Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1966, p. 2

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the acton fr prss thtiriday may 19 1966 hs breakin found sunday oiikcovcry of a broken plate glass window at acton district high school oatly sutulav morn ing by chief custodian rudolph spiel vogel led to a thorough in vestigation of the building bv principal p a hanson after he was notified it is presumed the rear win dow was broken to gain entry and a couple ol rooms entered in one room a teachers desk drawer was removed but noth ing disturbed in the girls washroom a coin box was tnmp- eied with but not broken open unicef art show twenty pieces ol art 1mm 12 foreign count lies ami live pro- vinces of canada ale on display in the library this unici-l- childrcns art exhibit travels tioro one library to another in appreciation of help given to unicef the bright pictures have been drawn and painted bv children ranging in age irom nine or so to older teenagers all are lab elled with name ago and coun try and oltcn the pictures aie distinctively noncanadian especially attractive is one picture done by a girl fiom pakistan showing a native in flowing costume seated at a table ot native loods intruders in homes rob two rr1 men an acton area man stuart richardson rr i was bealent and lobbed in his own home 1 hnrsdav of last week the in- tmdcis loiccd their way into tht- house aittund 2 am and stole 12 in cash alter beating mi kkhardson five bouis later mr richard son headed lor work al bvard- more tannery still showing marks ot the beating on the way he stopped at reliable snack bar lor a cup of col fee and was persuaded there to tell his story to acton police v acton opp constable merviu harness was informed and in turn notified milton cipp de tachment which patrols the aiva vvheie mr richardson lives meanwhile the assault victim went to milton district hospi tal tor treatment and was re leased the same liv constable tom penrice of the milton opp detachment inves tigated and questioned several suspects it is believed mr rich- aidson knew the lirst name ol one of his attackers the milton constable is also investigating another theft case at the home of ronald mceach- oin r r i acton the previous tuesday w hen mrmceachern was robbed ol s4 bv two men who lvmained in his home irom aiound 2 am until daybreak salesladies sample their wares ot the ys mens rummage sale saturday trying on some of the hats selling al record low prices are ys r stnff fholoj aaenettes mrs g w mckenzie mrs waller dubois and mrs c l rognvaldson the y was crowded for the successful event rummage sale raises 270 shoppers fill y saturday about 270 was raised in one afternoon by the ys mens club saturday when assisted bv the ys menettes they sold every thing from the kitchen sink on at their annual rummage sale the ymca was crowded for the popular sale items ranged from an air con ditioner down to pocket books for a nickel a concertina made in scotland and still in its case will go lo halton county muse- softball leagues juggle days full summer program in park softball fans in acton will possibly be able to enjoy their sport practically every night of he week this year with the ex ception of saturday and sun day thursday night of last week delegates from sofrball leagues attended the parks board meet ing and dates were set for the games of the mens league on monday tuesday and wednes day nights as well as for indus trial league games friday nights for yirls soli- ball games have not been tinal- ized but it is possible one ot the nights set aside lor the mens games mav have to be chang ed if was agreed to advertise for a gate keeper for the summer months as well as to calling tenders for the park booth members were pleased to learn renovations on the form er band stand at the park en trance were progressing lavor- ablv alter agreeing to spend an approvimate amount ol 300 lor this purpose when completed the building which has become a landmark will have a new roof hag pole and general renovations in ord er to preserve it it is expect ed some painting will also be done new plaque at museum to commemorate alexanders a plaque commemorating the alexander lamilv has been erect ed outside the main dooi ol the lamilv home now part of the halton county museum at kelso conservation area the plaque was erected b r jvve e d co n t r o i news by v e mcarthur halton weed inspector l 1 24d gets dandelions the dandelion is the most common weed lounu in lawns and actually one ol the easiest to control there are two vari eties the common species which appears in the spring and the fall dandelion that flowers in september and october it differs somewhat fiom the spring variety in that the leaves are smaller and much more finely toothed the flowering stem is killer and more slender and olten has branches lawns parks golf courses and cemeteries are the problem areas for dandelions one ol the workmen reported having a dandelion root lour and a half leet long while digging a grave in fairview cemetery m acton i am sure this must have been an unusual plant besides being unsightly how ever this weed lias a habit ol covering a patch of jirass with its low branching leaves so thickly that the grass is smoth ered sometimes a very large plant will smother about one square loot ol lawn area this in addition to the unsightly ap pearance at lowering lime makes the dandelion a very un desirable plarw sprays of 24d amine are the greatest enerm dandelions have other than hand pulling which is tedious and time consuming for excellent control spray lnlested areas with 24d amine al the rate ol 16 ounces acid per acre in 520 gals ol water for smaller areas tollovv the direc tions on the can for best results spraying should be done in earh spring lust about the time the yellow- how ers commence ot appear lowers commence to appear spring application verv good re sults mav be obtained bv sprav- nig in september alter a rain when the plants are growing well this treatment will ihin out dutch clover but it usuallv i cl overs quite quickly adam duff alexander son of the late adam and eva alexan der who is the fourth genera tion of alexanders to farm the homestead listed on the plaque are the names of the first three genera tions of the alexander family who farmed the prppertv it was in the alexander fa mily from 1836 to 1960 when it was purchased bv the conser- aliun authority for a flood con trol program and public park site names on the plaque are ad am alexander 17811864 and his wife margaret mortimer 1782- 1849 and their sons adam alex ander 18121880 and his wife eli zabeth duff 1816 1913 adam alexander 18531941 and his wife eva fitch 18631922 insoibed on the bottom of the plaoue is the motto hon esty is the best policy sff your doctor if vou are forty or over have a medical checkup and if the doctor has not attended vou before be sure he has vour med ical history and family back ground in case of sudden ill ness or injury your doctor will be familiar with anv weakness or tendancies discovered during the checkup money buys more at the family store acton ont 2 49 29 mill st e gogo boots sizes 59 vu let ot colois mens nylon stretch sox 2 pr forl ladies housed esses special 150 nylon sucs 7 u squall jackets 249 298 turtleneck nvlon childrens slie 5 to ladies large shells from 159 sizes 610 mens casual loafers special 498 compare 298 sixes 8 18 canadian boys shirts 133 sizes 3 x boys pants special 144 drop in and look around mm is our business a complete garden and lawn service let us advise you on the best way to get the most out of your home grounds we have all supplies at economical prices too call us for helpful advice no obligation of course 8782097 or 8782741 rainbow landscaping miltom urn al kelso thev were verv popular years ayo some ol the hooks in the stacks were old classics and a lew ol them hole labels pro perly ol metluklist sunday school library these ornate labels were printed at i he free press years ago when the editm was also the ss superintend ent there were mounds ol old clothing includiiii a couple ol lur coals the articles ol cloth ing led will he given to the un itarian services committee dis trict headquaiters in kitchener a barbecue lawn mowers chesterfields television set dish es md toys all changed hands during the piolilablc al teniooii ys mennettes and their daughters helping were mrs g w mckenie mrs walter du bois mis m nellis mis c rognvaldson sally wilson viv ian smith kalhv mckcnsie and nancy rognvaldson ys men assisting inuluclicl el mer smith iorne dobcrihien waller dubois doug copclantl ross farrellv fd iealherland bill nelles bill mainprise and pal mckenie quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils oil burner finance plan 10 years to pay small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd phone 8532370 acton after hours 8532174 notice to property owners destroy weeds notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in accordance with the ontario weed control act 1965 section 3 13 and 19 that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the municipality of the township of nassagaweyo are destroyed by date of june 15 1966 and throughout the season the municipality may enter upon said lands and have the weeds destroyed charging the costs against the land in taxes as set out in the act the cooperation of all citizens is earnestly solicited v e mcarthur weed inspector county of halton i express buses to v greenwood fl3yrv may 14 to june 4 l j leave acton r a direct to the track r 1 saturdays and f i monday may 23 i a 1125 am l ml return fare 1 tm m 325 includes admission return buses start loading after last race sr wiles bus depot 18 mill st g l adams agent telephone 8532600 to be instructor at leaders camp yvith all his playground leari- eis signed up to attend training camp at bolton for four days- in june recreation director iliiw- iircl pearce now discovers liell be joiiiiii them there he will he one ol the rncinheis ol the camp stall and will instinct in activeraines thciv will be about 140 al camp irom acton mm liiiirlon oakville orangeville ancasler and other towns in the district there are lectures and instruc tion all day long with social evenings lollowing camp program was planned at a meeting saturday in oak- ville auxiliary bowlers fifth in tournament trie acton a howling enm or the ladies auxiliary biuk h 197 placed fifth ou r49 learns al the icgional loiirnaimnl in ha nic on saliiidav miv ii thev will tyiwl ap tin in banit lot tin ivnwrii id tournament on fuiic 2s tv afih mis miiv coonev mrs joyce hue lian in mr shirlcv turkos and mis helen yalcmun on the lc 1111 cam captain was mrs phyllis ii with mis louise toth now oquiprnent minor lacrosse in actonreceiv ed a shot in the arm this week when word was received equip ment would be shipped free of charge from the department of labor in toronto recreation director howard pearce received notification three goalie sticks and one doz en lacrosse balls would be ship ped to acton to assist in the la crosse program any way you figure it the finest welcome i to acton is welcome wagon a visit from our hostess will mikc you feel at home with her bjik- of cts and n wen to questions bout ih tovn its erwces and fjcilitu s just cjii horse show and pony draw style acres ranch fourth line north sat may 219 am 6 pm jr and sr english son may 222 pm western draw for pony tickets at gate or from amy rotarian 1 adults 25c children excellent facilities for spectators refreshments j lakeview discount centre 126 main st acton 8531190 rec room special lauan plywood sheets size 4x8 425 per sheet we handle all supplies for indoor outdoor decorating phone 8530945 welcome newcqmeb8i use this coupon to let us know youre here nimc add ress town i i please have the wel come watfoi hostess cull on me i would like to sub scribe to the acton free press i already subscribe to the acton free press fill out coupon and mail to circulation dept the acton free press site for natural science school the toionio boird ol rdiicnion initc- oiler- lo li1 a pjreel ol lincl tuiairv hi ili ol uoi rnon- ill in 210 iiii- and located unhin 50 rnilis ol the boundaries ol the muniupality o metropolitan loionto i ik- land is required lor the estab lishment ol a nairn al bererue sciiool proposals lo sell a suiiilili- siie should include irif o matron as to sre shape topoyiapln ooded ui-j- uater sources soil a lessibilit i esln lions nut spnial icihuc- sulii as uatei aieas wild lile elt the name ol i he lendoi and the seliinj pi k e should be jmen wiitten proposals addiessed to the diilvioi ol education mil be received until 4 01 pm id i i on riulav june 17 1966 barrv ci lowii chm mm grihim m corf dirtrtui of education ijojid tt ktua ition for the city of toronto l collt e stmt tutontn 2h calling all students free want ads get a job through the free press free to all students grammar through high school who live in this area no phone calls please if you are looking for a full or part time job heres all you do place your ad in the office 59 willow st acton 1 on ad to each student may ba repeated up to 3 times if you contact the free press by each monday before 5 pm 2 you must use your name in the ad 3 you may use up to 20 words of copy deadline for your free ad is monday 5 pm first adv will run may 26

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