Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1966, p. 7

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credit to halton tha artnn fror pru thurdy jnn 3 ft 19na- graduation exercises were held thursday nighf of last week for grade 8 students of os- pringe school front row left to right are barry mcarlhur kevin aaitchell norman buck and george- taylor second row left to right are john brouwer margaret peforest tracy vliet- stra marion gates norma leslie carol long- street june upshiill and tom odonnell third row left lo right are darlene fines i vein wheel er ken cole eugene champaipjne david cripps ken gales john mcconnell alan aac- donnell mike hurren and chris zahder back row ore supply teacher mrs ann graham and principal bruce aaiicpherson warden suggests county ambulance but kerr foresees hospital plan i think the clay will come when ambulance service will all be part of the ontario hospital services plan george kerr mpp lolcl 25 members or north halton municipal councils at a meeting in georgetown last week the meeting was called by the north halton urban bound lo review ambulance service in the municipalities and i heir exper ience in costs mr kerr noted a new act will govern i he mini murn standard ol ambulance equipment and pay a 50 per cent grmt on any municipal subsidy paid by the municipality halton wurilen ii ii i union suggested the operation of an ambulance service under the rourd ol health in serve ihe county would appear lo he a logical move with the iniroduc- grant five licences for nassagaweya pits the granting of licences to w j mahon charlie mitchell jos eph currie floyd hammond and b f neary for the opera tion of small gravel pits in nas sagaweya township was approv ed by township council on mon day evening of last week applications for the permits have been in the hands of coun cil for several months but were passed without opposition i feel something is being done about quarries and gravel pits i have nothing against these permits to small operat ors for 2 councillor anne mncarthur said other council lors expressed a simikir opin ion a letter from solicitor w s sharpe indicated that councillor w j mahon was eligible lo vote on the granting of licences councillor macarthur an j dep- ulyreeve william hoey had in dicated earlier in the year that lie was not eligible to vote on the granting f gravel pit per mits as he owned a permit linn of the new grain structure the sooner the county gets into this type ol service the long er the county will exiil as an administrative unit councillor brian best of milton suggested the group agreed lo ask the board of i leal 1 1 lo review the possibilities and lurlher i ncpiii ies were to be made of the min ister of health lo determine the possibilities of a hoard ol fering this tvpe of service g h mcinlyrcdiilrkl engin eer ol the ontario vvilcr re sources commission told mem bers the commission could not establish a central garbage dis posal incinerator of lacilitv for the use of several municipalit ies the commission could in spect sites proposed iv ir sani tary land fill and advise m their use but had no authority to rule ajiainsi or in support of any site the commission could act to close i site however il pollu tion was encountered mayor i duhy of acton ex plained thai municipalitys dif ficulty in obtaining a site since suitable areas did not exist in the town and a neighboring township could rule against dis posal within its boundaries reeve w coulter of nassaga weya stressed it would require very strong assurances from the oavrc before a township council would consider siiiiilirv land fill sites within their boun daries tn nassagaweya with the headwaters of three creeks and the gravel type of soil san itary land fill would create a pollution quite easily he sug gested urban board chairman j young of georgetown presided for the meeting attended bv eight members of milton coun cil live members from george town lour members from acton and one member from nassiga- wcvn council assessors honor ford rogers halton county assessors and men in l iv assessment field tin oiighout the province gather vd wednesday night in oakville in lidimrone ol their own llal lon countys assessor for the past 20 years j ford rogers mr rogers appointed in jan uary of lo as the county of llallons first assessor official ly retires today june 10 af ter serving in thai position for 211 years members of ihe halton coun ty assessors association which he helped found honored liim- al a banquet in the county squire reslauranat in oakville and presented him with a life membership certificate in the associa lion and a wrist watch other men in the assessment field with whom he has been as sociated throughout the years first communion at a service in hie cool down stairs chapel of the united church the young people of the cimiiminicants class received their lirst communion sunday morning others attended lin early service as well the first it am summer service was held i lei ivisiliiig scouts arrived late unaware of the change mil were welcomed back lo school it was back lo school for mother- with children in kiiiler- gaiteu iasl ilita v mothers accomp anied children lo ihe m ben nett public school lor closing exercises tuesday mothers of children attending ihe robert little pub lic school visiied kindergarten classrooms to join with children in closing exercises there bride groom both in navy mr and mrs jack bolton are pictured after their recent wed ding in ihe stella marie chapel on i1mcs sladacona in hal ifax the bride is the lormer anne decbank daughter ol mr and mrs lou deebank of rock- wood the groom also of rock- wood is the son of mr and mrs parl bolton both the bride and the groom are in the rcn and will be residing at 56 dawson si apt 13 dartmouth ns also attended the banquet and presented a gill lo ihe guest of honor mrs rogers irene re ceiviil a boiiiiiel ol red roses lioni ihe association men icpresenlhiji each of the inimisbips and the municipalit ies in ihe county spoke brielly wishing mr and mrs rogers many years of happy retirement and thanking mijgptogers for his help throughout ihe years joe gibbons mayor of george town and the only other living life nieniber of the association summed up i lie thoughts of most speakers when he suggest ed ford leached his goal to hiing belter assessment practices lo halton county he has lieen a credit to llallon conn iv council he has been a credit lo all assessors and through all this he has been a i ivdil to himself and jokingly the mayor suggested even if he has lost all bis faculties be can be mayor ol sonic- place sneaker for ihe evening in- t limed arthur henlini assessor lor nsquesitfg i m dunham assessor of oakville vrnic wil- liams assessor of hinlingloii l marshall former assessor ol nelson twp aubrey plckerl secretary treasurer of ihe as sociation calvin mclntvre clerk of nassagaweya tv bill krs- kine assessor of acton john charlton assessor of milton halton countys new assessor robert beach stanley symons assessment commissioner of simcoe county max sloan re presenting the depart menl of municipal affairs llalvey tus ker of the department cliff i libber assessor of george town r d baxter of htobicoke and percy spurgeon of oakville rntei laininenl for ihe evening was provided by a quartet lcjjf oakville ladies who sang several songs and escorted mr rogers to the seat of honor complete with soap box where lie receiv ed several gifts nearly 300 register for playground program recreation dhvetor howard icarcc has ihe summer play ground program lined up anil already is starling to think ahoni a winter program nearly 100 youngsters have registered for ihe summer- play ground program which begins next monday this year the pro gram wilf be nisi both ill the park and the m llenuelt school grounds il will also he an alldav program this year others arc expected lo ivyisler opening day mian donnu landsboroiiih has been named supervisor and will have jo marie marchmeiil anil cavell marshall working wiili her miss laihlshoroiitdi will navel between both play grounds to assist her helpers other leaders in i raininii will alv help out miss trudv morris will super vise swimming in the pool and parade contests booths dance at successful roclcwood carnival rock wood here comes ijie parade this was ihe general chorus ol excited voices every where- along ihe route- opening ihe rock wood carnival the alton hanil lloals gaily cos tumed boys and girfs men and women both tin loot and on horseback plus clown v clowns all went to make il bigger and belter than ever ierlecl weath er made ihe day a success in every way the moat prizes went 1 1 ihi- tiailridcrs ill first spot ihe junior farmers look second willi i lu- grade 7 float in third the trailrlders itounlcd prizes lor ihe best costume on horse back first went lo lvmi dun can whose horse was disguised as a immobile with 1 villi a le- ni ik- human second went to balis lllis and kaiuly pel i it i ran 111 inf the clang ol horseshoe pitch ing could be heard all allernoon with ihe big tropliv donated bv lous used cars being won by charles lenlz ol ancasler com petitors were present from many points in ontario the pet show as usual gave the children an opportunity to show off their special pride and joy tile re were prizes for ihe largest and smallest dog the best mult and the best trick dog in ihe cat family the cate gories were the proudest male the prettiest icmale and the cutest kitten the best rabbit also received recognition and best feathered friend then the most unusual pel the i mg jumping contest was a leal riot il was so difficult to get those jumpers enlhused over the contest but just try catching them when it is all over and they can really do a good job the record jump was 35 inches with a tie resulting the weird wonder call with six legs from the farm of max storey drew some 250 interest ed spectators the games of skill and chance were popular as usual and the children always love the- lish pond atlic treas ures bake and candy booths and handicralls were well pat ronized all these attractions and activ ities made many hungry and weary so they relaxed a while at the tart andcolfee booth many more surrounded the ice 3lima stationery 56 mill st e acton tel 8532030 lsjri6 a rjirnc re sf rfy jfyweytztiyis suit photo acton and area winners in the 1966 weed control poster contest sponsored by the agricultural committee of halton coun ty council were among 70 contestants honored by the council on a tour of the royal botanical gardens near hamilton on thursday- the area winners are shown here with nassagaweya deputyreeve william hoey and halton warden h h hinton of acton who presented the awards trom left to right are jim mckeown mark nielsen and olive marshall of acton denise paxton of nassagaweya and susan ismond and roberta south- cotr of esquesing halton cooperative medical care plan ays all surgical operations doctors calls paid from first visit confinements anaesthetists servicts xrays also ualor medical yearly plan drugs individual or employee groups may enrol at any time of the year revised rates monthly 575 single monthly 1150 couple monthly j13j5 family payable quarterly or yearly halton coop medical services 143 main street box 474 milton dial 1789712 please send me information no obligation j name address let us assist von with your plans for that all iinjmiitant weiming ilay come in wnt f oi niyatri kti smtci ion ok vrrtnevs- 4orrirrs iccfssonns mlet aij sif ail for s5w sflrct voiir wedding invitation announcements and acefssoricj with compwle confidence 33 lo quality and correctness of form we also have fersonmtzrd weddinc napkins matches and cake boxes wrovunri cream truck wilh 1 heir variety ol cool goodies the hoi dog and pop booth hail a rushing day their batman theme song blasted oil i ni intervals all day long with 12 inch laldogs and six inch isobindogs really pop ular washed down wliih icel cold pop right nexl door was crispy french fries a new and succcssi ill addition in the menu mr strohel ihe ail tiacher lioni john i ross kindly nroiighl 1 large and ioleresling iolleciioii ni pictures for exhi bition these were dune hy pu pils many i ruin ihe rock wood area anil also ones done by mrs strohel anil himsell these were sel up ill the gride 8 room and many iiilciesled persons visiied lliis display during ihe allernoon and espeiiallv ill ihe evening the carnival tresl prizes were given lo ihe three best and niosl original crests snbinillcd bv pupils firsi w e 11 i to yvonne noble second lo dawn lnggaii anil third i led smith cuiik or hlngii echoed around the grounds prior lo the slaillle dance with music sup plied by merv tollons orches- lia a good crowd enjoyed holh ihe siine and ballroom danc ing tf lis carnival sponsored by ihe liratnosa kecrcalicin com inillee anil sel up bv a siiihoiii- millee is a most iiiipmianl event and improving and i-nlurg- ing each year ii our facilities lor recreation are lo enlarge ihe en operation ol eveiyone is needed manv lhanks lo the commit ice and their helpers lor making ihe ilay a big success whj be asslsieil by paul cooper ol acton and miss siimih mil ihell of leoigeloven on certain occasions swimming events will he held al iairv lake mr piiirce plans a special eveni each friday lor ihe play ground inogiani the iheine ol the liisi one has been named mai man respoiim- to ihe ladies slim and trim classes has been so greal i lie recreation director plans lo extend ii iliiiiiighoiii ihe summer mouths il will be held oiu- night a week during ihe siuiuihi in place of ixvke mr penrce also reports at tendance lor roller skating has been iooil and this continues as well tin oiillioui ihe summer frank thompson attendant al the arena slailed painting the inlei inr ol the arena this week seals will be painied blue and ilild oilil iiiejeid of ihe interior sell ile summer services for two churches again 1 his year the rung lega tions ol tiinily united and knox iresbvleiiiiii churches will nnel together lor worship llnouuji july anil angusl and ihe lirsl sundav ol september the hilv sei vices will he held in tiinitv unitetl lunch at id a m wilh mr mi kinzie preach ing excepi lor july 10 when mr fngel will he in ihe pulpit the organiil xvlll he tieoige flliotl ill i lous hot and so are his prices you cant beat the heat nor you cant beat his prices lous used cars main st roclcwood 8564235 he sells everything from a honda to a limousine interest on savings no service charge on reasonable number of cheques of lire open 900 5 00 fridays 9 00 630 call for folder your locsl trust company halton peel trust t savings company 252 aaiin street milton 8782834 iornc skuce manorjor strawberries how to get there acton 10 01 0 r i i speyside m no 10 sideroad brobar farm campbellville sideroad hwy cm hwy 401 ph milton pick your own 15 quart mondays wednesdays and fridays 7 am to 12 noon 5 pm to 8 pm saturdays all day 7 am to 5 pm quart pickin boxes only bring your own or purchase at patch please no children under 12 brobar farm john f brown formerly pinebrook firm rr 3 milton phone 8786352 exactly 3 milei n from 401 en hwy 25

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