Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1966, p. 8

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orientation jkf- at high shdoi for over 100 grade eight pupils r m kenneds guelph lynne masters and stewart robertson were married may 14 in knox presbyterian church acton they are living in acton robertsonmasters wedding vows in knox church may 14 georgetown guclph ospunge ottawa and 4cton the couple loll on a tup to florida and the soulheastci n stalls the bride wore a ihiee piece nau and white suit with white and naw accessories and a coijic ot led carnations tcx ait lixing at o john st x a ton before the wedding miscell aneous showers weie hold in honor ol the bridetobe kath matthew mcdonough 220 mc jtainnv js hovtess on april 13 pink tarnations while munis ond white snapdragons desorat- cd knox presbvteuan chuish acton tor the wedding eerem- onx of maiione lnne masters and james stewart robertson the re a h mckenzie offic iated at the doublering cerem onx on salurdax afternoon max 14 til four oelosk the bnde- a stenographer at c f lcatherland s favv office is i hi daughter of mr and mrs donald bld the groom a ma chinist at miero plashes plant is the son of mr and mrs bert robertson 150 tidev ave ted hansen plaxcd the or gan and ie bnsiow sant the lords praxcr and the wed ding praxcr the bride woie a lull kngth pmnol while oiganzaoxcr taf feta uuh a seajlopcd lace bod ice ind elbove length pulled lace sleeves a hcaddress of ithiic net pitals crxstal and pearl flowers ha id her four lictvd scalloped xeil ol nlon lullc she tamed a easeade bouquet ol toitt sitphanotis and pink jcise she as i ten in iiarndee r flu- epathe maid cf honor was j ncod o ii b je m ss kj i kir i iij v k idt- aere mjh le ke sn s me u s fr i i a w ac x mas e s m- e we ties ce e s- li e 1 f c w sj j c 4 c v e 5 i i r o j tv e e j1 janiee gimmon and joan hai rison on april 23 mrs gib jor cian and mrs zg lutx on april 25 lndi dalton joanne em nierson and donna andrews on ma 4 adventure and welcome di version came to giade eight stu dents tuesday in the form of a trip to the acton district high school students from the pub lie schools 14 rrom brookvillc 10 rrom limehouse and eight from spevside were picked up bv bus and deposited at the high school bv 10 oclock pit pits from limehouse and spef side xxeio- accompanied bv then respective pnncipals mi daw kins and mi balkind an additional 8 students comprising 44 from robei t li t tie and 45 trom m z bennett walked to 69 acton boulevaicl then home axxux trom home loi th next live vcais oi so principal hansen waimlv uc1 corned the group ol eagei aces with words of inspuatioii in tended to help them in then high school cuecis mi han sen emphasized the growing ne ecssil loi education and the need loi students to establish good woik habits he pointed out i hat young people with then entile lies ahead ot them face a scnuiis decision in high school the choice bvtween doing the minimum which ultimateh ic- sults in lailuiv and that ol do ing conscientious is one of the most sei ious decisions ol a pci- sons life this decision leads in the one case to sell-conli- dence linancial and social suc cess oi in the othei case to a lifetime of lailure and sellie- pmacli school regulations and diseip line were described b vice pnncipal brax he pointed out a lining otliei things that the ss tern ol uintoim dress toi high school students has pioed suc cess ul it has led to miprox cd student moiale and lower cost ol clothing to the patents the wearing of the suggested clothing is not compulsoit at the pieseni nine but is strongh endoised and ma become com pulson next ear the orientation day com in it tee headed b mr rognxaldsun and including mr mcgiliia mr mecallum mi cm us and mr holmes diided the attend ing students into tie equal groups these groups attended 10 minute sessions at dillercnl locations within the sehool mr cuitis described high school science courses to the a nous groups and pointed out some ol the equipment thc can expect to ii e for expeiiments the iliysleal hilucatlon pio- gmm was dotal bed by mi me callum whereat mini ivnn johnson stuilent council iicsl dent dose i ihed the i unci ion ol student govci iiineiil cimups dl ided tchein about home ic- onoinics and indus i ial alto in cililien tioni mis on and mi matthews icspcctixclv mlu juhimx and mi royn- xaldson sinned a ten minute in teival to illiistiale the com son in guidance and cicogtnphv mi sullivan tlisiilb tlw iv ments ol the vailous cominei clal options and ausweied ques tions ivnai cling lacilitles in the commcrciul ilepai iment i he linll pal t ot the pnigiam which iiquiied the active pu- ticipit ion ot students to pmtake of ichcslliruiits was allended to with lutliei moie mteivst than anvotliii detail the overall put pose ol an oil dilation dav is that til allowing students o see inside the bilck stitictuiv iliout which diev have had an inn easing nunihei of questions dunng the last tew months ihc cxpeiioiicc an op poitunit o meet some ol their leacheis aiul to see the high school laeihties the studeuls themselves mix haxe dillicullx deciding which thex appieciale most the hall dax hohdax the mloi malion oi the rclreslrmtnts hoxxexei the occasion seivcs 40 make the lirst dax in scluxil next tall a little less conlusing anil shghtlx less unknoxxn p6qys corw iuiu miimimm jiiiic 1 lino ntto vvlilihi u iimu nlno i 1 aid an mlhli wllhll imlillv mild iheio win m ml li tml i line helwrrii thill now llli indv jiihci nil weio leml al tit j n i winked 11 nuikv know lug vi while inv liuliuiimtl luciiliiio did llulve i kiuw the xillv hipiiihii xvin 11 iu i01 i am one and vl v iilinh nluc noxv i liave lieiud imnn xillv people xnv ti111i dud is dead iiiiioiiljii do ive need his walchltil tvi pieme today anil hies his i lie ol c 1 eed llf atton ffo fnttj thunday june 23 c until is tu ill llsl jflld iieiiltblel souls u ln plan mull length ol days without that love divine within hie hiiui ii tliev but knew the ivoudei ol his ways would eix iinsleail mv god luv gieat ihou tit isabel andeisoii kelso busy kelso conservation aiea was lilted with heilcscaping visitois m 01- 1 he past weekend appiox imaiilx s000 of them used the pukaud mixed in 280 cais on salimlix and 1077 cn loads on suiidav county council briefs safety taken as theme of rockalong meeting tj s- icse vvsu utr v s e j r ece e t the nj hjt jit m e t ie hji 1 v drese 1j e x- h oe i rewlpice i p c ell eel p k iid xelu c bj t rm ii- croomunan u is aj 1 1 av a i unl in ushe s ik p 111 kivr soi h oier o e r aid paul kni cousin eil lh bnde i ill its m ihe eefe fills l e leecptloll xtls held in lie c lunch the brldv s 1110 he 1 reesited xsvllill a pile xefuxs hixade txxoplll el css will xelloxsild xsllte leesso les lllel i evil le ii lie ll- eolsae tile mxms nuilhi wox a turquoise lace llless llih illltchin tllleecll it tel le ii ll eoat willie leeessll ks tltel a elml ot pillk ejiul lions i lie 1 lele s 111 llllel 111 tdc 1 tie wedding sake both sets art he- bi lil s lziailclpaixnts illeiidesl lele us xtele leeelxed 11111 the ismi sistels ot ihe billies steilatlici liom rn gucatft vtere pieseni iom lindsw waietlih loixmto rockxtood the june meet ing of thi rockalong women s insitute was most mleresting xih safetx as the theme the rreeling opened xvith the- insti tute ode and marx stewar col iu ripeald i unison bx the tletloers picsell mrs ll i ai rr lie xcs hosiess tor the oecasion tolloxsig the minutes and treasurer s eport the roll u xvas instcered b a si s- jie hint du uv lusi less mis kit e i e repcrted on the purchasing o j eol ee urn the niern js desdej the pi lee xsas too a aj j leiei and a plar s as t si liejsed and a iiiollon made to earri a coffee maker ht seli n a quaniitx of monuich greeting cjds mrs v gu id was returned to oflicc as press seeretjrx the serctarx isas asked ii nr e tor the book tile remcssidc windou bx m ss tthel chapiiian miss llel en bjte diseussed liistinie plans for a centennial pnieit seteral items ol oircspmiul e lee uete ead ll lntllllloll sas reeelled i roiii mrs km irdni to j he nil a tea and hike sje on june 29 lnmi 2 in 4 1 p 11 the- pioeeeds till g i tn the akel celllllllllil coihiillltei loi the esl iiatnii and care ol kniliam ceiiieteia a th ink xou note si- 1 1 ad liom the wei i i couiiix llistoiieil re seaeh socle x loi llle help mill kk kaliin it the leeeiil ai 1 ejlle inei c i al i it spl l i he hlslil lell hi m ii eh a ii ll lla i tie e llllg was llllliiulleed willi etel ll eljllests ill v iiiou iii 1 ques mrs k spellee glxe all mill es in lefklll nil the dlslllet all niial field list max 2e ihu iters eigfil members tlio at leiideil i hi meeting mis he spellee mis shullls mi mis i minibb ink gite ii i mia lllslriletlne toiii tllllllgll tile rileketllchl reliable swells tl llle oc lie i liailk sehlleleltl thex xvere able to see manx dil ferent processes and this was used as their ansxeer to roll call at the district annual xxhen the name of j local industry xxas required the convener mrs spcncc carried on with the salclx theme and current events weie gnen bx miss helen bayne mrs harvei baxiie read an ai tielc on safetx in the home tluce mteiesting and instrut live films xcerc presented bv mrs k duncan safetx in the water xnd in boats mis spcncc conducted contests on how much do xou know about falls anil could xou pass the ontario drivers tests a uli of thanks to the hos less and ill xxho took pai t in the mcclin- cspeciallx the guest mis dune hi loi hei lilms xcas extended bx mrs w guild the committee ol mis o buttcn ham and mrs hnncx baxne svt xed a loveh lunch during the soeial hill hour xvhich follow cd hal ton counlx council at the june meeting on tuesday repoi led lo mcconnell nur series the bad proxy th being ex penenced on trees planted in jhalton under ihe centennial tiee planting piojcct noted the boaid ol health considered establishment of a homemakcr sere ice in the county one of the most uigentlv needed so vices the present sei vice opera ted in burlington is bx the red cross and plans toi expansion ol this are to be investigated learned the per diem rate at hallon manor had been es tablished at 550 for 1966 approved a rccommenda tion to increase the jail staff by two guards approved ihe pui chase of a perfoiatoi fot the registry ol- licc at a com not to exceed 1245 lcai iied the counlx engin eer had been insliucted to de velop a proposed policy foi the illumination of intersections on eountx loads piaised depute cleik jim andiexxs and the stalf loi their w oi k during ihe illness ot cleik administrator garfield b roxx n approved an inc lease in in surarile coverage on countv buildings of 5360000 for a total ol 1 710000 the added prem mm for the balance of the year was 3275 siiverwood show salts peppers at institute meeting mrs fred campbell was hos tess to silverwood w i there was a good attendance of mem bers and two visitors roll call was ansxvered bv exhibiting and commenting on salt shakers old or interesting aftei the business session members enjoyed an exhibit of salts and peppers along with commentary on origins and places of purchase by- miss j ruddell the meeting closed and members cniovcd a social half hour with coffee and cook ies mr and mrs w j scott and sons bruce and peter of lafay ette rndiana xx ere guests of mr and mrs harry scott this past xx eek 1427 lleollollcs xxeie iceclxcll into salvation i nix haiboui light centies in canada last inn and hso xtcre satisfactorily disc hat cd funeral or monday for nicky ayles t hi smccli stnpdtli otlhe rockxtood community is extend id to mi and mrs jack a les ii iei llie ii i mi 1 1 in the death ot tliicc xtai old kickx he xxas siniek bx acartndax i line i al si ix lee conducted bx rev sextell ot st john s anuli can chuieli was held monday at the rumlex shomiaku fuiieial home intel meat was in fair view cellletelx actoll lakeview discount centre 126 main st 8531190 supplier for 7iies draperies wallpapers glidden paints prefinished plywoods mortgage protection through life insurance iain williams 187 elizabeth dr acton 8531897 sun life assurance c i 1 pamv ok canada teens agogo in a good used car from lous used cars auin st rockwood 8534235 get into the swing with one of these gogo specials 1962 miniminor stn wgn lie x71449 as is 395 1960 plymouth 6 cyl std 2dacr lie 507494 595 1958 ford 2door 6 cyl std lie e98567 395 1955 oldsmobile lie h9361 only 4794 no down payment if credit is approved sjff ftlto oogo girls thrilled teenagers friday night al the dance in ihe community centre the shaynes a group of acton musicians played for the dance which attracted 150 two bramp ton go 90 girls joan flardesty and pat aacbain are shon with land mernbers left to right are lloyd mclnfyre miss aacbam gerald wieck terry churchill bill mcenery miss hardesfy and berme frueler more details assessoi william erskuic has pointed out to the tree piess a ciiieclion in an item 111 last xieek s paper he savs one sen lenee should have read in the report ol council meeting word was also received from the institute of municipal as sessors that assessor william erskine xtas successful in pas iing the third car examina tions in municipal assessing and the institute- requested council lo present him vtith ins ceitilieatc to he loi xx aided by the institute at a latci date last xtccks tree press re ported word was also received lhat assessor william erskine had completed his three vear couise in municipal assessing and requested council to pre sent him his ceitifilate al a lat cr date ideal for your home or office smith corona figurmatic electric adding and subtracting machine swift silent sure responsive engineered and priced for everyone only 11950 better faster- with rubber stamps tyes in a thousand and one ways in the office or shipping room in the factory or on the farm rubber stamps will do the job better faster and with absolute accuracy fast prompt delivery dills stationery 56 mill st e phone 8532030 toronto by bus low fares good any day one way 155 return 280 time table change effective june 23 1966 leave acton to toronto daily 6 3 a ill eve sun iti hoi 8 s4 a m ec sun iti hoi lxprlss 8 s8 a 111 s 08 p m 111 am 6 23 pm 2 08 p m 8 33 p m 5 04 p m f 1 1 sat sun or hoi bxprfss x6 19 pin fridays l mess 1008 pm sundaxs at hoi xioss p m fiidavs onlv v ti ip u ill noi run fn juh i tup it ill run thurs june w tiip it ill not 11111 fn julx i sun julx m en sun sept 4 inp will urn laurs june 0 luii iuj 1 and ytcin sep s daylight time minimum adult fare 25c one way for service guelph kitchener ondon see tin o table no 3 tickets and irorraion at wiles bus depot 18 mill streetph 8532600 c l adams agent notice twice weekly garbage collection garbage collection throughout the town is now on a twice weekly schedule beginning at 7 am collections are every mon day and thursday of each week the only exception to this schedule will be in the event a holiday falls on a regular pickup day in this case garbage will be picked up the day following the holi day and then the regular schedule resumed j mcgeachie clerk administrator tewi

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