xtv 5 jury blames drinking other factors in death a coroners jury ruled thurs day that fleming william rudy probably died as a result of a combination of faotois includ ing excess alcohol blackout fiom a former injuiy unused seat belts insufficient marking of the road elevation ami being thrown trom his cai as it over turned it was discovered during the inquevt conducted fcy dr r d bucknci that rudv had con turned the equivalent of 12 oot lies of beer 01 17 ounces ol li quor before meeting hii death at 2 18pm april 23 on high way 401 neat campbellville dr a gryfc of south peel memorial hospital regional pathologist staled ithe toronto man had sulleied a number of major injuries in the accident most of which would have pro- veil total miss mary day nan represent ing the attorne gmeials lab oiatory said she lound a sample ol ruulvs blood taken shoi ll aftei ins death showed f al cohol content of 21 parts pei thousand oi one lull pait ab- oc the level at which a pei son normallv becomes intoxicated rudys car owned bv the london bioom co ol london apparently left the highwa stiuclv a high bank jiitl tolled oi slid fort h5 loot tilt bodv was loiuulmliii thci 46 leet awav the uiv was told that rudv had been m his loionto apait- ment up until 12 25 am and n ust have sfralcd his ti ip shoi t 1 afteiward in attempting todiscovei yliy the man would be travelling to waids london at such a lime miss lhabclh wu nei liiend ol the deceased smatcd that ins wile was living in london and a son was humi on leave at that time iheie wcie no witnesses to the accident the jury ictommended lint salctv locks oi stiongei dooi locks be mounted on automohil es a recheck be made of the road elevation on the latal cm ve and piiipci signs an nouneing load at kit tons be placed mo tv m advance the iiuois were beit walton william robeits john wheeli- han william coullet and goi don agnew false alarms acton ineligliters answvied two lalse alainis dining the weekend the hist occuned satuidav when a callei icpoit- cd a i ne at the end ol the cies- tciit when liiehghteis aimed they toiuecl the aica but found no die i h l sunday moimng aionnd i 10 a m the siien sounded again anil inelighteis headed out low aid nassagawea tovln ship a passing motoust had seen a hugx i ne and believed a house oi bain was on lne- b the tune the tiuek reaeh ed the watei wmei on main st s a second call eanie in to ie poll the lne was only a him i ii i wluie a wieitii i oast was going on george park quits kelso geoige iaik noticl swimming mstiuctoi loiinei olvmpie syy limning star and cnb mara- the acton free prestiursday july tr 1966 i lion eiittfinl on stveiil occi smins luis lesigneil his position ining pixjgiam at the popular tendent is heading up the pool is swimming instiuclm m kel pool olllnals report he ifmgn piogiam assisted bv head life- so tonsil vmon aiea ptiol it ed to spend mole tune on ins miaul jim krohkowski anil w c aniionneed this week own swimming caieei head instiucliess peggy fitz- mi iaik was eiigagul in june ross johnson kelso supi in- patuck lo htul up the sumiuei swim moffat honor bridetobe during gathering on monday eyeiiuig mis w a tiasei opened hei home loi a showei in honoi ol miss munel com a july bndclobe mis don mcmillan was in chaige ol a mom am ol contests and a of the game ol bingo miiiicl yyis pieseiited with a miseellaiieous shouei anil ie iciviel a lot ol lovely gilts cillesls piesent vine mis i oi loiiaiiie mniielaiid loan mis s robinson and dons mis chi i young mis i py alt misses betty and audiev allison mis j mooie mis o ciniphell mis d lleiidei son mis d mcmillan and penny mis don mai tin ol guilpll anil mis c diecliv mmicl ihaukeil all loi the usi fill anil lovely fjil is ml and mis lack reynolds llivi i e i ll i lie el home llolll thill holiday s at wavy i mi mil mis win hi ick kit list week loi a loll l ol the bill ish isles and lo attend hie yinl ding ol i lie n son i a k mi and mis i lovil c amp hell ale spending then holidays 111 western canada mi and mis m i mulliii aie holidaying in hi united slates school is out loi the summit holidays congialtil ilions lo al ihit passed then exams retiring teachers miss jean barber and mrs alec orr were honored on their last day at the high school by the school board they received pendant watches as a token of their valued atkql so stuff photo service to the school left to right are miss barber trustee ray arbic chairman tom wat son trustee chester anderson and mrs orr most bank accounts quick on the dtavy lxpiosion in home neiei attempt lo mix diy cleaning lltnds in the home al ihough the i niil icsull may not lie mil mint tble some ol the uigi idle ills may explode on con i ie i yvilholhcis beloie thev aie sul i ic tenth diluted the toxic lumis emanating irom the mix line could cause seiious hat 111 lo a pi i son mixing and using these ihnds acton pharmacy 200 sign up about 200 syvimniets tnoie than hall ol them classed as beginneis have cniollvd loi the lirst sei ies ol swim lessons at the kelso conservation auth only pool which began moiulax morning and lasts ihtough july kelso supcl llltcnelcilt ross johnson said he vas phased with the numbci ol legistla lions even though il meant add ing nunc supci vsoiv stall the haltun rigion coiisuvitioii authonty now has is hugruaids and instiuitois nin ol ihim lull time mil the lest on duty weekends and holidays head lifeguard jim kiolikovy ski ol milton heights has ttist completed a national liteguatd coutse at hamilton making lum one ol the highest qualihed hleguatels in canada he is tra in st guaid in this atea to eoni plcte the course mi krolikowski yy ill supc iy ise the hliguu ds at kxlso ancl cai lisle comimiiiiiv pond this sum honorary degree for ethel chapman a tut ix i ot nassagawiva now a loionto vytilel lectlliet and llollle economist miss itllel chapman has been eonleiteil an honoitix debtee ot doetot ol layys at the ituveisits ot cillelph vmiiiibei ot the canadian woniiti s pns thth miss chap man is the anthoi ot three tietv els dealing with imal lite eollesllotl 1i hit lleyy sp tpe 1 eol limns yyas published in ll u del the ink ot fiom a road side y uulovy miss clmptiiiui was cdiictted t miedonald institute cimlph and iniiied rhe held stall ot the oittuio depattmsiit ol g tlcultuiv pell tlve- sells lie xvas assist int supt i tnteiuleiu ol the women s lnsttutc hi null ot the dcpii title nt ol agtieitl tills loi 2s veais she yias xso- 1111 lis eelltoi ol tile huillo hi hon ol thi toiiuei fiiniirs ma ganti she is still with the home i cimomics extension set vices ol the depai tment ol ag iiculltuc anil eclitoi ot ihc v i publication home and coun tlx miss chapman served on the tooaid ot legciits ot the fedei-it- ed colleges ot guelph which lu- tei became the guelph unnciv tty- for i essons mei and is teaching i lie royal lilesaying btone mulallioii ehtiise to othet hlcguaiils and authonty statins evenings through the vicck he xcill also give a icadei patiol cotuse a red closs eolllsi to 12 lite guaids and liistiiutois head instructor loi the swim ining lessons is peggy tttp it itek lessons an hi ing held evnv monday tuesday wed nesihv anil i i id iv a bus louli has been i stahhshccl to tians poit chililun to ksssiiis at ki i so trom milton anil the itnal disliiet at omiil limn iheie in still opnmis in the roy il lile saying society hi on ye medallion clisses xx inch tie being held tuesday and i bin sdav cyenuils t to pin hegiiimng on july 12 out lilicalions au a seiuot ri il closs svmllinilllg b lelge oi the passing ot a pu lest apphe i hon lot ins ale availihli tmni tlu aulhoiilv olluc it 22s main st o z q funfilled vacations- agogo with cash from g a c international 75 mill st acton loans 50 5000 up to 60 months to repay write or phone 8532960 al atkinson manager 70 z o 3m stationery 56 mill st e acton tel 8532030 ijflfjcia a latcti e hc sf 2 y jtttttehis let lis asit von willi your plans for that all unpen tjiit vtcclding day 9 cnn is yxnilolricoxti it ie 5uum0n ot m irmi 4wimmmis yf omhi 4lll0rils ynur i r rf i j j e p4 vj cd r 03 s jer ssvft yrur j line lnsiution vnnruni ind ciron ilh lomplcte sonfidcnee lo quality nj corrcelnc i of form e al50 hwl rlnonmitb utpimno n rkns mvrulfcs i bill yundt manager free home delivery on medicines 2 main st n acton phone 853 1620 grand cdef lalv grand opening jrcvlhu opening 3 days only thurs -fri- sat july 789 come on down and celebrate with us free lucky draws give aways take advantage of our inst0re grand opening speciais kleenex 2o0s 2 for 25c limit 4 to customer bayer aspirins roqular 99c special 69c br0m0 requl ir 69c special 49c trivisol regular 4 25 50 cc s special 299 regular t0ni perm reqular 2 00 special 133 wilkinson sword edge razor blades reqular 5 tor 75c special 49 j beny1in cough syrup requlir 1 00 special 65 dutch milk bars regular 9 for 39c special 29 complete veterinary line moth balls reguldr i lb fur 43c special 34c curad bandaids rcju ir 49c ci pkg special 35 endfn shampoo rcgu ir 4 58 value 2 bottles for 199 imtroductopy offeri ban rollon deodorant rogjlar si 29 special 99c enfalac liquid special per case 695 case of 24 s brylcream kcrjul ir b5c special 59c qtips requl ir 9dc special 69c sma liquid special per cae 695 case of 24 dynachrome 8 mm film special 399 dyna pan film special 3 s 99 all timex watches 159b off pardec liquid reg l6oz se s3 50 special 225 quality value specials at pocket book savings shop yeur drug store firstrely on your friendly phurmatist sayings galore dont miss our savings galore j