cditor stresses progress need continued from page 6 sions will ov ol interest to all citizens y acton s location on the peri phery ol the sphere of influence i of the great industrial and icsi i denual complex around the j western end ol lakxi ontario referred to as the golden horse shoe its close proximity to the west to the kitchenerwaterloo guelph and gait complex and its relationship to the toion tobrampton mlluenee on the east make aeton an attrictive location for eertain types ol mldustiial cnterpiisc the location cose to the in terproineial highway 401 and the international tiripoit at malton relates ery closelv to the toiontohamilton region in which is located almost hall the population of ontario and a sig mficant proportion of the to tal population ol canada the chief physical aspect of the region in which acton is lo cated is the niagara escarpv ment which not only pro ides a setting ol great natural beiut but also the materials and wa ter potential foi grcit inciustii al actiit of ccitain types earliest records pertaining to the site on which aeton is loeit ed show that patents were issu d by thi crown on januan 28 1829 to silas ernes and csia adams it vm in 1844 tint a post office was obtained foi the growing community eentie ai ound the mill the cailiest estab- lishedindustrv it was in the establishment ol the post oil ice that the first postmaster robert swan suggested the name be changed from danville to acton alter acton in england from 1844 to 1873 the com munih remained a part of the township ol esquesmg during this pet lod ol consolidation ol the settlement the more pel manent homes and local insti tuitions were established b 1873 theie wele over 750 in jiaoitints whose icsidcnces are suflicienlh ncai to loim an in corporated village and bv the connu of hilton bvlaw no 75 passed scptembci 2 1873 the village ol aeton was mcoipoi ated a stcach ml lux ol indus trv in the xeais ol and mimed iatch lollowing woild wat ii produced i wiclei base of nidus trial actum on january 1 1950 aeton be came a town with a population of 2880 annexation ol hnd from the township ol tsqucs ing in 1948 l ind 1959 pi o vide el new incusli nil ind lesi dentil sites and iiiscd the ilea of the town to 1077 aeies the 50 s wcic liiil a clceidc of dculopmcnt during winch sanitaix seweis were installed the streets weie pacd high wav 25 linking aeton to the south was paed glcnlea and lakeucw subelimsions with a potential ol 400 new homes scie stalled school additions weie constructed ind the miimeipil well on the dmdson lai m was put into seriec with a daik capacih estimated at ovei 800 000 gallons setbacks ere epciicnccd in industnal aclmlv with the clo- jng of the wool tombing loip- oration and store gloc and tlfc iemoil ol b ixtor laboia tones when the a v roe arrow pioieet was cancelled in 1959 oer 6h people in c ton were displaced in spic of these setbacks the popuhtion continued to glow until toclis it stands at oei 4200 0ei the past dccacl this repasents a 43o increase oi an aciage an tiual uieiease ol 4 3u it can be issuined tin rate of growth will continue and b the time ot the 1981 lodciil census the popul uion ot aton could increase to 9000 pc plc with ocr 35o0 w lge camels it is possible to pioieet to this 9000 figure bearing in mind the great rate ol uibaniation with in the province and paiticulark within hwton count the studies made in connect ion with the ontario highwus development piouam indie iteel a population ot over 800 000 in continued on page ii its our 37th anniversary may 24th m 1966 our first truck 1929 ford first employee lorne walters founder and company president ted tyler sr our second truck 1929 diamond t driver lorne miller about to leave with our latest highway tractor driver lorne walters gives route instructions from all of us evelyn lasby wf lome walters gord fricker jack campbell lome miller p w lou reed tony stapleton ken hurren frank spielvogel lloyd robinson to all cur customers sincere thanks for giving us the opportunity to serve you tyler transport ltd 853- 1550 acton service thai satisfies since 1929 pcv class c d f special f fs h and x school bus service cnarter-bus-service- 3641034 toronto