oneral 1966 tariff anacsethesir assisting doctor x rays doctors visits in hospital home office calls pays beginning with the first visit also injections eye examinations every two years major medical prescription drugs aevbulincf laboratory tests appliances twelve months accuruilohon of receipts 1 0000 deductible pays members no to so of balance ontario hospital service commission we are officiafonetiors for ontario hospital service commission plus seniprivate benefits i coverage effective june 1 i enrol now write or phone or drop in our office 143 main street milton dial 8789712 halton cooperative medical services established 1947 frank szabo shoe repair acton plaza the place where quality counts closed friday at 7 pm r headquarters fertilize your lawn now large selection of evergreens shrubs ami trees fruit trees fruit bushes ready for planting fuses potted ready to plant begonias gladioli dahlias all varieties fertilizers garden tools seeds patio stones etc cut flowers and potted plants open 7 days a week 8 am til dark phon 8532980 we wire flowers anywhere caroline flower garden shop two miles west of acton south side of highway sweet as maple sugar thats every deal made at lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 lous bolungovervvtmbargatns drop in now and make a deal no down payment if credit approved electric heating can offer you all these advantages unmatched cleanliness electric heating is flameless there is no combustion to create dirt dust film or soot windows drapes and walls all stay clean longer in electrically heated homes unmatched comfort electric heating offers roombyroom or zone temperature control it is quiet creates no draughts no chilly spots just gentle even constant warmth unmatched value electric heating is maintenancefre it offers extra living space and can have a significant effect on lhe resala value of your home yet with all its advantages electric heating costs far less than you may think i for more information about electric heating consult a qualified electric heating contractor or your hydro your hydro mcuaawk

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