Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1966, p. 7

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urehill church picnic on sunday at mcdonalds ta fcl day brought a large crowd lo mr and mrs w j mcdonald s picnic grounds vtftere tnetrtbers of churchill church and sunday school qient tie afternoon thine 19 booting and swimming was enjoyed by the children they presented the pastor mr bates with a desk set and mrs bates received a cup and saucer as a temehfornce prior to their leaving thru church circuit everyone enjoyed a bountiful pot lack supper at the close of the afternoon mr ttfld mrs reg greene and ifamily of lome park visited on sunday with her brother and sisterinlaw mr and mrs nor man turner and david mr and mrs ward hamilton attended the wedding in bond- head united church of nancy whiteswc to robert rerid of palgrave on saturday june 18 and the reception in the church parlor mr and mm imike hamilton and mark of georgetown spent fathers day and attended a family barbecue supper at springham farm mrs albert brooks and ron- na also nlis fred spears and carolyn mrs peggy vvse and miss ann gordon oined the bnpnockburn and dublin wo mens institute ladies on the bus tnp to ottawa which they enjoyed very much arthur swackhamer and mr and mrs ross swackhamer and brenda visited in hamilton with mr and mrs iharold swack hamer on fathers dav jack harris of croton and william dawson of oil springs visited over the weekend with mr and mrs fied mcarthur also mr and mrs leroy mc arthur and family mr and mrs keith comfort of beamsville were also sunday isitors with mr and mrs fred woarthur messrs archie kerr john du- enk and kenneth allen partici pated in the trooping of the col ors ceremony by the lome scots peel duffenn halton regiment on sundav in bramp ton governoi general vanier vns present for the occasion osprinoe building boom hits community for home additions new store who loses who loses when a farmer is injured as the result of an acci dent certainly he does but so does his family if you had a serious or fatal accident this year how would your family stand the shock could they weather the financial loss or would they have to sell the farm accidents have no re spect for age or experience only careful operation will pre vent them i 20 auction sales the illage is enjoying a building boom mr murray mckitt neks add ing two rooms to ins home on thv highway mi gtoige allen grundv is building a new home on the second line above the highwav robertsons new store is pro gressing as woikmen aie put ling on the loof these new buildings along with tin renovdhoris at the chinch ate adding to the vil lage mi william wiag a patient in toionto gcneml hospital un tleruen sutgerv last week and eden mills reunion wedding accident highlight news in district auction sale of house rumishlngs etc 20 auction sales auction sale of house furnishings bile etc automo- thc undersigned has received instructions from ewart leyland to sell by auction at his farm iliinted on no 25 hwy 2 miles south of acton on monday evening june 27th commencing at 6 30 pm colonial love seait colonial chair hostess chair 2 coffee tables 2 end tables radio re cord player floor lamps swe dish hanging lamp 3 table lamps 150 modern books bed room chairs bedspreads drapes bedroqm lamps dishes orna ments chenille mats 2 foot stools electric washer wood box toy box rollaway cot and mattress 2 headboards 2 dice- trie irons small barbecue 2 pairs ol ladies skates corn pop per crocks coleman lantern garden tools kitchen utensils coke cooler childs crib and mat tress sun cot and mattress car penter tools 4 oil brooders 4 vsteel drums studio couch small desk 4 nil mattresses book stand kilohen sink many other articles 1963 vokswagen in excellent condition terms- cash when sold no open house unm sale time owner not responsible in case of accident on sale da wm a gibson 20b52 auctioneer for john lewis at his residence 1s8 teffrcv st acton on wednesday evening june 29th commencing at 6 30 oclock 2 chesterfield suites odd chairs chrome table and 4 chairs din ette suite and 6 chairs book case television clock radio cof fee table end tables small rad io lamps bunk beds double beds single beds with mattiess es 2 dressers chests of diaw- ers pole damp stove acme de luxe admiral rcfngeralor wash ing machine laundry tubs metal cupboard hot plate steam non living room drapes power lawn mowei garden tools garden hose sealers 2 boys bicycles sloighs bird cage wooden gar age doors camping equipment tent sleep 6 camp cots sleep 3 cooler terms- cash when sold no open house until sale day wm a gibson 20b52 auot lonecr clearing auction sale of farm implements feed fur niture etc mi and mrs bill wilson and mr and mrs wilk wilson were in caledon east sundav attend ing a memorial service friday bobby wright met with an unfortunate accident at ss no ii public school din ing practice for field da break ing a knee cap he will oe in a cast loi the next two months wedding bells were again ringing in eden mills saturdav when carol townsend daughter of mr noi man townsend and the late mis townsend was un ited in mamageto arnold irvin ol feigns the wedding took place in tden mills united church mi and mrs william mino have letutned home altet a ueek visiting their daughter and fainilv mi and mis sid bai nes jt carnarvon ont set vice in eden mills piesbv tcnan chinch sunday was con ducted by dan mcguincss ol in geisoll he is a thud vear stud ent at watciloo collige this weeks activities at the eden mills luthcion camp in eluded the pioneer gnls ol the baptist chinch gcoigctoun numbei ing 20 who slaved in the pioneei section sixtyfive men nonites vouth gioup of the el mira aiea spent the weekend the brothel hood of lutheran men and tamihes held a picnic sundav when 385 gathered trom different places including ha millon elmira kitchener guelph and stratroicl those attending the anderson- coates reunion irom this aiea sundav in riveiside paik were mr and mrs will gilbertson mis k gilbeitson mrs k ste venson and lamilv mr and mis bob gilbeitson and family marlene mcpherson daughter of mr and mrs hugh mopher- son eden mills was united in marriage to john smit son ot mr and mrs bemaid smit of guelph thev were married in the- chinch ol out ladv satur dav last is progiessing quite lavorably mi and mrs cecil howaid of loicwto visited with mi and mis j a bulloch and family on satin day mis k klooster accompanied by mi and mis dick kloostei and lamilv ot eiin spent sun day with mi anil mis jcnv hjumpenhower arid sons at gowanstown and attended the baptismal sen ice of then in i tint son richaid mi gordon snvdei who had eient eve suigeiv is now hoini liom guelph hospital mi guiding ol roionto visit eel on sunday with his daiightci and sonm lnvv aleik and mis stui ai t and sons pupils ol giacles 7 and 8 and tllcii umchers mis m nellis and mr ibiiice matpherson en uccl a bus tup lo niagaia tails on 1 huisdav mi gordon ail ken and mi a wheartlei ot toionto spent the weekend lishing at algonquin paik mi and mis geoige cooke and bill motoied to belleville and hi ought home their daugh tei diane home for holidays shi mil be attending summer school in toionto pnor to leach ing in toionto in september limehouse annual church picnic at ross lake enjoyed communion services were conducted by rev f n young at i lnichouse piesbvtenan chur cli on sundav mi william heniv was leceued as a new membei bv transfer ol ceitih cite we are pleased that mrs os borne is home fiom hospital again the annual congregational picnic was held at ross i ake iirin on saluidav evening with a good attendance and a good time sundav school has been dis continued until september and chinch services aic- being held at 45am mr and mrs david radcliffe mark golden wedding anniversary auction sale of rurnduure cub tractor etc the- piopei t of william hume on 25 ikvv south of school foi the deal milton on wednesday evening june 29 at 6 30 sharp matching maible top dresser and wash stand pnu- chest of drawers low pine drawers oval walnut centre table captains chair oak china cabinet oak desk i bookcase oak end table 2piece chesterfield suite leather moms chur walnut sideboard 2 simmons steel beds 2 dressers walnut vanitv kidnev table pine desk targe pine pantrv box wash stands sectional bookcase 2 wicker inn chatis drop head singer sewing machine several odd old chairs large wardrobe small tablis phonogiaph child s large oldbob sleigh fngidaire with crosstop freezer bedroom dishes elictnc washer crocks some dislies and cooking uten sik mirrors tractor etc internat ional truck tractor in good con dition with single furrow plow snow blade and disc renfrew scales bnggs and stratum 4- cvcle gas engine walking scuf fler gardun tools etc owner and auctioneer not res ponsible for accidents there arc several good old pieces of pine and walnut house iold terms cash frank fetch auctioneer the property of alex near lot 27 5th line nassagaweva miles south of no 7 hwv 4 liles sw of acton on 28 tuesday june at 12 30 tord ferguson tractor and front end loadci in good condi lion tuctoi pullev ford fir guson 2luirow plow jd model d tiactoi limning well bell 20 in thieshmg machine complete ly equipped 100 ft drive belt 7 ft power mower international 2 t ui i ow plow fleurv bissell trietoi disc mh 8 ft binder on rubber int 13disc fertilizer dull 17tooth cultixatoi mh manure spreader rubber tire wa gon heavj hairows side deliv ers rake hav tedder vdnim steel roller sloop sleighs 2 row com sculfler 2fuirow plow walking plow ruling plow 13 tooth cultivator circular sail 2 high vi heeled wagons hp motoi brass mounted heaw ha mess scotch collars chains loiks cant hooks and usual small articles teed dairy etc woods 2 unit milking machine- about 700 bus ot mixed giain about 200 bus runsoii oats trom rcg seed about 400 bales of hav 2 mows ot loose hav quant itv ot loose- straw rope machine 36 ft ex tension ladders steel water trough section gnndet smill tools bells etc furniture cherry desk and bureau harvest table large wardrobe oak desk sola spool bed 2 bedroom suites bedding ind feather ticks chesterfield surte bookcase rugs dining and i kitchen tables churn batterv ra dio old cupboards wash stands wctrola small cook stove large cook stove electric stove odd chairs oedroom dishes cuckoo clock oil lamps and lanterns higrh chair picture frames apple peelers mirrors dishes glass ind nianv other articles this is an old farm sale terms cash owner and auctioneer not res ponsible for anv accidents on the premises farm sold furniture selling at 12 30 lunch counter hard work and plenty of co- opeiation to cope with prob lems are cited as three main icasons for a happy so years of married life by an acton couple imr and mrs david radcliffe frederick street the couple marked their 50th anniversary sundav with relatives and friends at rheir home in the same quiet manner thev have always hied they were married at udder- son in the muskoka district and after farming in that aiea for several years moved to the scotch block in esquesing township to continue farming for 20 years after that they retired and moved back to the onllia area to live until coming to acton seven years ago even in their retirement both are still tilling the soil their garden is their main hobby and both are fond of gardening and flowers mrs radchfle likes sewing and cooking and accord ing to her husband is the best cook in the world mr radcliffe comes from irish parents both were born in county down iniieland his father came to tnis country as a young man of 9 and his moth er as a baby of one year old they met after their families moved to canada and settled in the muskoka area mrs rad clifles parents lived in musko- ka present for the sundav gath ering were brothers and sisters of mrs radcliffe mrs lome wuck margaret young alec roy austin and harvev youny delegation to halifax convention causes hassle at county council foiu members of the county roads committee with the county engineei and retmng en- gineeer ueic authot iod to at lend the canadian goods roads convention in halitax over ob jections liom scieial membei s ol countv council on tuesday buiungton diputi reeve tiank rocis who vull be tia clling oieiseas latei this veal j at countv expense led the ob ijcctton neiiing the loads com miltcc had cailiei attended the- ontai io gexxi roads convention georgetown dipuls reeve j loung obicctcd to sending ie tiring civnicei rov smith to ibi convention depuliriivi a d i ot oak mile- sugistld the coulltv should be cuttmi dow n on it tendance at conventions this looks like a yoiut place to stait he concluded ii von jjo to the ontano convention ths c anad i n one should hi cut out reeve gordon g illagher ol burlington suggested the mem bers were being picayune he maintained attendance at con ventions promoted good public lelations for the county milton deputy reeve c menefv wondered why members should start picking on the good roads convention thev should all be dealt with its not tail to single out one a complete list of countv memberships in associations and the conteiences should be compiled and reviewed at the beginning ol a icar reeve w coulter of nassagiwcva argued if the good roads convention is deleted all conventions in cluding the overseas trip should bt cut deputvreeie 1 f hun tei suggested its up to the council to de cide i tutme polio but i don t see the logic 01 light to inter leu thin vcai wiicleii hinton commented he suggested the whole suntect should hi piopei iv considered next veai it mav seem i in picking on the good roads convention but i wis amaed lo see the amount of money spent on the ontario good roads convention dep ut vreeve dav concluded i dont think our public image is governed by how much mon ev ee spend a motion to restrict attend ance at the convention to he committee chairman and the countv engineer was defeated on t 21- 1 1 recoiclcd vote acton citizens band played sin prise concert at the pai k sundav evening mystery thy for institute rock wood a mystery trip is always lun ihis was found in be lerv rue hv the ladies of ruckalong institute as well as scveial genllemtii who started loi parts unknown lecenllv go ing hv way of krlchenei and stialfbrd they enioved then box lunch in the beautiful paik near the stratfoid theatre then on to then target which pioved to be i onclon dining the day thev visited a shut and parna laetorv and the general sleel waies limit ed plant which were most in- fetcsting a ion i was also made ol the c n i u iweeclsmuu hall md a luge talons shopping plaa store ilievwluined home iltei suppei in i restauiant and i dine ihiough spnngbank paik driving home aflei a most en lovable dav the gioup oincd in a sing song led by william black a special vote of thanks is due to mis ic spencc- and mis e johnston who organi id the mystery day retired teachers special guests retired tcaehiis and past presidents of the association were special guests ol the es quesing women teachers as sociation when thev held their last ol loin dinner meetings of ihe 1965j66 term at the north hal ton golf and countiv club accepting the invitations weie ictiied leaeheis miss gladys bioadloot miss hael harrison miss minnie bennett miss lu ma campbell and mis nellie gardner and pist presidents mis eleanor wckeown mrs sthci smith and mis fva pi cssivood the picscnl members of the ixccutive wcic introduced bv mis helen rogmaldson thev lie past picsidcnt mis mc kcown piesulenl mis ann ru dv secixtan mis mailene li eston 1st mo picsidcnt mrs vci a macdonald 2nd vice pres ulont mis paquettc treasurei miss linettc smith and pro yram committee- mrs mauicen melloi and misscaiole lane miss mai ion pi 101 of the wriggleswoith public school leaching stall on exchange trom fnglund led ihe- members in a sing song accompanied at the piano bv mis june evans and a lilm on thailand and pakis i in was shown by geoigetown design consultant james war an who spent some time- in bangkok as a government con sultant the esquesing women teach ers association draws its mem hership fiom georgetown ac ion and esquesing ton of gold cows staicrest bijou betty 327787 excellent a jersey cow in the herd of a neilson stark ceorgetovvn has ust been issu ed a ton of gold certificate in 1 425 days she produced 2192 lbs of fat bettv is a daughter of the superior sire brampton sir bnou radar 124107 and jlso a winner ol two silver med- ijs and a gold medal avonlea raleigh susanna 291- 961 excellent another jersev cow in the herd of featherstone bros oakville has ust been awarded a ton of gold ceitili cate in 802 davs she produced 2047 lbs ol fat she is also a winner of thiee silver medals 10 gold medals eight medals of merit and another ton of cold certificate to qualify for this award a cow must pioduce at le ist 2 000 lbs ol tat in four consecutive vears r deer killed a female dear was killed and a weston mans car received 37s damage when thev collided n highwav 401 near campbell- ville earlv sundav morning there have been quite a few car licr collisions in the north hal- ton area this ear game war lm jim milford was called to dispose of the carcass 20bs2 tel s772864 20b52 frank petch auctioneer tel 8772864 roofing problems liave rum to ismond roofing roofing expert no job too big or too small shingles metal roofing eavestroughing barn roofs free estimates guaranteed workmanship for information phone 8530553 pack up and go with cash from g a c take that funfilled vacation now you dont have to wait loans from 50 to 5000 75 mill st drop in or write al atkinson acton 8532960 tttb acton frw fress thursijny jun 23 19su i im fc- i nl m lit i i i weed control m vfc news by v e mcarthur halton weed inspector milkweed milkweed is a perennial that 11 easily identified at anv stage of growth the slnnv leaes are opposite on ihe single stem plowing two to five feet high inside the stem is a sticky rrillky substance from which the plant gets us mme th crcamv or purple i lowers form a clus ter on ton ol ihe item one or more roughly shaped seed pods form per plant and the seed is eiiipped wilh an arrangement of hairs like a parachute and will float across the cowrftryside in the fall this- weed spreads bv seeds and bv shoots from an extensive underground system cutting prevents the selling of seeds and spreading to new locations hut will not prevent rapid spread from the root system in an established area brushklll at 16 or of acid per acre will kill the top giowth il applied when the plants are about a foot high a second sprav when new grout it appears will kill most ol the root sys tem spiav directed at the un derside of the leaf is much moie elfective than on the smooth shinv upper surface brushkill will iilso kill cloveis and alfalfa hnr it is olten better to lose a few good plants than to let this wtect become established milkweed usually grows in patches and spot treatment will prevent unnecessary crop los ses if ihe plant is in a waste area or fence bottom a sprav application of ammol or ami- trol twill kill all the vegetation in the spiiyed aici a short pei lod of soil sienlilv miv icsult fo not allow stock to pa si u i c for two weeks wheie amilrol has been used wellington bus trip for soil crop group the executive of the soil and crop improvement association met in the agricultural office milton on thursday evening june 16 tentative plans were made for the annual bus trip to wellington countv on julv 21 rirnns will be visited to look over haylage feeding systems high moisture corn manure handling systems and sprays the suggested corn meeting is for september at the corn trials at aubrev livingstons farm brampton these are the joint corn trials of the counties of halton peel and york the land use diainage project on the farm ot dive sargent rr millon has been completed for the next three years a corn test will he conducted on this field comparing the drained and the undrained areas a sim ilar project was starled last vear on the lirm of hugh beitv rr 4 milton work is progiessing on the new homes m lakcicv subdiv lsion several cxtia building lots have also been sold and erection of houses will stait soon milton i h jlj ay4 878 thursfri sat june 232425 so dear to my heart in color a walt disney production pony soldier in color tyrone power matinee saturday at 2 p m montues weo june 272829 night of the iguana richard burton ava gardner cartoon springtime eor thomas adult entertainment t thuhs june 2 fri sat july 12 when the boys meet the girls in color connie trancis paul ank kingdom of sagen cartoon ounce of pink show times mondav through thursday 8 pm friday amd saturday at 7 and 9 pm expert installation for a safer and quieter ride motomaster shock absorbers 30 to 475 ea lmatphm can i itmentfa gamronteti er atllea i amotomasteit extra- life mufflers 4 mm cwrs poutmcs m4ta4 a98 toa-h- equal to oar better than original equipment qual ity flatten out curve level ont bumpa end at foe e in toother comfortable ride imtauetion extra convenient lifetime ottereatee i arajt olowomtl heavy range doable- wrapped sheet steel con struction available for most popular american and european ears installation extra udflst terms c w save safily associate store art gordon prop 130 mill st e acren531060

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