Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1966, p. 9

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editorial page suga r and spice by bill smiley coordinating assistance emergency welfare here has always been a problem its been different per sons problems for those who see an urgent need for help for a certain fam ily will call a minister the police an overworked nurse or whoever they can think of those who have experienced the problem of trying to assist someone have realized how disorganized this as- serving who with the approach of the summer vacations we are reminded once again of the difficulties many vacationers ex perience irr trying to arrange cpr rail transportation we heard of one family who early in the year completed all the reservations necessary for a vacation by rail in western canada only to be ad vised of a substantial increase in the cost after they had completed all their initial arrangements the cpr in its wisdom has seen fit to substantially reduce service to western canada be cause of the relatively unattractive return from passenger service the cpr not too many years ago when arguing for a slice of the trans continental air service in competition with air canada presented a very won derful picture of what private enterprise sistance is and this week a first meet ing was called to discuss the possible value of a council of women this group would have at their disposal a master list of volunteers willing to assist the scope could be very small or the scope could grow larger we hope the project is successful and wellsupported could do to improve the lot of the air traveller theobvlous reluctance of the rail arm of cprf to serve the travelling public causes us to speculate on what the future holds for the passengers of cpr s air service might it be reason able to assume cprs air passengers will take second place again when the realization comes that it is much more profitable to transport air freight rather than air passengers if the cpr feels it cannot serve both its shareholders and the citizens of canada perhaps it should withdraw its pretense of serving the public and not make any further attempt to move further into air passenger service and to becomea part of a nationalized trans portation complex designed to serve the canadian public actons development report that 1965 was a good year for acton and that all the municipal groups here are looking keenly into the future is proven in the free press special sec tion this week the tabloidsize section included with all free presses this week at no extra charge has been termed acton development report assurance of wide readership and bulk distribution has prompted the print ing of many extra copies the presentation of reports- included in this special section come about on the suggestion of mayor les duby and clerk- administrator jack mcgeachie with the publicatipn of the annual auditors state ment of 1965 it was felt a further ser vice to the citizens of acton would be rendered if it wouw be possible to in clude with the auditors report articles which would explain the function ac complishments and policies of the vari ous phases of local government we are indebted to the chairmen and heads of departments who have enthusi astically supported and encouraged the publication of this special section it was felt a business directory of all the various retail and professional services available in acton would be of benefit to the residents subsequently the chamber of commerce agreed to and did cooperate in the compilation of the directory on page 15 of this special section it was not possible to contact each and every businessman so to the best of our ability every business enter prise is included the chamber of com merce did contact as many businesses as possible and many businessmen agreed to reimburse the chamber for the listing any money received from the publica tion of the directory will be used to provide new flags for the light standards in the business district we are sure that a careful reading and digestion of the information in the special report will enable citizens to more fully understand the administra tion of local government in acton such an understanding will be the accomplish ment of our objective future ontario water needs- concern owrc executive government ollicials must give a lot ot thought to the future water needs of northern ontario before considering any wholesale diversions of water from that pari tl the province according to john h root mpp wellinttondullerin vice- chairman ol the ontario water resources commission i if j speech in the ontario legislature mr root said it would be verv unwise to make snap decisions in regard to water cport belore careful studies of the areas water resources and economic po tential have been carried out the owrc is beginning an inventory ot ontarios northern water resources to be made jointly with the federal govern nient and mr root said it would be sev eral years before the dependable mow ot the live main river hasins can be deter mined since precipitation varies from ear to vcur the development ol hvdromctric net works to measure slrcanitlow and pre cipitation is of major importance to the assessment ot the resource and signifi cant expansion ol gauging stations tor these purposes is planned mr root sud elaborating he aid tield studies will start in attawapiskat basin with river survey and hydrologic data crews collect ing not onh hvdrometric data bill intor- mation on geologv relict soil vegetation and water quality which will assist in the linderstandiui and assessment ot thj lndmlogv ot the area the northern waters are important to our province in inanv vas mr root said noting that ontario hvdm has seven generating stations in operation on the abbitibi and mattagami rivers and that the pulp and paper and mining industries operating in the arctic watershed use approximately 2360 million gallons ol water per day he said this figure does not include the water used by the employees ot these industries or by the estimated 957978 who visited the areas 671 tourist estab lishments lost summer the ontario water resources com- mission is developing a water and pollu tion control system for moosonce to pro vide proper services for the people who live in that part ol the province and the thousands of tourists who are going up to the terminal ol the ontario northland kailvvav to tidewater on james bay he added mr root reviewed other aspects of the wide owrc program and remarked that in the nineyear period since the com mission began active operation it had is sued approvals for water pollution con trol and water supply works throughout ontario estimated to be worth more than one billion dollars si billion in regard to the situation on the ret lakes the owrc vicechairman said investigations and research work arc being carried on in cooperation with var ious ecderal government agencies with the program receiving a great deal of impetus as a result ol a relerence from the international joint commission we endeavor to establish coordinat ed programs to eliminate overlapping al- wavs keeping in mind that the owrcs first responsibility is to the people of ontario he said the quality of the water in the great lakes is ol increasing importance as we build pipeline intakes out into the great lakes to secure adequate supplies of wat er lor areas in the province that have not enough water and must depend upon vvatci through pipeline systems slips that pass in the type from the barncsboro pa star both high chool kinds will be present to dis pense with tine music church notice from the parkersburg wva news change your wife through praver will be the sermon subject sun day from the rice lake wis chrono- tvpe watch out for the pancake supper spoaored by the mikaaa lidiei aid back issues well if you remember last week i was explaining how we could improve the high school system we had thrown out the lords prayer and the queen not because vve arc atheistic or antiroyal but because both are meaningless in that context then we had the warmup peniod- halfhour of popular music jokes news weather report this wakes up the child ren and starts the day not with a whim per but with a bang 1 following this would come a solid hour of hard work wed switch on the television for 45 minutes wed enjoy the lesson in propaganda from laurier la- square or in charm from wat ipatson or in mopery and gawk from some cabinet minister or in doublethink from lesser person or in rhetoric from john diefen- dummcr or in whatever the department of education in its ineffable insight had chosen for the day after the lesson teach er arid students would discuss its con tent andor try to retain their breakfasts its about 1030 am now time for the antiaggression session the class presidents would distribute equipment every student would be given a block of wood and a mallet or two pieces of tin for 15 minutes each would pound on his wood or tin until he was cleansed of ag gressive tendencies only the teacher would be allowed to pound students and only with a wet towel to get rid of his aggressive urges this would be followed logically by is minutes of soft music piped into the classrooms until everybody was com pletely relaxed maybe even asleep its ii am then its everybody the 1400 kids and the 60odd teachers out and around the block briskly if winter sauntering in belter weather english teachers would burble about the beauty of nature sci ence teachers would point out flora and fauna the two busty waitresses who dropped out of grade 1 1 last year math teachers would explain that the shortest distance between two points a warm classroom and a warm classroom is a square block time to eat everyone is relaxed re freshed ravenous at present the kids cat in shifts stand in long lines sit at long tables like convicts gulp their jelly dough nuts jam and peanut butler sandwiches and soup often in that order and hurtle back to classes under my system there d be an hour and a half for lunch there l be no more than eight at a table thered be waiters and waitresses given this ehore as pun- ishment instead of detention lunch would be lree a hot dish all you could cat bui how lo overcome t lie ovcrciowd ing simple lunch hour and a hall would be combined with learning leistne period sociologists warn us gloomily that one of the greatest problems facing mankind is the use of leisure hours when the workweek has been red need to about 20 hours this period would enable students to develop a hobby thered be 10 snooker tables thered be curling and figiuc- skating in the winter thered be garden ing in good weather thered be stamp clubs and writing clubs and mowerarrang ing clubs and indian clubs in the gym or outdoors in fine weath er youd find your most learned savants strolling like socrates ready to question and answer those who really wanted to learn something in designated classrooms thered be instruction in poker and britlgc and chess and darts and sex thered be no over crowding in the cafeteria i guarantee i havent figured out the alternoon program yet personally id send them all home at one oclock but their parents deserve something more than that horror after paving all those taxes wed probab ly spend the afternoon at sports drama music painting sculpture pure math and science those who werent interested in these things would have dormitories provided where they could stretch out lor an hour or two in order to be fresh when their lav- orite tv program came on at home this is just a rough outline hut i think its high time someone came up with a blueprint that rellecls our age rather than the victorian harley to halton by harry harley m p the past week in the house of com mons has been devoted lo matters of spending estimates and the debate on the reorganization of six government de partments it has been pointed out that with ever increasing government business the cibinet has been gradually increasing and is now up to 26 ministers it is quite likely that sometime in the near future we will see a division in the cabinet with a junior and senior level there has been some misunderstand ing regarding o canada which will be proposed as our national anthem prob ably in this session of parliament the government has the following notice on the order paper that the government be authorized to take such steps as may be necessary to provide that o canada shall be the na tional anthem of canada while god save the queen shall be the royal anthem in canada the government has not given any notice as to when they will proceed with this in addition to this a private member has a private bill on the order paper bill c54 an act lo provide for a can adian national anthem as a private bill this will be debated lor one hour onlv un less the government gives ollicial time which is unlikely it is very unlikely that this will pass the house of commons in that time as tlere will be a great deal of debate not on the principle ol o canada as our national anthem but on the words to be used it appears obvious that o canada is accepted by the majority of canadians apjin national anthem it is the lorm it is to take that will give rise to debate and discussion in the commons i am sure that most people are awaie that the english version and the flench version diher greatlv in t licit vvoids the french version translated into english is as follows o canada our fatherland our own thy brow is crowned with jlory and re nown for thine arm that knows iioav to raise the sword knows how to uphold the cross thy valor is a glowing word on historys page across refrain jf honor and faith like sentries stand to guard our liberties our land our land to guard our liberties our und our land neath the eyes of god by mountain lake and stream we canadians dwell wrapt in a golden d ream our land we know below the skies is fairest ol the earth bv heroes deeds and martyrs sighs raising our hag proudlv on ingli twas blessed at its birth we swear lor it thai we will live and die 0 canada lor thee well live and die it is my personal feelinc that this is a good matter to lefer to a special com mittee of the the house ol commons to determine what the words of o canada should be i mvsell leel hut the words should be identical in both linglish and trench five important questions youll be asked five simple questions compared to 50 or so ou may have been asked in 1961 when the censustaker conies knocking at vour door on wednes day june 1 or shoruy after it is designed to be a relatively painless and quick quizzing name relationship to head of house sc age and marital status to these may be added a sixth question whether you own or rent vour dwelling thats the lineup ot questions june 1 has been picked bv the domin ion bureau of statistics which master minds the census as the best time to catch us at home most havent left for vacation the weather may be expected to be reasonably reasonable and farmers will have sown most of their crops this will be the second fiveyear cen sus the first was in 1956 and historically the 300th census since intendant jean talon went out personally and counted souls in french canada in 1666 he re corded 3215 and his questions didnt differ too much from those youll be ans wering in june age sev accommodation and conjugal condition reason for a liveycar census were growing so fut md moving around so much its the onlv way we can keep up with whats happening says a dbs spokesman the changes taking place arc lantastic the june census count will cost 8 mil lion involve hiring 1600 census commis sioners and 30000 enumerators thevh work under the direction ol eight regional dbs oil ices if you refuse to answer the enumerat ors questions its on pain ot line or im prisonment but theres realty no reason to hold back nothing in all bureaus rivv can match census information for stiici v not even the rcmp have access to it let alone the tax people but inevitably a few women will write in afterwards my age is rcallv 47 and not 41 as 1 told the enumerator in front ol mv husband or boy friend who thinks how accurate is the census dbs confidently hopes it will be well within one percent which would man missing 200000 in a 20 million count the statisticians predict the usual ex cellent cooperation they get from can adians for the 66 count why not one asked the information is needed to run the country we pretty well live by statis tics anyway 20 years ago taken from the issue of the tree press of thursday may 30 1946 miiyors reeves councillors mem bers ol the school boards and the munici pal officials from acton milton and georgetown nassagaweya and esqticsing assembled at the court house in mflton to receive inhumation on the lonning of school areas in the northern part of hal ton county reeve chas kirkncss ol ac- tuti presided the plan cnluils radical changes teaeheis lor the public school stalf weic engaged miss j shortill at 51200 miss pliabeth brvdon at 1250 and miss dora hansen at 1200 the resigna tion ol mjss jean barber from the stall ol the continuation school was received in the sollball picture hens bunk- house boys rachlins lo you deleated force electric friday night canadian wool versus baxters conl i acts have been let lor a super highway fiom toronto lo barrie the bowling greens and tennis courts opened with a concert by the boys band 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday june i 1916 king georges birthday lulls on june 3 bttl lollowing the example or his father the late king fdward the present king re quests thai the birthday ot his beloved grandmother be observed instead lanics ii hill railroad builder cap italist and most widely known figure of llie canadian and american northwest died at his residence at st paul winn on monday as the result ol blod poisoning mr hill was born in eramosa township near rock wood in 1838 he was educated al rock wood academy and went west when about 20 the lawn howleis aie enjoying them selves on the green i he concert in the town hall uiulci l he auspices of the i64lh battalion was an immense success in every way the misses mason musicians of unusual ability avc scvcial nuinbets mi l c price and mi cockbuin sang the welcome to ihe sol diets was most hearty and eveiyone en joyed seeing their drills a deputation composed ol messrs c c speight torrance beoidmnie and d c irussell waited on council lo piescnt a petition largely supported that daylight saving time be adopted mr henderson said that although other ontario towns had not as yet taken the step acton could lake ihe lead in the matter the petition was granted but council was not unani mous the reeve cast the deciding vote and said well give it a try anyway 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday june 4 1891 our cilicus gcnciallv are pleased to see thai council have the removal ol the drill shed lo the park underway but the building has now traversed two blocks and seven or eight lives have been taken up on bower ave replanied ot course but it is a quest inn of whether they will live one ol the most beautiful maples an town planted 17 years ago has been cut down could ihe council expect o perpe- tiale such an mil iijjc on oiu slieets with out an outcry results ol monthly examinations of pupils included the names james tovell elsie oiutlnei maggie warwick nettie cobban roy mcintosh arlie moore ed- die- moore fennel smith mary taylor nellie holmes jessie harvey lidwin francis maude rvcler jacob bauer eva matthews mirv tovell jennie smith jolrfi mooie may pi entice milwe hard ing tommy llendei son mabel rac clara cobban eva perryman nellie lovvrv lollte ebbage edith thomas teachers j k cleveland cassie mcphail saluicliv mi stallord zimmerman passed away lie was among those who inst settled in ai ion having mme here wild his lalhei between 50 and 60 years ago his lathei operated a lanriciy on main st an oil oil is being made im ottawa lo establish i mint in canada thn iv thousand people assembled in queens park to iclubraic ihe 25lh anni- veisaiyol raceway the guild ol lady driveis in london according lo a repoit has issued an in dignant piotesl aimed at long- hailed young male opcralois whose bad driving habits rellect on women when ihey are not tecogiiicd as men the icporl does not ay whether lite english ladies want the youths to lelomi or gel a haircut the acton free press jumiiov u id diloml office phonl 8532010 i timwlffl 111 i in1 iiki piihlihhrri very tlmiitliv it 30 willow 1 at uni on- uilrj mimhn if tin- aullt liummi or c irriutlon tin- w n a inrl o w n a arlw iimik iitfi on inirl sniimtmi- tloiih pjiyjiblc in kivintc 4 h in iniii v7 0o in ill imintrfch other hi in cuitrfi slntfu- i uplli i of an hum i ti ah sm oritl f liii mih pysl ofllic dijmi tinriil ot- tiai arlw ilisiitin is pi j im i i ornitnui tliil in lln wi of 1- poiiipli l i ikii til i pinllllll iii tin t illl hu ll ip ivi tin i v llh i i onihlf ill icnil in f vi ill not hf i hn ji i pit hul 111 1 1 ill i if i 111 11 it i r mm 111 will i p hl fill 1 itm- ipll 11 i it u mil ni ol loki plih it i iti ml w1i111hi 1nofk oi i i m it i anru pi lit- itooti oi sjvim iii iv not l olil alirtlmiik i m i h l i to m ii n 1 niiy hi will rjr i 1 m mi iuhlmi rti ttv llir ihili irlntliik ml inhlkhiiik 11 d div m k riln man ifiiik llilii ohm lit jlmi rnqa3 church notices presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew ii mckenie ba bd minister mr e a hansen b a organist and choir master sunday june 5th i6 0 is a in c hutch school ii id im dcneial assembly smidav win ship seiiuon i heme closet ip inipiessions ol the 92nd assemble 310 p m communitv decoralin sei- vice at tan view cemetery 4 ml pin 8th annua conventicle at jlcn mhor camp evervone most welcome trinity church ihe i nltcd church of canada minister rev dwight i engcl ba b d organist mr gcoige elliott ma ph u si nday june 5th l6 church school oldam grades 8 1 1 x ani nursery to grade 1 services oi worship k a in and 1100 amo m brewster m d guest speaker i nnrscrv provided during ii a m scrv ice acton baptist church rounded 1842 pastor rev stanlev amnion res 144 iidev ve ph 8531015 sunday tune 5th 19o6 4- am church school adult cla- 1 1 00 aju morning worship no vision people perish 0o pm evening service lorever with the lord monday june 6 mission circle 8 p m wednesday praer and bible study 730 thursday choir practice 730 text ol the week look on the lields lhcy ate while and ready lo harvest juhu 435 arrj bethel christian reformed church a ton ontai io kev wiche van dik phone 8s315s5 sunday m ni ili ijoi 10 oil a ill i nylisli sri vi 2 l p in dull h s i v n i is p ni suiirli v school evangel pentecostal tabernacle p mm 1 s hni hill road rev s m ihonuin pasioi 8j215 si ndy ii ni si i 1 0 f k tin suikiiv s iiihii lor all ages i i h a in vloininj worship set vice h pm ilcioiili in di paiade and sei ice 7 110 i ni evangelist service 1 uesdav x in iravei ml bible study ihuisdav 8 pin hiist amhasadors ciusadeis i loses loi the siiri with v rusidi i hike silmlv aflci twin no suvicc i ndav inhl the church of st alban the martyr anglican totnei willou mil st lhms dine rev ritchie klinii 1 stb i i im i lilt llolv i i imtv s now ii n i th 1700 00 am- holy eucharist 10 w a ni f hurrh school 10 m am holy luchaul maple avenui baptist church geoigctown si ndy jlnl sth i9po 9 45 am sundav school- 1 1 00 a in moiiiiny service 7 00 pm evcinny service wcdncsdav 8 pm praver meeting acton 85jlj3t gcoi clouti 87766o

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