Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1966, p. 2

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tha acton free pre thursday jun 30 19o6 council of women toll assemble lists ef names town womens organizations and churches sent representa tives to a second meeting to div cuss ways of improving and co ordinating community services in acton there were 14 women at the meeting of tfie council of women at the liome of mrs d ijengel wednesday of lasl week again several misconceptions about the purpose of the group were explained the group would assist those in need in a small wax on the request of a doctor nurse minister or rec ognized agency no money would be raised homemaking or housekeeping services would not be providedby the day names will be compiled of women willing to assist free of charge onayery short term bas is in cases of emergency other areas of coordinating assis tance were discussed many groups do have these types of projects but no onecoreltcs the projects so a person knows where to inquire a questionnaire will be pre pared and next fall copies will be distributed at meetings of womens groups for those who are willing to assist in a volun teer way to sign while these women will be willing itihev would notjoftcn be called upon the problem in the past has been to obtain someone for a small project like last weeks substitute driver to the retard ed childrens picnic at very short notice on the list would be transpor tation names of people who could drive someone somewhere if needed this in no way con flicts with the cancer societv list of drivers however the way the service group operates the cancer societv could ask for the name of a possible driver if they need one household help is the next category in emergency only for short terms and unpaid if a woman breaks her arm and cant manage some of her house work a volunteer could help out relief baby sitting tf a doc tor sends a woman to hospital suddenly and she has nowhere to leave her children the doc tor could ask for help until ar rangements can be made information there could be a list of which group has what layettes eyeglasses bedding used clothing another list could be published once in a while telling what club collects what mrs f gibbons bock from visit mrs frank gibbons guelph previously from acton has re turned from england after vis iting her von peter for several weeks peter is a professional figure skater and is now under con tract with ice parade of 1966 at ice dome blackpool pleasure beach peter is the leading solo male star he is also top pair skater with partner inge dorn the other top skaters are char lotte wegniuller and andrew nairn this show is billed as eur opes greatest show on ice it bills 14 lavish scenes with a huge cast ot international skaters mrs gibbons and peter spent the first week in london before returning to blackpool tor op ening of the show while in lon don onlv three davs mrs gib bons had the pleasure of seeing queen elizabeth prince phillip and the prime minister of aus tria whom the queen and prince phillip were entertaining at the palace at this particular time they had just gone b cab to buckingham palace to take some pictures and were at the main gate just jt the right time she was so close that she ould have touched their car the vame evening mrs gib bons was jniest at wellington barracks ot the queens own guards who were in attendance at the sergeants mess at the time wellington barracks is situated right across from buckingham palace she was al so invited back the next day to see 25 of the queens horses as they are kept and surround wellington barracks mrs gib bons received manv autographs lrom the queens own guards who were on duty at the time in the barracks mrs gibbons was also a guest of mr and mrs dick beer while in england mr beer was at one time on the office staff ot beardmore and co tie is now in immigration he sent back with her his best wishes to all his colleagues on the office staff at that time air beer and fam ily will be visiting canada in autust mrs gibbons is employed in guelph under the vons on their home nursing plan she went to england on a chartered flight with mends of the postal corns she visited many beaut i- ftii p and says rite will al ways r manv more wonderful and exc time so those willing to help know what to save who can remem ber that the baptist mission cir- clc wants fell hats that the retarded auxiliary wants candle ends and bottles there ore many more calendar of social events one person could list from the free press coming events column and other sources which baz aars and bake sales are schedul ed on which days one specific person could be phoned before another group sets a date a clearing house for hamper information tcrhaps one person could keep track of which fam ilies need hampers and which arc receiving several and which- none or just one sometimes hampers would be needed at other times than christmas the council of women would probably never provide food but simply coordinate the work of other groups who do this work regularly and have exper ience at it if a service club did not wish to check with the well are per son in charge of course it could simply go ahead as usual it is not our business to act as social workers the ladies agreed they would only help on the request of an official or doctor would maintain confi dence scrupulously in cases where it was indicated would do only what they were asked to do and absolutely nothing more after the sheets are filled in there should be very little need for the council of women to bold meetings the group has no money and if a little is needed for postage or phone calls there will be no reimbursements available at the present time however money will be needed for expenses of drivers the mimeographed s h e e t s for which there is no money will be available the first of september be given to the rep resentatives from the groups filled in and returned then a master list will be prepared and will simply await requirements members of the committee are not anxious to work simp- iv to be ready if its needed most of the women thev repre sent as they pointed out are extremely busy they will be motivated bv conscience not boredom 1rs dwight engel is chair man mrs joe bray vicechair man mrs ritchie mcmurnay secretary and mrs winn was named treasurer just in case some small sum of money be comes involved- there were representatives present on behalf of the cancer societv legion ladies auxil iary association for the mental ly retarded golden age club ys menettes duke of devon shire chapter and lakeside chap ter of the iode the anglican united baptist pentecostal english speaking and dutch- speaking christian reformed church groups an interested observer one of the representatives who is a former professional visiting homemaker from toronto was especiallv concerned about the need here for paid homemaking services the group agreed to the need and hoped that mrs hall of the pentecostal congre gation might have success in obtaining work here it was pointed out the welfare commit tee would never consider under taking the sponsoring of such work but would gladly refer calls to a future professional group it was mentioned acton families bring in household help from guelph or toronto be cause there is none available here homemakers must take a training course in other places their pav is on a sliding scale according to income and the difference in some cases must be made up b the mupicipahtv or a service club taxi lures are ioinp up sre the ad dominion dav holiday dav fri- thlrh time ol the year when newspaper reporters niv kept on the hop with meetings graduation banquets and other social events they find themsel ves faced with as manv as i ive events in one night the liolidav season is catch- mi up l the stali ol the acton i iw press the iplant will not he closed and the newspaper willjhe pithllnshed the same as usual every week however with short staff it would be ap preciated if correspondents and others with news items would mail or bring them into either the plant on willow st or the stationery store on mill st as early as possible in the week high school promotion continued from page one brenda langille chester lang- ridge ken muccoll bon mc- knight susan rodv cathy slrovan ernie waller promoted to grade 12 s year program honor standing 75o or over connie coles rosie guthol linda gilmoie edith hopkins sandra irwin murray jainieson trudy moms pass standing brenda aherne douglas al lan george beshiri david black robert black brenda brandford robert browne bill dav gordon dawe sally dick john dowding nancy dubv phil oupuis rov fosterhelen gait kevin hall carol ham mond marlenc heisler glenn holmes lynne john son steve johnston lois kirk- wood dietmar kuhn bill landsborough nancv lauder jomarie marchment alan mc- natob norma mofrat lois mur- ravi jerry oekenden joan cgorman jake pasma karen perkins bob radford bob roughlev lynne rov ray sait7 anne shortill rov shul- tis lvnda smith george wallis susan ward dave watson jane wong promoted to grade 12 4 year program honor standing 75o or over edward lynch pass standing wendy almond ronna brooks olga diaeyok william churchill farewell service taken by pastor a fair attendance gathered in spite of the heat on sundav june 26 when mm g bates who has been our pastor for two years preached his farewell ser vice mr and mrs joshua thomp son and families grandchildren and great grandchildren enjoy ed their annual picnic on sun dav afternoon at riverside park guelph some enjoyed swim ming ball and other sports and also visited thirtvfive sat down to a barbecue chicken supper which was enjoved they also enjoyed entertainment listen ing to two bands three families were unable to be present mr and mrs fred asbeck of norval visited on sunday at the griffin homestead mr garrv dobbie was in wa terloo tor a week attending the united nations seminar as one ol the repiesentatives sponsored by the duke of devonshire- chapter o fthe iode acton and billeted at renison college waterloo everyone will be pleafd to hear mr harold gritfin is home trom guelph gelid id huvital and teeling much oetter mr ana mivr wallace swack- hamer carol and janice mot- tored to peterborough on sun dav and enjoved a picnic with mr and mrs charles savers and neighbors mr and mrs young ot ottawa mrs clinton swackhamer who had been vi saing with hei daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs sn ers tor a few weeks returned home to acton with them cjunosfier stay tn england pack up and go with cash from gag take that funfilled vacation mow you dont have to wait loans from 50 to 5000 drop in or write al atkinson 75 mill st acton 8532960 licok bernice drew vincent dunne barrie elliott judy gor don lawrence cordon steve gov dan harkley newton hurst marie lalng roger mac- dougahvcavcll marshall ther esa marzu anne mcmillan da vid mcmillan mike miller har- rv oehlrich bill semenec san dra sliiiycrlnml tnura sulli van ivnn waldie susan win ter students promoted on a 1 1 ial basis the following students will re ceive the diploma indicated subject to the approval ol the deparlment of education five year arts and science branch 5 options wayne barber larry fletcher geollrey gay joanne landsbor ough rita mccrea five year arts and science branch 4 options gail breen marlenc britlon susan clarke winifred dunbar bernie freuler douglas garrett merl harris eleanor heard martha hoey peg holmes jan ice levland gail kierstead ka- thv mekonxie paul murr lyn perrv dianne snow nancv win ter gavle withers four year arts and science branch 5 options gerald dick murray fatt four year arts and science branch 4 options ibirnie benton gary butten- ham stephen dubois sandra fletcher rov goodridge roger li7enbv phillip maro brian sheridan special commercial andv bowman bill cook janet hofstede eleanor karn jean little anne mccabe reta murrav mary lou perry betty ramsav gloria rodv donna west the three students who at tended the ujjh- seminar at waterloo arc preparing an ac count for the free press children will be out of school for tlie summer months wednesday and motorists are cautioned to be extra careful in case some forgetful child darts onto the road some of the children leav ing school tuesday were remar king about having only one more days of school and were looking forward to it one tiny tyke remarked bitterly it will come loo soon because we get our report cards ysh ysh many campers are taking advantage of the hot weekends and stashing camping equip ment in tmnks or hitching up trailers for a weekend at their favorite camping spots studcnxsjorthc roman ca tholic missionary priesthood went td catholic homes last week giving information on the scarborp foreign mission soci ety a nice tliought for a not week neil franklin writes home from ws summer job in the yukon with a mining firm to say he was out several miles from camp with a work partv and the truck couldnt pick them up because of the ice and snow umehou5e sgt on leave here to serve in vietnam we extend sympathy to mr wilfred harding and mrs don ald lindsay in the loss of wife and mother last week mrs r b storey of toronto is visiting her sister mrs mills sunday school has been dis continued for the summer sgt william halovanic stat ioned at tort rucker visited his uncle and aunt mr and mrs joe rice while on leave be- lore his departure for vietnam with the united states forces we hope that ross culp mak es a good recovery from a bro ken ankle the result of a fall on saturday mr noble and his pupils from limehouse public school enjoyed a visit to the museum at kelso last week 130 see retarded children present 66 dosing program about 130 people attended the closing exercises of the sun shine school lor retarded chil dren monday june 20 in holy cross church hall georgetown the program included choral singing dance numbers rhythm in movement and skits at one point various well- known brandnames were plug ged as they appear in television advertising during the rhvthm in move ment or phvsical education to music bill portv sang the nar ration a beanbag throw was also demonstrated to music with a skit old woman fol lowing bob kanerva president of the north halton association for retarded children gave a short address followed by a drama the train the children also displayed their squaredancing ability mrs r p e jeffares princi pal of the sunshine school re ports that the school also had its annual picnic at the jsquare pony ranch near malton tues- dav with students and about 75 others attending notice frank szabo shoe repair will be closed from july 18 to july 26 for summer holidays frank szabo dick voskamp first line goodyear tire special still continues i i 775 x 14 tires reg 3295 750 x 14 special at 2590 or 2 for 50 4 for 95 some may m ilemished richs service on hkyy no 7 east of acton summer rally for car club the morfat area farm of mr and mrs william llocy al ready wellknown foi its sheep handcrafts and liibriis look on a new atmosphere for a dav sunday as 45 antique classic and new cars rolled up and parked on the lawn the invasion was a summer rally of the jaguar club organ ized bv a friend of the hocys bob freeman or oakvillc the guests drove u variety of jags plus a large packard sevcrul bentleys and other classic and antique vehicles to the 25 side- road nassagaweya farm about 109 people came with the cars and their first job on arrival was to bring out the dusters and clean up every gleaming square inch of their pets pri7cs were later awarded on appearance in various age classifications the cars that i during the afternoon the lad ies enjoyed touring the hoey fabric shop and the children traipsed out to the fields to view the sheep mrs hoey serv ed refreshments raise 4640 on friday june 24 ml simp sonsscars order office the ac ton auxiliary north ilatton as sociation for the mentally re tarded jield a vcrv successful bake sali raising i lie grand siuri ol s4640 commencing at ii am members if the auxili ary wrlh assistance sold the de- lii ions pies bread lakes etc tapidlv thp highlight of the nfternoon was a draw for a beautiful alu minum tray donated by mrs john tkirkos and won by mrs meredith of rockwood waders beware kfyq rofttfrs take care were right there when you need help when theres ananwrganey a callto uc gets action fart reliable service reasonable rates corfu a l riemer equipment loftipany plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton ont 853o640 ladies aid plans for four weddings knox presbyterian ladies aid met at the church on tuesday afternoon with convener mrs griffin sprowl presiding her thought for the day was happy is he who daily lifts his heart to god in thankful praise the worship service included the hvmn take my life and let it be and a scripture lesson tak en from second corinthians 9th chapter and read by mrs a j murray mrs carl hansen offered prayer miss bellamaye roszell sang how jesus cared for me the business of the month in cluded plans for four weddings mrs sprowl reported the new railings had already been in stalled in the stewart memorial hall and the treasurer was in structed to pay this account to the managing board mrs dodds brought samples of floor covering for the kitch en no action was taken on this matter the meeting closed with the singing ol a hymn and the lords prayer in unison a de lightful time was spent over the tea cups acton pharmacy store hours monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday 12 noon to 6 pm 9 am to 6 pm 9 am to 9 pm 9 am to 6 pm closed all day sunday this weekend only thursday open 9 am to 9 pm closed friday july 1 filling prescriptions our specialty your corner drugstore 2 main st n acton 331620 enjoy cool contentment with a wonderful new frigidaire room air conditioner enjoy quiet comfort by the roomful all day long 7 all summer longl no more miserable sweltering tossn turn nights choose from a wide variety of models one for every cooling jobl now cool contentment for as little as 175oo manning electric 54 mill st e acton ont phone 8532950 town of acton municipal office office hours effective friday july 8 1966 the municipal office will close at 530 pm on friday instead of the present 700 pm office hours after july 8 will be 900 am 500 pm monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday 900 pm 530 pm closed all day saturday

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