clerk reports on community continued from previous page ist then of course there is the natter of error as we at the town office are not by any neans infallible nor is the jjrinter and it is for this reason ithat the voters lists are printed land advertised and citizens arc requested to check the lists to makc sure they are on the list each year we advertise in the i local paper and distribute cop- lies throughout the town in dif ferent stores for the conveni ence of the public in checking j them but it seems the majority i of people do not do this so that j on election day when they go to i vote and find their name is miss- 1 ing from the list a great deal of confusion ensues and the citiz en is quite often irate that his i name has been left off i would strongly urge that citizens take a few minutes each year to check the voters list and make sure that their name is there our election procedure vlhich is laid out by the ontario gov ernment makes the town clerk the returning officer of the municipality for the purpose of municipal elections and he is charged with the responsibility of preparing the voters list convening the nomination of candidates and operating the el ection all as part of his regular duties an oddity in the voters list act precludes the clerk from voting in the municipal election while he holds the office of clerk except to cast the decid ing vote in case of a tie in any of the offices being contested fortunately i have never been put in this position and i certainly hope that 1 never will be as i am of the opinion this puts the clerk in a very diffic ult position you probably have read quite a lot in recent years of regional government and are no doubt wondering what it means and what will it do for me as a tax payer the whole concept of region al government is simply to pro vide a broader tax base from which to receive tav funds to provide the services required the idea being that a larger ar ea will provide greater assess ment and more important will spread the industrial assess ment over a wider area so that those municipalities with low industrial assessment will bene fit from the larger municipalit ies professional consultants have recently completed a study ot halton and peel counties and it is expected their report will be made to the pnnincial govern ment some time in august for their consideration all ol the operations ol the municipality are controlled b the provincial government in a long list of statutes with the main ones being the municipal act and the assessment act but there are man nian others which set out hutou mu or ma not do it has been our endeavor ov er the vcars to maintain a pro gressive and uptodate oltice in order to provide ou with the rrust elticicnr senice at the cheapest possible cost equipmentwise nc arc in good shape and it is our behct that keeping our equipment mo dern and employing modern methods ot accounting we are aole to provide ou with tast and etlicient service at moder ate cost with a minimum ol sufl however we do have one complaint and that i the inade quacy of our quatters we are still operating from the same location with the same amount ol space that we had when we had a population ot 1800 people and to sav the least it is vers diflicult to operate etficicnth in such cramped quarters to finish off these rcmuks i would like to trv and explain the word administrator as it applies to our operation a few years ago xvith the size ot the muniopalit being small all elements of the oper ation were small and council jnembers had the time to over see the majority of the work and they were continually on the job themselves with the town foreman etc to sec that the work was carried out ac cording to councils wishes as the town grevv services had to be expanded in all areas and council members were just not able to carry on in the old established way so that a new method o operation had to be considered then too the town took over the water and sewer departments from the public utilities commission and the personnel and the services had to be integrated with the rest of the town force the decision was made that we should have a town admin istrator who would work dir ectly with council who set pol icy in all matters and it would be the duty of the administrator to see that this policv xvascar- ried out in the several depart ments involved by advising the department head of councils wishes discussing the matter with him and proceeding to cor relate trie xvork it was councils decision that the clerk was best suited for this jot as he was in constant touch with council and the dif- playground facilities good for picnics boating fishing a review of the past and a look into the future gives an outline of acton parks board acton board of parks man agement one of the older com mittees of council serving the citizens of acton had its incep tion in may 1956 members of the original board were mayor tyler a irwin c rognvaldson r r parker h m coxe g barbeau chairman and mrs g frver lerent areas of town operation so that the town clerk was named town clerk administra tor and he was charged with the responsibility of carrying out his duties as clerk but in addi tion he would be rcsponsrole to see that councils policy was carried out in all phases of our municipal government i have endeavored to explain the operation ol the town and how it works in simple langu age and in some detail so that you will have a better under standing of your town and i trust that i have succeeded at least in part through diligent efforts of parks board members over the years since its inception the town of acton is able to boast of one of the most beautiful and serviceable parks in all of hal- ton county prospect park lo cated on the northwest side of acton and picturesquely sur rounded on three sides by the waters of fairy lake is capable of lending itself to almost any situation the park has been the home of actons famed fall fair since the fairs beginning in 1913 and over the years has hosted rnany a championship baseball series and today is one of three parks in halton countv able to offer night baseball under the lights to residents of acton and district the park offers swim ming boating picnicking vari ous summer sports and all in a setting of magnificent natural beauty the development and maintenance of all of this has been the responsibilitv of the acton board of parks manage ment some of the boards major accomplishments have been the installation of dressing ropms and change stations beach de velopment installation of boun- darv line fencing control and maintenance of the wading pool lake clearing and general park beautification in this year 1966 as well as continuing to develop and main tain prospect park the parks board has broadened its hori zons to include development of park land in glenlea subdivis ion and it is the hope of the board to hold an official open- george williams chairman ing of glenlea park in conjunc tion with canadas centennial celeoralions in 1967 development here will include seeding grading tree planting andjhstallation ofswings and slides supplied through the aus pices of a local service club the acton board of parks management would like to take this opportunity to invite the people of halton and neighbor ing counties to avail themselves of actons fine park facilities and to point out to acton resi dents that a special invitation will be coming their way short ly in the form of a car sticker that grants free park admission to acton residents for the entire summer season extra copies of this edition are available at the free press and town offices take some to your next convention town office manager joe hurst and mrs joan harrison set up towns billing machine frank heller tst co limited serving the canadian shoe industry with splits pig skins and lining material solin 59 willow st north acton ontario telephone 8531850 tore appliances and heating units sold throughout canada producers of electric and gas ranges rangettes hotplates for nearly forty years exported to many countries force electric products limited acton ontario