Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1966, p. 7

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16 esquesing farms century in same name the discovery of a large num ber of familiar names on an 1858 hal ton map led to the finding of 16 esquesing township farms which have been continually worked by the same family for over five generations tketamily farms still operating are owned by vray besscy con cession 7 ted brown con 5 ward brownridge con 7 charles davidson con 3 john devereaux con 7 wr fisher con 5 wil frid harding con 6 george hen derson con 7 thomas joyce con 4 don lindsay con 7 john and william robertson con 2 frank robertson con 3 joseph ross con 5 arthur rudclell con 7 wallace swackhamer con 4 mrs whaley con 17 the ontario junior farmers as sociation asking for help from municipalities in their centennial project of identifying farms such as these with century farm signs sought the information and township clerk k c lindsay un earthed the names for them government loans to cover crop loss some halton county farmers will be eligible to obtain an in terestfree loan from the ontario government of up to si 000 be cause of crop losses in 1965 the announcement made re cently by ontario minister ol agri culture william stewart indicat ed interestfree loans to a maxi mum of 1000 will be allowed for the purchase of seed and fertiliz er and will be available to larm- crs who suflcred 25 nor cent or more crop losses in 1965 haltons agricultural represent ative henry stanley noted that several halton farmers could qualify due to the drought which existed last summer and also due to the poor weather in the fall which prevented the harvesting ol same com crops forms available applications for obtaining the interestfree loans can be picked up at the agricultural office in milton or at any bank in the county the loans will be avail able for the purchase of all types of seed tobacco and t o ma t o plants and also lor the purchasing of fertilizers in view of the fact that many farmers have already purchased or have made arrangements to purchase their seed and fertilizer the loan will be made retroactive to january 1 of this year and will be interest free until march 31 1967 the agricultural minister said cross at comers auto club warning teach your child to cross nt the corner urges h w hilder traffic safety director of the ha milton automobile club in an ap peal lo parents two out of ev ery three children killed or injur ed in traffic were crossing be tween intersections at the time of the accident he continued accident investigations show that in most cases drivers are unable to avoid being involved in child pedestrian accidents be cause ot the impetuous dangerous actions ol children running out into he street between intersec tions this indicates that we must exert special el fort to make out children understand the dangers ol crossing at locations other than intersections expected at corners impress upon your children the logic of crossing onlv at cor ners it is here that signs signals and marked crosswalks are plac ed to assist them to cross salelv mr hilder said drivers expect lo meet pedestrians at intersec tions and are more likelv to show pedestrians greater courtes juniors haltons junior farmers have held a variety of queen and princess titles over the past lewjavears but a new title was cieated saturday evening when wilma mason ot noral junior farmer club was selec ted as halton junior fainicv queen ior 1966 wilma selected bv a popular vote over two contestants at the halton juniors annual se- mifoimal dance in paradise gardens near guelph satin duv is the lust young lady to wear the crown in recent years girls from the county have held the titles of halton queen ol the fur row at local plowing matches unci one won the onta io queen ol the furrow contest last eir halton annually na mes a halton dairy princess and thev compete for the title ol ontario dairy piincess at hie cne retarded too can love honor obey bills father went ito a boy scout meeting with him last week the floor was covered with rope the scoukall mentally re- t anled were learning their knots bv tving not bv reading about it now the lather knew why bill 13 learned recently to tie his own shoes retarded bovs liko il young sters respond to concrete mean ingful experiences the scout laws are understandable to them and they too can learn to love honor and obey this in another wiiv in which lile lor retarded children is being enlarged and made more meaningful you can help constructive pro grams like these with a gilt today to ihe north halton association for i lie mentally retarded flow ers ol hope fund purchase cow clenafton shamrock pusv was bought by george and l h leav er campbellville at the national holstein sale at oakville lor sl- 600 she was consigned bv glen- ilton farms alliston osprinoe clear view at gift shop sold wr and mrs a bulloch own ers ol the china and gift shop on the corner have sold their buildings to the department of highways and in turn have pur chased a store in alton bid ate not moving tor a while their buildings and the robertson store acioss the road are both to be demolished lor a etea view cor ner at ihe junction ol highwas 24 and 25 mr and mrs fred baptie mi and mrs murray millson and lainilv guelph mrs etta burden eden mills mrs ada m lambert rockvtood mr and mrs clillorcl pratt ottawa mr and mrs george ciiiickshank miss ger trude watson hillsburg were re cent visitors with mrs m jack son holiday in new york mr and mrs john vander special training some 5000mentally retarded child i en whose intelligence is less than hall that ol normal children are now being trained to a high degree ol sellcare and a fair de gree ol seltsufliciencv at some 50o special schools operated bv local associations lor retarded hililren across canada u queen ir m a ottuarv funeral service held for mrs bert keates a member of the acton recrea tion committee up to the time of her illness three months ago mrs bert keates 120 elizabeth drive j died may 3 in guelph general hospital funeral service was held friday may 6 in london with j rev dwight engel ol trinilv un- ited church officiating the former emilv eugenia moore was born in wallacetoun ontario and was a graduate ol western universitv and taught public school in london prioi to her marriage in london juk 24 1951 beside her husband bert keates and daughter mary she leaves to mourn her loss her mother mis- ulilli mooie and two brothers john and stuait all of london she and her daughter followed mr keates to acton after he op ened keates oigan compain in acton of which h is piesident mrs keates was an ardent work er with trinity united church ex plorers group until he i health began to tail she was tond ol flowers ami boa tiny she was also a memhei ol the acton oil painting class the bodv rested at the rumch- shocmakcr funeral home until wednesday mav 4 and was trans ferred to a millard and george funeral home london when- funeral service was held intei- ment was in wcodlawn cemelei london pallheaieis included kenneth clarke gait ian k gugan and ben soulmer rock- wood harold gihs park hill- maurice comlort thotnhill and fred eagan ot london mch year active junior in selecting miss mason as their 1966 queen the jun iors chose a girl who has con tributed much to the junior fanner program oer the ears the daughter of mr and mrs wilmer mason ol 49 swanhurst blvd slice- die x she was educated at oakville- trafalgar high school while the lainilv fai medjn arth oakville last september thev sold the tarm and moved to a house in richview heights a subclmsion at the north end ot streetsville but wilma and her sister ruth have kept ip their interest in norval junior farrnei s wilma took three 4h home- making clun projects then joined junior farmers about three years ago she was press leporter lor the club last year and is secretary ot the juivor institute this year since grad uation liom brampton busi ness college wilma has woik ed lvo years as a secretary at american motois near bramp ton sings in trio she and her sister are popu lar singers and along with jov havvvard ot acton they form ed ihe halton junior farmer trio which topped a provincial trio singing competition ear lier this year thev often sing as a tiio at junior farmer ui- iheiings her prizes at saturdays lor mal included a queens sash 13 red loses and the crown wilma reports she was thrill ed as it was her first victory 7n this type of contest af though she was one of six conlestants for a miss bram pton business college crown two vears ago also competing for the title at saturdays dance were ac ton junior farmers judv brit- ton and palermo juniors nom inee verna thompson vlugt spent a weeks holiday in new york and report ihe weather quite disagreeable and cold visitors during ihe weekend at mrs c heilmers mr and mrs douglas robertson and lamilv miss margaret mclvor guelph mr and mrs ken robertson and daughters oakville mr and mrs reg carter and karen strwlord mr and mrs laveine carter bur lington and mr stanjsmilh st lacobs armchair tour members and iriends ol the os- pringe womens institute had as their guests ahe 4h ihomeniaking club the ospringe blue bon nets were taken on an armchair tour ol australia on wednesd v evening when miss verity mcin tosh a grade one teacher at ro bert little school acton gave a most vivid and interesting res ume ot her homeland the speaker told ol the climate the industries the geographical aspects ol the country and the educational system intermingled with manv amusing incidents one could close ones eves and picture the isjand alter healing such an interesting account give speeches in a recent oiatorical contest sponsored bv ihe ontario hvdro in the schools the two girls who came fust in the local school were also present and gave their speeches nancy fuukner speak ing on sir winston churchill and linda mckenie on florence nightongale these were excel lent anil a credit to both girls who have good prospects as pub lic speakers miss doris fines introduced members ol the 4h clubaiul her assistant leader mrs c hurren the girls modelled theii hats and tiedved scarves thev had made the exhibit thev had loi achieve ment dav was also on display and laurel stubbington gave the com- mental v name delegates delegates to the district annual at belwood on mav 18 are miss doris fines mrs l archibald 2425 junction to department met mrs w milton a commit lee lor the final eu- ohre was named mrs m jack son mrs g grundy mrs h theiker and mrs c slorey miss doris fines presided lor lle interesting piogram arranged bv mrs g f aitken and mrs d g robe nl son mrs s fuller read the minutes and detailed linancial statement and several thank you notes mis george young acton was hostess lor the meeting attended bv 26 mrs dan winter extended the courtesies and mrs g aitken and the club girls assisted in serv ing dainty retremments mrs c storey who has moved from the community to crew- sons coiners invited the ladies to her home lor the june meet ing attend banquet a number ot couples from this community ait tended the truck ers banquet and dance on satur day evening at bingeinans park kitchener mr ii fullers friends were pleased lo learn he was able to leave the guelph hospital and is presently staving with his son stan and mrs fuller and lamilv mrs george hardv guelph is visiting with her daughter and soninlaw dr ben and mrs win- grove saturday wedding mrs david stewart was a guest at the reception on saturday at the parkview motel lor mr and mis mike kellv nee catherine kingsbury whose marriage had taken place earlier in the clay sympathy is extended to the ferguson families in the passing ol their lather george ferguson the luneial was held monday in fi in new windows workmen are busy installing new windows in the local piesby lerian church mis ben klumpenhower and children ol brampton spent a couple ol days with hei paienls mi and mis k klooslei the aictnn frv prpis thursrlny aany 1 19oo 7 township calls public meeting over proposed wrecking yard an application lor a wrecking i over the increased trallic on ihe yard licence in nassagavveva guelph line due to the business township bv laverne warden ol it staled the application should milton has laileil toicccive the not be considered lor the location appioval ol the township plan- j the proposed locution for the ning board the application will business is on ihe guelph line now he ihe topic ol a meeting ol i north of mohawk raceway council latopavers who might be mcmlu o toun discussed directly al i eeled by the proposed lhc lp witn mr p business and the applicant i alk mr w lor nearly an mr warden anil his solicitor j hour reeve william coulter sug- ii c funk presented the applica gested council should contact lion al a iveeni meeting ol conn- the ratepayeis in ihe immediate cil at that iimccouniil lonvard- area before making a final deci- ed the application to the plan ning hoard lor its perusal al the monday night meeting of township council a planning hoard motion dealing with ihe application was read the motion indicated concern about the pos sible devaluation ol homes in the aiva due to the operation ol a wiclkiny vaid and also concern sjon it was understood n meet ing would he held as soon as possible likelv within two weeks red cross is always there with your help miiton leshi 87e thursfrisat may 121314 sergeant deadhead in color 1rankir avalon dfborah wa1ihy jamboree in marathon cartoon whiz quiz kid matinee saturday at 2 pm m3n7tueswed way 161718 the cincinnati kid in color stfvk mcoufen ann margret cartoon mouse trouble adult entertainment thursfrisat way 192021 racing fever in color ion morrison adult kntrrtainment go go mania in color all star variety show includes the beatles hermans hermits show times monday through thursday 8 pm friday and saturday at 7 and 9 pm reeve coulter stresses need for new formula to balance assessment development of a lormula which would enable nassayawvya township to oveiiome its cur rent ovei balance ol laim anil iisillential assessment was urged bv reeve william coulter on monday evening speaking follow inj the approv al ol the townships l null rale ihe reeve stated the tie mands lor impiovements within the ttmiiship will lontinue to piow and unless something is done te oveuome the cmstini oveibalantc 70 per lent lesulen tial and laim assessment and w pei cent commercial and nidus trial the mill late will skvrosk el fxpei is miyeest an ideal bal aike i s r0 pei lent lesidential and tarm and 40 per cent nimmei lial and uidusti iil he pointed to the lac i the population is mi leasing at an al most aliiiiiiiij late and although- theie is a ihance tor about one hall million dollais in assessment liom the joskev club addition at mohawk raceway and ihe pro posed niotelsei v kc station aim pley 1 don t think it is enoueh toi a reasonable balance reevv coultei said he was a little skeplilii about appiovine a lull suhiliv ision even though he said 1 tealie we like to ciinsoli dale i esulen iil development lo me this poses a ere at pioblem when vnu anisulci we have iso land separations already that have et lo be built on we have to show some lorm ol euaiantee to ourselves that the mill late vvil not always be skv rocketing and this means yeltmii some aildition- al conimcicial and industrial as sessment he indicated he didnt think council should tiv to pievent lunidiiii on the iso lots but he did believe theies a need lor a lornuila to be woiked out he i siil fie has been tivme lor a measure ot coopeiation with sailioi boaid and planning roard ami noted this is a veiv serious pioiloin and we have to take a lone hud look at it deputy reeve wiliim hoev siigltoled a need loi some meth oil ol publkime thy 1ownship in ouiei to attrut nulustiiil de ie pnient both conrk illoiv mis vnn 1k- ithtir ami ross mrdon said the new iv loimcd central ontaiio re tionil divciotiment association corpm would be ol assistaiilc in t in wav i iik leases at lei ting tu aiuhis sections ot tie township loi all pin poses aie as follows milton llieh school iei vd milton fic v i a up nulls m lie isc smii huh school el ail cton fic vci ssi nulls ci case its goin to be o really big train to toronto askabout convenient departure and return times for information phon the local cn fumoom sato offic canadian national sez lion vince mounrford entertainer and mc of acton lion clubs round up 66 tickets are on sale now from any lions club member the show will feature the rhythm pals stars of tommy hunter s tv and radio show chuck ford and his band the choraliers our singing mayor joyce carpenters dancers pairs and squares acton citizens band sat june 11 acton community centre reserved seats 150 seating plan in simpsons window rush seats children 100 75c and its so easy to order them just call the classified advertising department 8532010 acton free press you may also place your order for classified want ads at our dills stationery stored 8534030 theres a qualified adattendant waiting to receive your coll

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