Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1966, p. 11

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dr brian moore tops 64 at acton open tbr acfon frem ptma thurnfay i i w i tl i june 23 196 i i 1 1 m ii t m actons driving doctor edged out the putting preacher by just two stroke to receive the top trophy in the 12th annual acton open golf tournament last sat urday wcarthor was perfect for tfit dbvtong event held at the tecwttlv opened hornbv tower course lor the first time there were- m golfers who played the ifmiolc course togo ther and i lien enjoctl a huflct wlad supper in the spacious new club house ai tendance was up from las1 vear but not over the recortl of slightly over 70 the j bert wood irophv for low jjross score was award ed to di brian moore whose advanced naming in shots brought him a 40 and 41 for a total of 83 close second was the rev a fl mckenie who ministered to his strokes for a 45 and 40 with total ol 8 a winner of the top award in i hive previous vears this time he took the second place j b mackenzie spelled differently and son trophy a variety or good prizes went to the other winners next se ven in standing loi low gioss points wire julian 7iic 44 42 86 muiii scmne 4 1887 howard pea lie 4s 44 9 muk holmes i t oi mil lop vvinnci 48 4290 jim irnllougli 48 4 and andv nolan loimor champ 47 44 lud with ii stcwait macdonald 49 4192 rov butler oca trophy foi low net was won b ross mor ton with si and 41 foi a totil of 92 minus handicap at 19 for a total of 71 winner of this tro- phv musl belong to a golf club and have an established handi cap under the ontario golfing association ystem low net winners determined under the atlantic handicap sys tem also received prizes in top place for the coon vnrcv trophv was bill spiclvogcl with a total score of 160 minus handicap ol 100 for a total score ol 60 hi was lollowcd by allan ellerbv 141 77 66 paddy dick 116 46 70 ivan kilby 134 64 70 bill mchugh 122 isis 70 j don rder iis 44 71 and chestei ivvcha iii 39 72 a tlnee eai old troph lor innioi plavers was won hv jini peyclia chestei s son who shot iis seveial vounp plavers com peted in low gross for outof ton n guests at the tournament don anderson of oakvfllo was fust with an 83 and bob cunning ham ol toronto was second with 88 thcv are not elegible to compete lor the ivgulai acton open tiophies three special competitions weie held low score on hidden hole no 3 was won in andv mckenie with a hurdle three high scoie on hidden hole no 4 was von 1 thiee who tied with eights ron lew is jnk biillough md bill taloi long est dnvc on trie 18lh hole was shot bv wallv moon whose bill stopped nisi shoit ol the giem second was andy nolan all 64 players had their scores on each nine holes rccoulid and computed according to the atlantic handicap system which t kes into consideration scores posted on iheu highest links when this ivas tabulated every ones sum tell in the medi in lange liom the high sixties lo a few low oiglitics olhei plaxcis pai lie ipit nig win hob drmkwallei bill -pui- dlelon ioui bealt gu bale- man rod flhson waltei dub ois jack drvsdale ham moon dave greenwav dennv gibbons jck blow wilo neai mutin mccnsjall mike mccustall tred allen shei v khan scot- tv mccnstnll sid newton ron lewis davi manes wane spu es larrv poite paul palmu ra aibic jack bullough john gov paul hurlev bill tavloi sam bmnclle bnan mccustall john hutnagel petei maiks bill mchugh harold townsliv ron shannon don anderson geoige saigcnl howard buggs ron loutitl don giein lam nolan pete homei tiank moi- lon dorrance matheson teefjigoff was at seven min ute intervals beginning late nt about ii a ni on the scenic wooded ionise with its variety of watei obst icles suppei was slioitlv allu seven and the pie- sentatlons lollowcd this is an men dozen veais that the acton open has pool ed i lie lalcnti ol the towns tap pollers and added doens ol olhei playeis whose talents weie mediocu or woi so who thoi- oughh niov the day togelhci in 196s the champion in low pioss ealcgoiv wis andv nolan in 1964 lei iv slnvtn in 1963 an- ilv mokenie and in 1962 ted force previoim touinaments have been held at cut ten tield guelph oiangevllle tairvlew gtielph ieoigelown goll and cinliiln club hilltop lodge i i in mil bitch hills nnsiagn wcyu in cluu re ol nrtangements or the veiv suceesslul event weie ir biian mooie andy nolan andv mckiwie howard pearce ind rov goodwin next years committee wijl be dr moon- lack pink ivan kilbv andy no lan and john kiapek bus trips sports banquets fill last few days of school trophy winners at saturdays acton open golf tournament watch new champion dr brian aaoore as he tees up his ball for a drive fol lowing trophy presentations left to right are bill spielvogel low net champion jim peycha stuff photo unior trophy winner ross morton o g a handicap trophy winner and dr moore low gross trophy winner a total of 64 golfers teed off durinq the day and enioyed a buffet supper following play al hornby tower golf course the final weeks of school are husv ones i on tuesday trie grade sevens from both the m z bennett school and robert little school took a bus trip with several teachers and parents the group toured doon pioneer village and the wild waterfowl sanctuary neai guelph with the m z b students were teachers walter dubois and earl brears and parents mrs ginger and mrs a holmes wnh the rl students were teat hers miss elaine ellis and doug copeland and parents mrs russell patterson and mrs wai ter widawski kindergarten classes at both schools will have closing par ties friday the robert little students are going bv car to mr and mrs tom shields i aim last monday the r l grade eights went to toronto with miss donna rlseborough and doug copeland and saw the pai hament buildings museum and oo next mondav the m z b grade eight students are scheduled toi toronto tuesdav the grade eight stu dents liom both sihools and es- quesmg schools assembled at the high school foi the special orientation piogtam see sep al ate aituk chinese dinner precedes meeting a delicious chinese dinner at the lido restaurant milton was entoved b 2s members ot unit three ol the united church wo men preceding their last meet ing of the season at the home ot mrs dwight engel president mrs hugh pattei- son pusided when plans wue niade foi the fall a lattu is reads and will he- kept on hand toi a ease of need it was decid- eil to have j laxette alvvavs rcad the inter school field da be tween m7b and rl athletes was wednesday the r l school was host this vear full results next week graduation banquets were at brookvilli esterday limehouse today spevside friday and ai ton public siliook next tuesdav report cards and school clos ing next wednesday first twoday bus tour sponsored by two wls june 16 and 17 were chosen as the davs toi the bus tup this year by the rncmbcis ol ban noekburn anil dublin womens institutes this is the inst time the annual trip has extended it contrasts between old new observed on wl bus trip mrs fred anderson and mrs w dennv convened a verv en joyable bus tour on monday june 20 with mr weatherman cooperating acton w i took off at 9 oilock travelling by ted tvlers bus to the savage shoe comptnv in gait when thev were conducted in groups all through their children s shoe tactorv thiv make 4 000 pan a dav with a readv stock on hand al all times ol 400 000 thev were servecl coffee and doughnuts then tlicv went to the adel aide hoodie ss homestead the foundei of the wj w here a de licious lunchion was served al ter admiring the articles and furniture oi the pioneer davs iheie thiv tournevid to the pioneer village at doon seeing again the bii contrast bi tween the old davs and oui moilci n ones chuck roists in the but cher shop then weie 8c a pound no wonder thiy refei to the good old days then to the modern shopping cmlie at the ruiuav whue prices weie very much changed from the pioneer stoics this had then inmny lunchion at ilolul iv inn inner kiteheiiir jouipeving lioim thev visilicl the piouei i low ii and cemetery tveivoni l spies sod their thanks to ihi lonvcnus for a mis iniovahli il iv mil llicv jie pi uinui anothci one to the tv into a twoday holiday and proved a very enjoyable one toi iv three women left heie at seven oclock on thursday morning as ottawa was the destination fine views of laki ontario the thousand islands and st lawrence river were easily visible trom the macdon- aldcartier highwny upon arriving at the capital city in mid afternoon a lom was taken ol tin parliament buildings when ihe group sal in on the sessions ol both l lie senate and the housi of com mons a never tobe i orgot ten sight was tin vnw from the peace towel ol ihe cities of ottawa and hull mil the oil i v i rivir a vi iv in lovable bo it trip w is taken in the ivening aftei which the carillon bills weie en loved liom the peace tower ol the pailiuncnt buildings the beauties ol otttwa vveic shown to the ladies in a sunn bus trip on ti ulav moi ning ol 27 miles and one louldn t help being impressed with the qua its ol beautiful shade tries and well kept paiks then aie in this cilv an inteiesting loin ol the roval canadian mint was cn- joved also a shot i penotl was allowed foi shopping and thi parly led at two o clock lor lindsay where a delicious dinner had hecn prepared hy the lindsay womens institute arriving liome before 11 o clock the wo men although tned have many pleasant memories ol then fust twoday bus holiday welfare group a luithei meeting was held last evening to ionsidir the feasibility of setting up a co ordinating wcllare committee repiesentat nes ot vanous groups attended to discuss the need and possible scope volun tens and scrviees would be list id md available rcaihk to those who ivquitv issist inn at pres en there is no one ccnlial place oi pcison to c ill toi mtorma lion on servues avulahu from the vanous unco oidinated clubs and groups harvey laverty heating piumbing and eavestroughing sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet mitad work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n 8569934 24 hour service rockwood floor covering clearance sale tile vinyl asbestos floor tile heavy gauge as low as 5c each oorlon armstrong vinyl corlon reg 1095 sale price 5 sq yd others reduced to 3 i home furnishings 127 woolwich st guelph phone 8222420 quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils dfetel fuel fuel oils sieve oils oil burner finance plan io vears to pay small carrying charges svrvfce thompson fuels ltd fhont bseasto acton arm hows c332t74 v slfr coo 7ms mka sa frigidaire room air conditioner enjoy quiet comfort by the roomful all day long all summer long no more miserable sweltering toss n turn nights choose from a wide va riety f models one for every cooling jobl for as little as 175 00 manning electric 54 mill st e acton ont phone 8532950 native of trinidad speaker at meeting of greenock wi mis william lei i head ait- young people need this mom ktii of ciiiclph w1 hostess to foi new sotiil experiences are the ficenotk wi for then june dvsccndinp on tlictn at j rapid ineitliig with mi alaliatu a na- nite in cxpenencis five- ol ti iiutlit lind tobago now culling at btookville sihool as sliest speaker mis cordon i csjle president opened the mtelinn with the opening och and muy stewart collect and mrs j imes mccul- iik1i setietaiv iciid the min ute ol the pievious meeting and rove ihe lieasurcrs rcpoil the roll call was unsweied hy what clmiitlerislus of a stkintei appeals or repels and although the spnlt of crit icism is otteii evoked hv first glantes tunosily enn be tnins- loimetl into either lnendship or host ill iv all cleliik on ihe dc- liec of patieme ind thantv possessed hv the object ol euri- osiiv it also depends on whutlv ii vmi have a sen si ot humor bill seveial opposed ihe sym- jiilhv appeal thi sc upline wus lend by mis chestei allan lollowcd hy ihi i oids pi aver in unison hie motto your in mil is like n piiaehtite il works best when opm was given liy mis tl- woiki johnston convener lor public i el il ions piobahly no- llnug hioadens yom views bel- lei than i ii veiling it will show vou i10w5 the oilier half ol ihe woi id lives ihe natural beauties ol the eulh and the structures man lias made over the genera tions but tiavellmg is only one way ol overcoming the pre- liiditcs ol eieed 01 laee there aie olhei ailvanlugcs good lead ing to develop a gaater depth ol thinking lor a well developed mind gives seeuiity for the more seeunlv one has in lumsch the less thing will irinhlen him risks durance and moral tests then there te ihe art of con vocation when manr-is- wiap- poel up in himself he makes 1 snuill parcel he hasnt the tolerance or sympathy to listen jcurti and share mrs eillieocl introduced the guest speaker mr mahatn 11 piesent on the teaching stalf ol urookville school mr mi- i11t ti took mcttvliert to the little islands of trinidad and tobago witji an area of 2000 square- miles and a population of one million n island to see in one tiny and enjoy in one month with its abundance of tropical fruit and flowers and warm eh mate its unique hiiorv dales back to the isth centurv discov eretl bv columbus then overtak en by he dutch french and fin ally england in 1797 in 1814 slavery was forbidden and in 1859 45000 hatl indians were brought to the island to woi k loi live- veais paid a salary and given an option ol buying land it was then lluil mr malialu s gioni giandpurents came in 1949 1i10 inhabitants wen- given the right to vote and in 1062 their lull independence the etnicnton on the island has been conducted through missionaries rome sent teach ers for the- negroes and in 18s canada sent the first mission ary through the presbyterians lor the east indians in i92s the united church of canada sent touchers and there are now government schools as well as salaries paid by he povcrnmenf there are more children han absolutely the best in acton neilsons ice cream from watsons dairy bar free film when you bring your black and white or kodacolor films in for developing and printing in crzm 120 126 127 620 35 mm june is dairy month classroom available the th children appreciate their education and the more clever hove the opportunity to go on mr mulurtu plaved three tv 11 al leeoids ol the island music tnd showed mteiestlni slides of si hools t lit asphalt buckets car- iv nit- asphalt toi its pitch lake the tropical giowtlv including the banyan tree banana tree and the hindu cnsliiines mis all winters was hostess convene and thanked mi ma luilli and mis liiilicad loi a most eniovihli 1 veiling mis jtndon i eslii nul mis f llioll palterson assistul llii hostess 1 willi lunch dills stationery 54 mill st 8332030 oymo label maker special new 995 esterbrook felt tip marker 49c several styles guest book registers for special occasions spatial new 165 shiarfe pens and sets from 98c to 25 4 coior ball pens only 1 98 office and personal stationery miscellaneous p five year diaries i name and address books p trip books i foto albums writing paper dills stationery anaphai mttchsm mju tm awsnu june is dairy month v satisfy your thirst with a delicious glass of milk for a cool refreshing break try a tall glass of ice cold milk nothing is as good tasting and asgood for you as delicious nutritious dairy treats save time ler us deliver right to your door acton jersey dairy a- 3fci 243 main st n phone 8530441

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