Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1966, p. 7

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summers first monday is victoria day and the calo bratlon of our present queens birthday just in case yoy may bo as confused as we became with other designations 1lke cornmonwealth day and empire day initially the celebration was on the 24th of may and many school children now grown to adulthood can remember the rhymes that stressed the need for a holiday or well all rurtaway it all beqan in 1845 when the legisla ture of the province of canada now on tario and quebec declared the anniver sary of queen victorias birth may 24 to be a holiday ever since that year a special day in commemoration of a good queen has been observed annually in canada over the years victoriaday has re- minded canadians not only of a respect ed monarch but of the whole astonishing period known as the victorian age here was time of achievement in trade com merce science art invention and explor ation among tho vital developments were the laying of the atlantic cable j construction of tho suez canal discovory of tho northwest passage exploration of africa together with development of the modern railroad steamships photogra phy telegraphy electric lights rotary printing press telephone phonograph the sewing machine and the automobile since 1953 the federal government has established victoria day as being on the aaonday irnmediately preceding may 25 this change had the advantage of providing a long holiday weekend for canadians a proclamation on january 31 1957 by the canadian parliament has added significance to victoria day this first monday immediately preceding may 25 was also fixed for the celebration in canada of tho birthday of queen eliza- belli ii so it is that over the past years a relatively simple birthday has grown into the observance of two special and related days devoted to tho honoring of queen victoria and tho reigning sover eign queon elizabeth ii editorial page our new look this weeks newlook issue comes to you after weeks of planning and a few days of rather frenzied and some times hectic implementation we hope youll like it its quite possible everything may not be as we hope it will finally appear but some of the bugs that will have inevitably crept into our new format will bo ironed out in tho weeks to follow changing the format of your local paper is not just an exercise in change itself the alterations have been made aftervgreatdeal of rhoughtr all directed toward making your weekly news pack- ago brighter and more readable the same features are presented with a few exceptions but the arrangement has been altered a planning for th changes be gan many weeks ago and were followed by consultations with artist don hayward who then produced the designs for tho necessary section headings the staff discussions continued as each change was suggested discarded or adopted in the light of the overall ob jectives al this point we have no idea the total number of individual changes that have been made but as readers study the current issue many of them will appear while a few minor altera tions may go unnoticed in detail implementing the changes became another major part of the total project habits established over years had to be discarded to insure even the smallest detail blended with the new plan the change in the width of columns required a complete rearrangement of spacing materials and many of the other compon ents that are used almost automatically from week to week the sizes of pictures had to be altered a whole new set of dimensions had to be committed to memory by the production and editorial staff to insure proper specifications and makeup of pages the weekly production of your own local paper involves noarly 40 people as well as an uncounted number of con tributors representing a variety of organ izations throughout this period of change this group has worked closely together to mould the product you are now holding far from the oftenheld view a weekly newspaper is not pro duced on a single day it is written and jijned oyer afyil week and it involves a wide variety of activity this newspaper is a locally designed and locally oriented product events in far off places or on the national or pro vincial scene are noted only as they affect this area it is only on this basis we can give thorough coverage to the activities that take place in our specific section with our new look none of these principles have changed it is our hope the hundreds of readers who look to this paper for this kind of information and the dozens of advertisers who find it the best messenger of their product informa tion will continue to extend a weekly welcome queens park report bygcorgc a kcrr rn i a a most important bill to the tanners of ontario has been introduced in the provincial legislature by the hon wil liam a stewart it is to provide for crop insurance andfor protection against total or near total crop loss this has become more nccessaty than ever bo i ore because of frwik storms severe draught or exces sive ruinfajl in ivccnt years tlw government ot ontario lias pro- viiled assistance during these periods in the form of transportation subsidies tor hay bank guarantees cooperation with the drt ment of llnergy and resources m ngiineiit in the construction of farm ponds and during the past year coupons for the purchase of livestock teed with extensions of utilization of the coupons tho last one being to may 31 of this year in addition guaranteed interesttree bank loans to a maximum ol 1i000 have been made available to farmers tor the pur chase of seed and fertilizer in the case of those fanners who have suffered 25 per cent or more crop loss all of these pro grams have been very well received and have been ol considerable help to the tanner rtxlucer hcirevw an adequate crop insurance program is also needed the proposed program will provide coverage up to 80 per cent of the normal production of a particular crop protection is offered against such perils as drought excessive rainfall excessive moisture flood frost hail winter kill wind disease and other pests pattxeiyauoii in the plan will be volun tary hut it will apply on a provincewide basis a tanner will not be compelled to insure all crops grown on his fa nil i he may dciide to insure only one particular crop and this will be quite permissible under the proposed policy the insurance will apply to all normal crops such as oats wheat potatoes and tomatoes etc well as to forage crops such as com hay and pasture because over 70 per cent of ontarios agricultural revenue is derived from the sale of live stock and livestock products and it is essential that crop insurance be provided for such forage crops if the legislation receives the approv al ol the legislature and also some co operation i rum the federal government we will move as quickly as possible to bring the plan into operation with the in tention that it will be applicable to some crops at least in the spring of 1967 crop insurance can ofler many advan tages to the producer i it can insure a satisfactory return nt his investment in his crop regardless ol adverse weather conditions or other hazards 2 it can enhance his credit position i it can if the fanner so wishes re move the need lor diversification as a hedge against crop failures or losses with one crop this could encourage greater specialization this bill is the most important piece ol longrange agricultural legislation that has conic forward this session s ttrnirit mi back issues wmmmmmmmmutut 20 years ago taken from the issue of tho free press of thursday muy 16 1946 several improvements are being made at the park this week preparatory to a lil summer of activity the hard bull diamond has been levelled some low spots have been filled in several loads of ifllling material have been put on the diamond the sollball diamond nearer i lie park entrance is also tiaviiipttentiuii the race track has been widened the turns have been made easier and- banked and the stretches made with ample width to make if the finest track in this section it is planned- to havcl a race meeting in june and races are hoing considered again lor the fair the grader is at work and the lawn mower was busy clipping the brass ab 100 members ot the ys mens clubs from this drstrieptissenybleil in the ymca for the central ontario district conclave mr dick bean district govern or was in charge ted force welcomed the visitors the ladies auxiliary served a delightful banquet which maintained their culinary reputation reeve charles jvirk- ncss welcomed everyone on behalf of the municipality felix harrison led in a sing song mrs w m ciwdy presided at the piano on behalf of the ymca hoard president wes wolfe extended a welcome guest speaker ralph albrant was intro duced by dick doty and thanked by r tt parker the lie tie frame brought back two more acton servicemen thev are pie j i cripps rcasc rr 2 acton and apt johnnie gray of the auxiliary ser vices capt gray joined the ymca war services in june l42 he was general secretary of the y hoard and during his absence his wile carried on the position perhaps the radio is to blame lor the class of music turned out in a hurry al though one could scarcely picture music netting so bad so fast real instate and insurance ocean steamship tickets rent your spare room to returned men f l wright realtor anil insurance phone 95 despite the weather 20 wolf cubs had a jolly jungle jaunt working over the most unrecognizable sausage were ted ioolitt bill mcllugh giant withers and don anderson 50 years ago taken from the lusuc of the free press of thursday may 18 1916 about half the soldiers of acton pla toon who went to milton on the 8th hist were home by saturday or sunday they conic bv autos by motorcycle by bicycle any way to get home mr j victor coleman will be engaged as an officer of the ymca headquarters at niagaraonthelake all the barrooms at niagaraonl he- lake will remain closed indefinitely dur ing army camp alter last years exper ience irecyc llytids has received letters from bollrhis sous ihis week landsman r j has had an examination in a french hospital and was docliuvd unlit fcrr fin ther service at the front he was ordered li piigljind pte george continues in good ilea itli he saw sergl gould and pie thus uennoll alew days beloie writ ing and both were well al the annual meeting ol the inter mediate l league i he billowing officers were elected president willie stewart llrsl vice president hazel me donald second vice president helen an dcrson third vicepresident sabra mel- on secretary james matthews assistant sc ivlary ruhy joies pianist stella mclain rev it h jones ol kiiicrdiuc will commence bis pastorale al the liapl i 1 church next sunday mrs jones and ill h baby daughter will arrive ihis week the congregation lias been willuiiil a shepherd since die removal ul mr llowuth last sunday a couple il pollocks came from giielph with the ostensible purpose ol euticinr loreigners lo win k in the muni tion factory to make ilieir oilers scduc- live it is alleged i hey broiigh a consider able quail lily of liquor as a rcsull there was a good ileal ol diinkcuucss and sev eral rows chief lawson is on their track mr win watson ol hill lakes first place lor early potatoes the planls are aiboul three inches high you iiiav have cleaned up and painted up around home but how about your ce metery plot russells makers bread h cents 75 years ago tiikcn from lie issue ol the free press of thursday may 21 1891 few persons are aware ol the tail that the next year is one ol very siginli- cant celebrations it is the 2slh anniver sary of canadian confederation the lslh anniversary ol the establishment ol re sponsible government in the counliy and the i oolh anniversary ol the lonvocation ul the lirsl parliament ol upper and low or canada the 250lh anniversary ol the lounding ol montreal and the loolh an niversary ol the discovery l america by columbus the grip and lleix allies seem to be making a concerted attack upon the great ones ol the earth mr gladstone is said lo be- sliiici ing limn inl iticna mr illume is having a very acute attack of indigestion anil both sir john macdonald anil mr luiiiei are inns dc combit the tree conceit given bv acton for- net hand was al tended by hundreds our citizens a number of hue evergreens were planted in the cemetery monday mr james grain is talking ol operat ing a scheme lor the watering ol the streets mr thomas slrathain has sulleied a good deal i linn injuries he received al murrays raising last week he is slowly improving harley to halton b y r r y barley n r p in the past week the- house of com mons has had a varied program and has worked on many different matters in addition to this it has been a busy week lor committee work over twenty com mittees have been set up to consider de partmental expenses and various other mailers divorce car salety birth con trol delence cost ol drugs etc as committee lime is very limited many committees have to sit at the same lime most committees require a quorum nl 13 members to start their meeting and ilil liciilties do arise as in some instances nieinbers have two or three committees meet nig at the same lime one of the conservative members ol parliament iroin niiololyamaska one- inc lias resigned his seal apparently ihis riding will disappear in redistribution and he resigned lo run in the forthcoming oiibc provincial election a- a candidate lor i lie union nationale parliament is ileba i illy three meas ures it present these are i a special fund lor the arda ilograin lor the ec onomic and social development ot special rural development areas 2 estimates of the- department ol national revenue 3 the reorganization ul government de partments in keeping with the recom mendations ol the glissco commission four other matters have passed i amendments to the combines investiga tion act 2 changes in the maiional re siarcli council the breton woods agreement cuuccining international mon etary matters the fourth matter approved was the free trade automobile agreement be tween the united states and canada as the sitting member for halton which is vilalls interested in this matter both direct lv and indirectly 1 participated in this debate on introduction the automobile agree ment was designed to achieve increased pn duetion ol automobiles and employ- men in the car industry and to make car costs in canada and the united states more equal i understand unit since the automobile agreement there are plans lor o9 new plants and i in plants will ex pand their present facilities in the auto industry which represents a capital in vest ment of aproximalelv 735 million dol lars there have been steady increases in the uuiuber of people cjirpluied in the auto industry the costs ol cars in ihe united stales and canada are closer with the 1 06 model year it appears there lore that the automobile agreement lias been successful there have been some problems and dislocations but i lie overall el feci ol the free trade agreement is very favorable slips in the type an adv oi tiseiiicnl in the senile iosi inllligencer laige wicked iavi iipoi i was 2451 mow siosn houldcr colo i illy aiuera mem beis ol tbiiisdiv club met veileriliv it the home ol ml s fiank spencer loi him li eiri and contract guests were mrs i i lander mrs a a iirklinrsi ami mis fsvil wilkinson mrs wilkinson vs is high classilicd acl in a washington pipei secretary about to be mai i icil uigeiuk needs a 2 im apt the acton free press business cind cdiloriil odu phonfc 35j 2010 knitiilcl in ils ml imijis i rnuimjs i uhj o a- i tillo lllln 1 tl autif fti ol ht ul lion- u i t w n a nit iia aiwltl iil lltcs 1 jit s- s tionj m ii id- in lit- ij ll li 17 0 in 11 ttnimti i- nt tu i t i j mej lit anil it s oss mnl 1nv li- i rn in i bimi i r it imp is t r 1 rumjilmj tlitl in 1t it il nt i tt mi io j ti r r njvii t tv nj it o v- ill i- -4mllhl- l i -if-niwrc- v ill nt t- h rii fm the hflitirr f arl wrt i- im tiih foi il lli- tpplt ihlc t in ti rv cut if t p pllt 1 m rfti klhmls or mrto i mimli lli ioi- ti str ica nii nut be si id ad v irt isutf is illrn-i- i lffll i mil alld li lit- w hliriv n t tny turn puhllohrd by ihr oiiu lrinlinj tid publithinc i id nvi- dili mmo riioi sugar and spice li y bill a in i i c y it seems lo ine hujj despite the in loads inaile lv easy coiuiniiiiiciiliiins and iranspin laliiin it ho ancient misli list be- tweeu itiiiil ilwiller anil cilv diveller is still verv iiiik li ilive liaeh ileejlsjllial iho other is out in skin him al the i irsl op porliinilv fafli expresses il in scorn lor the others way ol lile i wooden live in the sillily il va iiiume he wlinle lousy mess on i silver plailit sum i s your smalltown iioiidibor this slalomill ichiied irom coast lo eoisl is usually lollowed hy a hitler di hi ihe against city living high rents eiippliile lascs heavy irallle siuoji and mil i iiiidliiiiss collie under iiiohiiii cosl ol liviuit ilruvs coniinenls like costs ya a buck overv inn va blow yer iinsc and ivlial tines the siiuiu urliiuhinile lliink ol tlu- cdiiniry ya i k n w ils line in the siiininer up north lliere hut wuddava do all winifr in thai clump ilieies no use- puiulill out llitt you do exactly what he does work plav liriiik up voiu lamilv li v to pay your hills iiiul let so soon old so late smart on most mailers i lake a stand hut in ihe ileiiiiniiil ion ol ihe iither lellows moile ol hie 1 laki two stands the liisl isenlle iiieeiiient with inv smalllnwii liunils i o aloiil with ihe billiiieronl al y inneiil s that the cilv is no place lo live thai id hale lo battle that liatlii everyday ihal living is clieiper in a smaller centre tliit our air is a lot i leaner that its wondeilul lo live within live minutes ol lishing curling gull and irienils anil when im lisleiiing to some old biiildv who livis in llie city anil loves il i mid sagely when he declares uie city is an c vi iling plaee lo live that ils wonder lul lo lake ill ill the shows anil doiceils thai ils grand in go out lor an exotic meal in a i asi iiiiiiii place wilh go go li lis anil slut i that the small town iloesn i provide ihe siiik- tiilluiil opportunities lor your kids ivivaliu i hut kle al both giunl ol view until ue lull ol c onl radii i mi is the elly fellow clulnm theres no privacy in a small invvii livery id biddy in inwiikiiinvs your business the small- liiwn i hap- esploile privacy how can you have privacy in ihe oily when youre initial iiuo a i uiwdeil apartment build ing or liviii on a iwobyiour lul beside people you dont like who have horrible kids i he siiialltown i el low raves about the mythical rat rue in the i ily and goes onl and roiis aioiiuil ill service clubs and lialeinal oiiina i loir and athletic clubs i ihurili gioups al a rati no city rut iiiiild slautl lor i iiioiilh the invllis uuilliplv the city stands lor eiilliiu- and in a city ot a lllrtllion ihealies ai hall euiply coileeitm play to sinall irowils gimid lelaiilants go broke a lew hundred attend art exhibitions the small lown stands lor recreation and good living and in a small town one- lenlh ol two lei i eul ol the population is revelling in that tisliing hiiiiling and so on thai at llie lionl door file rest are doing what the cilv lolk do ill ink chase rvouicii or iniii in sit aioiiiid watching the slop on the moioii inu lllne when we ihive lo llie t it v as we do ahunsl eieiy saliiiday lor ihe laughters iniiiii lioii llie whole business is liiouglu into pel spei live lor me on tllti unlikely siu- ol a lout lane highway down ii die i uvon oin- stream pour iii ins mds l inalllown lulk yoillg ill lor a ilav in simp lake in a show suck up some laxi cull inc lp from hie eily in ihe oher stream pour the thousands ol people going north lor ihe skiing or llie lishing or the swim ming or the scenery i hey dont even wave lo each other ii ils so glial at home why donl they sla llicic and do you know what ihey say when llicv gel home allei the weekend hoy ils line lo lie home ii was a real week end bill i sun- wooden wanna live ill the i il v muni v i please underline ihe right wold tit plfogi j letters lo the editor iuiilictty aids music ffsitvai ucal si is i have heel i asked by ineuibits ol llie halton music ivslival association lo lb ink your newspaper loi the excellent publicity accorded- the association ihis past year and indeed since ils inception m l2h your new- gaper coverage and pn line have hecii nun li appici lal ed l all ihe pcojile who have woi keel to keep the halt in iiiiiiiv music fcslivil avi ialioll oijulit ijit atler year ul i act iiti leahe it has been one ol the tailors that has enabled the festivals in continue over mich an isleuded period ol lime when our soiuiv lie uiideigouc so many i lianges again ii lnrllll you i anl you is sun elelv illcen martin mis i li s ml il v i i ea 111 rl i ii 1 1 oil mil k i cstival a oi laliou smmwssmmm presbyterian church in canada knox iiukcii acton rev aiuliew ii mckenic ha hi minister ml i a hansen iia liganisl and chun master si mlav may 22ncl ijtwi- is a in liu nil sc hoil i i imi a iii iublii win hip scrmoii i i hi i u- ihe dwelling plue ol wondei lvei mine mo 1 wiliomi- trinity church tho t nllcil church of caiuidai i ministci kec dwighl i ingil iia hi mist mi conge llholl m a ill i simia y may 2nd hu iii 1st ii school si a in hades 4h i i id a in in si- iv lo oiade i si h l is ol woksiiii in a in ii no a in siiiiiii theiiii i an keligion siiiaivi sliness- 1 nu i i v i in ii li 1 1 hiring ii a in se i u e i the church of st alban the martyr aiica t i i willow and si alhoi olive kiv kiu hie k mm iiv ma s i h i lie sand is al lei asiciimi ii si my may mini n a in llobe in ban- i i a iii i ihimii scikmi in il mat n mapie avewue baptist church iei ngelow n slnday may 22nd 1906 l em sunciiv scikmii iiik am rmorniii seivice 7ik p in livening service weibiesdav s pm praver meet ingr aclou o53ljbci cicorclown s776665 church notices 3sztsfszsmt bethel christian reformed church a ton onlal lo key wiele van lik phone 1 585 si mlav may 22nd iv66 iimhi in i nhil seivii u p in dm i h s i en is put sin idi i s ti oi evangel pentecostal tabernacle ia m him lull koad kv s m hi in in ia ii m 213 si mlav mv i i lih lumi a in sin de s hool loi all ages iiuo am mo inn- woi ship scivk e 7 hi p in rkon si me i k das i in p iv i ml hihl studv ihlllsda r p m tlllt ami s aclois hi- a iioni diiiiiiii kuil laber- ntli lii- will ic cot tiiid oinhi i hi k i e i lav 7 p i u- i- i acton baptist church i i 1 11 ia i i v s l r 1 11 ah v ci r 1 i- s m m v iw i i- ail t inu ii siil dul ii i i i 11 a ill m- in u hip ihoil shah si isiii 7 i hi pni i a i nu xiimic i ii disti ii t olallg uk ii vl ik u -us- tins ev iiki- m- a aiaice of sihall7 llie ilav miv 21 ma n it liapllst men i i umli i will k line all iv koine s p m w dii v tv s- r m i ipc slih ul 7huilav fjv 2 choir practice 7 30 i rdiv mac i h h i m lexl loi the week tie ve ri reforc ii jxl as dcii c hililieii lph 51 quote of the week theies nt liiiit in ihe good a man ctn do il he ducsiil cue who gcls tho cicdlt

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