Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1966, p. 1

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ninetyfirst year no 47 acton ontario thursday may 19 1966 authqrirod as second chiss mnil by the pabt office depaitnicnt ottawa twelve pages ten cents discuss hydro building with sarnia architect exhorbitant renders apparent ly only postponed plans tor a new hydro building on alice st hydro commissioners are again pursuing their former intention to have a new building thurs day night of last week they agreed to seek advice from a sarnia architect on saturday may 7 liydfo commissioners journeyed to slrathroy to view the recently completed hydro building there at last weeks meeting members discussed the strathroy visit and it was learned the project which is over twice the size of the proposed building here had been completed for 80000 ross swackhamer hit graduate the lowest tender received by trie acton commission ran at aroiind 100000 architect don ald skinner who drafted plans lor the acton building at first was of the opinion it would cost around 65000 members agreed to contact the sarnia architect to see if he would view the site of the proposed building and discuss the project with them a letter from joe gitto re garding a rebate or bonus if electric heating was installed in ih roe new homes to be con structed by him was deferred for further information com missioner orval brown was in structed to obtain costs lor an additional seat in the new truck purchased for the hydro depart ment decision on sending represen tatives lo the omeu confer ence at ottawa june 8 9 and 10 was deferred tor the next meet- in- the holiday schedule for sinlf members was piesented and accepted superintendent doug mason reported the area in lakeview subdivision where underground wiring for street lights is to be installed has been all staked on t he also reported materials for this work had arrived and his department would be pro- accounts totalling 2142167 feeding with the work were approved for payment call library tenders first of june architect reviews plans construction staff photo everything including the kitchen sink was for sale at the ys mens giant annual rummage sale at the y saturday trying on the hats and purses for size in a saleable sink are debbje and colleen spielvogel daughters of mr and mrs bill spielvogel plans of actons centennial library were reviewed tuesday evening at a meeting of the com mittee and architect donald skinner the architect advised the committee plans woud be ready lor a call lor tenders al ter may 31 the committee de cided to meet on the evening of may 31 to review the final plans before the lender call is issued mr skinner reviewed the de tails of location and construc tion ot the new building and ad vised the committee it is pos sible to place the building on the site in the robert little school grounds in such a posi tion that none of the stately trees in the area would need to be removed committee decided not to in clude the construction ol the fool bridge over the school creek in the call for tenders ol the building feeling that when it the po- oldest walker lodge member presented with 60 year jewel the building was erected would be possible to place bridge in the most suitable siliun in relation to the build ing and landscaping of the creek reviewing the construction details ol the building the arch itect reported the building would be of brick construction backed up by blocks four cor ner lull length windows break the solid walls and provide suit able reading areas within the building willi a storey and a half glass entrances foyer floor ed with torazzo t ije- the spa ciousness and natunal beauty of i he site are carriefl into the building where a short half flight of stairs leads up to the main floor of the library there the librarians station gives control over the two sec tions of the library on the right will be the childrens and juve nile section with their reading areas while on the left the ad- ross swackhamer mr and mrs chris swackha- mer james and diane attended the convocation of the hamil ton institute ol technology when ross swackhamer a grad uate of the three year course in mechanical technology re ceived his diploma the gradua tion ceremonies were held in convocation hall mcmaster un iversity hamilton free ads starting in the may 26 issue the free press will offer a free want ad service to stu dents seeking full or part time jobs the students elementary or high school will be given 20 words of copy to use towards employment if they state their name in the ad and apply to the free press by 5 pm on the monday before publicat ion they will be allowed to repeat the ad as many as three times if necessary this is the first time the free press has offered this service a furnicivforshipliil master of walker lodge afiam roy mcintosh of oshawa was pre sented wilh his 60 year jewel tuesday night in an impressive ceremony al temple lodge in oshawa mr mcintosh was initialled in lo walker lodge 60 year and served as worshiplul ago mas ter here bclorc going to oshawa he was also instrumental in the lormation of temrvie lodge and served as ils first wm walker lodge was represent ed by 23 members tuesday night who went by bus woix shipiul master sid newton of walker lodge made the inlro- duclion ol acton lodge mem- bers and ve v vvorshi ilul bro titer dr a j buch man re spondee to 111 e toasl for the acton visitu s during the ban que following the ceremony mr mcintosh the oldest liv ing member of walker lodge outlined a brief history of his masonic work prior lo culling his 60lh anniversary cake at the banquet tribute paid fred wright at chamber civic dinner enffyhto mason knit safe foiled thieves get change break and entry thieves were loiled in their attempt to smash a walkin sale at mason knit ting mills tuesday night alter gaining entry lo the buildingjjy smashing a window at the rear entry to t lie huge sale was tried by jimmying the large door attempting to smash through an office wall and irom ihe roof offices of president george mason and secretary- treasurer charlie kirkness were ransacked it is believed the in truders were looking for a com bination to the safe a coin box on the pop mach ine was broken and change ta ken out an attempt to smash open the coffee machine was made bill failed a slee bar pari of one of the machines was leli dangling in the coffee mach ine it is helievcd this bar was also used in al tempts to smash open the sale constable peler campbell ol the acton opp detachment spoiled the broken window ar ound 210 am wednesday illum ine during a routine check of buildings constable campbell i notified mi kirkness and called finger- prim expert murray mcmaster irom ihe idenlil ication branch ol ihe opp the entire building was checked for i ingerprinis and police remained on the job ihroiighoui ihe night checking lor clues new paving land between simpsons sears mail older oil ice and ledgers iga store is being levelled in preparation lor paving posts which were installed some time ago lo separale the two proper- lies have been removed and the entire area is lo be paved fol lowing a joint agreement be tween yv j mclcod owner ol the mail order block building and dave manes proprietor ol ihe iga store to ihe skirl of bagpipes play ing scotland the brave and the meeting ol the waters actons ninth citien ol the year fred wiight was centred in llie spot light ol civic recognition at ihe chamber of commerces dinner last thursday evening sharing the honor with mr wright was mrs wright fio on being presented wilh a bouquet ol flowers by mrs a ii mcken zie expressed her joy saving i wan lo thank ihe chamber of commerce for honoring my hus band iain very proud ol him making the presentation lo mr wright ol the traditional plaque chamber president rev a h mclvenzic claimed the chamber is honoring bolh ihe organization and ac tun in rec ognizing red wright in his opening remarks mr mckenie paid tribute lo the members ol the citizens band in whose attractive hall ihe civic night dinner was held the building is a monument to the civic in indediiess ol ihe citi zens who built il lie ihankcd the ladies auil- iarv and the bandsmen w ho ser ved ihe dinner anil welcomed so many good liiends ol mi and mrs wright who were able lo be i here he expressed llie- beliel thai an even larger croud would il is hoped ihe pax ing can be haxe al tended il the vvcalhci im ended around ihe store build had been more laxoiihlc tvei ing as well 75 attended the dinner safecrackers were foiled during an attempt to crack open the huge walkin safe at mason knitting mills during the night tuesday on the left secretarytreasurer charles kirkness holds open the safe door which repelled the intruders right is produclion superintendent staff fhoo larry nolan at the pop rnachine which was broken open yielding a small amount of cash constable peter campbell discovered the break- in around 210 am wednesday during a rou tine check of the building guests at the head table in cluded mr and mrs wright mayor and mrs les duby civic chairman orval chapman and mrs chapman chamber presi dent mr mckonzie and mrs me- kenzie mr and mrs norman wright carolyn valerie and david of guelph attended the dinner along wilh a representative group ol ihe guelph pipe band a rousing salute on the bagpipes x as paid by pipe major bob whit lie and pipe srgt stewart rennie mr wright was president of the guelph pipe band his son norman is pipe major and grandson david is a piper mr wright was a very active supporter of the junior pipe band when it functioned in ac ton it was disbanded on the nioxing ol phil caddick mayor duby paving tribute lo mr wright said he was most happy he could join in recogni tion ol such filling service con tributed oxer so many years impressing his appreciation mr wright lhanked all who had attended in spite of the incle ment weather as well as the chamber lor the honor be-slow- eel on him he congratulated the hand on the line building and thanked all on behall ol his wile and himsell long lime iriend ol the lim- dv miss esther taylor wrote and read ihe citation in mi wriehl lull text appeals on page bj i nlertaiiimenl at ihe ilinnei xxas piovided b pari ol a triple duel under glenn banks diane houstield barbara pratt ron nie krisioxx and kalhv llinton who contributed lour sclc- ioiis giulc seven pupils ol mi hanks who jus enjoy singing also smg wirden hcrl iliuton spoke in appiceiaiion to ihe chamber lor the pa i ibex had taken in ihe pi i gram junior laniicr prize winning trio wihni and rmh mason ol norxal and jox haxxxard ol ac ton under ihe direction ol mrs george exvoll milton smg lluee songs the junioi lirmei choir dso conlrihimcd musical liumkis lo the niogimi ibex were thanked bx rox oodxviii is l hien ol ihe year hill v mi idle i- told tin- guests he was lupp to be lure and lee i l its much heller than 1 did a year ago he ollered congrat ulations to mr wright decoration day decoration day has been set or sunday june 5 many for mer aclonians will attenj to join friends and relatives living here this week mr wright could not walk along the street with out meeting a wellwisher he received many cards and loiters of congratulations as well as phone calls mla george kerr wrote and mp dr ilarlcy in his idler said sincere felicita tions on ibis happy occasion i know this is a richly deserved honor the day ol ihe banquet he re ceived a telegram irom a long lime friend ernest j oliver ottawa a lormer presidenl ol ihe canadian association of real estate brokers who wrote him a long letter and irom ihe manager and stall of zurich in surance company leader of the acton pipe band phil caddick phoned his congralulil ions irom lindsay where he leaches high school mr wright has been vied presidenl ol the farm brokers ol ontario past vicepresident of the toronto chapter ap praisal institute of canada and was presidenl of the guelph real esiale hoard for two terms he has been justice ol ihe peace here anil as such signed many documents lor service men the wrights happiness xxas marred bx the death ol mr wrights xoungesl sisler in north wales lasl week among his manv messages ol joyful congratulations came other id lers ol sympathy and condol ence irom overseas josef sojka in hospital an acton man received a broken back multiple abrasions and lacerations early saturday morning when his car overturn ed in a ditch on highway 25 soulh of acton police said ihe car driven by josef sojka ol 62 young si ac ton was northbound on high way 2s l wo miles soulh of 25 sideroad when the car left ihe mad 1 1 entered ihe twofoot deep ditch flipped over and careened over 100 feel from ihe edge ol the highway the car received s damage the driver returning to his home in aclon from work al a milton industry was rushed lo millon district hospital and treated by dr r leggell he- was later transferred to joseph brant memorial hospital in burlington pc larrv knealc of millon opp investigated the accident another acton resident was involved in an accident thurs day of last week on highway 7 east of the fourth line fsques- ing the truck driven by peter kroes 44 victoria ave aclon received s150 damage no other vehicles were involved no charges laid following accident damage lo a 1962 vol ksxx agon thursday morning of last week xxas estimated around s200 tol- lowing a collision wilh an aclon taxi the small car proceeding norlh on main street was driv en by manfred hart of willow- dale who told constable peler campbell ihe taxi driven by ross morion had backed part xav mil of a drivewav al ihe taxi stand anil slopped the willowdale driver said lie was unable lo swerve inlo ihe lei i lane ol trail ic due lo oncom ing hal lie as a result his car xxas damaged lo ihe right side tai driver ross morton saiil he had proceeded to back out ol ihe drixvxvav anil saw ihe on coming ear aid slopped his ve hicle o charges were laid another high post for mayor les duby mixor i es diiln hioughl honor to v ion lor the sc olid lime llus year when during ihe weekend he was elected ice piosidcnt ol ihe loxxn ia vilugc section ol ihe ontario municipal associa tion at the conference friday and saturday in cornwall hist iceeiillx ihe a ion mixor xxas ejected vicc-chaii- miii ol cor da dining ihe ixxodax onlei cine alien led bx ihe mixor i ouik illor robert drink waller aud ivrk adminisiialor la k mgeahic lxo of three re solutions toixxafded lo the lonlerence from aclon were approved the first one approved was to petition the ontario go- eminent asking for a sel period each year fur daylight saving time in order to have all nl n h i iniiiiit ipahlies onloi m i ihe second resolution deal nig xnh ipiairv blasting is lo pe ilion the i il a i io goxei i nielli o inxesligite quairx opeiaiions and their die i on pioperlics xxithin local municipalities with a x iexx to in a i ol legislation which xiil ontiol to a greil degree j lb- blasting ikmg pluc both of these icsohiiiotis nul x il h lull appi al ol the i oxx il an i village section yid x ill he foi vv ii in lii- m mill om nm cniion lo be liril at hamilton in august in ihe ex cut thev arc approv ed iheie the government will he asked lo pass legislation a third resolution forward- ed by town council proposing increased centennial grants due to llie increased cost of construction was not appriv- ed ults section also has its own reading area a work room for the librari ans completes llie facilities on this floor from the main entranceway a short flight of stairs to ihe lower level of the building gives access to the service areas wash- ooms storage area and a 17 by 38 foot meeting room the meet ing and storage rooms xvould be available at a later date lo increase ihe present 10000 vol ume capacity of the proposed library emergency access will be provided on bolh levels the hal roof will be of builtup as phalt construction broad sidewalks over a loot bridge from river st will lead through ihe beautifully treed vile lo the iront entrance the building will face on and access will be from a parking area on river st school breakin a classroom window at ihe m z bennett public school was lorced open to gain entry last week lo allow thieves lo ransack ihe building and steal a small amount of cash acton opp detachment was called and are investigating present at the meeting at the council chambers were chair man les duby councillors drinkxvalter oakes fryer and leatherland library board members chairman george lee fred new ted pratt and mrs e g franklin as well as clerk- adrninislrator 1 mcgeachie as sistant librarian esther taylor and centennial committee mem ber dave dills centennial com- mil tee member jim gunn sub- milled his resignation from the committee since he is no longer working in acton director graduates u of 6 convocation packer here the towns newlypurchased garbage packer arrived on tuesday it wllj be used for the first time next week willi a holiday monday the first garbage collection dav lor the new equipment will be tues day the packerloader will el iminate loose papers blowing and will make the job much faster with it theres a pos sibility twice a week garbage collections may be maintained all year rather than jusl dur ing the warm weather the twice a week collections will begin soon howard pearce nexx recreation director how- aid peace giadualcd on wed nesday his bininlay irom ihe department of education recreation course al the univer sity of guelph there were 31 in ihe course he receixed his cerlifitale at ihe convocation ceremonv wilh his parents bro ther anil sisler among the guests wanted to stay in canada young yugoslavs deported two yugoslav shipjumpers who chose acton to settle in while wailing a decision irom ihe canadian immigration de partment whether they would be allowed lo remain in canada were deporled back lo their na tive land todav thursday ante ivancev and slavko smolhan bolh 22 jumped their ship the cairnavon m montreal on december 14 and made tficir way to toronto to the home ol a iriend also irom yugoslavia thev reporled lo ihe inimioia- lion department while in tor onto to seek permission to re main in canada while heir case was being considered ihe two young men came lo aclon and were em ployed al ihe while lannerv west ol aclon the department xxas asked lo permit the incii lo remain in canada lor a xcar lo demonstrate their gooil lailh anil cliaraclci the i wo men were born and raised in dillerenl pails of croatia anil had never met until a lew months ago aboard ihe cairnavon liach was trained as a chel in technical schools serxed short stints in the army and lei l the country on tourist parses in spile ol all efforts by their sponsor julio milela of toronto and other disappointed support ers the mens bid to escape their communist country and to ciijov ihe liuiis ol i recdom has tailed and lodax the ship-jump- eis tic to he deported while in aclon ihe ixvo be i one knoxxn lo some xvho be ll iended i hem but mainlv were seen together on the street or in 1 lot al resliui ill flux said i hex were afraid of xvhit the inline holds il ihey icliu ii lo yugoslav ii eai photo after 55 years of playing cnbbage r r burke 11 elgin street acton finally received a perfect hand whpn he counted 29 he and his wife pictured above play cribbage together two or three times daily the retired cnr worker now has plenty of time on his hands for cribbage the proof is in the picture and the couple show the hand which will be framed by mr burke a13jvs oaimw sffh

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