Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1966, p. 3

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elmer smim honored by ys men during ladies night in guelph acton ys mens club used the occasion of their annual ladies night at he royal hotel guelph to honor a man as well as to honor the ladies and toast the conclusion ol another year of service elmer smith popular and re spected principal of the m z bennett public school was the surprised recipient of gifts from ihe ys men fronj fellow teach ers and words of praise and in the translation the i scroll from the univers ity of the upper niagara escarp ment was presented to the dis trict governor in honor of a re cent trip to a real convocation where he received his ba de gree following an original and hu morous toast to the ladies by former ys man charlie kirk- ness in which he wenfc-backto- genesis and the beginning of appreciation from all at the dcljthings ys man norm turner lightful dinner and dance in the posh elizabeth room last thur sday evening first part of the program took the form of a regular ys mens dinner meeting with pres ident garrtet pat mckenzie in the chair for the last time lome doberthien was lines master and he and fines collec tor rick coc had their work cut out for them with irrepres sible ys guys like clarence rognvaldson bill wilson and harry aroic the hilarity was capped when ys men stu cowan and clar ence rognvaldson called on dis trict governor doug copeland to step forward there in fornt of the 70 guests they gowned copie in suitable surplice cape and over size mortar board to hear an address from an illuminated scroll read in the original latin by ys man rognvaldson and translated by ys man cowan needless to say much was lost led ina singsong accompanied by wife joanne at the piano harry arbic stood up then and announced the ys men wished to recognize a top notch ys man a man who does a good job and no one ever hears a word about it a man whose work in the ymca might ev en surpass his work with the club a quiet unassuming indiv idual who helped carry the club over difficult times he called on elmer smith to step forward and ys man ed leatherland came bearing gifts of a desk lamp and a set of gold cuff links the entire assembly stood to give the popular acton teacher an ovation elmer came to acton from alton in 1943 and we thought he only had lips for a horn but the presence here of a family proves otherwise said ys man aroic as he introduced the en tire smith family present as their father was honored mrs smith was presented photo by esther taylor oversize mortar board was presented ys mens district governor doug copeland at the ys aaens ladies night after graduating from the university of waterloo may 24 the school teacher was capped and gowned again by his club associates including incoming president bill nellis and past president school principal g w mckenzie with a bouquet of flowers by miss- sally wilson and chair man pat mckenzie introduced the smith family in order slightly embarrassed at the adulation and completely sur prised smitty was called back to the floor again to receive gifts of a desk set and -book- ends and an expression of thanks from stu cowan on be- hair of the staff of the m z bennett school where he made working a- pleasant task greetings from international ys mens clubs wetx brought by district governor doug cope land to his home club we are gratified that the club honors a fellow ys man he said add ing that seldom has a man been more deserving than the man we are honoring tonight representing the rotary club high schoor principal ted han sen voiced happy memories of his association with mr smith when he was a freshman tea cher under principal smith at alton elmer smith is a solid type citizen keen on doing a good job he has contributed greatly to the club the school and the oand the community benefits and will continue to gain from the fact the smith family is in it said mr hansen lions club president hartley coles- brought greetings from the lions to the ys mens club and expressed felicitations to ys man smith he holds a pos ition of great respect in aclon and fills it well said the lion chief ys mens founder bill benson congratulated the club on choosing mr smith for recogni tion as school board spokes man trustee benson commend ed his work at the school and said the honor couldnt hap pen to a better guy former public school board chairman tom watson now graduated to high school said he could think of no one more deserving than smitty to ho nor at a banquet acton citizens band presid ent ted tyler jr speaking oll- theculf recalled the many tasks smitty did in the band first he was- a trumpet play er then librarian then secre tary then caretaker and even lirelighter said the band head longtime friend and musical associate johnny tocher ex pressed his delight at being part of the night to honor mr smith he wished elmer and his fam ily the very best and ended with the hope they will be around for a lot of years to come luckv draws were won by mrs bill wilson and mrs hart ley coles and before ys man bill nelles was called lorward to receive the gavel irom retir ing president mckenzie with a charge he vyas railroaded mr mckenzie presented cigars to the years three stars stu cow an ed leatherland and guest ot honor smith dancing to music recorded bv harry arbic wound up the ev ening two hours of freedom second hullons antiquated counts jail on brown st in milton lost another inmate friday aflcr- noon the second escapee in the past 10 weeks but lus freedom was shortlived police lioni milton and secr- al district lorces conveiged on a small bush at the southeast end ol town and arrested ihe man just oxer two hours alter he lied the jail a quickthinking milton usi- dent who noticed the nun inn across the sixteen mile creek near the sexxage plant and in otldutv opp ollicer who cap tured the suspect xxith onlx one warning shot were piaiscd lor their el toils b milton police chiel rax andrcss xxho led the search police said charles joseph kvnny 2t ol hamilton appar ently escaped irom the jail arouiid 530 or 545 pm fi idax he was one ol txxo men c lung ed with breaking into the canip- bellxillc giaxel supplx co near making turn cars collide constable peter campbell nt the acton opp detachment laid charges against an aclon area dnxor following an acci dent on main st- n sundav max 2 a car diixcn in john rt- iriotul fabian acton piccccding north on mam st n about to make a lell hand turn onto eliz abeth drixe xxas in collision with another northbound car driven bv dirk jansen rr 3 acton which xxas tolloxxing damage to the fabian vehicle xas estimated around s150 and to the jansen car around 100 escapee campbellxillc is captured committed to trial at the next count court session xvhich be gins june 6 jail officials refused to com ment on how the escape hap pened but i eports indicated the pi isoner broke doxxn a healing pipe irom the ceiling ol ins cell and used it to pry apait the window bars this gaxe him ac cess to jh outside couiixanl xxheic he staled a high board fence unnoticed in bioad clax- iight robot rt morlev conuneiviil st milton xxho was eating xup- poi ai his home saw a man i tinning along the creek hank neai the towns sewage disposal plant and unawaie ol the jail- lueak thought the matter was worth investigating he noti fied neighbor tom dube an opp lonstnhfc who in turn untitled milton pohee and went iiit with his 22 rille to svarh the aioa chief andrcss ami const tcvl ind had been kennedy ol the milton force also searched ihe area district cubaree saturday at elora about 200 cubs are expected at flora gorge park this satur- ilax lor the georgetown district cubarcc a lull pack ol about 35 with leadeis xxill be attend ing irom acton the district in cludes noival georgetown glen williams and ballinatad as well as acton the boxs will go b charter ed buses about 9 am the moi n- mg program includes tramping namic trails then thcios lunch in the pavilion followed bx games and races m the at- teinoon the acton boxs haxe been practising tor races thjs xxvek acton has a crest to submit in a contest coineiding xvilh the 50th annixcrsarx ol the cub movement the winner will be chosen satiiidax decoration day committee announces par am with three bands acton citizens band hespeler junior pipe band guelph pipe band on sunday june 5th parade starts at 200 pm from the cnr station decoration service fairview cemetery at 300 pm folloxved by decorating of graves at fairview pioneer and dublin cemeteries personals the acton free press thursday june 2 1966 coordination of services debated by representatives mr lome mullin is a patient in cuelph general hospital the golden age cluo members were guests of the guelph club tuesday afternoon bruce andrews is home now irom seton hall south orange new jersey mrs h helxvig and mrs j inglis have returned trom a pleasant trip to washington williamsburg and other places of interest friends will be pleased to learn mrs jimmie loutitt is re cuperating at home after sur gery in guelph general hospi tal mrs tom lynch and mrs henry wissen held a shower lor bridetobe miss jean hart at ihe lynch home attended bv neighbors and choir members of trinity united church jo ann force spent last week end in kingston and attended the graduation week ceremon ies ill royal military college as ihe guest ol fo jim plafmr and mrs h r force attended the graduation ceremonies on lriday may 27 the rev dwight engel and lav delegate clarence gamble are this week attending the meetings of hamilton confer ence of the united church at the university ol waterloo ses sions continue from monday un til thmsdav evening milton ball agent in training at dennys insurance agencv leaves today thursday for a three week insurance agents course in seattle the course is held at the head oflice for gen eral or america insurance com pany he leaves by plane mrs waters of london xvas ihe guest for a lew days last xveek with her sister mrs chas mason and mr mason the many friends of miss anne stalker regret that she has been a patient in guelph general hospital the past week friends ol john mcgeaehie son of mr and mrs jacksmfe geachie will be sorry to hear he is a patient in st josephs hospital guelph where he un derwent an emergency append ectomy sunday evening the spring leunion of ihe guelph chapter ol the rose crojx in guelph xvas held last xveek participating from aclon were jack mcgeaehie doug mceachern dave manes edgar mcknight dave dills and ray thompson spending monday with her lather mr c w mason and mrs mason were daughter mrs w e ramsden and mr rarns- den grandson dr n e rams den and mrs ramsden and great grandchildren rickey ronnie and karin ol kcnmore tsty mr and mrs edward hutna- gel of alliston attended gradu ation classes thursday mav 26 xhen their son gordon e hul- nagel received his ba honors course from western univeis- i l v london the hulnagels aie formerly from aclon aclon pahs and squaies joined the mem eights ol guelph lor an evening of square dancing at ihe edward john son school guelph salurdav night johnny davidson from the tommy hunter tv program xvas caller the ivlerri eights not long ago visited the acton club here fo jim pfaff jo ann force to marry at dwight june 18 flviny officer jim pfafl and ju ann force will be married salurdav june 18 in stewart memorial church at dwight muskoka son ol flighllieutenant and mrs robert w plat i ottawa jim plat received the degree ol bachelor ol science and his commission in the rcaf from the hon paul hellver minister ol delense at roxal military college kingston on friday mav 27 mr plait is the lormer kav chapman daughter ol mrs jack chapman mill st and the late mr chapman dr omand soltndt chancellor of the unixersitv ol toronto and chairman ol the defense re search board gave the convoca tion addiess a tiooping ol ihe color preceded the convocation alter graduation jim and jo ann attended the wedding in the rmc chapel ol iriends lioni victoria bc jo ann a student at waterloo lnivcrsity college is ihe daugh ter ol mr mu mis h r force aclon alter their marriage the couple will live in manitoba where jo ann expects to conti nue her studies june clearance sale new and used cars and trucks at prices you cannot afford to miss 196 ford custom 500 4dr sedan 390 motor automatic and many extras 10000 miles demo lie h10285 1961 ford tudor v8 automatic radio lie hi 8320 1962 mercury tudor v8 automatic a real smart price lie hi 0358 1960 f250 u ton pickup in al condition real value new falcons fairlanes and fords ready to go top values fair trades buy now r thompson mofors acton ltd telephone 8532370 mr robert landsborough lell mai ton on saturday lor sweden on a two months vacation tour ing european countries mr and mrs frank jones at tended the graduation ceremon ies al westernuniversity lon don on saturday when her bro ther lieut commander andrew nieol received his masters de cree in business administration the rev a ii mckenzie and m m coles are attending ihe 92nd general assembly ol the presbyterian church in canada in st andrews church toron to this xveek until thursday ol next week mr mckenzie is at tending as one ol the four min ister commissioners from the presbvterv ol brampton and mi coles is an elder commis sxoner miss susan corless daughter ol lormer acton residents mr and mrs ben corless gi actuat ed with her bachelor ol arts in honors historv irom west ern university london she is just back irom a holiday in nas sau her lather was accountant at the bank ol montreal here at one lime and is soon expect ing to move as manager irom godciich to campbelllord mr coilcss and daughter susan vi sited briellv in aclon with rela tives monday rameses temple shrineis irom kitchener and through eas tern ontario were oined bv re- pi esontatives irom bulfalo and detroit during the spring cere monial held at the plus ed building at guelph university on saluidav attending ihe cere mony irom aclon vveie dr a j buchanan r h elliott and neil bowles following the ce- rcmonv in the alternoon shrin- ers paraded thiough guelph and en joyed a windup banquet in ihe evening record crowd roller skating a record 183 attended roller skating last salurdav evening at ihe community centie as was expected attendance was down considerably on ihuisday and tuesday rov goodwin ol the spoils corner made arrangements to have more skates available to rent when the popularity ol ihe new spoil became apparent a further meeting will con vene lo discuss the possibility ol the formation of a council of women in acton al the in itial meeting in the y monday lepresentatives talked over the lack of coordination in assist ance and what could be done represented were the ys menettes iode legion lad ies mentally retarded associ ation several churches and the social welfare committee ol- council other groups had also indicated interest but represent atives were unable to be pres cut stated purpose of the meet ing xvas to see if it would bo possible to coordinate the social vvellare activities of the womens groups ol acton an introductory sheet of informa tion urged make acton a car ing town one people want to live in it xvas agreed the groups con- ticted would be asked lo name a representative to attend a fur ther meeting in june an ex ecutive may be set up then groupswhich have their own vellure projects would in all likelihood retain them anony mity in cases ol financial need xould be scrupulously maintain ed bv a council it was agreed the services manv now provided by separate groups or individuals in a hap hazard way would be given by a possible- council ol women only following the request ol a vvellare ollicer public health ollicer nurse or minister or to a sei vice club aclon lacks service irom the red cioss victorian order ol nurses and visiting ilomemak- cis which are available in larg- ei cenlies while it was generally agreed thai the group would have to ixgitt in a very small way with completely volunteer woik a wide variety ol possibilities was discussed prime thought was the pro vision ol essential sei vices lo pioplc in need ol help includ ing home nui sing homemakers omeigencx help oi tcmpoiarv habv silting following a sudden accident oi liagedy oi prolong ed illness a master list ol women who aie willing to canvass could be maintained as it is vaiious gioups make their own con tacts moneyraising events could be scheduled so they do not con- llicl coming to the dundas arena don messer and his islanders with charlie chamberlain and marg osborne thursday june 16 tickets on sale dundas arena wo will mail you the tickets send money order or cheque reserved 200 rush 150 children under 12 half price dundas arena po box 190 dundas overlapping of services could be curtailed with a central organization fexver cases would be overlooked there could be a depot of clothing there could be central infor mation on articles being saved by the dilferent groups organization naming of an executive and provision of lists would initiate the council pointed out mrs dwight en- gel cases would not likely be many however not infrequen tly persons have no idea where to find help paid or unpaid in a sinall toxvn arts graduate mrs i ilueniken of guelph has received i he degree of bach elor of arts at the 12th convoca tion of the university ol water loo mrs hucniken who is the mother ol a sevenyearold girl and sixvciiiokl twin sons at tained lirst class honors she will be on ihe leaching staff of the acton district high school alter attending summer school at oce toronto i photo 24hr i developing kodak film y ii film ii developing h service 1 photoflash 1 supplies 1 cameras hintons 5 c to 1 store tickets for round up 66 are going like hot cakes if you want to be sure of a good seat get yours now reserved seats sis0 rush seals 100 children 75c seating plan in simpsonssears wi ndow acton lions big show in acton community centre sat june 815 11 featuring the rhythm pals chuck ford his banjo the chorallcrs joyce carpenters dancers pairs and squares our singing mayor acton citizens band vlncc mountford mc get youi reserved seat anv lion canadian tire from acton home furnishings or bus depot all proceeds for lions community work ann watch for our grand opening thursday june 9th acton pharmacy ltd 2 main st n telephone 8531620 wm bill f yundt and ken h elsiey

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