Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1966, p. 3

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mrs r lindsay reelected president of acton institute staff photo taken by surprise sunday morning at church father v j morgah received gifts of money at both early and late masses from parishioners in recognition of 25 years as parish priest in acton john mchugh left presented part of the money at the late mass and ray arbic right made the early mass presentation honor father morgan silver jubilee presentations at st josephs church sunday father v j morgan pastor of st josephs acton was honored on- sunday mothers day and taken completely by surprise when his parishioners presented him with a purse of money and an address in recognition of his 25 years as pastor of this parish his anniversary fell on may 11- the presentation was made at both masses on sunday morning the church was filled to capacity for both services ray arbic made the presentation at the nine o clock mass and john mchugh at the 1030 mass deeply moved father morgan vtts itfniosthtt altss ter wordstn brj what part vi for a few seconds he expressed his sincere thanks to the parish ioners at both masses and also wished to thank those who were not present lor their appropriate gifts and personal congratula tions especially the warm expres sions of congratulations from his noncatholic friends and acquain tances the address follows dear father morgan twentyfive years ago today on mothers day you came to this parish and we celebrated our first mass together many of your parishioners here today will remember that day and the coincidence that st josephs parish acton ontario had a new pastor who came from macton ontario for 25 years you have stayed with us and shared our joys our baptisms our confirmations and our weddings you have also shared our sor rows and comforted us during the times of trial which come to all of us we are not going to review all of your contributions to our par ish each of us knows in our played in our lives we only want to thank you for bearing- with us all the time and i am sure that everyone here today and all your friends who are not here join me in wish ing you good health so that you can stay with us many more years we would like to show our appreciation in a little more tang ible way and ask you to accept this gilt which we hope will add a little clra to your vacation this summer michael dye awarded lions draw voucher michael dye whose winning ticket of two minutes and 20 sec onds won acton lions club slan- ley cup draw was a special guest at the regular dinner meeting ol the lions monday night mr dye was presented with the winning voucher by club treasurer george lockerbie lion vie bristow cochairman with the treasurer lor the draw reported all tickets had been sold and the club realized a substant ial prolil lion chiol ii coles congratulated the chairmen loi the ellicienl manner in which the tickets were sold and draw con ducted lion al lauder was top salesman another special guest lor the meeting was armando gome a mexico city native who is em ployed at ueardniore and co in acton tail twister neil millers ellorts to extract lines liom the- lions were thwarted in some laney talking but he was parlialh re- compensated when it was an nounced he had uoii the attend ance draw lion ray lvclan con ducted lion neil promptly de posited it in the- conven tion lund acon lions will actively partic ipate in the district coineulion at london on the weekend ol june 4 and 5 with an enlrv in the two- hour parade lions oi miller and art gordon are sparking ar rangements tor the event plans were also made lor the western round up show to he held in the community ceniic in june tickets arc now on sale and a reserved scat plan u ill appear in simpsons sears window highway signs were all ready to be erected and the committee which lion neil miller headed put them up tuesday night lion jim lindsay reported on plans for decoration dav lions agreed to march in the parade on sunday june 2 lion jim repre sented the club at dav commit tee churchill saw relatives after 50 years the regular meeting ol the churchill ucw was held at the home ol mrs leslie swacklianier on wednesday evening may 4 with only lair attendance owing to so many sick with the i hi the president mrs w thompson op ened the meeting with prayer mrs l swacklianier gave the de votional a missionarys message scripture matt 5 and hymn 504 this is my fathers avorld was sung mrs f thompson read a chapter of the stuilv hook and dealt with the questions roll call was answered by the- exchange ol house plain slips some bazaar items were also handed in a lew ilcnis ol busi ness w ci c dealt with and mrs thompson closed with prayer the hostess mrs swackhamcr and assistants mrs ii grill in and mrs stephens served a delicious lunch then everyone enjoyed a friendly chat mr nd mrs ron mclachcm unci sharon ol orangcv illc v isiled at the parental home on tile week end mis v graham and miss fdith foster ol brampton visited their cousins mr and mrs has liin- nie last week mr and mr storey peg gy ray and jininiieof orillia vis ited on sunday with mr and mrs w k mcdonald and gordon mr and mrs albert smith re port a very enjoyable plane trip to england ol three weeks and visited their sisters relatives and iriends they have not seen for over 50 vcais best wishes from all of raymond arbic john mchugh for the members of st josephs parish acton on tario the address was written by- norman braida ray arbic who read it at one of the masses co incidental ly served father mor gans first mass when he came to acton in may 25 years ago on the committee in charge of the presentation were cochair men nino braida and henry dev- eau with ernie marks hartley coles denis gibbons brian mc- cristall jack tizzard ed mcgil- oway- john imchugh peter- marks and willyed duval jr a letter was received from harry harley mp reading my sincere congratulations and bcst wishes on the happy oc casion of your silver jubilee as pastor of st josephs church in acton 1 join with your parishion ers and many iriends in acton and the surrounding district in wishing von many more- years of good health and happiness in the j service ol st josephs parish j mpp george kerr wrote i please accept my personal con gratulations you are a very pop- i ular member of the clergy in the i northern pari ol halton county and i hope you will continue to be able to conduct and celebrate mass for your parishioners for i many years to come and con tinue to bring spiritual guidance and encouragement to the mem- ic decoration hers ol your parish again con gratulations and best wishes lor continued good health and con tentment mayor and mrs duby were among those extending congrat ulations mrs charles cutts welcomed the members of acton wi to her home on 25 highway for the annual social meeting on wed nesday of last week mrs george lazenby who had been named president at the annual meet ing wished to withdraw so mrs roy lindsay was reelected for the ensuing year after the opening ode and the collect the roll call was answer ed by memories of mother correspondence included the in vitation to the tb dinner in oakville and other items of in terest to members three delegates the district annual will be held in ballinafad on wednes day may 25 three delegates named to attend were the pres ident mrs lindsay district direc tor mrs wilderspin and mrs earl lambert the annual bus trip in june was discussed and the date set for june 20 with mrs f ander son and mrs william denny to make the necessary plans mrs fryer was named to attend the dinner to honor the citizen of the year the conveners gave items of in terest in their particular topics for education mrs c winn spoke on automation its very- necessary tor young people to have a good education now to be able to cope with changing methods for home economics mrs earl lambert displayed a lovely floral centrepiece made from plastic bottles miss nora kenney safety con vener gave helpful suggestions now that house cleaning time is here lo prevent accidents and precautions to avoid fires she also read some information from thedaily paper to state membership was falling down in wts throughout canada mrs r l davidson read a true story written about an old coun try store with the sad note a customer wearing a fur coat scared the little canary so bad ly it dropped dead the birds cheery notes had always welcom ed the customers miss marjorie hall chose sides for an amusing game with a sweet treat for all the contest ants mrs cutts had a mystery bag game with marjorie hall receiving the prize the meeting closed with the lords prayer and wi grace a bountiful lunch was enjoyed with assorted salads and dainty des serts mrs anderson expressed thanks to the hostess for her home and miss nora kenney of fered her home for the june meeting hall done soon maybe open an open weekend is being tentatively planned by members of acton citizens band when the public would be welcome to see their new band hall the location jusl townside of warren grove in a cluster of trees is a lovely one and the weekend program might include an outdoor concert there with tours inside other possibilities are being considered its hoped the hall will be com pleted soon almost every night of the week the hall is in use lor practices and for work bees some will be inside il for the first lime tonight at the civic night dinner fair displays out in arena fourteen lady directors ijy the acton agricultural society met at the home of mrs clifford storey on thursday evening may 5 mrs melvin mccullough presi dent called the meeting to order and mrs w j mcdonald read the minutes of previous meeting and the treasurers report word has been received from two of the judges who have ac cepted to come to acton fair the ladies are waiting to hear from the third one mrs c storey mrs d math ews and mrs james mcculloch were appointed to help look after the baby show for acton fair the school work etc is to be dis played in the arena section of the community centre this year plans were made to see about purchasing another trophy for ethel brant monture essay com petition various items of busi ness were discussed the meeting was closed and a dainty lunch was provided by the hostess assisted by mrs w lin ham and mrs mcdonald the thanks of the meeting was- expressed to the hostesjs and lunch committee by mrs wil liam thompson the acton free press thursday may 12 1966 in court only three traffic offenders ap peared in milton court monday after being charged by acton opp detachment fines totalled 100 with a total of 15 court costs the ontario association of fire fighters will hold its annual meeting in milton on saturday august 13 the decoration dav commit tee met last night wednesday plans arc proceeding for the an nual community event in june high school athletes taking part in the annual track and field day events tuesday broke out in goose pimples and shivered in the cold as fhev stood waiting lor iheir events they even en- eounl redsnow the purpose of corda central ontario regional devel opment council was explained lo milton council by acton may or les duby at their meeting monday from halton acton and nassagaweya have agreed lo par ticipate milton councillors were envious of actons 4951 ratio of ssess merit many bonfire permits have been issued fire chief mick holmes says theyre free why doesnt the weatherman push the warm button the newest homes under con struction at the far end of lake- i view subdivision will be an at- j tractive addition to the town there are three already sold j which will be completed before j long the georgetown herald also carried the news slory about father v j morgan observing 25 years al acton father morgan looked after the spiritual needs of the georgetown catholics for h years from 1941 to 1956 when st josephs acton and holy cross georgetown became sep- erateparishes erin and acton high school students competed together tues day in the annual track and field events for the first time the reason for the dual role was mil ton and georgetown schools en tering a higher class leaving only acton and erin schools in the b competition winners will represent respective schools al cwossa events in memoriam cards the acton auxiliary north halton association for the mentally retarded have available in memoriam cards which may be used at the time of a bereavement available at rumleyshoemaker funeral home u 3m stationery 56 mill st e acton tel 8532030 jcjcn6 a ejeicttc eic r jfeajt jfuvittecjit let us assist you with your plans for that all important wedding day comk in np mi ol k lomillle stluilon ok tr77s tvyiifmf ua75 isfokmals accls50r1ls your chcict rf vcc l ttfi end ax estrfpr r sewt your rddinp imitation announcrnirnti and acccmones itli complete confidence a to quality and correctness of form ue also hal iuison m 1 an wkpiinc narkis matches and cake boxls wetcoma wagon international with ovtr 5000 hostesses has mora than thirty years experience in fostering good will in business and community lift for mora informa tion about wekoi agon bob kanerva guest speaker a wellattended meeting of the acton auxiliary north halton as sociation for the mentally re tarded was held on may 5 at the home of mrs n price bower ave the meeting opened with a prayer read by the president mrs r louttet and minutes of the april meeting read by mrs j bickman treasurers report by mrs r knapton reported s2635 accumu lated from the sale of raffle tick- els for the pandabear and si8050 from the sale of moose tickets annual campaign mrs louttet reported approxi mately 1700 envelopes mailed in the acton area posters were dis played in store windows with place mats decorating restaurant tables for mental retardation week volunteers were requested to assist in he workshop at horn by transportation was a prob lem for the group mrs louttet reported the milton auxiliary was now assisting future plans included a raffle for a lamp and blanket to be drawn at the fall fair in acton and a quilt at the november bake sale association president bob kan erva made his appearance at 8 pm as planned and jjave anjkfc tremely interesting account of the organization he explained we rreed to build up our associ ation he spoke of the purpose of the auxiliary the destiny of funds raised operation costs of th adult workshop in hornby and explained jt was functional but needed additional equipment administered- he spoke at some length on retardation and how further pro blems could result in later life if help is not given early air kanerva reported a special committee on a residential community conducting a pro gram for an ilbed unit to be erected in 1967 he stated a meet ing was in progress that same evening in conclusion a question and answer period was conducted and lunch was seryed from love 1 1 bros modern meat market shoulder roast of beef 69 lb rolled prime rib roast 89 c lb lean ground beef c ib phone 8530945 f- nel welcome newcomers use this coupon to let know youre here manic rlddruss fown picjisc hivc the wclcoio- wjiyon iiohtcs cjii on me i would like to subscribe to the acton free press i already subscribe to the acton free press fill out coupon and mall to circulation dept the acton free press m avxvkxkm luellf small link sausage 59 49 c lb stock your freezer now sides hinds fronts cut and wrapped at no extra charge lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acton phone 8532240 daily delivery mrs e briggs of stewarttown receiving 500 from r a morrison shell sales representative shell dealer bill toth at whose garage the winning portion was received is shown centre theres still plenty of time for you to collect matching bills in act you could win a trip overseas s500 100 50 10 or s2 the next time you drive in to a white rose or shell station offer expires june 4th 1966 v 9- white rose takeoff with shell i v brought to yon by shell canada limited and its white rose and shell dealers from coast to coast

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