tfirtt ninetysecond year no 2 acton ontario thursday july 7 1966 strong contender for canadian track team keith ranney strives for chance at empire games authorised is second clans mill by the post office department oltlwa twelve pages ten cents acton has a strong contender for the butish erripne tnal games at edmonton july 15 16 physical condition ability to compete with other national athletes or desire to attend will not hold keith ranney lrom at tenchng it he is not selected by invitation which results in all expenses paid hw will have to travel west at his own ex pense keith was always a promin ent athlete at school a mem ber or the guclph legion no 234 track club lor the past five years he has already racked up an en lable recoici against such piominent rtlnneis as eigas lepps and dac bailey he lan clesesecondtloth lcpps was holder ol the canadian mile record until two weeks ago when he was beaten by bailey who is the onlv cana dian to run the mile undei tout minutes keith who is a conscientious athlete trains igorously each night and dining weekends during the day he drives a tiuck for gov tianspoit his naming piogram is continued throughout the winter months and with his help several other acton boys are good piospects as track stais in the winter he dons heavici clothing and 0gs mound town or in the rural aiea towaid the lattei part of this winter he received permission from the high school boaid to hae use of hallva s foi tiaining in the summei he- cither tiains outside at the high school oi at the guclph univeisitv tiack toi the past cai ted tianklin has taken an intciest in the voting man and keeps a close watch on his times and naming pro gram during the past two summei s keith has never dodged a lace and the fact he has never com peted against bill ciotheis is no lault ol his ovn his loss to lepps in 1965 was by a meie one tenth ol a sycond and this was in a two hent affair keith won his heat by about 20 yaids and lepps his by live vards on june 14 ol this yeai in the 440 vaidiace keith defeated both i epps and john reynolds on julv i the acton athlete in the 880 li immed the time of both lepps and bailev by one and a half seconds keiths best time loi the 880 is one minute 52 2 seconds the running recoid lacked up in keit is an enviable one his mnning history in 196566 foi low s 1965 may 24 at east yoik he won the 880 july 1 east yoi k winnei 880 over the cap tain ol the oxfoidcambnilge track team jul 3 at biantforcl he icceivcd a third in the 440 julv 10 he lan second to lepps in the 880 tlui ing the ontano championships july 25 during the police games at varsity stadium he won the 880 july 31 duung the eastern ontano championships he ran second to bailey dining 1965 he com peted in five 880 arcl laces to ieccie thicc wins and two sec onds hy also placed thud lr one 440 vaid race dining 1966 to date his iccoid shows a second in the 880 at cast york mav 21 on june 4 at auroia he won the 880 may 24 at east york he again won the 880 june 14 at toronto he- won the 440 june 25 at toion to he won the 880 june 1 at east york he ran the anchoi leg of the 880 to tuin in the fastest time loi the night july 2 at hamilton he won the 880 yaid dash to date this ear keith has competed in six 880 aid i aces w inning fie and coming second once he also competed in one 440 which he won with a lecord like this it would be a shame not lo see acton well represented at the butish empne tnals in edmon ton possibilities of his doing so well in the west can almost assmc an backers he will be a stiong contendet toi the can adian team which loumevs lo jamaica foi the games august 3 to 15 swimmers contact rash close campbell ville pond keith ranney a4osquitoes invade party as councillors barbecue acton council members shelv ed briefcases laden with mun icipai business monday night and enleitained then wives at a steak irv thev were also joined bv thousands ol unwelcome mosquitoes the annual outing this year included wives and chel joe hurst had mouth watering steaks clone to periled ion b the tunc couneillois and guests ar med shoillv alter 6 pm this year the steak fr was held a the spnng on chuichill road mavoi les dub strumming his guitar and councillor di f g oakes with his mouth organ piovided music lor a singsong attending the outing were mr and mis dub reeve and mis h h hirvton deputv reeve and mis r r parker arrd coun ciflors and wiles mi and mrs pari iwasales mr and mis wil ham williams mr and mrs c continued on page scen wait doh approval for town road project clei k administratoi jack mc- gtaehie icceivcd woid ttiesdav morning horn r v andcison and associates town engimeis the tendeis loi load ie sin lacing anil paving had been iippioicd b then clepai tnunl bel ore the pixeet can begin hnil appioval must be ontained i torn the dcpaitmtnl ol high was ai last weeks specal meeting ol council the tender i i om inistion bios con sliuittini biamploii at si4 028 40 was accepted pile tc llelc includes sin lace ticatnieiit on chin chill road ninth and the olcki sltxels in 1 akii lew subdn isiou at a nisi ol 26 cents a squaii aid oi ss u0 90 asphalt paving ol into 92nd year 1 in v ton i ice pi ess has now i nukel its 92nd veai ol con t unions publication as actons onlv new spapoi 1 lie tale is toltl at the heading ol uidi issue whin ihc veals ol publication an iccoided along with the is sin nunibei it was in julv 1875 that joseph llackuij a iiilph pi mtei etc iiekil i t n vi is lame enough loi it own wieklv nowspapn his decision niuk ik launched 1 hi cun lin 1iiss that now lanks as oik ol the comiutiiutv s oldest businesses loi tile past v veils the pa pel ills hull pilhhslieel bv the dills lumlv lust tuidn the cell toislup nl d dills anil mi lelllh tlllikl thi illleitloll ot david dills the pic mill mana guy iditor the iiim 4 72 issues ot the pa pt i have- bun piimiicil ami ate bound vohiniis rwoiding in di tall the giowlh and ikvvlop- nunt ol the town the pa pet series thev aii in constant use loi ictilellce 111 lie i 111 oil the coniniunitv s past as well as lor reprinting ot highlights in the well lead leatuies on the edi tonal page- mow biav place in glenlca sub elusion will cost s4 847 50 con t ingenues or si 000 arc provid ell loi the pioieet is to be stalled one vvick altei linal appioval is leieivid and is expected lo be completed within eight weeks scenic campbcllville pond a beat the heat haven loi voting steis and adults alike has been closed bv the halton county health unit youngsters who swam in the ipond leecntlv have contacted a uish which is suspected to be svvimmeis hch and nvestig alions aie present iv undetway lo piovc this conclusiiclv j a powell the halton county health units chief inspectoi ic- ioi ts the pond owned bv the hal- ion region consei vation auth- ontv was closed last tuesday mght lollovvmg complaints of childien contacting a iash placards wcie placed indicat ing this walei is not sale foi swimming because of pollut ion mr powell says attempts have been made lo grit snails f i om the pond and test them since its believed a puasitc ol the licsh watei snails causes the i ash om inspectoi s have necn out twice lo trv lo locate them but so i at thev have been un successful he said wei enow seeking expeit advice from people who have had evpciience with these snails liom this point on well hive to iclv on mloi mation thev can give us he continued p s wattcis technical pi m nei loi the halton return con sirvalion aulhoi i tv laid this pa pel il these snails aie inlcct ell the pond will have lo be heated in order to treat ihc pond it would be necissaii to lowei the vvilei level unime all the fish in the pond and then chemically heat it we would have lo take evei v piccaulion lo ensme time would he no damage to mi olan s lish rntchcrv mi willi is said as lie iclcued to the hatcheiv owned bv rav ol an which is located in a pond on the south side ol the guclph line light in the village mr walters said all the snails in the pond would not necessanlv be mlected pos- siblv only as many as two per cent ifor the time being at least the pond is closed to swirameis amalgamation proposed for recreation parks board amalgamation of acton board of parks management and ac ton recreation committee has been proposed but to date not settled the proposal was made by the administration committee of the recreation committee at a special joint meeting with the parks board members monday june 27 although there were a few arguments against the pro posal members of both commit tees generally agreed a second meeting is scheduled near the end of august at which time the proposal will be discussed more thoroughly meanwhile q f leatherland has been engaged to clarify the legal aspects of amalgamating whether dissolution of parks board can be done legally with out a plebiscite of the people or without a special act of par liament is not known until mr leatherland reports his find ings parks board members expres sed their desire to study the proposal at a separate board meeting jointly again with the recreation committee in aug ust stuff photo married 50 years mr and mrs m m coles r r 2 acton were honored saturday at their brookdalo farm by members of the family and many friends school is out school is out anctchikhen are playing happily orf the streets this vvetk many safety consci otis acton businessmen sponsor a safety message asking motor is is to watch for children plav ing and drive caietullv the message also asks parents to teach children safety rules look lor the businessmen s message on page 2b recreation provided for everyone from age five to golden age group childien in acton between the ages ol five and 14 vears need not be idle this summer as a matter ol tact adults needn t either recieation director hovvaid pearcc- has an allday schedule mapped out for kid dies in the summer playgiound piogram the program began monday morning with close to 170 voungsleis registering tuesday the ranks began to swell as more childien arrived and by the end of the week it is e peeled close to 300 may be par ticipating tor the in si time the plav giound piogram continues all dav from 910 a m to 4 p m e eluding lunch tune included on the program are active games imaginative and creative drama ills and ciatts and swimming the childien ire divided into thiee age gioups with two plav gidund lcadcis in charge ol each group activities take place at both the paik and the m z bennett schoolground and mr pearcc evpects to stage competitions between each during the sum mer months swimming classes begin at 1 pm with each of three gioups taking one hour pei dav les sons fach child iccclves thiee weeks ol lessons and dunn this lime takes tests at the end ol three weeks il a child is sue cesslul he oi she receives a red cross beginners certili- eate miss trudv mollis is swim ming instructoi and is assist ed by leadei in training paul cooper thc two divide the childien into gioups loi les sons the rccrialion chiectoi his i well named stall to vvoik with him miss donna lanbsboioujh is supervising leadei with c i veil marshall and jo mai n maichment assisting miss landsboiough keeps an eve on both plavgiound groups lak ing turns between the pai k ind school grounds also assisting her aie plaigiound lcadcis ba i bara nicola k joanne lands boiough ind linda ralston as well as leadei s in naming bien da ahcine rdilh hopkins and cathy kuil although the younger childien aie well looked altei ml pearcc has not mdcolcd older bos lvciv wednesday evening the arena is packed with over 65 boys miming acioss the arein llooi playing lacrosse bairy ins coc is heading the lacrosse school assisted b lohn kuipck lohn goy ji and lairy taille lei i oi the oldel voungstels up lo mail nil pel sound thue is both mens and girls sollball and thi slim and rum class each wednesday n- hi al the ymca is eiovvdcel is the g ils attempt lo peel ofl pounds the golden age club mi in hers hold a meeting loniglu thuisda with mi pence lo attempt a slant at shul f leboai d in the arena pievious attempts have not been loo suctesslul as well as supervised sports there is also public swimming in tairy lake howcvei it has been pointed out there is no supci vision and a sign posted at the beach area wains pations they swim at their own risk boaters and fishermen also irequent the pai k and on week ends ihe parking facilities ai c al a picmium with so many out sidcrs iniovinj the i cilihcs bruce andrews returns to home school to tenth nassagaweya okays brookville addition ajppioval ot a pioposed 283 100 addition to bi ookv die public school was granted monday night bv nassagaweya town ship council councils tentative approval ol the pioieet enables the school boai d lo engage an aiihiteel and call construction tclldel s the pioposed addition would consist ol siv additional class looms a school libi an a home economies loom and an indus lual ails mom based on the aiihilcel s estimate ol 17 pet squaic tool the total cost toi a 14 100 squiic loot addition in eluding liiinislungs would be 283 100 ol that i mount 174 sox qualities loi gi ants tiom t pai inn nt ol education th boaid hopes to have the addit ion completed in time toi use in si pic m bet ol 1967 councillor ross goi don ope rt id tlu iliseiinsinn on mondav bv unhealing the school board leitamlv did its homewoi k riieii submission w is one ot l he tlcst i e l seen doputx reeve william hoe v ivpiessed igam ins concern ab out spending too much money on mdiistimi ails and home ev iinomies bul sud since council iceclveii th proposal two weeks beloic he had not been contacted hi latepavers con ici ii i ii the pioieet i m not gi in to till the school boaid how ii t ike cucot idiiiational mat tii- wi i ip t look alter idti cation as will as township bus llless bussing childien all aioinul the township she said she s ud again i hunk mdustiial aits and home- economics an a waste or tunc and pointed t n the lad lint a planned milton high school addition has mcicas ed lacihties lot noth siibcils reeve william coullei sud in a lew vcai s it is likelv a school ol eight looms will have to be built in eilhii tdcii mills oi camphillv llle but loi ilow he said i hive to suppoi t his pm posal biucc andieus son ol mis owen iulicwsol mason boulc ud leceiied woid he lias gia iluateil willi honoi s hum se ln ii ill i nivcrstlv south change new jeisev ill his lour veil ail- allel sciences coliisc llei licking up an enviable tllek icsolcl willi till se 1 1 111 flail club which held tin national v v championship ei the past two veals biucc has been ciigacd is a phvsical iduca lion teacher at acton distint llifli school ik will ilso leach a iplw and histoiv al ihe school aftei obtaining his public school education hue he en leieil high school while he was top limiiei lot nianv veals won i c while al high school lie inanv aval ds holding 111 coid loi ihc one mile iacc upon oladuation he woikcd loi one vcai beloic eilleilng selon hall univeisitv he is still a mem be i ol the guclph legion no 234 hack club mid tiains laithlully with olhci ac ton bovs who belong he will come lo his home school w ilh much knowledge ol tiack and held having named uncle i one ol the most populai u s coaches bcloie he loi t univeisitv the school athletic depaitment pie- scnlcd hum with a gold vmisi watch loi his splendid iccoid dining his loin cais theie superior clove third expansion in three years in loin short years superior glove woiks on vimv street is undei going its thud expansion piogt mi and coouneis frank geng and lulian 7 nic have plans loi anothci idclilion in the inline what started out is m 80 by 40 loot building is now being increased to double the capacity with its thud addition since 1962 the companv has giovvn liom si emplovces to a staff ol id at pie sent the iwo coowiici s began opcialion in 1961 when they bought out supenoi glove liom the late beit mow al at tint lime i hi two men opetated horn two looms in a house on main st n immediate plans weie made loi consliuction of a new building on vimv st and lootings weie pound in sesp- lc m be i 1962 bv ihe lime- the building was leulv loi occupancy and new equipment including diinns for tanning weie installed another expansion wis evident this was added two vcais liter and ihe thud is now neu comple tion al i e ielv the two men are pluming i loin ih iddition for some time in tin luturc although the glove business is cj n i le competitive the co-ovvn- ns in limling it dilhcult to keep up wilh oideis loi indus- trnl gloves whin ihe maiket loi indiislnal glovis pioved so gnat ill olhci lpes manufac tured win chopped and mr geng mil mi aic along with then stall ot 10 aie concentra ting on these in oider lo compete wilh larg- ei manulacturcis the men deci ded to do then own tanning piescnt facilities loi this pi o- ccss aie all liken up and more loom is icquiicd the latest addition expected to be icadv within i week will house sewing culling and lnm- mmg equipment mr geng has i hie time ot e- pciicnce in glove miking and tanning and ml ziac vvoiked loi mi mowat beloic going with bciidmoie tanneiy to lc u n ihc ie it he i n lie police court iwo local voullis chaiged with eunstimmg while undei ige and hivnv hquoi in their pos session wen iiiuaneliel two weeks on thin own iieognance hi milton coui t this wick for pie se iilcncc anothci local m in charged wilh hung dilink in i public pi ice was chiigid mil scnlcnc- cel lo live el ivs in ill insvtihalion 4uiidei giound- hvdio scivicis in ihe newly de veloped section ol 1 akeview subdivision began monday staff photo new president of acton rotary club william pendleton re ceives the gavel from past president aaac sprowl following his inslallolion last week i councillor ann macaithur said she had been contacted b latepavers and said thev behev cd the public school in camp- bellville would vventually be closed despite theboaids insis tenee that it would not be people aie concerned about two accidents 1 keep police busy constable nick i ai ion mvis tigated two accidents on di minion da the fust involved a c u tli i v e ii bv hi i in smith rr 1 v ion pioiiidmg west on mill stiiel mis iu inciv ed n istimalid s21k il unie the second vehicli iluveii h i mil klecii ol oakville wis pioeccding south on main st n and was m the pioccss ol making a kit hand tuin onto mill si whm thi accident oe cllllccl his cai leeclvell in estimated sim il image the lit ici ih ivvi was chaigid the second accident lepoit ell tl lllve- occllllell alolllllldlo pin involved i iiulph iiinloi ivilist 1 ilvv ml dieig and a roikwtmxl incmoiist u wdili i oiistahk i nun liciivid llle ii poi i around 0 10 p in both opnalois wne ti ivel ling wist on no 7 hirhwav on guilph stint and the cai was al templing lo pass the motoi evele when the accident onui red the motoievchst was healed in guelph loi niulci pie abrasions a mild concus sion and a punctured big toe 135 years of service was completed by five beardmore employees thursday of last week in recognition of their service company offi cials held a get together on the lawn at the plant and presented retirement cheques left stdfx photo to right are general manager norman braida jim mcdonald and percy evans both retired company president w j beatty vice president r r parker walter lewandowski and georqe pozig all three retired