Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1966, p. 5

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rookie ralph rintoul fires fine twohitler as villaqers win 10 campbellville unveiled their rookie righthander ralph rm- tout in hamilton last wednes day night and he came through with abnrhant twohit shutout as he struck out ten walked five and hit one batter over the seven inning route rintoul hut to be good as hi- teammates only managed one run off hamiltons right hind er hyrnick who held the league leaders to five hits he struck out five and walked lour the only run of the game came in the fifth when with one out rick repta singled a pickoff throw from the pitcher got away from the first base man and repta went to second he advanced to third on an in field out and scored when the pitcher balked if campbell ville was fortunate to score this run they were unfortunate not to score in the first when dredge failed to tag up on third on cairns long flv to centre- field with one out in all camp bell vrlle left four men on third while only one hamilton runner got that far tambourini and rosser singl ed for hamilton ken moon and rick rvpta each had two hits lor campbellville and al wingrove picked up the other footnotes hamilton right- fielder chiaral was hit in the face bv a pitched ball in the fourth and was taken to hospi tal when xravs failed to re veal a fracture he was released later in the evening three times hamilton attemp ted to steal and each time catch er al wingrove threw the run ners out campbellville broke even in this department being thrown out once and stealing once r h e cville 000 010 0 1 5 2 hamilton 000 000 0 0 2 2 campbellville rintoul and wingrove hamilton hvrnick and ro- manowski acton branch euchre team zone district champions acton legion branch 197 brought home both the zone and district euchre trophies this year playing in port credit for the 7one were chuck shultis norm morton henry wedge and earl beerman at the district euchre in nia- by gwen lauder friday may 27 was the last day of high school classes foi the grade 13s we hope dress ed in old clothes and bare feet we began the celebrations at noon hour armed with picket signs which read from marv poppins is a junkie to long live mr coles notes we paraded through the school to the astonishment of all the beat of the drum and the crash of the cvmbal then led our fear less band onward to the homes of mr coats and mr hanson lespectivelv the festivities continued at our assembly that alternoon following the 0 and open ing remai ks an unsuspecting mrs mtdick vvas aw aided with a medal ot honor a round trip ticket and a veais supplv miss bartier was bestowed with the title of civis roman us and crowned with delian laurel mr lambourn recened the woildv largest footnote and a hies subscription to mad mag aine which he stated would provide manv rewarding hours ot reading pleasure during the summei acation after being piesented with an automatic boniour machine mi lax is was unable to express himsell in woids vli rognvald son assured us that his clash helmet would lincl a perman ent home in the dner naming car and mr biav armed with lus fehling solution protectoi thanked us for the little tokens of appreciation last but not least a not so- coatless mr coats led bv the sonorous strains of the bagpin es was presented with a coat and a lance which claimed to be stronger than the toughest equa hon at the end of our piesental ions mi hansen gave awauls to a few members ol oui daunt less class and assured us that we had lett a peimanent maik on the school in more wavs than one i frank szabo shoe repair acton plaza the place wheke quality counts cjoatd friday at 7 pm gara falls c shultis n mor ton e beerman and alvey goi- don were on the winning team they will play for the provin cial trophy at oshawa on june 11 having won both zone and district championships the ac ton legion will host both these competitions next vear in the event the plavers come home with provincial honors that competition will also be plaved in acton next vear cancer canvass continued from page one mckeown mrs thelma jordan mrs kittv allen under mrs h helwig mrs alice waldie mrs marj loutitt mrs vera mattocks mrs helen mcgeachie mrs marj struth ers mrs helen middleton under mrs joan ford mrs louise lindsay mrs verna ar- bic mrs bette footitt dublin under mrs marv mat thews ada sinclair mrs ruth linham mrs bill mcdonald mis clarence coles mrs jack fox mrs bruce leitch under mrs betlv mclnlvre mis willaul bntton mrs e wilson mrs b moflat mrs e norton mrs chailie thompson mrs j mccarron mrs c brit ton under mis fran marcoux mrs jack cieasev mrs andv nolan mrs marg phelan mrs audiev dennv mis penn bns- tovv mrs jean vaughan under mrs malcolm moffat mis hattie price mrs dr young mrs patterson mrs a dunbar mrs mildred ward mrs orma gibson mrs g fra- ser mrs moore under mrs bervl newton- mrs webb charette mrs kav svvackhamer eden mills under mrs evel- vn barden bettv mai shall mis e woodhouse irene beattv special dislncls mrs her man freuler sam brunelle bern veldhuis nino braida el- ma braida hoi ton sales limited of toronto were back in town this past week painting lines ore streets throughout town the woikers appear to eniov doing the niaikmg late at night when thev are not hampered bv cars parked on the street staff photo high calibre birds were shown at the georgetown and halton poultry show at acton park saturday left to right are udge gordon ridler guelph ed woynarski acton club secretary and corey hernngton erin although entries were not many in each class aar ridler was quite pleased with the class of poultry exhibited the acton free press thursday june 2 1966 live in rexdale shakespeareflisnik vows said at st josephs church in a double ring ceremony in st josephs church acton on may 21 with rev v j moigan officiating donna christina flisnik and fredenck william shakespeare t ere married the bride is the daughter ol mi and mrs steven flisnik is cob- blehill rd and the gioom is the son of mi and mrs william shakespeare rexdale bouquets ot pink and white snapdragons decorated the church miss i mulholljnd plav ed the organ the bride whose lather vcas unable to attend clue to an ac cident was given in mainagc bv trank simiom she wore a gown ol nvlon oigandie oei talleta the skut divided into panels with bow accents riow ers of lace trimmed the neck line and the long sleeves ended in lik points a headdress of fabric roses centred with pearls held hei veil she earned a bouquet of pink sweetheart roses and white carnations the bride was attended bv two fi lends dianne malhcsoi naval officer receives ma lieut commander andrew ni- col ba received his mastei degree in business administra tion at western universiiv lon don on saturday max 28 the former acton man attended ac ton public and high schools and married the former willa lc kav who taught public school here thev have two chiklien lieut commander nncol is pre nit ix at ottawa and mailing a further posting as maid of honoi and jean pai sons as bridesmaid wearing pink ensembles and carrving pink and white carnations riower girl barbaia tow lei uoie blue billv shakespeaie acted as nng beaiei groomsman was titdnck tisnik and the ushei was alex mcconncll the reception was held at the legion hall the mothei ol the liiiclc chose a pink suit with pink bat and white acccssoncs the mothei tl the gloom woie white jack holmes aelecl as mastei ol ceiemonics william shikes peaic made the wedding cake guests were picscnl liom brampton humsvillc lomnlo ainpiuu georgetown and ac ton for a wedding tup to the unit id slatis the bi ide woie a adc gieen suit with reel sweetheait loses thev aie making then home in rexdale mrs ben fovvlci cntcituncd at a shower lor the hi ide tobe on ttiesdav mw 17 centennial library continued liom page one ri m this loom cntiancx is possible to j small sloiagc place and the unnace loom this houses two gas furnaces and the powei concept complete willi cncuil breake- s piovision his been made lei an conditioning when liuiels ate available the chief librarian and me m bcis ol hei bond w ie ci pa ticnt and answeied oui innum erable quel ics the hcatmr cost of the com plex uhieh has a llooi ilea ol 10 x 10 lppioxim he 1 is about s6i pei month stall ol two full tune and ihic pail time hbiarians make the libiaiv lie ilities available to the public loi 2s llollls each week 2 p in to s w pm and 7 pin to pill lueselavs to iiielivs incl 2 pm to s 10 p m saluidavs the board room is m ide available on a ixnt lice basis to ke ll sci vice elllbs ol utile i activ i tie s 1 a small kitchen attached to the cultui i hal peimits light lelleshinellt it leqtlllcd to sum up the visit was most proli table in j we saw an achievement l which the eltl ells ol stiahlov e in be el pioud of acton and district are invited to join in decoration day sunday june 5th 3 pm at fairview cemetery parade forms up at 2 00 p m and leaves from the cnr station decoration day sponsored by his worship the mayor and members or the coun ctl of the town of acton the canadian legion women s institutes legion ladies auxiliary acton fire dept duke of devonshire and lakeside chapters i o d e acton citizens band lol 467 acton lions club the rotary cub of acton the acton ministerial association ajid the ys mens club of acton is des gned to honor the dead of two world wars by placing wreaths and flowers at fairview cemetery st joseph s cemetery and pioneer cemetery citizens are invited to participate in the ceremony and at the same ime decorate the graves of their own loved ones council of the town of acton wheie did the llvuif saue els go high sctiuol teacheis have their annual dinner fndav bake sale was held fndav attei noon bv the uc w in simp sons woi ktoriepans at the band stand b the puik entiance has been lomplctii woi k continues on the pie- paiation ol the new soil com sc on the i nsl inie- verv levx have died swim ming ct this eai isnt that ice still tloatihg on the lake guest speaker at one of the graduation banquets in milton was acton principal g w mc- kenie local campus lepoited snow and w ilegiec tenipeiatine in the inverhuion district on the weekend have on watched that new laibalh- packei stow avvav the gaibage- oncol those xvoiuleis ol modem life hilltop lodge erin and other distiict couises have been popular spots again this veai loi manv local golfers the plaxgi ound stall met last night to plan then season and make arrangements loi go ing to ti lining camp togethei dccoiation dav has become a well established liadition now its this sinulax and theie will like lx be niarn visilois to town the countv council ioads committee toured loads in this aiea veslerdav acton council- lots met theni loi the mspei lion the fust of mav the ground was still coated with snow some davs what a change a lew weeks has brought in the coloi ol the landscape a gic it cleil ol thinking and lesiaieh uuil into the willing ol the i e polls in the special issue tins vvetk main cxtia cop e s aie being i mi tiesh thubaib pies seem to be one of the most en lovable dishes most resident are relih in rhubaihis l he fust liesh local liui to ippeai each vcai paiadiiit grade h stiuleiits the dav ol llien final assemblv earned pluauls leading hen nv pennv was right marv poppins is a junkie and santa claus is dead boxed plants sold well on the weekend but some aie still vverv lean ol frost cosmos seeds tin lloweis ol hope will bloom in manv gaulens as a svnibol ol donations given a few anylei s have dropped lines into fairv luke and manv have been catching simlish kid dies lomp home liom lislung excursions there with seveial sunlish daiigling liom a siting third tiy was luckv foi the recreation committee after two meetings wiro called oil due to the absence o a quorum the third oni mondav evening was well attended and business ionic be at tended to cthis sunday tin ontario di vision ol lihe cailailian ijhnd golleis assoiialiin is plav ing a quahlving munil loi the east- em championships at hilltop lodge the public mav watch the game starts at 11 am students are advertising foi mjmmei woik in a special col limn on the classified page dont just complain about to ilavs voting people hanging aiound the strict ioi nets line them ihevd ratliei be working acton gills softball learn the wildcats aie anxiopslv waiting the anival ol new uni foims meanwhile the gnls aie out practising at evciy oppoi tiimly with manager chailie thompson and coach tiank spiel vdgel parks caretaker herb ritch ie has the place looking iresh and neat readv lor summer vis itors although there is still sonic woik to do before the park is in top notch shape the place- ceitainlv shows signs of ins haul woi k the c h a m ta e i of com- incites oidei loi new maple itjl llms is being paid tur by tluii assembling ot names for the special ilneiloiv m the ie- velopineiil repoi i section la- da clip out the dnectoiy and save it loi i ileience a phologiapher fiom anoth- ci ncftspivi was askeclto send us picliiies ol the acton entry in l he i ions pauule in london but so tai t lie v havent corne wi had thought the same kind ol anaivciucnl was made a couple ol weeks ago for thp rmscntit ion ol a i odge 60 year jewel to rov mcintosh in osha wa but the photographer let us down storage time with stopps cleaners in the milton plaza guaranteed fur and garment storage for free pickup call 8782972 guaranteed investment 6 interest for 15 years amounts from 1005100000 interest paid halfyearly by cheque investors include insurant companies societies municipalities estates legal for trust funds ask for folder your local trust company halton peel trust savings company 252 main st milton lorne skuce manager 8782834 a general motors value pontiac pjimicnnc custom sport convertible with sports option the only thing that says low price about pontiac is its price tag and thats removable 9 ii would be easy for a guy like you to get excited about a new parisiennc comertible wouldnt it breezy fullsized stvling rich interiors the car has success written all over it sure youd like to own a pontiac but if youre like a lot of people we know you maybe figure that pontiac is just too good to be true you figure it coss a lot of money of course we can tell you all kinds of nice things about pontiac how well its built how much you deserve one but the nicer we make the car sound the more expensive you think it is the only way we can get around this is to inv lie you in to have a look at the price tag its maybe not quite as colorful as the car but its liable to turn you on just the same people forget and who can blame them but pontiac is not an expensive car and thats not just talk wc can offer you the kind of a deal that could put you behind the wheel of your own new pontiac this week a guy like you could really go places in a pontiac if theres any better way to get there wc cant think of it and an easier way were sure there isnt so drop in and get acquainted with all our price tags youll know us right away just look for one of the names listed be low be seeing you pontiac be sure to watch telescopet the fugitive and the red skelton hour now showing on television check local lutings for tirao and channel j authorized pontiac dealer in acton pete masson motors limited 351 queen st east acton ont

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