Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1966, p. 9

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lobsters and syrup the saps running but in nova scotia hund- reds of thousands of dollars are going unhorvest- ed most farmers in this part of the country dont feel its worthwhile to tap trees and make syrup hn somer respects- maplesyropissimilar to lobster its a gourmet food produced in only a few places in the world the sugar maple does not grow in europe or asia or africa or australia or south america even irti north america the sugar maple grows only in npva scotia new brunswick on tario quebec and a corner of northeastern usa canada produces two million gallons of syrup a year 25 per cent of which is processed into maple sugar the country has trees to pro duce ten times as much two things are being done in other parts of the country to make the sap harvest profitable we recall the first planned sugar maple forest we saw a few years previously the farm- er had set out trees in orderly rows when this man harvested his sap he drove the sleigh be tween neat rows of trees reaching scarcely more than arms length for the buckets he could fill a barrel in a few minutes he gathered more sap in one hour than in two days of the former haphazard method of scrambling through a dense woodlot the other step necessary for profits is in marketing pure chocolate can be bought for less than a dollar a pound yet people gladly pay two or three dollars a- pound when the pro duct is moulded into various shapes and attrac tively packaged its the same with maple syrup in a plain jar with a plain label it is not in great demand on the local market yet buyers in distant cities pay three times as much when the product is in a fancy bottle with an attractive label when maple sugar is moulded into fancy designs and is offered in fancy boxes in the big city it brings a fancy price efficient processing methods and enterprise in marketing have resulted in a thriving lobster industry in nova scotia similar skills and imagination could provide a golden harvest from this provinces sugar maples what better time to start than canadas centennial year the pictou ns advocate there is hope in canada one child in every 30 is born or is destined to become mentally retarded thats more than 1 7000 each year and each one needs special care and attention the north halton association for retarded children has accepted the challenge of meeting the need locally first in the establishment of the sunshine school and now in the establishment of hope where young adults may learn some useful skills and contribute a share toyvards a productive future this is vital work and the invitation has gone out with flowers of hope seeds to all to participate financially in the program plant the seeds and sow a financial donation to the re tarded childrens association where it may be productive of a better opportunity for one jife the 5000 objective is realistic and nec essary in the continuation of the work play your part this week by returning your envelope lets play bridge by bui grata it is usual in a bridge game to use dummys trump to ruff losers and use declarers trump to extract the opponents trump occasionally a hand occurs in which this process is reversed the play has been given the name dummy reversal declarer ruffs in his hand and uses dummys trump to take out trump playing at the erin bridge club last week such a hand did occur i was sitting north and my partner in the south posi tion was my wife her dummy reversal brought home a diffi- cult game contract dealer east north south vulnerable north so 7 6 2 h j 9 7 3 da k q cq 10 west s j 8 5 ha 8 5 2 d 7 6 4 2 c 6 5 east s 10 4 hk o 10 4 d 10 3 c a j 8 4 2 south ss k 9 3 h 6 d j 9 8 5 c k 9 7 3 north 1 d 4s the bidding east south west pass 1 c pass pass 1 s pass all pass south has a minimum opener but such hands must be bid at the first opportunity i decided to get fancy with norths hand i didnt want to guess which ma jor to bid so i temporized with one diamond when south show ed a four card spade suit i jumped straight to game with any lead but a heart dec larer has time to developjlca t ricks four diamonds and a spade ruff as it was though west got off to a heart lead declarer ruffed the second round now if south draws trump she could easily lose two more hearts and the ace of clubs which would mean down one south should ruff the second heart and try for a dummy re versal a diamond to dummy and another heart is led and ruffed now the two high trump arc ta ken and dummy is entered again with a diamond dummys queen of spades serv es to take out the last of the op ponents trump while declarer gets rid of a club dummys last diamond is cashed and declarer reenters her hand with a club to scotland delegate visits here in june miss elsie gall of aberdeen shire scotland will be visiting in halton county for two weeks during june miss gall is one of the nine young farmer delegates from rhe united kingdom partici pating in an annual exchange vis it conducted by the junior farm er association of ontario and the young farmers clubs of the v k while they are here the young farmers will live with host farm families in all areas of the prov ince their counterparts in the exchange leave toronto inter- tiational airport on may 137 tor a 10week visit to britain where they will be guests of farm fam ilies take the tenth trick with the jack of diamonds a dummy reversal was used here to avoid losing three hearts but it can also be used to deve lop tricks when dummy has long trump think about using your trump to ruff and dummys trump to take out trump last weeks winners were tied for first mrs katherinc coats and gerry reynolds with bill hamilton and tom warner third bill barbour and gloria coats the w 014 haty 20 years ago taken from the issue or the free press of thuraday may 9 i94 inspector jennings lias given verbal approval u having an upper school class in acton pro viding seven pupils sigmlied their desire to make up the class the salary schedule for the pub lic school principal was set at 2000 jo 2500 with un otter to mr g mckcnzicior next year at 2100 the board ol managers of knox church entertained at a testimonial banquet lor men and women of the chuivh who had served in the armed lorces about 100 partook of the chicken dinner prepared toy the ladies aid so ciety those taking part in the pro gram were sm scully burton miss blanche mckiimon george musselle charles landsborough sgt hansen was accompanist mr norm wriglil thanked them on behalf of the guests mr thomson introduced the speaker of the evening ii capt john an derson m c and bar who is the only chaplain to receive a double award for distinguished ser vices the names of those who paid the supreme sacrifice were read k ii buck franklin near john gibbons gordon mclellan j t guthrie w b mccron and s w mccron staff pllolo halton county agricultural committees centennial treeplanting program was quite successful and saw 1800 trees sold to residents within a week aided by a provincial 2000 grant which the county council matched dollar for dollar the agricultural committee offered rural residents trees to beautify their property frontage at 50 cents each and 1 500 were sold about 900 of them were red maples and the remaindersugar maples and ash when they sold out in a hurry the county offered any other halton residents the same trees at the countys re duced price 3 for maples and 150 for ash arid another 300 were sold here agricultural committee members r r parker of acton w f hunter of georgetown and herb merry of oakville check over the trees which were delivered to the county building thursday and pass ed out to the purchasers friday and saturday j soya utd sfuce by bill smiley this sundays church calendar when i stand before the throne dressed in beauty not my own when i see thee as thou art love thee with unsinning heart then lord shall i fully know not till then how much i owe inline acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidcy ave ph 8531615 sunday may 15th i9e 945 am church school adult class 1100 am morning worship your privileged share 700 pm evening service an livening at camp herm- osa sponsored bv our bi1 f wcdnesdav mav 18 praver and bible study 730 thursday may 19 choir prac tice 730 friday may 20 bllf 70o ex plorers 730 text lor week you came with sword spear and shield but i come in the name of the lord of hosts 1 sain- 17 45 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master slnday may 15th 19c 945 am church school 1100 am divide worship sermon theme the king doms unveiling 730 pm youth fellowship meeting topic for discuss ion date insurance everyone most welcome bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev wiebe van dijk phone 8531585 slnday may 15th 1966 1000 am english service 230 pjn dutch service 345 pjn sunday school the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mc murray ma stb faster v sunday may 15th 1966 rogation sunday 900 am holv eucharist 1030 am church school 1030 am holy eucharist thursday may 19 the ascension xuesdav 8 evangel- pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 tuesday through friday may 10- 13 at 8 pm special ser vices with evangelist pierce dont miss this opportun ity thursday may 12 ambasd- ors cancelled friday may 13 7 pm crusaders cancelled sunday may 15th 1966 1000 am sunday school for all ages 1100 am morning worship ser- ice 700 pm livening evangelistic service evangelist jim pierce of winni peg will speak at both ser vices ot our lord eucharist 10 am holy trinity church the united church of canada minister the rev dwight i erujel bv bd organist mr cieorge elliott ma phd sunday may 15th 1966 church school u0 am grades 4 8 1100 am nurserv to grade 3 services of worship 930 am 1100 am 700 pm confirmation class 800 pm open forum viet nam eeroiie welcome pm praver and bible study thursday 8 pm crusaders the ca from dixon road tabernacle toronto will be present and take charge maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday may 15th 196 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service j wednesday 8 pm prayer meet ing acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 all across canada these days municipal councils have b e e n wrestling with the archvillain of all time a nivsleriuus monster called the budget although he is made up from a combination of concrete things like sewers and schools and streets the budget himself is an abstract thing he is like the devil you cant see hi in or hear him or even smell him you cant really understand him but vou know he is there a blind malignant creature that cannot be controlled you catj fight him and get a bloody nose you can hammer at him chisel at him chop at him and all you get are a broken ham mer a dull chisel and a blunted axe the budget is like an octopus he grows bigger every year his appetite increases his tentacles become longer and stronger ami more strangling as he grows and when ou trv to come in grips with him he exudes a cloud ol black or red ink j which obscures him irom view j of what ingredients is the bud- get composed really hes i two- headed monster a regular siam ese twin on one hand it is just a big bundle ot sugar and spice new schools new industries a new library or community centre j wider streets better lighting sewage disposal and snow plow ing progress culture civiliza tion comfort at first glance it appears that the budget is the most desirable thing man has dreamed up since the deil on the other hand he is snags and snails and puppyclog tails thats what liitle towns arc made of and big towns tin and the reason tor this ot course is that the budget this big uglv unmanageable brute w ho is impervious to human feeling fell in lol bv some chemical accident while a mere hulking hunk of a bov with a girl called milly rate most of j us know her as mill j i she is just as unprepossessing as her husband she is -stecly-ey- 1 ed relentless unscrupulous and absolutely without mercy charm i pity looks or any ul the qualities wejiurnially associate with that lovely creation known as the le- male of the species i have known mill rale since she was a girl and i am here to stale without apol ogy that she is a pig its difficult to believe that such a union could produce pm- geny but it did his name is taxes taxes career has heen about what you could expect irom such parents he was an unpleasant child irom the beginning un wanted unloved rejected at every turn whiney demanding he hasnt changed much ex cept that hes grow n he is now a big slob overled underwork ed menacing if he doesnt get his allowance right on lime sulky il some of it is held back but he has a lot of promise j around election time hes going j to cut the lawn and waslv4 hecar and paint the trim and smarten the old place up so you wont know it but somewhere along the line something went haywire he cuts the trees paints the lawn ami washes the lake and lig- uies alter one year that his al lowance is not big enough for oiiie reason and il cer tainly isnt his winning personal is taxes has become the most- talked- about man in town may ors develop dyspepsia councillors corollaries when they try to deal with this delinquent they cant he talks so incut grants systems unile quite handle him glibly ol govern- on outdoor toilet the winter win ks program and potential pothol es in the roads and with a heal 1iendrng sob ol the people council approved mr k l gre gorys plans to improve the tliealre with more seating and a new from at the annual wms seivice al the united church the speaker was dr gordon agnevv recently returned from china soninlaw of wms president mis cald well a popular query did you gel some beef this week mrs elizabeth guthrie wile ol signin d t guthrie rr i ac ton is scheduled as one ol the passengers on the ss lady nelson which arrives this week relatives and friends welcome the new bride in the neighbor- hood bowlers and tennis enthus iasts are planning the season honorary presidents are col a o t beardmore mr s g ben net i mr w j gould and mr j m mcdonald 50 years ago taken from the luue of the free press of thursday may 11 1916 chief lawsun will keep his eye alert on motorists now who arc tempted to exceed the statutory speed limit down the hall milo of new roadway on mill st from the g t r tracks to the corner ot main st with the elimination of the raised crossings there is now a beautiful smooth and even roadway motor drivers who have a consideration for the rights of pedestrians and the pro visions of the law and its conse quences will forebear and not drive over 15 miles an hour in hie general race of food and other commodities to higher levels sugar seems to be leading the wav chief reason is the shortage ol heights from cuba acton citizens band which has been rather dormant for sev eral months had a wellattended meeting and ollicers for the year weiv elected as follows band master jno g hill chairman win laird managing committee n f moore g h brown and geo agncw prospects are excell ent for an excellent band this summer on well arc thai he bamooozles councillors wilh eyes like ag ates and mayors with hearts of granite aclon platoon which has been drilling here since the first of the year was ordered to milton monday morning the men were in heavy marching order carrying their great coals and rifles reeve hynds addressed the men in lilting terms ol farewell dr lake the platoon medical officer also spofyc piompily at 1015 lieut kennedy gave the com mand ouick march and the men- swung till down mill st in line step lull of precision and wilh the air ol veterans on they went down main st and over he hills toward the county town by 1215 they reached a splendid point on the mountain side near dul lei in school here they bivouacked for lunch and an hours rest just as they had opened their lunches a big motor car irom home appeared hust ling down the mountain toward them reeve hynds and h p moore j p who had sworn them in when they enlisted and i messrs a t brown and ernest j brown stepped out a five gallon lean ol piping hot coffee buns 1 1 cakes bananas and other tooth- sonic provender was unloaded their thanks to mrs ii p moore president of the red cross and mrs a t brown aillcaulsay ij that the munic ipal councils have my blessing as they strive to cope with taxes out of mill rate and the budget the- european commonmarket will be among the international bodies taking pail at expo 67 the acton free press business and editorial office phone 8532010 founded in 1b75 and published every thursday it 9 willow art on ontario member of llic audit bur eau of circulations the cwn a and own a advertising rntcs on request subscriptions payable in advance 400 in canada 700 in all countries other limn canydti nlitklr copies 10c authnrlrrd s second class mall post orfirc department ottawa advertising ts ucrepteri on the rendition that in the event of typographical error triat portion of the advertising space occupied by th erroneous item i torplhrr wilti reasonable allowance for denature will not be charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be- paid for at the applicable rate in the event of t typographical error advertlilnh cood or orvlcen at a wrong price rrod or service- may not be wtld adcrtlslnff ts merely un offer lo m and may be withdrawn at any time pabllshed by lb iuua printing and publlihtnf c lt david n dlllt managing editor copyright ithw prcjfeaaicnal tirectctif and travellers guide medical dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river st acton ont phone 8530341 by appointment dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton on afternoon bv appointment closed wed sat evenings phone 8531240 auctioneer frank petch auctioneer and evaluator 30 chapel street e georgetown telephone 8772864 optometrists dr t b moore dr c hutchison dr d w van der btnt physicians and surgeons 9 milf street west acton ontario phone 8532180 by appointment architect donald e skinner barch mraic i7a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 8532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 2743428 e 1 buchner od optometrist 14 king st s waterloo open diilv except wednesdays 1 or appointment phone waterloo 74msso7 or 742 2339 acton office is closed arthur a johnson od 184 main st milton rtione 878 7 r- 8789t78 tiiiil iv afternoons thursday evenings liulav mornings dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon oltue 01 church st e office hours 9 am to t pm closed weclnesdiv afternoon telephone 8531750 dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no 3 hinton bldg 17a mill st e acton ont for appointments phone 8531300 funeral director phone 85345350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr chiropractic donald j armstrong dc chiropractor x ray 448 woolwich street phone guelph 8227721 travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton daylight savin tunc 633 and hoi ccpl sun 858 am lasthound irn dailv cuvpt sun 854 am daily ex and hoi express 1133 am 208 pm appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 8530720 appraiser and insurance over 50 years in acton the mutual life awilrani 1 umpm ik t nio robert s hart agent 341 orville rd actoni bus 416451340 res 5198531527 504 fri sat and sun 508 pjn 623 pm sm pm 1008 pjx sun and hoi westbound 7 37 am daily except sat sun and hoi 10 27 am 1257 pm 257 pm 527 pm 727 pm 9 12 pm 1132 pm 107 am sat only canadian national railways daylight saving time eastbound p 32 a m to toronto daily mon to loronto sun- to r 8 o day obly westbound 1221 am to stratford daily except sunday 6j2 pm to strat ford daily mon to fri change- at guelph lor london etc

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