Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1966, p. 9

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v editorial page time for nature spring provides one of the most dra matic examples of the magic of nature leaves are transformed from bud to full bloom tiny seeds shoot up as the warm sun and rairwiurtures them a whole new cycle of life begns from the bird nest to the large animal lair in the rush that attends modern liv ing much of it goes unnoted and often with little understanding some school authorities have developed what we con sider is an admirable way of teaching the wonders of the natural science that surrounds us the development of the natural science school takes a limited number of students for a limited period of time for concentrated exposure to natural science the albion hills conservation school developed by the metropolitan toronto and region conservation authority through its foundation is a prime ex ample during the school year students accompanied by their teachers from schools in the province and particularly metropolitan toronto region live in resi dence five days at a time the school is used on weekends for classes and groups wishing to study conservation subects on the curriculum include such things as forest conservation flood control weather fish and wildlife pio neer life astronomy ornithology hikes and fishing trips the school accommodates 40 stud ents a staff of qualified teachers who will act as counsellors and instructors the program is geared to senior elemen- farmers leaving land june is dairy month and while the canadian population continues to expand and the demand for dairy pro ducts continues to increase a matter for the concern of all canadians is where will the milk come from in future cow numbers are the lowest they have been in 45 years and the number of farmers keeping cows has declined to the lowest level since world war ii in the intervening years production per cow and per farmer has increased at a rate which generally exceeded consumer demand but for the past five years there has been no appreciable increase in national production and indeed in 1965 production actually fell below 1964 levels the recent moves taken by the gov ernment to establish higher prices to farmers for milk may or may not have the desired effect namely to stimulate production and farm income the farmer tary students and unior high school stu dents establishment of such a school to ser the entire c of h s quite feasible and a worthy protect for the halton region conservation authori ty in cooperation with studies possibly by the county consultative committee on education halton region conserva tion authority embraces almost all of halton acton itself falls under the jur isdiction of the credit valley conserva tion authority metropolitan toronto was recently advertising for a suitable site for another school within a 50 mile radius of the city if some local area was available on which the two projects could be ef fectively located it would seem worthy of investigation spring is only one of the seasons worthy of observation every season has its peculiarities and its own drama too often in this age we rush past the treasures of nature only a small boy has time to study a fish worm a cater pillar or a nesting bird surely some of these are the things that should be car ried to adult life where star gazing or bird watching can become a relaxing hobby the interest stimulated at a conserva lion or natural science school could well work wonders in the future adult life is it possible that halton students might have such worthwhile exposure however is a victim of another situation which is only indirectly related to the economics of dairy farming as the farmer is called upon to become more and more efficient and this generally implies that he should become bigger the need for help in the operation of his farm becomes more acute consistent with this need is a grow ing disenchantment on the part of ex penenced dairy farm labor with the de manding nature of a dairy farm good men are leaving this field to seek em ployment where they can enoy a five day 40 hour week with weekends free many of the best dairy farmers have prematurely retired because of the fail ure to obtain satisfactory help if no solutions to the problems of dairy production are found it is possible that canada will be put in the ludicrous position of importing dairy products info a country which is one of the last agri cultural reservoirs in the world queens park report by george k e r r m i a the proposed pniani lot no frec- avs mil luglmav widening announced b the ontuiio government mostlv affects halton and peel counties the program is estimated to cost between 500000000 and s70ooo0o00 ma to be unpkmcntcd oei a 20 cai period havuui hm linton and toronto the changes planned are as follows extension of new highway 403 tmni builinton to toronto running be tween iltghwav no s and present 401 and to end at hiphwav 27 in metro toronto this highuiv is to run in a northerl dir ection crossing highvviv 5 in burlington lust east ol the gueph line ind then running pre tt well parallel to highwav 5 ending at highwa 27 v hichu a te be called belfiejd livtuiv irom metio toronto to george town running noithot biampton this will be ot great bench to the northern area of our coutm bronte roael between higtmax s and qew in oakxillc to be cojiiplctek rebuilt i hope this will be a new icg of highwa 2s running irom milton widening of highway j3 between number 5 and c ton widiiiiiii ot number s highwas between hamilton area and toronto new highwav to connect oew and jo in the area ot the nmtli line in oakmlle this will help iose traffic on the qxvjpproojung metro- toronto iiighuiv 10 between port credit and brampton to be widened it is interesting to note that the de partment does not intend to widen high- a 2 or the lakcshore road js it is more commonlv known this inghwav xv ill ivciituallv be tiansterrcd to the mini leipalities through which it runs this ambitious program togethci with tilt provinces plans for rapid tiansit in this area should help make travelling less hectic and more convenient nothr welcomed announce nunt is thi plan ot the ont ino depart mint of hi ilth to assist ambulance operators the legislation will regulate standards for le- hnles equipment and training ot person nel and attendants the object of this bill is to provide ontario with ambulance seriiee of 1iigh qualm orga in a wa that will in sure ettieiertcv and quick service the hill prov ides financial relict for the tune being b va ot a sfl per cent grant ot the amount now spun b a munieipalitv lexal board ot health public hospital or a non prut it organization as he case rm be- in other words it milton tor example neiiv provides a grant of sa 6 000 then jooo will now be paid bx the province it is hoped that the mimic ipalilv xul neil decrease the amount ot these grunts so that most operators will in tail rc- eeive up to a s po tcnt ukixasv it ruv esjrv to offset their opuating cosis further it there is not a grant in exis taince ambulance operators max enter into an agreement directlx with the iv- paitmcntcrf healthy to recerre finanoal assistance we must haxe efficient and effective ambulance service and i predict that erven- tuallx it xvih be part of regular health ser- xices under the ontario hospital scrvicci commission decoration day parade sunday sugar and spice by bill i e y we were sitting around bickenng after church the other day my daughter had a bad cold and was generally owly she didnt think much of god how can god let so many people in the world be starving she wajited to know well its a fair question her mother and i tried to explain that it was not god s doing but mans we said it xvas mans greed insecurity and fear that made us live like kings cfar bet ler than medieval kings in fact while hundreds of millions of people in the world our brothers starved and died of illness unnecessarily she wasnt buying any it all sounds pretty foggx to me she grumped i don t think much of god if thats the way he runs things i asked her what shed do about the situation like all kids she didnt know except to repeat that it xvas all wrong well you cant have a 15yearold sit ting around running doxvn god so like all lathers since the cavedays 1 tried to come up with an answer fust i explained that the government did a great deal to help less fortunate countries with our taxes when shc cor nered me on details i had to admit that it iv as a diop in the bucket with a lot of strings attached try that metaphor on for sie i further admitted that government could not do much more without creat ing a hue and cry among the taxpayer in desperation i looked around for someone else to blame the churches should take the lead and start a nation- w ide campaign to help feed the hungry mv wile icmmded me that we give a buck a vieck to missions yes and all these piddluil chinch missions add up to a spit in the ocean says i so xvlut would jou do ml smart alc sajs she so i can probably think of sonic thing mis wise gux sav i and i did tik icsult is national tighten your belt week it s erv simple for one week a xeai even cmadian fapnlv willing to help will live on i baic subsistance allowance the diflciciice between that and the normal cost of living goes into the pot every cent of this pot goes to buy food clothing contraceptive pills and other necessities for the vast poor down trodden masses of the world its hard to believe that this world shaking concept took seed and blossomed right there in our livingroom but it did swiftly xve did some figuring it vvai rough but close enough the average family spends from 20 to 30 a week on food one xveek a year xve exist on 5 per family it could be done you knoxv lots of ric macaroni porridge bread homemade soup water instead of coflee tear milk beer the same week we walk everywhere and save 3 on gas we turn off the turnace and learn xvhat its like to be cold wc clean our teeth with salt we avoid shaving and hair sprav and deodoiants and drugs and cigarets we xvcar nylons with runs ve turn off the hydro except lor cooking and use candles the average lanulv could kick ibout 30 into the kitty take a town ot ioo0o population let s sav a minimum of 1 oflo families thats 30000 that will pay lor a lot of wheat penicillin and birth control pills multiply this modest token bv all the families in canada and x ou could ack up india in about two yeais i know i know youve already pick ed 84 holes in the plan all the supermark ets would go broke if thev lost a weeks business well theies no reason thev couldnt tighten their belts too for a week all the fruit and vegetables and me it would rot not if the produceis knew such a week was coming and planned for it the provlncliil government would col lapse il it lost a weeks taxes on booze and beer i doubt il a lew miles ol high- wax might not be built so what sciioush i think it would be tun many people would take part because it is something concrete rather than a vague thing like lorcign aid or missions and thied be benclicul side clleets slimmer waistlines a new slant on oui good tile and i can gnarante that afti three d vs ol imcaiom the sqiiin in oui attic would nevei be a problem again they d be stew harley to halton by harry harley mp in the past week one day of debate- was spoilt on each of two vital nutters to ihe icunomv ol canada one dav xxas spent en the question ot tolls on the st iawience scmav in this mallei i think ilmost iverv nicmbci regardless of his partv spoke out against the increase of lolls winch would increase shipping costs and iain raise the cost of living the othei nutter discussed under estimates of the pipartmcnt ot labor was the dock stuke in montreal this issue is not clear nit md is a xerv difficult matter but it is hoped that the differeiiics will be settled soon mmx vitij matters are involved here suih as wheat shipments and expo t7 n intinm suppx motion to yiv government bills tor june passed quick k thi bill rcorgaminc m gov erninent de tinallx passed after several ilavsot debate and will soon become law on ol the foui bills to aive government miplovcis harg uning right and the right to aibitration and in some cases strike has passed and the remaining three bills should be considered in the immediate tut ore in this column i would like to sax a lew vvoils about the old vje pension old gc sevuntx pension the age tor ncceix ing this pension is progrcsmvelx being re duced ami thcie arc some people who arc in lait eligible tor the pension now but who haxe not applied and are therctore not n ceiling this this pension is admin istcrcd bv the department of nation il health and welfare under the terms of the et a monthx pension of 75 i paid tip3n to all persons xvfio meet the age and residence requirements age and residence ire not ihe onlx considera hon- canadian citizenship is not re quired for ehgibihtv the age at which pension becomcs payable is being gradu ally reduced from 70 to 65 beginning in januarx 1966 pension xxas pavable at ape 69 beginning in januarx 1967 at age 68 and so on unlil bv januarx 1970 the elii blc age will be 65 residence requirements an applicinl lor pension niav quilitv il he 1 has iesuleil in an ula loi the ten vi ir- lmmediatelx procedmg tlieappiovil ol his application or 2 has been present in canada at anv time pnoi to ihe ten ears mentioned above tor periods which equal when totalled at le 1st twice the length ol his absmcis durng the ten vear period and has resided in canada lor at icam one xear imniediatclx preceding the approval of his application oi 1 has resided in cinada aftei attaining is xcars of age for an iggiegate pi nod ot it le ist 40 xiars prior to the approx al ol this application sonie tvrtis of absences horn can id i during the quilifving periods refeiixd to above are considered not to intiirupt nsi ik lee these max include absences dui to the cmplovmuit of an applic int or the spouse ot an apphe int all ficts about such absences should be given to the re gion il diiector these thul methods of mcctnv ilm ileiice ii quile nil nls ale the onlv oik s pn vuled bv law no illowailees are made loi anv exceptions application for pension it x ou w ere born prior to nov ember 1697 vou should haxe made your applica tion bx now itti xq pro cess and confirm residence and age re quircinents so alwavs applv six months pi lor to xour date of receiving vour pen sion if vou haxe anv questions about date or details on requirements vou should pick up an application form from any post office 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday june 6 1946 a very pretty wedding was solemnu- ed on june 1 in st josephs church acton when rcta victoria allison daughter of mr benson allison and the late mrs al lison of truro n s became the bride of norman joseph braida son of mr and mrs fugene braida the nuptial mass was celebrated bv rev father v j mor gan with armand and lino braida cous ins of the groom as altar boys the choir was under the direction of mr s itadero accompanied at the organ by miss irene mulholland mrs george hennigar of truro was her sisters only attendant n braida was groomsman miss marv papillon held a shower loi the bride and friends and neighbors lion ored the couple at the home of mrs a hill on empire day the following students won duke of devonshire i oj5 e awards dick woods shirley fryer ronnie ci ipps june brown helen keelan adele chew shirley wilson faye daxvkins verena johnson bobby dennis peggy oakes betty fosburv evelyn massev bern ice sargent bobby landsborough ovce mccullough ravmond braida mar garet dennis at the annual meeting of ihe ymca johnnv gray was welcomed back new dircctois elected xvere dr d garrett thos jones and frank terry in the university ol toronto results miss jean baiber ol the continuation school stalf received her bachelor of arts degree 50 years ago taken from the issue of the i rcc press of thursday june 8 1916 the uppei pai i of the bowling grten has been wired oil for tennis rev j c wilson left monday for the general assembly ol the presbyterian chin wh at winnipeg this will be a his4or ical meeting as the great union question will receive some kind of settlement olliceis ol knox church young pcop les guild are hon president lancccoip tinist ban president miss jean rm wick vice pies mi w hunter secretary alex mann treasmer miss luella reid pianist miss hazel agnew assistanl plan ist miss jean wilson conveners ol com miltccs rev wilson miss daisy tolster miss i aura aikins mrs robei t davidson willied mcdonald actonians will now add to their many vntucs one of early rising the mew plan ol daylight saving having been ad opted acton will have the shortest sun day the people have ever knoxvn this week n it ian to the young men to shorten then sunday evening call a shock which stirred 1he whole counliv came in the bulletin telling ol the de ith ol lord kitchener by drowning on his vvav to russia with his staff on in inipoi lanl mission the ship was struck bv a mine oi toipcdo his armv remains to do the vvoik loi winch he lashioned and ii allied it a recent road safety meeting came up with i proposal to make rewaids to good cliivcrs but the system s already in opcr ition and good dnvcis can claim thin lew ud elailv it s called survival a great deal of credit is due the pupils of bannockburn school who raised 1175 lor red cross purposes miss antoinette uren is teacher and there arc 18 pupils on the roll 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday june 11 1191 upon receipt of the news of the death of sir john mcdonald the flags were hoist cd at half mast and so remain all places of business close this afternoon and ihe town bell will toll at the time for final services the news was announced at earns- chffe saturday night the representatives ol the press turned to the adjacent tent where the telegraph instruments xvere al ready clicking out the fatal news to news papers in all parts of the englishspeak ing xvorld the most prominent figure in pubic life in canada tor the past 40 years has disappeared forever but a few days ago he xvas sitting in the councils of the nation the people of ottawa did not need io enquire the meaning of the tolling of the bell that night there are all kinds of rumois afloat xv ho is to be called by lord stanley to bo the new premier from county council minutes it will be observed that an unfair advantage was taken of the towns and villages in the re fusal to allow the equalized assessment do not throw your waste paper on the streets il may cause a skittish horse to run away rev joseph edge has been appointed the new pasloi of the methodist church mr jos lasby intends raising ms barn at bannockburn messrs hai ns and co rockxvood aie doing a rushing business a large quantity of wool is being brought in and the vicinity ol the mill looks like a fair the acton free press business and editorial office phone 8532010 1 ounded in ia75 and publlflhed every thurfcdhv u 50 willow st acton on tario member of the audit bureau of circulation- the c w n a and owna ad vert f sins rates on request subscrip tions puyjiblc in advance 4 00 in canada 7 00 in ull countries other thnn canada hlnfllc coplch 10c authorized as second clash mull pout office dcpnitmcnt ot- tmwii advortthlnr lh accepted on the condition thut in the event of tvpograph- icul error thnt poitlon of the advertising hpur orctiptcd bv the crroneoim item tofielhtr with ri asonablc allowance for hifinatui e will not be charged for but the bnlnncr of the advertisement will be p hd for it the npplllnblc rute in the event of a t por iphitnl rror ndvertislna hoods or services at tt wronr price good or services may not be hold advertising in tiirich in offer to sell and may be will dravwi it anv time rubllahed by the diiu printing and publishing- f o ltd diid it dun mhu igliift frdilor cop rlcht 106f sttt pftss church notices presbyteriafjl church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mokcnzie b a b d minister mr r a hansen ba oiganist ind ciiou master sunday juni 12 1966 4s im chinch school 1 1h iin public woislnp sei inon heme oui common cause jun ioi chou leading the praise evcrminc most welcome trinity church the united church of canada mmistci re duight i engcl ba b i oilinist vi i george luiott m a ph d si nday jini 12 1966 cmlrcf1 school 9 ml a m grades 48 1 1 hi a m nursery to grade 3 srrvicfcs ol worship 9 30 a in 1 1 00 a in surserv proidcd during ii am service acton baptist church tounded 1842 piistoi riv stanley gammon rcj 144 1ide ae ph 853 1615 si noay junl 12 19o6 4s am church school adult clas 1 1 00 am morning worship the chun h becomes a miraile licning service cancelled for contention ervtce in hamlti on mondav june 13 mission circle 8 pm wednesday pracr and bible study 7 jo thursday choir practice 7j0 thought for the week this jesus hath god raised up where of we all axe uitncisea acts 232 bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev wiebe van dijk phono 8531585 sunday juni 12 1966 10h a m i nglish service 2 m p m dutch si rvicc 3 4s pm sunday school evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rei s m riiomaii pastoi 8532715 sunday junl 12 1966 10 00 am sunday school lot all ages 11 00 am morninp worship service 7 00 pm evangelist service tuesday 8 pm prayer and bible study thuisdav 8pm christ ambassadors the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rc ritchie mcmurra ma s t3 siturdiv june ii i cist ol st barnabas 1000 am holy eucharist trinity i sunday june 12 1966 9 00 a m holv eucharist 10 10 a m church school 10 30 aaii matins maple avenue baptist church georgetown 1966 sunday june i 9 45 a jn sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning service 7 00 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 877otf

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