students from across canada linked at citizenship adventure in ottawa rita mccrca acton high schoolsrcp- resenrtatlve at the rotarysponsoi ed ad venture in citteenship thrs vsii returned home last thursday here is her account ol her nip when i arrived in ottawa aflei a somewhat turbulent yet cxiihng plane trip i was nvet by col wm peace presi dent of the ottawa rotary club as mv host mr erins was unexpectedly delayed mr peae took mq homi loi dinrici ulieic i spent a wonderful evening with him and his family later in the evening i met mi enns and two other juris who weie also guests of the enns lamily tjie icst ol tlic evening was spent in resting up for the opening of the advmtuie in ciuzcnship which began ptomptly at nine oclock monday mav 9 the adventure began with an assem bly in the drawing room of the chateau lauricr here we mingled in the crowd identifying each other bv our name tags and soon formed fast friendships taking part m the adventure were 248 teenageis liom all parts of canada ranging from aklavik in the nwt to st johns nflil to our surprise there was also one boy from austitba who was on an ex change pioiani with the us alter a welcoming speech from tlie president of the rotary club and a civic welcome from his woiship mavoi reul we ate lunch at the chateau guest speaker at lunch was tlie hon oiable prune ministei pearson who c tended a heailv welcome to the capital and hoped that we would return home jyilh a belter understanding ol our nalion al institutions and a heightened appiecii tion of our responsibilities as citizens the rest or the alteinoon was taken up by a visit to the house ofcotrrmorrs and a tour of the parliament buildings in the evening we were guests of tisher park high school at a dinner conceyi and a dance- tuesday morning we wnv laken to the cailelon llmveisilv wlicie we panic uiatcd in gioup discussions the ptupos ol the discussions vias to be abu to i chanfc views and inloiiii ition with tuns irotn all ovei canada on topics siu h as education sv stems hull mntiol tin trench canadian situation and vietnam i became quite c ilous when i liiin ed that giade tvcicmiulnts in bt get exemptions on tlieii i inil csanis whiu heie in ontai 10 wc h ve lo sweat it out luncheon on lucsihv was called i in opposition luncheon as the hononble john dielenbakci ii itlei ol tin opposi lion was the ginsl spcakii mi dielenbakci ixpicssul his anlui pation to the cla thai vm iu in pnilu- ment he also siicssul the med loi his lorv in which vvc sludv the heiitaisi ol the past in older to uudc island tlic hen tage ol the picsent alio lunch wo visited r idea n hall icsidcine l the governor gem nil when we u i nee the limousines were mailing lo i iki tin iiitum cicinial and his wife to llt uipupl muilumt vttiiler who was wailing tn lln t ti supped out to gikcl us llti lirst vvoids wen 1 thought 1 had betlei get out and spuik lo vou or voud thin k i was old and ueiepit although she didnt hut much lime to talk she vuilkod thiouph tin i rowel of teennpers weleom in us incliv uluallv a lew minutes latei sht liii hush uul wen whisked ava in lilt black hnioiisiiie i in m of the alleinoon involved a iil to tin r ml riaining division at kockelill v lit if the inoiinlies uitcilaincd us wilh a ithil diilldisplav the musical i rile ptiloimance anil lilms show my the li nniii ot men in the rcmp in he iv tiling we untied the nil lonal gallnvol canad i whtie vvc saw works bv famous painleis suih as rcmlirinl and van dvck highlights of wednesday rvcre a pic mi luliih in vintinl massev park follow ed bv a bus torn ol ottawa and hull this was sponsouil h the national cp hal commission who fiave planned the nations capital and have in mv opinion mule it a most beautiful tilv in th eve ning we dined al the chateau laiuicriv mh our membeis ol puliainent this wis fol lowid bv duneui in the ballroom thin sdav was the wind up of thu ad venture it bee m with a visit to the supreme couit vvheic wc were ret lived in tin honoiable mi fustite r m hall after a lour ol the supreme com i we assembled in the confederation room ol the pailiamenl buildings and received oui tilircnship cirlil icnles bv the minis ler of cilicnsbip and immigration the honoiable jean mine hand the final event was the farewctt luncheon as we sang aulil lang syne there was the note of finality in our voicis as we paited we left behind many new iik nils ihii each ol us tmiiistl home tin memorv of tins vvondertul adventure tlie purpose of the adventure in citizenship was to tnlcicbange informa tion and knowledge and discover ttie com mon things that link canadians and to promote a better understanding of the me tiling and responsibilities ol canadian citizenship i he lil- ol oui eoiuitiv will be richei anil its intuit- more secure be- cause ol ihc kifowltilgi g uiiid fn m hand al pnli inient l lln tuliiu itieleis of canad i who tiavelled to ii lit ipale in tlir cilii nslup 1 wish to ih ink the alton rotary club which made this tup possible for me i will look b ick on this advcniiiie in the veils io come with the fondest of mem- n s across the nation f6 adventure in the iroquois team captured the teen n un der bowling league championship saturday morning ot acton bowling lanes front row left to right are lynda harris captain gary price staff photo and sharon ellerby back row left to right are kevin perkins coach mary daley joan jancar bob toth and tom peltit halfon 4h club news halton 4h sheep club by gwcn kuvachlk on tuesdav ma 10 the hal ton 4h sheep club 1 ravelled to genova farms located near brampton the club left the milton agncultuwel olfioe at 8 30 am accompanied b agn cultuiul representative llcniv stanley and mr sokes 1 he- members toured the huge barn looking at ewes and lambs anil examining the equipment and facilities emplovcd mr rem ngton who was in ehaige ot the open house at the genova farms welcomed the 4 h club and pointed out things ol spee lal interest mt coulson and mi need bam of guelph umveisitv clem onstiated docking and cast rat ing to the 411 club and othn interested men present loi the open house ed wainti a spct ialued sheep shearer demon strated his methods ol chpptiuj a shee desoubnvg the clijtti ent position invvhub to hold the sheep he stressed the tail thu the sheep should be conn oiled completelv b the clippers legs and leet thu leaving the hands free for shearing mr remington showed the members how to giade the wool roll it and bundle it he emphasrcel the unpoi tame ot the strength ot the wool libre and the eleanlmess of the wool the members were invited to clip a sheep using the new sun beam clippers designed bv mr warner the president don harms sheared a sheep graded cleaned and packed the wool mr genova talked with the club members explaining his meth ods and operations answering questions and giving his opinion on questions asked by mr stan ley and the members mr stanhrv thanked mr gen ova and jvli remington on be halt of the club shoriv attcr noon the club lelt lot milton chauffered bv mi stokes and mi stanlev halton 4h jersey- guernesy ayrshire calf club bv murray mccaig judging dauv cattle was the topic ot tin second regular meeting ol the halton jersev oueinsev avishue 4h call club held at the laim ol don mccaig at norval on tuesdav mav 10 mi mccain will ovei the ilesii able qualities ol the itlsev breed and then piovided a class ol eows to be iidged dm inn the second iatl ol the meeting luiuors discussed de velopnient ot the dauv bleeds leel bv ken i ha and the sen 101 s with man bleard eovn exl topics on inherit into in livestock and senioi work projects tarzwell pays second high price at hostein sole the hillmac holstein hord of jack f mcdonald thameslord ontario was dispersed mav 16 al shore sales arena glan woitli ontario with 55 head bringing a total ol 43410 foi a general average ol 1789 each thtb excellent average was achieved on the basis ol a group ul good tvpc individuals and exceptional depth of pedigree the herd avas lint bred on the rag apple stock al least 95 per cent ol rile hoklein bleed eis in canada aie now vvoi king with rag apples and this tamilv is the basis lor the vvoildwide populantv of the canadian hoi stem top animal of the sale at 3 500 was hdlmo4 royul right a tin ce ve lr old that was puich aseel bv wellington sluvclv ol loiest lee taims spiiiljhcld ontario howard tarzwell g e o i g e town ontauo paid the second highest pi ice ol s2 9l0 loi the virv good cove hillpiae mai tcreign abeikcik and bought a milking female for t2s teachers dinrter at club tonight retired tcichers trom at ton george tow n and i q u e s t n g township will be bonored to night thursdivl dining a din nei at oith halton golf and countrv club i in dinnei is being sponsoied ov the womni tcicheis inter at ion also ltunding will be- past presidents of the- assocn tion coloieii slides on pakistan will be shown follow ing the din ner according to the canadian cancer societv cancer is not a iingle disease but disease entity made up of perhaps 250 high- lv complex related diseases each with its own course and prognosis and each behaving differentlv in different patients wi annual at ballinafad h ilton hihn institute dis tut unnual nieetint was held at ballinafad comnmnitv hall ul ct iv yvcdticsdin iiicludeel on the lellll l wile eleclleul ol new ol icrs a guest peakti and i skil piesented bv the eton till t nr buard ladies dinner wis seued in the biscment it the billinaful church a full icport ot the meeting with pictures will ap pear in next uks issue of the acton free press there werp mam fiom out of town fishing jli the park on the holiday weekend jode empire dav protect awards were made on fridav members visited 4be various classrooms the acton free press thursday may 26 1966 safety council to sponsor fair display 4h contest the second directors meeting of ihc halton farm saklv council wis hfld a i the agricul tuial oil ice milton on mond iv mav the l66 therm of ih- ontauo i aim safetv count il lets reiluee fai m machineiy accidents w is diseussed and it was deoidd lo hold a 4 11 poslei competition the winning poster to be displayed al the roval winter fair and at the ontauo t ii in sjlelv conftienti in guelph next vear the halloii council will also sponsor a tarm machinery sale tv display which will be set up at the milton fair the safetv council is donating pines of first aid kits and slow moving vehicle siyns to winners ol the 4h safety rallies to be held in the niuslcltei of the c ina ilian cancel simielv progiess igainst cine ci will keep vou ibieast ol th latest activities of this humanitaiian organization to leeeive reuul lr issues applv to your local unit of the societv consolation winners in the teen n under league may be in the pit but are far from being losers included in the photo are cap tain of the hurons gordon morris ronnie staff photo vaoore susan shafi debra storey cathy nome melanie hardy colin price rodger mcerfchern and coach jackie palmer rats are pests rats i ilangei oils speties ol vcimin mav cnr the germs ol buhouii plagui in addi to being distinctive pests whciiv ei they ait known to bind tluv should be exterminated i olii lu ilth eli pai inicnw should be noiilietl il i its aie known io inlist mv lesidential oi t iininii uil eica vaiieei lliev aic kndvvn lo lie esliblishcd on i i u in the idc il igriculluial ic prtsenlative should be consult ed is to sale vvavs ol gelling lid ol them frank szabo shoe repair acton plaza the place where quality counts closed friday at 7 pm mortgage protection i through life h sura nee contact iain williams 107 elizabeth dr acton 8531897 sun life assurance company of canada mmm from lovell bros modern meat market beef tender rump roast choice wing roast lean shoulder roast fresh lean ground beef stock your freezer now sides hinds fronts cut and wrapped at no extra charge 89 89 69 59 c ib c lb lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acton phona 8532240 daily delivery mlton j rxvalj thursfrisat way 262728 do not disturb in olor doris day alpine rescue cartoon runaway mousa matinee saturday at 2 pm mon tues wed fth aomiifamct may 3031 june 1 zorba the greek anthony quinn cartoon pink jill fly thurs fri sat june 234 2nd best secret agent in the world in color tom adams blue water sports cartoon lets stick together show times mondav through thursday 8 pjw friday and saturday at 7 amd 9 pai financial assistance available or farm pond to encourage the construction of farm ponds the government of ontario will pay 50 of the cost of an approved pond up to a maximum of 500 this financial assistance is available to farmers for constructing a new pond improving an existing pomd i t apply consult yanr county afrlcnjtiml krpmcnutive or agricultural engineer lor application torem and advice june a lilin cnlillfd a i icensc to kill ui- shown at tht meeting i ins lilni u is nd urird bv the winilsoi police department and tu- ils uith i hi trinic conse- iiiks ol drunken li ivlng dills stationery offer ft t comptt lr nrli itlort wctuing anuuumrnianta tylrd for llic tluittim mating ask fur gibson cards for all occasions theyre new letraset print pak only 59c pkg sheaffer pens pen sets ball pens wide selection choose nowl 98c to 2500 papermate ball pens the new 150 with contour grip 150 other styles 98c to 1 95 refills for ball pens a large variet in stock bring your pen in for a refill i guest register books white and colors 165 v t clearing 1966 pocket date books only 59c ontario dopartmoat ol agriculture hon wm a stawart minister ontario department of eaerr and haa i minhi i has j r 81rnooett ulnlstar address and telephone books 69c to 100 rubber stamps made to order prompt service gift wrappings ribbons and bows luncheon napkins wide assortment for all occoiions pkg 39c photo files purse size 100 photo albums 195 to 395 photo corners pkg 10c dills stationery 56 mill st 9532030