Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1966, p. 4

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i i i i i x the acton frafe sax shursiay a4ay j2 19no pounding the sports beat acton will have a gills softball team classilivd as- in termediate plavmg in a league clwilic rhomson eonln med this week there was such a laige turnout o interested plaxeis loi last saturdays workout constcleiation is also being giwn to uinning a house league exclusneh loi the gals the acton entt eoached bv fiank spiehogel and managet by charlie thomson will be known as acton wildcats before von hint thats an appropnate name- loi the gals wed like to mention that the team is going to be pni t ol a loin team league which includes tergus eloia and guelph the wildcats paidon itu the gals will be weaung gold sweaters with black sleeves as soon as the league repicsenintixe was com meed the belles hereabouts were ol a cabbie suitable lor bis ciicuit an eccuie was elected piesident is ka chisbolm secictaiv donna lands borough and tieasurei is joanne i irnlshorough one ol the first duties ol the new executive is to seek suitable lnsuiaiiee coveiage in the event someone is lniuied its likely the gals will be playing under the lights tor their home games but no specific night has been set yet schedules j and other details will be settled when the league holds its first meeting it is possible the league might expand beyond four teams i how much does it cost to run an intermediate hockev team for an eritire season a lecent execulive meeting of acton tanncis in which the past seasons expenses wen reviewed will help to eleai ihv pietuie it will sin pnse ou total expenses for the eai amounted to ovei s 700 00 with out including all the peisonal oulol pexket disbuisements membei s of the executive and some plaveix midi foi tiavclling and sundiies biggest item was si 217 00 which venl for ice time secietarv treasurer george haggett cakulated the tanncis paid s22 00 an houi for use of the communitv centie including practice times next laigcst expense which took a s927 00 slice out of the pa packet was equipment a moi poition of that s627ix went to the slick companies sticks seemed to be even more brittle over the past season countless limns ot icpau woik tiainei soniiv townslex put m kept the cost down referees believe it oi not eosi the club s462 00 some fans would sav the atcn t woith it but icgiicuess of opinion thev ate an expense vou can t dispense with theie s a 6040 split between the club and the tccreation eommittce relerees aie paid off the top before the gate is split 1 the woaa came in foi its share of the melon thev got field contenders for loop title have distinctive acton flavor again georgetowns intermedi i slick fielder ale baseball club will have a dis al the keystone is anothei linclive acton iluor again llus slick i ielhng at ionian denis fib staff photo expenses the club 34100 out of club colfeis loi the umi il lees medicil including insuiance whieh tlie elub nines eost sh000 had more than its sbaie of miunes ovei the p ist season most serious of xvhich was the bioken kg bob maishall ji sufleied earlv in the season at oianpeville travel according to the ledgeis took onh s90 00 but that figure of course does not include the eai expenses tluown in as part of the penaltv paid loi bemii asoeiiteel with l hockev club there were other items such as advertising phone calls dry cleaning etc which tacked on considerable more exdense fortunately the players are amateur in fact as well as name they are not paid contrary to what anyone may have told you president ray mason review ins the season just p ist congratulated all those associited with the tanncis he was cspe ciallv appieciativc ol the coopcialion the club received tiem hcib ritchie and his stall it the aiem we had the best ice in the league be pointed out bai none there vvasn t anvthing thc woukln t do j oi us heie at the arena to help out he praised the press the suppo t of fans which once again helped the tanners ton the le lguc in itfcndancc beardmoic and co sponsors and thf help thr tinm r fiom individuals as sisting as goal iiielces timekcepcis ancl on the gate specific mention was made of secretary tieasuiei george haggett who took our the p st liom ihc late rac west nvid did a tine ob he singled out sonnv iouiisilv si foi the uav in vehich he handled the equipment again will the club be hack next season yep unless theres a major catastrophe vou can bet the tanners will be in there next winter hunting for the elusive crown which has escaped them the past five seasons and it could be either as an oh or woaa club beat bits congratulations in dave rvder and dannv arbu who hir intcrmeii ite ch union ind senior runnerup re spcclncv n the john t roe- held ehx rccentlv dave bioke two school leorek in tie ho put i id the 1 ny iuinp as he swept to he intermediate c rove n wtiic dan w s onh i point behind the chanp on n k s cu m ih senin c ov i the ontario hockev association eleij j i v wi extend thi popuation limit to 7 500 i jt int b h suv n x i-n- ji mi tile previous s 000 categoiv oakville is e enn i jr c te im m t lie oiu next season parrv sound shamrocks eef ited e hamburg hahns to take the j c champion hip th se is jn hi ins eliminated georgetown raiders vvno in i i mi i d milton merch in s the cool un seasenablc wc it he hi in eric eel with workouts bv te mis interest cd in cntennc the i mn sdthil leacnc bui the weatherman pro niises a return ti sp mj like le nipei it ores bv the weekend murray marchment dednscmin with acton tanners this season has left lor austi ih i vw h tw i othe r c in ulians to pi iv hockev in the down unelci vemij s don crane is ictuining to new leiuncllanel veheic his i illur is seimuslv ill two new interccunty entries balance pair of withdrawals dropouts trom the intcicoun somen ille tv softball lcaruc will be nplac 1 hi unscasomble weather has ed b two new entnes liom euiliiled woikouts bv the clubs the falcons swooped to victory in the acton friends bowling league to cop the champion ship the team received individual trophies during the banquet saturday night at the legion front row left to right are dodie mcgilloway captain joyce blundell and jackie papillon back row left to right are jim milne and don archibald harlley coles missing when photo was taken was see busy summer season for kelso phns foi a busv summer are be ing loimulatcd loi the keko conservation area a popuiai vpot leu picnickeis swimmers ind fishermen the scenic area is located thiee miles west ol milton ind offers ideal lacihties loi people who eniov getting out in the summei sun once it ar nves since the opening of the tioiii season last week anglers hive been trving their luck rt glen eden lake and the stream below the dam but the open ing or the swimming and picnics ing season depends primarily on the weather the large 107 x 65 foot swimming pool and the adjoining wading pool will hkelv be opened aiound the first ef june both pools as well as th swimming area at the north end ol the lake are closelv patrolled rockvvood and gcoigstown this season both ac ton i g a ind omah failed to hie cntues this se ison but the league will iemain a live teim ciicuit including last veai s holdovers glen williams hills butgh and actons station hotel the geoigetown ic ml nucleus of which will be chavvn liom pi iv ers who loimed the domtar club which pi ivxel m eton town let gue last season will plav its home games m glen williims paik there ate no lights in gceige town ex ac tomans bill sonic i ville alike george ancl juiuoi beaumont all loiniei domtai plaveis piovidcd ihc spai k loi the club rockvvood s upicscnt vtive at organization meeting last week was dick dupius i he rockvvood entiv is expected to be a powei in the league which hillsbmg topped i ist sc ison rockvvoeici and hillsbmg meet in the league opener ihuiselav mav 26 president scottv patterson et georgetown called the meeting to discuss the upcoming season and ai range d ltes acton s station squad was rep resented bv mel sheppard hills burgh bv jack hunter rockwood bv dick dupuis glen williams bv harold ike inghs and georje town by mike lorusso and bih but most h ivc hid a good plavei lesptxnse foi i hoi i initial practice fins heie xs l ii be able to con line then wheeling to one team ibis season since i g a dropped out tl the league the station hotel team his alwavs had a oeile ions tollowmg which should he considerable enlarged this se ison unlucka day foi ihc supei stitious this com my tndav will be a good dav to stav in bed its fridav the 13th hhck eats laeldeis ancl other bad luck onuiis will be avoided bv those with mi pot s t i t toil s iimick bv hfeguaids and it is expected six peimanent and six oi seven part time hfeguaids will be hued this summer the laige pool w i have a new bottom installed last tall ind a iresh coat oi paint when the swimming season starts the pools will be open and lifeguards will be on dutv on j weekends from the inst ol june i til the mart of hohdavs trom then on the pools will be guaiel ed and open loi use everv d iv of the week and swimming les sons will be started miss peggv fit7patnck ol oakville will be the head instructress for the lc sons f m provemen t s arc currently being made at the rattlesnake point conseivalion area on the mountain a new road is being developed from the one parking lot in the aici to the othei paik ing lot the fencing of a 75 acie are i where five buffalo will be kept will begin in the near lutuie and a lookout aiea is being extend ed so visilois will be able to sc the bullalo from the lookout ai ea on top of ihe escarpment halton countv museum in kelso conservation aiea is opeiii year round but attendance his alreadv begun to registei the summer increase using plastic pipe for golf courses more golf coures m canada will be lush and gieen this veal due to the increasing use of plas tic pipe in imgatiem sv stems ovei 100 gell courses alieath have installed cai ion m of pvc pipe manufactuicd bv micie plas tics division of building products of canad i i muted and at leasl 25 othei clubs aie now installing these pipvs in new oi expanded nngation svstems so much plastic pipe has been instilled in golf course irugiiion newcomer impresses season beginning with ihe coach whos none othei than clivlon dude lindsay the gianfs will be cut ting a swit h through the eight team league with at least six ac ton playeis in the lineup and an othei pan available fer recall fiom the juveniles the fust lew piactices indicate ihe team could be a leal contvndei dean ol ihe acon contingent which helped the georgetown ciew to their most successful baseball season lavt veal is jim i indsav eldest of dudes bovs inn hurls from the folk siele of the slab coaxing the opposition to bite on his last lull along with beinie dore a league select he was ihe mainstay ol the giants pitching platoon last season sox star this year thee ii have some ex peit help from don westbrook a geoigctown resident whe has plaved a leading idle with crce more red sox ovei the past few seasons don commuted to cree- moie foi games in 1965 but he round the travelling too arduous so hes inked a gcorgctewn con i i act this season along with dannv arbic who doubles as a thud baseman the giant pitching staff could be one of the best in the league i behind thv plate the giants have don i iniisiv mother acton product and the winner jf the most valuable plaur award last season don is one of if not ihe best defensive catchers in the league i at fust basx the le im has bill campbell a big buskv lad who wields a potent bit the team will be counting on him te plav i leading lolc in the battel s box this season svstems across canada that it can now be considered as stand ud foi this purpose clubs which had installed conventional metal pipe svstems now usuallv use plastic pipe in ienexeme or ex lending these svstems plastic pipe has high tensile strength and glees low friction loss it resists ill corrosion due to soil and water and also resists ihe effects ol stiong artificial fer iiliei s bons dcnis showed signs late in the season ol eli velopmg into a consistent hftlei last veu i lie team will be counting on denis to covei second bi c as if he still owned it his clients theie last season almost eonnneeel the league he eliel toweling high in the skv foi the giants at shortstop will be pete 1 awson uiothci acton lad who just lectin iv joined the tanks of ihe heridicls pete covers a lot ol giound at shoi t is the opposition found out but tin wu lies been hitting the hall in piae tices this season he could ilso becemt the long bill luitci ilu team counts on pete sap icn mal all stai selection foi the league completing the almost ill ac tein infield is dannv aibic w ho s harold townsley new president softball ass n harold townsley was elected president of the acton softball association at a meeting in the community centre mondav eve ning he succeeds ted pope as head of the association phil scotty mccrislall was returned as secretary treasurer and hell be assisted by charlie thomson prospects for the town league this season looked encouraging with four teams signifying theyll be filing entries they are ledgers i g a station ho tel the legion and a new entry sponsored by herb dodds de livery dropouts are the fire fighters dominion hotel and georgetown domtar an organization meeting of the league will be held next tuesday at 7 pm in the com munity centre still voung enough to wear a liiverule unilorm and does dannv s a win on ih basepaths and lie e in leallv clobhei a ball the le im is counting on his spccel ami knack loi the clutch blenv s jason tie ids an all star in lieldn from impbcllford will be bolstcnng the giant infield this season and brian mccristall anothei acton outfield product can h indie the third base chores when he s called on otherwise brian sticks to the enitfield where he s alternated between right and centre field depending on the choiex of hittels c ipiam lorn james has the left held post n uled down and in nhi hdel is f irl bint speed steis who spccialic in gobbling up those long flies deseiibcd is ihc ke te the icain last sc isein cspecialk for his ibihtv to come through in the pine lies is jim j imes whos m ill round utihiv plavei jim e in fit m anvvvheic ind olten docs ii the teim needs it thev can i ilso count on calling up phil m iro mcl dave rvder from the liiveines these two attejn bovs iic expected to piovielc some ol the bench stieiiglh i club reeels o e impele in ihe lough eompeti lion in the le lguc i fiis game loi the giants will be in geoigctown when thev heist the le iguc s pcienniil champs c irnpbellville mcichints 34 minor teams in halton action interest in hilton countv min or bill is it a peak this season and at i sc he luled meeting on monel iv nmht more th m v rep rcscniiiivcs showed up thinv lour minoi te mis five tvkt si pec wee cub bantam seven ldjei and eight juvenile entiles will be competing lor di v ision clove lis fires three shutout innings merch anthnrersqu ad game saif thot jimmy holmes son of mr and mrs frank holmes rvac donald boulevard caught this 13inch speckled beauty a few miles from town over the weekend when the young angler cleaned the fish he found a smaller one inside two for the price of one is goad catching village midgets begin workouts newcomei ralph rintoul fired three sceirclcss innings on sunda afternoon and veterans george chester and stu king belted loftv heime runs to highlight a camp bellville meiehant inei squad game rintoul a fireballmg ugh hander was especiallv shaip as he shut out the hcltv hilling merch ints foi three innings and possiblv earned the right to start the villageis inst league game next wednesday in georgetown experienced merchant lefties jack roberts and gary field each thievv three innings giving up t single run each utihtv man gearge chestei who wasnt cx peeled bick with ihe team this spring belted a home run off thi olfenngs ol fiid and king lag ged a robcts pitch for his loin baggei veteran merchant rmhthandei hairv hamilton hurled three in workouts began this week for ihe campbellville midgets and so lr coach gaiv tield and nianag er tom mitchell are pleased with mngs and gave up two runs john vhat thc ve seen i usten and bill dennis hot h about 20 showed up for the i opening workout handled bv the team s new coach halton cenmtv intermediate stai garv ticld the midgets scheduled to start then season in milton on ma 21 will have a mound staff of garnet mil chell bill dennis and john aus ten h s holden optometrist 36 cork st east guelph phone ta 27150 manure compost weed free steam sterilized lawns gardens shrubs cash and carry mcnair mushroom farm 25 highway limited 8532759 members of the village midget squ id pitched a single inning and austen allowed three runs garv field returning to the team after a two ir absence reports his arm is feeling fine the former halton countv all star works as a firefighter in guelph but believes he uent miss niejre than 10 league games wool realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own organization ship collect to our registered warehouse no 1 weston ontario obtain sacks and twins without charge from archie kerr son rr 2 acton cam fraser shearer r r 3 acton or by writing to canadian cooperative wool growers limited 40 st clair avwiue east toronto 7 ontario express buses to greenwood mau4joljline leave acton direct to the track saturdays and monday may 23 1 1 25 am return fare 325 includes admission return buses start loading after last race wiles bus depot 18 mill st g l adams agent telephone 8532600 educational funds through fife insurance hwhum comtal iain williams 1 elizab dr acton 8531897 sun i iff assurance company of canada roller skating acton arena bowl for pleasure bowl for health well guarantee youll enjoy yourself acton bowling lanes 10 main st n member obpa 8530170 opening night saturday may 14 8 pm to 10 pm open three nights per week tuesday thursday saturday roller skate rental booth facilities learn to roller skate to music its easy its fun its healthful dancing in auditorium follows skating saturdays 10 pm to 12 pm ai3dvs oadivy i rrh

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