Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1966, p. 10

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02 the acton free prfcss thursday june 9 1966 first communion at st josephs on sunday for 25 boys girls on trinity sunday june 5 25 children- 11 boys- and 14 gills received their first holy com munion at s josephs church acton the preparation of this large class for this great and most solemn event was attend ed to by the pastor father v j morgan the boys and girls marched from the hall into the church just before the 10j0 mass began and tiled into their allotted pews leserved foi them at the front of the chinch facing the blessed virgin altar the boy attired in their sun day best woie a white nbbon on their left arm and a white flower in the lapel of their coat the girls wore white dresses with wreaths and veils assisting and attending to the children were miss rita mccrea miss helen marolt miss kathv kenney and miss rosemary orourke during the mass before re ceiving their first holycommu- mon the bovs and girls recited appropi late prayers led toy miss kenney and also recited thanks giving prayers after the receiv ing of the communion special music was provided by the organist miss irene mulholland and the children s choir besides the tegular con- gicgalionil singing attei mass the childien weie em oiled in then pastoi rev v j moigan in the confiateimtv ol the brown scapulais of oui ladv ol mount carmel thereby being placed under the protection ol ind dedicated to the mother of god in hei purity and example the altars were most beauti fully decoiated for this impor tant dav in the lives of the child ren then parents and the pal ish with tarnations snapdiag ons tulips and plants after the ceremony the child i en assembled on the lawn at the back of the chinch wheie gioup photos wete taken foi the pi ess and also in relatives and friends the bos who received their first holv communion weie da vid marcou james timnungs paul tvers nicholas rvlatt john mchugh michael roach ronald beshiri david wodm eki henrv con robert chaiette and hector daigle the girls were colleen de biun kathanne fiost thei- csa mcgiliowav theresa svn- nott bevel h dmal tiances gorgup jane pargeter bcti soiku jacqueline mcconnell cathy weldon baibara zions susan cislak susan pivtha ami calhv curliiinglium present for the i n si commu nion ccieiiionics was tiithc matthew median the- redcmpt oust pi ust ol lailio anil telev sion lame who liequenllv has televised over chunntl 11 ham ilton in dillerent sciles ol in struction on cathohuhm and canadian citizenship father meehan is piesentlv piepuring a new senes ol lectin cs on the reumenical council having been piesent at the last pv rural coun- teil in rome he spoke on sunday of the missionat woi k ol the redemp- tonst lathers in japan and e plained the hardships and difti- culties ol all missionuiies in bringing the chnstian faith to the pagan people and asked the assistance ol the congregation in then piacrs foi these mis sionaries in the afternoon it being de notation day in the ecmeteues in acton father moigan and it any ol the pansluonirs gath ered at st josephs little dub lin cemeteiv at 2 30 p m to honoi the dead who aie bulled theie and to leeite the iosai and piaveis loi the souls ol loi mei panshioneis and the di ceased lelatives and ti tends ol the parish and ol aclon with opp conmaolc cm man wi iglu of the milton opp detichmenl is pieenllv wx kln with the ac ton opp avtnrhmrrit during llc convalescence of constable biuce kressler who is rectiper- iluig fiom a broken leg first communion was received by 25 child ren at st josephs church sunday morning front row left to right are john mchugh james timmings david marcoux michael roach david wodmcki robert charette henr cox micholas rylatt second row colleen de bruyn beverley duval jean parqeter jacque suir phi line mcconnell roland beschin paul tyers hector daigle third row barbara zions ther esa synnott susan cislak susan peycha kathy weldon theresa mcgilloway frances gorup kathy cunningham back row kafhenne frost father v j morgan betty soka eoen mills naturalist sells movie to national film board large crowd attends ucw tea sale and antiqge show wes fountain rr 1 acton a member of the audubon society of canada recently completed sale of 3200 feet of 16 mm mo les to the national film board of canada the movies taken of mid life and natuial resources were shot within five miles ot balunafad presentation for newlyweds banquet meeting of interest a presentation for mr and mrs cordon hamilton who were married recently was held in balhnafad communit hall on friday night when dancinj to music by fred mcdougall s orchestra was enjoyed after dancing for a while mr jesse mcenerv chairman asked the young couple to come to thi platform miss louise snow read an ad dress and garry brown bill mc enerv and brian sinelau pre sented them with a lovely swiv el chair a floor polisher a has sock and a sum of money afur thanking all for the itne k gfls and the singing of for thev are jollv good fellows all retired to hc basement where refreshments were servesj the ucw served oer 100 a a banquet in the church on saturdav night from islington alter which all joumeved to the ballinafad com muni is hall where a social lime was spent mrs dave burton was rushed to georgetown hospital on sat urda night foi an emergence operation where she is seriously 111 the w i met on wednesda afternoon at the home ot the president mrs frank smith the meeting opened with the opening ode and mary stewart collect roll call was answered bv sa a verse from an old sc hool reader several jtems of business vere dealt with mrs jesse mc enerv read the current events which were prepared bv mrs norman sinclair mrs leo jam- ltson gave the motto keep vour word with vour children the same as ou would with vour banker a geography match was held which all en jowd the meeting closed with the queen and w i grace a social lime lollowed over the tea cups his home with the exception of 200 feet taken at algonquin park at present he is working on a second series which he hopes to have edited soon lor presema tion to the film boaicl loi then consideration mr fountain an employee of beaidmore and co lives with his wile and familv it their eountrv home southwest of ac ton he is an avid natiuc lover and spends most of his spare- time hiking thiough the woods and taking pictures of animals and conseivation proieets he is a great believer in conscrva hon ot natural rcsounes and wild life during the past he ins writ ten a series ot ai tides pertain ing to conseivation lor the ac ton free press on past occasions he has shown his films and slides to church group and service clubs one person after seeing his fine film persuaded hirn to con tact the national film board for possible sale after careful editing this was done and the sale concluded one person who saw the film commented it was the best he had ever seen on the subject ii he showd the film locallv it would become scratched and deteriorate he had onlv one copy accumulated thiough manv patient hours tlieucw or eden mills un ited church staged a tea bake sale nrden centie and display ol antique aitielcs in eden mills hall situidav alteinoon a laigcciowd took advantage- of the beautilul da to attend from acton and campbell ville receiving at the dooi was mis leamon the mimstei s wile and mrs millson ptesident ol the u c w mis h tomlinson was con enei ol the- tea table poui inj wcic mrs allan ucw arkell and mis sauthier in chaije ol the bake table weie mis i jennings mis e paikei sew ing centre mis tone vos gai den centie mis r thompson mis n marshall desseits mrs j cann mis b wardle mis h lames antiques mis w wil son on displav were quilts lamps locking chairs spinning wheel scilcs bibles cuihnu nons bellows candle sticks etc and manv other articles loaned foi the occasion friends and neighbors of the community gathered to do hon or to mr and mrs peter law son nee brenda wright new lyweds of the past month in eden mills hall saturday eve ning euchre and dancing to curries orchestra kept the par tv jubilant during intermission peter and brenda were called to the stage u here an address was read bv bonnie mcdougall and shnley gilbertson and marg peirv presented them with a modern china cabinet and loot stool on behall ol the village and comkinunitv brenda and petei both spoke and were gi ateful for the kind ness shown them dancing le sumed lollowed b lunch attei mid night mr and mis tony vos had as thou iccenl guests ml and mis p lindhout liom noordwyk holland i 1 ifi w eed n ha con trol i ews by v e ton weed mcarthur inspector foxtail this is in annual grass which creates a serous problem in gardens cultivated crops and sometimes in first sear me id ows the stems mav be single or secral and branching ai ih base i or a grass plant the leaves are quite larc and m v even be a haljnch wide ntrrow ing down to i line point it ilu tip the seed head is i luistk spike two or three inches lonji resembling miniattui tail l i lox la rtccntarx foxtail is tending to build up in the crop rotation this is mainlv due to the lack of competition from manv broadleafcsj weeds which are being removed as a result of 2 4d spravs it howevci is not readilv controlled bv the 2 4d chemicals would require a spnv ol lbout 4 lbs ol dalapon per acre in 10- 20 gils of water it should be applied when the legumes have 2 or 3 true- leaves ft must be 1 1 mi in be red th it this can onlv he done on diieet seedlings of the legumes it for ige grasses such is timotln orchard or rirtnne are- snde i do not ise di ipon tin 1 itui i lett l inii i nn nir nl i lu modem i in onginal nil nit i tvvowheclcd vihiili sii id work ind st ihlc pine aie social muiiiu foxtail is qu ite often i prob km in the corn crop the suds germinate mamh between vi iv is and june is so that caik spring and late summer cultrn tion has little effect on control atrazme at the rate ol i to 2 lbs active in 2030 gallons ot water per acre as an earlv p st emergence overall sprav is ii ommended however under div condi tion the atraine mav not pene trate down dceplv enough into the soil to kilt all germinating weeds in this case shallow cul tivations mav be required how ever many farmers report that atr isquite effective in carp trolling foxtail in direct seedinr of pure alf alfa or birdsfoot treefoil fox tail can be controlled by a che called dalapon t fred a hoffman optometrist ss st nirge s sq tiiitlph out telephone 8242071 storage time with stopps cieaners in the milton plaza guaranteed fur and garment storage buster proof iijrn ilu use pai train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times a ct v 15s n the most becouse its ocrylk i latex base allows moisture te breathe through instead t of breaking through m blisters 1 next rime you paint your home get the most misterresistant i paint yoacan buy weve got it 35 paints now on sale exterior house paints latex reg 10 55 gal now 895 gal woi information pfcona th focal cn pusangar salts orfica czjj canadian national primer special 425 gal far 5 manning electric 54 mill st e 8532950 bell lines watomi wagon international with ovar 5000 hostesau hat mora than thirty ytart ixperlenca la fottaring good will in business and community lift for mora informa tion about phone 853094 wflromf nfivcohers use this coupon to let us- know ou re hire nimo address town picise have the- wel come wiifnm hostess ull on me i would like to sub scribe to the acton free presi i il ready subscribe to the acton fret press fill out coupon mid mall to clrcul ition dcpt the acton free pres by l g denby your telephone manager i is cliittin not loiij im with some of the people ixsponsihk loi pi iniiiiij thi ickphonc association of oinjtla iuiikiii loi i po 67 and i vvjs faicinalctl with tli project i lie inioi telephone companies in canada are working as a tcun in this pioieer site ol the pavilion which is now ncuiri completion uil be nixl to one of the exhibition theme buildings man i he i xploier on he verte the man mule extension ol st helens island m the st lavcrenct rucr the rn un external feature of tire pawhon a large cliuin in the centu ol the building will house a theatre spcciall built to show j spcctaculai tilm of canada and its people the wall disnev circle vision 360 technique will be ustd lor the lirsi time in canidi the huge screen com plclelv suiiounds the viewer who will fed p irt ol ihe tin loldint pjiiiiimii childien will not he ljreotrn irul speenl atliaelioiis ale bciny planned for them in tile fnchintcd ijicst visitors will ilso hue i china to ee crjmmumct lions scicices ol ilu inline i hope sou are pi inning now to visii oui iclcphoiu assoc i it ion ot canada pavilion when ouic- at lpo 7 i mi bcfoie mil si il t on vour summer vaeation whether it s for two week- oi two months please be sure to phone cancelling all deliveries to vour humc milk bottles and ncwspapeis on ilu dooistep tell burglars that there- no orn at home 1 1 sounds inc i edible now bul hack in the eailv davs ol the telephone people had to shout to be heal el at the othel end lit the line anel telephone lines dieln t cover manv miles in those d ivs e i the t 1 oeliv von can phone all the vv n iimind ilu wollel t ilk in i nilmil voice ind be lleaiel elcnlv mel casilv this kind ol impi ovemeni doesn i happen bv iccidenl its the lesult ol constant lesearch and devel opment m the communications field in fact improvement in tele phone communications is i cunt inuint pioeess talk iiilichrccllv into the mouthpiece helps give voui voice gieatei elaiifv ind iiist ilu light voice voltiine you can talk in a naluial voice ind make the most ot the vvondctltil con venienee ind de pe ndabihtv ot voui telephone cztit st electric heating it the onl heating system that at fere you a these important advantages s nameless clean safe i v quiet a thermostat in every room more living space economy electric heating ts on of the many compart featurtt afihi famous medallion aluelectrlc homes for full information consult a qualified electric heating contractor or your hydra acton hydro electric commission 3 elgin st n telephone 8532410 mmm aw

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