Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1966, p. 11

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v spilling five pins at acton bowling lanes legion udis may 9 it wps sapphires all the way as far as the league champion ship was concerned fnjoyjng a 105 pin lead going wo the final three games of- the siv garjne block total pins to count sapphires picked up 34 pins in tfie fourth game over their nearest rival the diamonds with a 772 game they really put the championship on ice in the fifth when they came up with a 932 game and although tltev took things easy in the iixthsind final game with a i all of 678 titohiw1 pinfall ol 4812 was 270 pins ahead of the second place diamonds in the older ol the linish weie sap phires 4812 diamonds 4s42 peails 4521 tmeialds 441 ru bies 4398 opals 4079 individual triple honors in the rolloff went to hen- grant 646 and mary cooney 62 for the singles it vs phyllis angell 236 betty lockerbie 215 helen fowler 213 and deanna bui lough 201 stef pejcha 216 212 ets play by bill coats i have often noticed that bridge players playing a no trump contract cash their high cards and then hope for the iest not only does this of ten lead to defeat but it cuts down on your chances to make a contract high cards have many uses and only one of these is to take tncks they are useful for entries to stop op ponents from running suits and foi general control of a hand here is an example from last week at the acton bridge club this is board no 15 west is the dealer and east- west are vulnerable north s k 10 8 7 3 2 a 7 d a k s c 9 5 west east s a so 9 6 5 h k109852 hj d 9 7 4 dj io 3 c 7 c k 10 8 6 south sj h o 4 3 do 8 6 2 c a o j 3 2 the bidding wert north east south pass 1 s pass 2 c pass pass 2s 3 nt pass 2 nt all pass ebenezer mrs j barbaree miss diamond die mr lee man continued his ser vice on the christian family on sunday morning the choir sang sun of my soul thou saviour dear the sunday school teachers met a the home of mrs george hewer on sunday evening a death of interest to the old er residents occurred last week in the person of mrs john bai baree rev john patterson bar baree died in 1932 alter serving a number of different united churches mrs barharte was a sister of rc w d clark min istcr jl ebenezer 30 cars ago she was an aunt ol mrs ron mclean mr barbaree was an uncle of mrs jack freeman interment was in hamilton cemetery the death occurred last week of emma jane diamond m hu 94th yeai after a lingering ill ness she was a sister ol the late t j diamond of rockwood intel ment was at ebenizei this was not the best con tract i think perhaps that four spades is easier however if three no trump is defeated four spades will probably be elefeateel also west has a natural heart lead and should lead the ten dum my ducks and fast unblocks the ack declarer must make a plan before he tries am thing it he aimlcsslv plavs diamonds he will take four lucks but the diamonds arc moie uselul as entries a diamond to dummy and club linesse it woiks so o ei to dumim with anohler dia mond and repeat the club fin esse now la clown the club ace too bad the clubs didn t spin but eveimhing is undei control a low club puts east in the lead east exists with a heart you enter our hand with the dia mond queen its a good job ou didn t pla it culier its the onl entrv to soulhs hand good news too the diamonds oicik now ou pla vour zoocl club and oui good di imond you re good for ten ti icks four clubs lour diamonds and two hearts at duplicate bnde the best scoie counts ten tnek at no hump count more than ten incks as spades so ou have a good result don t waste vour high cu ck consider then value ind use them wisely last weeks winners tied for first mr and mrs clav bar hour with jack coats ind glor ni coates third bill coats and pat jet fares giace robertson 244 eva wil liams 223 and jean harris 244 so to the champion sapphires congratulations and to the rest ol the teiiiis the big e fo- cl fort acton mixed mav 13 in the first thiee games of a six game ioliofl total pins to count puffs went into the lead with a pinfall of 2846 paced to frank dalev 676 fred landrv 662 and charlie gough 212 ti ger cats with ivv mai tin tripl ing 692 und brian rae singing 229 aie currentlv second with 2634 beatles made it a close thud with a pinfall of 2601 beitles roll was headed up bv vcma aibic 619 bert robert son 201 200 and art nightingale 221 vliscots came up with 25s7 to hold down fourth spot with vie roich 203 clint talot 208 and andy conwav 237 singling specs ire chasms mascots with a pinfall of 2543 on the single plateau foi specs were bill dob bie 202221 and ed browne 220 bees didn t do too much bu7 zin with a pinlall ol 24s9 but the situation could be icversed in the next and final three gam cs maxine hui st with 638 was l lonci foi bees successful survey rewed by tuberculosis association the acton fre press thursday may iff 1966 j big four mj 13 aigomuls ol big foui iuo fame nnv have trouble winning championships but the aigo- naut team ol the acton bin tom bowling league wound up with the plavofl championship then final total pinfall ol 10381 loi the 12 games gave them a 69 pinedge ovei aloueltes with 10312 alouettcs almost mad it coming up with a 1055 scoie in the 11 th yjme as against ai uo- 853 gave alouettcs a 30 pin id vantage oing into the 12th and 1 1 ii il yimc but thev couldn t hold it thev fell oil with a inn s43 while argonauts i dhed with a 941 and it was all ovei but the shouting and believe me theic was plentv ol th it the leajue mav be lacking n an ovei ill pietuic ol bowling skill but it makes up for u i entluisiisni and cvhubci ince rough rule is winneis oi the regular schedule had to be sat ist led with third place with a pinfill l 10142 tigei cats nail eel tile fie ul with 9s33 inchvidl il perl ornianees in the mal thiee fillies wcie henv kioes 690 rink vlietstia 679 and jake vindcikoov 6s0 303 for tnpl cs for singles it was dolf van airagon20s nellv van an lon 236 jake kuikcn 243 martha ooslcihol 211 mairv ensin 241 ivnc pasm i 217 and jennie kuikcn 266 so to another championship tc mi congratulations and to by ken hulford the rest of the league better luck next season teen n under may 14 well its plavoff time foi the teen n and iroquois with games of 813774 for 1537 have taken a healthy lead from the blackfeet 1393 sioux 1350 and mohawks 1237 in the con solation hurons have the edge over senecas 990 pins to 866 plavoff time alwavs brings out the good scores and our saturday morning youngstei s arc no exception the top ten liundlcrs this time were steve manrev 205 144 349 garv price 153185 338 janet storev 168 is3 321 jane fabian 188 129 317 gord morris 115 195 1310 lvnda hams 158 136 295 wade knight 199 92 2l hank busehemever 148 133 281 dave pink 143137 280 i u rv knight 103 173 26 headpin hilites with the award winneis ivv mai tin s 692 tuple was high foi the 1 idles and tor the second week in a row she wins the a b supci market voucher jennie- kuikcn with a 266 single was i he winner ol the voucher from ledger s 1ga jake vandci koov with his 303 single made with the win tor the socks from niel sen s clothing tor bowling best over their averages to win the u i reshing relreshcrs of coca cola reinhart s and seven up weie roboie ellcrbv steve ma nerv janet stoic and jane ti bt in the binquet circuit is in full suing and everv weekend sees one in two more leagues wind ing up the season and as the season diavvs to a close we would like to toss bouquets to all league executives in all cs cs the execs trv to do their best to mn the league to the sal lslaction ol all which somelun cs is an impossible task bit thev ti v and the i ict that mam executives ale ic elected proves that thev have done a good ob and they take satislacion in this that thev have done a goo 1 iub and as waltei winch ii would put it oichids to von so that winds it up once jj ain mv fricndhes so idios am igos and goodnight dalv ci tv train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times for information phono the locl cn passenger sales office councillor denies abusive language nassagavveva councillor mrs anne maearthur this week den itd she had ever used anv ab usive language in an encountei with alexwall superintendeni ol hal ton crushed stone a hct home mrs macarthur was com meilling on a news icpt on nassagavveva couneti in the frev piess on mav s which sin felt implied it had bcei lei language that had been ihusixi cjj canadian national fare 1 save at canadas first hank for your first daughter esqueslag council hs solicitor at a special meeting ol es qucsing township eoiuieil last week terence barnes ol tile law i u in ol dale bennett lalimci and bauics was ippointcd is township soils itoi ml bauics teplaees thorn is h van sickle i who sold his 1 ivv fnni rxextitlv to takv a position in the legal department ol on tani hvdio slow to rise emcnv persons should he well udv isetl to slow up utun thev rise in the morning on waking lie loi a few minutes sit up slowlv spend a kw mm utes silling on the side of the bed before standing and walk ing around frank szafto shoe repair acton plaza the mace where cniauty counts ctewd friday at 7 pm and your second carpet bank of montreax 1 acton ranch edward a pratt manager lhiii some 5000 000 or the is 000 000 tuberculosis suflerers in the world are indians it was an nouneed at the iiinual meeting ind duinei ol tin hilton iuhei miosis and health association in mie oakville aiena pine hoom wcdnesdr evening hugh a biearlev president of the association made the statement in his speech at the event and went on to say that although canadians have the lowest rate of tuberculosis 6 000 oi 7000 ol ihem haw the di sease and about 800 die fiom it annuallv mi breailev said that the work of the halton tubeiculosis and health association is essen tial in the fight lor its cradiea tion in the recent survev ol hal ton 68s48 ol the 134 000 rest dents were tested and 17 pul monarv cases siv ol them ac tive were discoveicd some 160 othei pel sons vvcic discovered as having other di seases the testing progiam included coverage ol industi- and univci sities and it is estimated that 86 pel cent weie tested mi bieailev appreciated the amount ol vvoik ncccssirv in such a laigc scale lest ancl thanked the woi kc i s the 1965 tests weie held in 70 tb clinics tvvcnlvone weie ad milted to sanatoi iiims 14 hs charged and seven deaths wcie attiibulcd o tuberculosis guest speaker foi the evening was e j obricn executive di lectoi of the onrano associa hon who ie potted on the tubei culosis situation in onental coiuitiies be hid visited 1 inuls supplied hv inuntv as social ions help in the setting up ol ilinies in ccvlon mi rncn allele cl he stated lint while v7 65 pei capita is devoted to health pin poses annuallv in ontario the equivalent cevlon figure- would be about 50 cents with one tenth ol it going to tubercu losis slides were shown of the fight airainst tb in the oi icntal lands speaking bneflv at the meet ini weie count v warden h h hinton mavoi l dubv of ae ton deputv reeve allan dav rcpiesenting mavor m andeison of oakville councillor c toth ol builington feigus kellv of the ontano tuberculosis asso ciition and goidon slockkv ol the ontaiio department ol health directors elected weie e 0 adamson of oikville mis j v almoin ol builington mis hoiace bhth or acton di a t bull moh or milton mrs j j oman ol oakville di d ii dison ol oakville e c tostei ol campbellv illc a c warnoch or oakville c i mctadden or builington i w ostlei or mil ion mis g b sampson ir gcometown di w c ptocloi of builington mrs f sinfoid of limchouse di l m st oat t assist ml moh of milton mis maiv tilden of builington mis a d wavirran of burlinglon mike icdwith or milton and mis c button or aclon jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete brick cinder blocks clay mic sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire acton phone 853o730 fully insured pcv class fs f wfl preston titelap metal roofimo bowuts fuhime bowl for pleasure bowl for health well guarantee youll enjoy yourself acton bowling lanes 10 main st n membfr ob pa 8530170 locks out all weathiri the perfect fit ol preston galvanized steel or aluminum titr- lap roofing and siding keeps out driving wind nd rain guarantees wpmheriighiness for your building availapt ia both standard and heavy gauge highest quality galsamzad staal as well as stucco embossed and diamond embossed alcan aluminum each 5id sheet covers a full 32 width and t available in any length up to 30 feet preslton tue 0 metal roofing is also available in s glaamlnj colours with a weather resistant finish that will ktp its frafh appearance for rears fust tike your car will not pl or liaifr see your dealer listed below or writ for our free roofing bulletin preston oofimg ro pactory 113 indwirrial rsl praitsn ontario bkahch 151 tntwarth a tarenta ontario j b mackenzie son ltd 8 james st georgetown 8772207 cl lev yh- the good looks are part of its practical nature sos the lowpf ice look over chevy ii we guarantee youll like what you see modem styling comfortable colorful in teriors a choice of 7 power teams and a price tag thats way below what you expect after all ifs made by chevrolet so you know youre going to get more for your money to find out about chevy ii see your chevrolet dealer now duringcar buyers field days he has just about eveiy chevy ii crsavy n nova sport coup model and color in stock so com on in youll never get more car for your money than a chevy il chevrolmt mthorized chivy ii deai er in george town andrew murray motors limited 61 guelph street georgetown phone 8776944 be sure to see bonanza over channel 6 at 9 oclock sunday night

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