Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1966, p. 12

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x3jjr hoy smith ford rogers retiring b4 the acton free press thursday june 30 t966 two of haltons senior de- fwrunent heads are retiring this rsv sear and two new men have seen named to take their places roy f smith who after 48 years with halton probably ynwlre as the countys senior em ployee is retiring from his posi tion as county engineer and roads superintendent while j ford rogers haltons assessor for the past 20 years is retiring on june 30 the new engineer is donald john jack corbett and he assumed his new duties in hal- ton on june 1 mr smith is staying on to help him in an advisory capacity for the next few months on a part time basis haltons new assessor is robert beach who began here on february 1 roy f smith working on haltons roads since 1918 mr smith has really seen halton grow from a tiny rural community to a thriving and highly urbanized area in those days halton had 25 to 30 miles of pavement while today there are 120 miles of paved highways in halton born in trenton he began working on construction with his father at the age of 12 and one of his earliest jobs was on the western entrance to toronto harbor after finishing school he enrolled in queens univers ity at kingston and graduated as a civil engineer in 1916 air smith engineered the con struction of a sulphuric acid factory in trenton then took a job in the production end of the firm lor two years it was in 1918 he came to halton as resident engineer on the new tansley bridge on highway 5 mrs l dittrich on school staff the hockley valley summer school located in the caledon hills near orangcville ontario will again be open this july and august with alls laura dittrich of acton on the staff the hock ley school is the only summer school of arts and crafts that has been desijrnetl so that all members of the family can come and take classes the age range of the students is from in fants to people over eighty children join the junior art centre and infants go to the nursery while parents and older children lake courses in acting ballet calligraphy contempor ary dance drawing enamelling french furniture repairs and icfinishing making musical in- mruments painliny landscape and portrait spinning music appreciation wine making students conic from all parts of north america and stay in private homes in the area mo tels dormitories or camp on tlie banks of the noltawasaga river supported by individuals or ganizations the province ol ontario council lor ihe arts and the canada council the school first opened in i9bj about 100 people are expected this year aiid will stay for periods ot from one to four weeks mrs dittrich is the punid grandmother ol four and one of her grandchildren attended the junior art centre last year she has been a member ot the hockley valley school since its inception and on the stall tor two vcars oint new engineer assessor any way yoi iflfurtit the finest welcome to acton is welcome i wagon a visit from our hostrss u ill mfcf you fcrl at homr tti hor tiaxket of fiift uivd jnswri to 3uemloui tboul the toii it- rvlc and l jut cu phone ssu194 j wucoxi ntmomhs j vn this coupon to let u- j know youre her i nra p towlo adrfns i please hava the wel come wavcm hostcu 0tu on m j t i i would like to ub- czib to 11m acton v fre press v j already utscjlbe to th acton free piew- s fu wt coupon and tau t 1 clrijutioa xfept lie acton 5 lyea ftr mmiii hi nrvr a sn and he stayed to complete a new bridge on highway 5 over the 16 mile creek when these jobs were finish ed he began doing consulting work for the county and local municipalities and moved to live in oakville in 1922 he also worked on the arch bridge over the 12 mile creek at bronte he became haltons first en gineer in 1924 on a fee basis and in 1930 was appointed roads superintendent and county en gineer over the years he also did some consulting engineer ing work for other municipalit ies mainly milton until he quit that practice about four years ago mr smith is known far and wide in engineering circles he was one of the pioneers of the county engineers association formed in the early 1950s and its president in 1954 in 1963 he was honored as a 45year mem ber of the ontario good roads association and in 1964 joined the quartercentury club of the canadian good roads associa tion after 25 years with that group he is a member of the association of professional en gineers of ontario in community life air smith has also been busy serving with the oakville home and school association and later as vice- president of the ontario home and school association he is a former first principal of the white oak chapter masons and a member of the scottish rite merton lodge of perfection his community interests also led him lo join the oakville lions the rotary club and the oakville curling club he is active in st hides church in his earlier days he was active in sports having played goal for ihe queens university oha entry and maintaining his inter ests in lacrosse xind baseball j ford rogers a native of northumberland county mr rogers was married in trafalgar and moved there to farm in 1922 in 1945 halton county decided to engage a full time assessor arid he won the job over several other appli- j ford rogers halton countys assessor for the past 20 years was honored at a banquet in oakville last week mrs rogers who received a bouquet of red roses is shown sealed shown congratulating mr rogers centre are assessor staff photo william erskine of acton and assessor cliff hibbert of georgetown and assessor john charlton of milton chairman of the halton county assessors association your family would suffer if your home burned down theyd suffer loss of clothes belongings and shelter at least and they could suffer burns or other painful injuries there might be loss of life sleeping children are often over come by smoke a fire in your home coufd have disastrous effects yet home fires are far from uncommon an average of 25 every day in ontario last yearyou can protect your family and property by acting to eliminate four common causes of home fires keeo matches away from children dont overload electricdl circuits be careful in using and storing inflammable materials dont smoke when youre lying down- in bed or on a cries terfield cia cants starting work on ihe first of january of 1946 mr rogers recalled ihe hal- ion assessment was only about 32000000 that yeirr while to day it ds 306000000 his first off ice was over what is now thebank of commerce miltonand two years later he moved to an office in the browir st county court house since me new halton administratiojn building has been located on the base line he has worked from the building in 1946 each halton munici pality had an assessor but the county assessing system was new halton was the sixth coun ty to appoint a countyafisessor so he started from scratch a form or equalized assessment was in use then but one of his first tasks was to draft a new system and practically reassess the whole county he recalls it was not an easy tusk as there were no previous records to go on and there were few land sales in those days on which an acurate assessment could be made there was strong opposition to any re-as- sessrnent from the farm people and much of the property was assessed too low he remember ed there have been a great many problems and many ser iously disturbed ratepayers but somehow you seemed to be able to reason with them he reminisced i dont think they all went away satisfied but co operators insurance association home auto they usually accepted it more graciously when ihey realized we were only trying to make an honest assessment he added mr rogers remembered his first court of revision in nelson township now upper bulling ton when there were 140 ap peals to be heard his work has been interesting and he has enjoyed meeting many interesting people over the last 20 years he praised the local assessors for their assistance and cooperation with the county assessing depart ment and said duriny hjs retire ment he will look back with many happy memories of his work mr rogers is past chairman of the county assessors associa tion and of the district 12 as sociation of assessing officers of ontario d j corbett haltons new roads superin tendent and county engineei was born in tillsonburg and was educated there and in woodstock belore entering un iversity of toronto where he graduated in 1955 with a bach elor of aprgied science degree after apprenticing lor a year he was registered is a profes sional engineer his first work as an engineer was with middlesex county near london as assistant county en gineer eight years ago he moved to dufferin county as county engineer and on june 1 he came to halton county tax notice 1966 municipality of acton first instalment now due attention is drawn to the payment of 1966 taxes which arc- now payable in four instalments taxes are payable to ihe municipal treasurer at the town of acton municipal office ymca building tuxes tor the period jan i 1966 to dec 31 1966 were due on may 16th and penalties will be imposed ir instalments of same arc not paid as follows first instalment second instalment third instalment fourth instalment may 16th july 15th september 15th november 15th according to the tax collection bylaw a penally of 1 per cent per month or fraction of a month will be added on the ihhlunlsfediriduihig ojnpuipifter the 16th clay of mjy this penally applies to each instalment in a similar manner the attention of ratepayers is directed to the penalties and other clauses as printed and explained in detail on evciv tax bill make payment now and take your tax notice with you wtien making payment j mcgeachie collector married with one daughter he is living at bronte mr cor bett took part in community life at orangevillc in dufferin as a member of the rotary club lor five years a roads superintendent and engineer he will supervise a staff of 25 men in the field the assistant county engineer paul stevens engineering technician bob blair and two women in the office robert beach mr beach who look over his duties as halton assessor in february has had the assist ance of retiring assessor rogers work in halton t a native of niagara falls area he has spent most of his life in i that districljle was born at i nearby stamford township and following his education there fie attended a business school in niagara falls new york tn january of 1953 he was named assistant assessor of slumlord township and later deputy chief assessor of stam ford in january of 1963 when part of stamford and niagara falls amalgamated he became chief assessor for one year he also served as assessor and buildinc inspector for the vil lage of ciiippawa following the death of the assessor there mr beach was a member of niagara falls kinsmen club for ll years and served one year as its president he was also ac tive in ihe citys united appeal and served as chairman of the public service division for a year l he wits a member of the first graduating class in the assess ing course at queens univers ity and is a charier member of the institute of municipal as sessors also a member of the ontario association of assess ing officers and a candidate member of ihe appraisal insti tute of canada married with three children he has taken up residence in burlington why you may have to pay more for dairy foods eacli year canadas dairy farmers get a smaller return for their investment and efforts incrcasingcosts of operation equip ment and virtually everything a farm needs plus a very serious shortage of farm labour are putting dair farmers out of business at the rate of about j 0000 each year returns to the dairy farmer have not kept puce with increased costs of farm operation from may 1954 to the beginning of 1966 in most canadian markets the aggregate increase to llicdairy farmer was only scents per quart for standard homo milk consumer prices of dairy foods hare not in creased as much as most other food products from may 1954 to the beginning of 1966 in most canadian uuukcts the aggregate increase in home delivered milk standard homo was only 5 cents a quart canadas dairy industry is vital to our eco nomic and nutritional health if dairy foods cost a little more than they used to theyll still be your best food buy mir foods smic i buruuj 30 avenue east toronto 12 ontario at home or away all iga stores in the vacation area feature low low toronto city prices supplfltf to th osmawa wmolfjair umtfl supply 4pot fr prnf tsv ntf4ft check our moneysaving hand bill for in store features bargai galore at ledger s iga store closed all day friday july 1

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